General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



The following supplementary report of the General Conference Treasurer is respectfully submitted, showing the labor expended in the various districts, and by the general laborers, giving the amount allowed by the Auditing Committee for expenses and salaries during the year 1900:—

General laborers$13,413 48$ 4,038 36$17,451 84
I.R.L. A. laborers5,738 78976 346,715 12
I.S.S. A. laborers891 64891 64
International Tract Society727 0731 05758 12
District No. 18,269 931,450 409,720 33
District No. 222,021 193,626 2325,647 42
District No. 32,228 21169 802,398 01
District No. 44,217 50642 324,859 82
District No. 52,897 71525 823,423 53
District No. 62,832 85662 273,495 12
International M.M. & B. Association4,906 224,906 22
Grand total$68,144 58$12,122 59$80,267 17
There was due depositors, Jan. 1, 1901$ 3,600 00
There was net overdraft on R. & H. & G. C. A., Jan. 1, 190113,445 25
There was due laborers on audit for 190024,543 86
Showing the liabilities of the General Conference, Jan. 1, 1901$42,589 11