General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



Many a truly noble character has been hindered in its growth by a mildew of flattery. Many a soul that has successfully gained the first victory in a series of struggles, has been effectually defeated in every succeeding conflict by the weapons of flattery. Many a young man whom God has blessed, and whose efforts to water and feed the souls of others have been abundantly honored of Heaven, has had his career of usefulness brought to an end by the poisoned arrows of flattery. GCB April 8, 1901, page 136.11

Many a young woman with both the disposition and the talent to do a great work for God has had her career cut short by words of flattery and mistaken appreciation; and the life that, by earnest application, diligent study, and humble effort, might have achieved great things in the name of Christ for the good of man, is robbed of its humility and its energy, only to become a moral derelict. GCB April 8, 1901, page 136.12

W. S. Sadler. GCB April 8, 1901, page 136.13