General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



All persons holding round trip tickets must have them viseed by the agent of the roads over which they came to Battle Creek, before taking the train on their return trip. The Michigan Central Railway Co. will have an agent at the General Conference Secretary’s room, on the second floor of West Building, on the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, to vise the tickets. GCB April 14, 1901, page 209.2

All ministers and missionaries not residing in the territory of the Central Passenger Association, who desire trip permits, should leave their request with the Conference Secretary at once, so that arrangements can be made in due time, remembering that all persons residing outside the territory of the Central Passenger Association are taxed 25 cents for each permit. Be explicit in the date you wish to leave, the road you wish to travel over, and the point you wish to purchase tickets to. GCB April 14, 1901, page 209.3