General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



Although the school was not deeply in debt, as compared with many other institutions, yet constant effort has been made to reduce this indebtedness. We have received help from “Christ’s Object Lessons” sold in Kentucky, Tennessee, and North and South Carolina. Although few and widely scattered, our brethren have done nobly in this matter, and as a result $575 has been received from the sale of this book. With the aid of this amount and by economical management, the indebtedness has been reduced to less than one half of the original amount. The school has received during the past year over $700 in donations. This amount and more, however, has been expended on the buildings, and in added facilities. The General Conference pays the salary of the principal for the year, and the Bible instructor during one term. This help is greatly appreciated, and it is the confident hope of the management soon to place the school on a self-supporting basis. GCB April 9, 1901, page 167.13