General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



This is the largest mission field in size; and in spite of many obstacles it has proved one of the most fruitful. Since last General Conference we have had three general meetings, and the work is prospering. The report shows 1,100 members, and the tithes have also increased since. The work is now carried on among four different nationalities. When we consider the great population to be warned, the scattered condition of our churches to be cared for, the small resources at our command, and the small number of workers, we can truly class GCB April 9, 1901, page 159.15

Russia among the needy fields, which ought to receive more attention. Elder H. J. Lobsack, with nine others, constitutes the entire preaching force for 135,000,000 people, and about $2,500 comprises all the resources to carry on the work. Our canvassers, some six in all, have sold $2,200 worth of publications during last year, but it is only by lending them financial aid that they can exist in this difficult field. We have tried hard to economize. During the last two years the Foreign Mission Board has helped us with $500, and the German Conference with $400. There is still a debt of some $1,000; and had we more means, much more could be done to extend the work. We hope that this field will receive due consideration. GCB April 9, 1901, page 160.1