General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



District 4 has 314 churches, with a membership of 10,292, and 1,413 isolated Sabbath-keepers, making a total of 11,705 Sabbath-keepers in the district. This is a gain of 22 churches and 1,558 members during the past two years. The total number of laborers on the pay-roll is 203, divided as follows: Ministers, 55; licentiates, 55; missionary licentiates, 93. This shows a gain during the biennial period of 1 minister, 11 licentiates, and 18 missionary licentiates, or a total gain of 30 paid workers. Among the self-supporting laborers are 61 canvassers, an increase of 8. The tithe paid during the two years amounts to $159,870, which is $21,310 more than that of the former period. The average tithe paid by each member is, for both years, $15.43. The First-day, annual, and miscellaneous offerings to the foreign field are reported as $31,294 in the aggregate for 1899 and 1900, showing a gain of $14,960 over the preceding biennial term. The Sabbath-school donations were $7,370, which is $1,490 less than the former term. Including the Sabbath-school donations, a total of $38,564 was raised during the two years for foreign missions, an average of $3.75 a member. To the Orphans’ Home $2.231 was given—$275 more than the former biennial period. The donations to the home work are given as $23,336, showing a gain of $6,922. The aggregate of all the tithe, offerings, and donations in the district during 1899 and 1900 is $224,087, or $21.77 a member. This is a total increase of $41,977, or $4.07 a member, over the years 1897 and 1898. For the past two years the book sales amounted to $76,921, which is $27,977 more than the previous report. The number of subscriptions to the Review and Herald in the district is 2,430 (increase of 311), and to the Youth’s Instructor, 1901 (loss of 304). Twenty-four new church buildings have been erected during the last two years, making 156 now in the district. There are 38 church schools. The amount of money which has been received by Union College from sale of “Christ’s Object Lessons” is $7,560. GCB April 8, 1901, page 135.2