General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4


FINANCIAL STATEMENT Of the General Conference Association for Year Ending Dec. 31, 1900


No Authorcode

Real and Personal Estate$287,725.85
Bills Receivable76,718.27
Gen. Conf. Office Fixtures2,069.28
General Conference13,112.34
Review and Herald (bank)1,306.71
Int. Tract Society Ltd79.31
Central European Mission15.07
Echo Publishing Co3,072.98
Australian Tract Society1,661.69
New Zealand Tract Soc4,399.23
Battle Cr’k Tent Mfg. Co.6,047.35
Huntsville School10,965.16
General Conf. Pub. Co10,657.20
General Conf. Library518.38
General Conf. Building724.56
Gen. Conf. Ass’n Library30.75
Christiania Pub. House8,479.05
Texas School5,347.44
Denmark School3,217.05
Walla Walla School33,753.51
Milton Academy7,900.55
Union College10,483.55
Graysville Academy2,139.58
Michigan Conference168.44
Battle Creek Church207.28
Accounts Receivable1,748.50$492,600.05
Cash in hand50.97

No Authorcode

Bills Payable$198,002.43
South African Conference487.17
Australian Union Conf.40.25
Pac. Pr’s Pub. Co. Oakl’d.642.58
Foreign Mission Board2,971.31
Claremont Sanitarium216.64
General Conf. Bulletin263.28
Accounts Payable907.18
Individual Depositors4,971.66
Stock, or Present Worth$284,097.55$492,600.05

S. H. LANE, President.
L. A. HOOPES, Secretary.