General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4




As announced in our last number, we present in this issue a revised directory of our denomination. Recent changes in our conference organizations have made imperative a revision of the directory. Much effort has been put forth to secure accurate information concerning our organizations, institutions, and laborers. We trust that the many workers who depend upon this compilation for data, addresses, and general information, will find it a safe and serviceable assistant in the execution of their duties. GCB April 1, 1902, page 648.8

It is not claimed that this directory is entirely complete, or its information in every instance perfect. Any one meeting with disappointment in a particular case should charitably bear in mind the fact that it is often a somewhat long and circuitous journey from the local institution to the desk of the one who compiles the directory. The present dimensions of our work make it impossible for us at this office to have personal knowledge of the facts relating to local organizations and institutions. We believe, however, that faithful, painstaking work has been done by the large number who bear their share in the preparation of this directory. GCB April 1, 1902, page 648.9

In view of the fact that our General Conference office is not now kept in such close touch with local organizations as prior to the formation of Union Conferences, we would suggest that any omission or inaccuracy in the directory be made known to us by the party interested, that proper corrections may be made in future issues. GCB April 1, 1902, page 648.10