General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



“There are, in the divine providence, particular periods when we must arise in response to the call of God and make use of our means, our time, our intellect, our whole being, body, soul, and spirit, in fulfilling his requirements. The present is such a time as this. The interests of God’s cause are at stake. The Lord’s institutions are in peril. Because of the terrible burden of debt under which our schools are struggling, the work is hindered on every side. In our great necessity God has made a way through the difficulty, and has invited us to co-operate with him in accomplishing his purpose. It was his plan that the book, “Christ’s Object Lessons,’ should be given for the relief of our schools, and he calls upon his people to do their part in placing this book before the world. In this he is testing his people and his institutions, to see if they will work together, and be of one mind in self-denial and self-sacrifice. GCB April 14, 1901, page 213.2