General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



Fourth Meeting, April 16, 10:30 A. M.

G. A. IRWIN in the chair. GCB April 17, 1901, page 291.30

Prayer by R. A. Underwood. GCB April 17, 1901, page 291.31

The Chair: According to the adjournment that was had at the previous meeting, this hour will be devoted to the stockholders’ meeting of the Review and Herald Publishing Association. The first meeting was held prior to the opening of the General Conference, and adjournment was taken to a later date. The meeting has been adjourned from time to time until the present. At the first meeting a partial organization was effected. The roll was called, and as many as were present at that meeting responded to their names, and the number of their shares and proxies was given out. It will not be necessary to take time to call these names again. Those of you who were present at that meeting know of these, but there are others no doubt here who know themselves to be stockholders in this corporation, but were not present at that time. If such will rise to their feet, we will read the number of shares and proxies they represent. GCB April 17, 1901, page 291.32

The members who were not at the former meeting were informed as to the number of shares and proxies they each represented. GCB April 17, 1901, page 292.1

The Chair: I have prepared a brief address, that I will now read, of the progress of the work of the institution. GCB April 17, 1901, page 292.2