General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



Recommendation “five” in report of Committee on the Equal Distribution of Funds, page 172. GCB April 10, 1901, page 169.1

“What matter how the wind may blow,
Since fair or foul alike are best?
God holds them in his hand, I know,
And I will leave to him the rest,
Assured that neither calm nor gale
Can bring me danger or delay,
As still I toward the haven sail
That lies, I know, not far away.”
GCB April 10, 1901, page 169.2

Better is it to have a small portion of good sense, with humility and a slender understanding, than great treasures of science with vain self-complacency. -Thomas a Kempis. GCB April 10, 1901, page 169.3