General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



“If I can lend
A strong hand to the fallen, or defend
The right against a single envious stain,
My life, though bare,
Perhaps, of much that seemeth dear and fair
To us of earth, will not have been in vain.”
GCB April 8, 1901, page 133.5

“The discomfort of unpunctuality, of confusion of thought, of inattention to the wants of to-morrow, is of no nation. Scatter-brained and afternoon men spoil much more than their own affair in spoiling the temper of those who deal with them.” GCB April 8, 1901, page 133.6

“For all the talents which God has intrusted to us, we are indebted to him who gave us existence.” GCB April 8, 1901, page 133.7