General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4




THE Week of Prayer for 1902 is appointed to begin Sabbath, December 20, and to continue over Sabbath, December 27. GCB October 1, 1902, page 672.1

As this important occasion draws near, and we begin to make the necessary arrangements and preparations for it, serious questions force themselves upon us. Is the week of prayer still appreciated by this people? Does it mean to us what it did when it was first introduced? Is it a response to an earnest call from the hearts of the people, or it is a mechanical arrangement of the organization? Will the coming week of prayer be generally and heartily observed? Will it be devoted to earnest prayer and diligent Bible study? GCB October 1, 1902, page 672.2

There is as great need to-day for the week of prayer as there has ever been. We need to be quickened into new life. We need a great spiritual awakening and uplifting. We need a revival and reformation in our midst. The week of prayer should bring this. GCB October 1, 1902, page 672.3

We are surely on the enchanted ground. The perils of the days are upon us. Satan is working with all power, and signs, and lying wonders to deceive, if possible, the very elect. Who has not felt a spiritual paralysis creeping over him, disqualifying the mind for appreciation, and the whole being for active, vigorous service? GCB October 1, 1902, page 672.4

Brethren, a halt must be called. A clarion note must be sounded. We must face about. The third angel’s message must have a larger place in the affections of our people. It must be understood better, and proclaimed more definitely. More enthusiasm must be put into our work. There is no message being given in the world like this message. There is no work being carried on that will compare in importance with the work God has given to us. We must revive the advent message, the faith of its first believers, and the sturdy enthusiasm of its first preachers. GCB October 1, 1902, page 672.5

Can we not begin this good work during the coming week of prayer? God alone can do the work, but he works through human instrumentalities. Prayer brings the heart into harmony with God. The place of prayer is the audience chamber where heaven and earth meet. By prayer, the heart is subdued and changed, and the finite mind is enabled to grasp the thoughts and ways of the Infinite. Through this channel the Lord can make a revelation to each of us, giving us views of His work and new plans and ways of carrying it forward. This is what we need. It must be given us before that new order of things will fully come that will give the Advent message to all the world in this generation. GCB October 1, 1902, page 672.6

The character of the meetings in our churches during the week of prayer will depend largely upon the leaders. We appeal to our ministers and church officers to throw your whole soul into this work. Study prayerfully the readings. Take time for Bible study and prayer. Visit and pray with the brethren, especially the discouraged ones. O let us all set hearts to make this season of devotion one never to be forgotten. GCB October 1, 1902, page 672.7

It is recommended that the annual offerings be received on Sabbath, December 27, unless special circumstances suggest some other time as more favorable. Suitable envelopes have been sent out by the Mission Board, and these should be distributed the first Sabbath. If any are unable to be present at that time, they should be visited as early in the week as possible, and envelopes furnished to them. All should be reminded of the offering during the week, so that this important part of the week’s service may not be overlooked. From those whose hearts have been touched with a sense of the surpassing love of God and of the privilege of being trusted as stewards of his bounties there should come liberal offerings for the hastening of the coming of his kingdom. Let the blessing of giving be plainly presented to all the people, and may the Lord inspire them to do liberal things for the benefit of the fields which are waiting for the message. The contributions should be forwarded promptly to the State treasurer, that they may reach the Mission Board with as little delay as possible. We shall wait with interest to hear of souls filled with all the fullness of God, and a treasury abundantly supplied with means, as the result of this week of prayer. GCB October 1, 1902, page 672.8