General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



Our New York branch has recently moved from Bond Street to more convenient and desirable quarters at 11 West 20th Street. Brother S. N. Curtiss is in charge of this office. The book work in District 1 has been at quite a low ebb, but the outlook is now a little more encouraging. GCB April 9, 1901, page 167.6

District 5 has taken the lead during the past two years in the sale of our subscription books, the reported sales some months being as much as all the rest of the districts combined. The success of the canvassing work in District 5 is due largely to the interest taken in it by the District Superintendent, District and State Agents, Conference and Tract Society Officers, and our people generally. This, coupled with a good corps of earnest, devoted canvassers, and the hearty co-operation of all, is what has brought about these good results. Brother B. R. Nordyke, who has charge of our Kansas City branch office, is to be congratulated on the success of the work in that district. GCB April 9, 1901, page 167.7

We desire to thank our people everywhere for the interest they have taken in the circulation of our literature, and we trust that the earnest appeals that have come to us recently from the servant of the Lord, in regard to the importance of the canvassing work, may stir up many more to enter the ranks of our noble canvassers. C. H. JONES. GCB April 9, 1901, page 167.8