General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



A kindly seed is a kernel sown,
That will grow to a goodly tree,
Shedding its fruit when time has flown
Down the gulf of eternity.
GCB April 9, 1901, page 168.16

John Boyle o’Reilly.

Many Christian homes are so dark, cold, and cheerless that the devil has no difficulty whatever in producing a more attractive counterfeit; but the true Christian home has the privilege of being a sample of heaven on earth; and if it is so, all the devil’s schemes will come far short of successfully competing with it. GCB April 9, 1901, page 168.17

“If the Lord puts us at the bottom of a hill, or at the beginning of a road, it is for us to mount or to proceed, not to stay where we are.” GCB April 9, 1901, page 168.18