General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



1. On Credentials and the Seating of Delegates: N. W. Kauble, H. W. Decker, H. C. Basney.
2. Pastoral Committee, or Religious Exercises.
3. Committee on Plans and Resolutions. Meet in room over northwest vestibule of Tabernacle.
4. Committee on Nominations. Meet in General Conference Association office.
5. Committee on Distribution of Labor. Meet in General Conference Committee room.
6. Committee on Credentials and Licenses. Meet in Elder Irwin’s room.
7. Committee on Education. Meet in west end of south vestry of Tabernacles.
8. Foreign Mission Board. Meet in room west of President’s office.
9. Woman’s Gospel Work. Meet in office, West Building.
10. International Sabbath-school Association headquarters. East end of south vestry of Tabernacle.
11. International Religious Liberty Association headquarters. Center of east vestry of Tabernacle.
12. International Tract Society headquarters. South end east vestry.
13. Canvassers’ headquarters, Review Office chapel and adjoining room.
14. Directory of delegates, post office, and general writing-room. Southwest room. West Building of Review and Herald.
GCB April 2, 1901, page 1.1