General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



So nobly have our people responded to the call for the relief of the schools. That the matter is well-known throughout our ranks. Sister White donated the proceeds of her latest book, “Christ’s Object Lessons,” and our two publishing houses, the Review and Herald and the Pacific Press, came forward with a liberal offer, donating all the work on the books. Then the people arose to sell, and from ocean to ocean the money has been coming in to relieve the school debts. God’s hand was in the movement. What was begun in faith, but in weakness, has grown beyond the most sanguine hopes of man. District 3 has already disposed of 12,000 copies of “Christ’s Object Lessons”, its quota of books being about 80,000, because of a debt of $84,000. GCB April 2, 1901, page 16.10

Nothing in all the history of the message has so bound the hearts of Seventh-day Adventists to the educational work as this effort to raise the debt. To God belongs the praise. This is the beginning of the end. E. A. SUTHERLAND. GCB April 2, 1901, page 16.11