General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



First Meeting, Monday, April 8, 3 P.M.

HYMN No. 1241 was sung, after which Elder J. N. Loughborough led the delegates in prayer. GCB April 9, 1901, page 139.19

G. A. Irwin: By previous arrangement the time this afternoon will be taken by the Michigan Sanitarium and Benevolent Association in a business meeting, whatever pertains to the Sanitarium work. Dr. Kellogg will have charge of it. GCB April 9, 1901, page 139.20

Dr. J. H. Kellogg: The first thing in order is to organize our meeting by ascertaining who are delegates, or who are members present here to-day. The persons who compose this organization consist of those old members, the former stockholders of the Health Reform Institute, who have signed the articles of incorporation of the new association, the Michigan Sanitarium and Benevolent Association. The majority of the members who were living at the time of reorganization three years ago have signed the new articles, and are members. In addition, a large number of persons were made members by assignment of stock; and quite a number have become members by the payment of $100 into the funds of the Association. At the meeting two years ago a large number of persons were admitted, by their having signed the declaration of principles and the articles of incorporation. I will ask the Secretary to read the names of all the members, so that those that are here may answer as present. GCB April 9, 1901, page 139.21

The Secretary, W. H. Hall, then read the names of all members. GCB April 9, 1901, page 139.22

J. H. Kellogg: Since the last meeting, quite a number of persons have signed the articles of incorporation and the declaration of principles, and paid one hundred dollars, and have thus become permanent members. I will ask the Secretary to read these names. GCB April 9, 1901, page 139.23

W. H. Hall [reading]— GCB April 9, 1901, page 139.24

Mrs. Lizzie AldridgeLulu Burden
Hilda BuchtMrs. E. Stewart
C. L. BurlingameAva Chadwick
Mrs. Stella BurlingameJ. W. Walters
M. W. Wentworth
Ella V. ButlerJulia Luccock Atwood
J. G. Hanna
J. R. HopkinsThekla Black
Amelia LarsonJohn Bramhall
Herman MenkelJessie Dorsey
Mrs. M. P. MenkelC. E. Giles
Wm. MikkelsenMrs. L. A. Hansen
Mrs. Anna RuthvenL. A. Mc Abee
C. B. RunnelsNellie Patchen
Mrs. C. B. RunnelsEllen B. Paulson
D. Ella SmithAlice Phillips
Ida ThomasonMrs. Lena Sadler
Harry SandersJennie Williams

J. H. Kellogg: The persons whose names have just been read, are constituted members by the signing of the Articles of Incorporation and Declaration of Principles, and the payment of one hundred dollars, provided there is no objection. If there is any person here who wishes to object to the name of any person whose name has been presented here, please manifest it. If any objection is raised, the name must be submitted to vote. If there is no objection, then these persons whose names have just been read will be considered as members of this Association. GCB April 9, 1901, page 139.25

We will now listen to the reading of the report of the Treasurer. GCB April 9, 1901, page 139.26

G. H. Murphy [Reading]:— GCB April 9, 1901, page 139.27