General Conference Bulletin, vol. 5



G. A. Irwin

TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1903, 3:00 P. M.

G. A. Irwin in the chair. GCB April 1, 1903, page 37.1

Prayer by L. A. Hoopes. GCB April 1, 1903, page 37.2

The Chair: The Advisory Committee recommended that the Nominating Committee for the General Conference be selected by the several Union Conference delegations, each Union to choose one member. GCB April 1, 1903, page 37.3

On motion, the Conference took a recess of a few minutes, to allow the various Union Conference delegations time to comply with this arrangement. GCB April 1, 1903, page 37.4

After recess the secretary read the minutes of the third and the fourth meetings of the Conference, held 3 P. M., March 30, and 10:30 A. M., March 31. GCB April 1, 1903, page 37.5

L. A. Hoopes: I have no special objection to offer to the minutes as read, but I have been wondering whether these are really the minutes or not. According to the motion made the other morning, it will be difficult to ascertain whether what the secretary reads, or what is printed in the “Bulletin,” is the official record. You have asked the secretary to make a general statement each meeting. Is not this imposing upon him a useless burden, unless you have what he reads printed in the “Bulletin,” as the official record of the proceedings? I therefore move that the record of General Conference proceedings as published in the “Bulletin” be the official record of the Conference. GCB April 1, 1903, page 37.6

The motion prevailed. GCB April 1, 1903, page 37.7

The Chair then called on the Advisory Committee for their report on the standing committees for the session, which was read by G. B. Thompson, the secretary of the committee, as follows:— GCB April 1, 1903, page 37.8


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On Delegations—S. H. Lane, J. M. Rees, J. N. Loughborough. GCB April 1, 1903, page 37.9

On Institutions—C. H. Parsons, W. T. Knox, S. H. Lane, L. R. Conradi, W. D. Salisbury. GCB April 1, 1903, page 37.10

On Nominations (the names are given in the order in which the various Union Conferences handed them in)—S. N. Curtiss, G. F. Watson, M. H. Gregory, G. A. Irwin, J. W. Collie, A. J. Breed, W. J. Stone, C. M. Everest, E. J. Waggoner, L. R. Conradi, J. D. Gowell. GCB April 1, 1903, page 37.11

On Plans and Constitution—H. W. Cottrell, E. T. Russell, P. T. Magan, D. Paulson, C. W. Flaiz, W. C. White, W. T. Knox, E. H. Gates, G. E. Langdon, C. N. Woodward, E. J. Waggoner, Smith Sharp. GCB April 1, 1903, page 37.12

On Credentials and Licenses—Wm. Covert, L. R. Conradi, R. M. Kilgore, W. A. Spicer, E. H. Gates. GCB April 1, 1903, page 37.13

On Distribution of Labor—The presidents of the Union Conferences. GCB April 1, 1903, page 37.14

Publishing Committee—W. C. White, E. R. Palmer, C. H. Jones, J. H. Kellogg, L. R. Conradi, W. D. Salisbury, A. G. Daniells, P. T. Magan, W. A. Spicer, J. E. White, C. P. Bollman, J. B. Blosser, A. F. Harrison, S. C. Osborne. GCB April 1, 1903, page 37.15

On Finance—W. T. Knox, C. H. Parsons, S. H. Lane, L. R. Conradi, W. D. Salisbury, R. T. Dowsett, Miss E. M. Graham, P. T. Magan. GCB April 1, 1903, page 37.16

On Education—L. A. Hoopes, M. E. Cady, E. J. Waggoner, E. A. Sutherland, H. A. Washburn, J. S. Osborne, S. M. Butler, R. C. Porter, E. K. Slade, Mrs. I. J. Hankins, and any other state church-school superintendents who may be in attendance at this Conference: GCB April 1, 1903, page 37.17

On motion of C. P. Bollman, the report as a whole was adopted. GCB April 1, 1903, page 37.18

The question being raised as to which member of each committee was to be considered as chairman of the committee, the Chair stated that was understood that the one whose name appears first will take the liberty to call the committee together, when they can organize themselves for business as they see fit. GCB April 1, 1903, page 37.19

The Chair then called for the report of the treasurer of the General Conference Association. The treasurer, H. M. Mitchell, being absent, S. H. Lane, the president, submitted the report as prepared by the treasurer, as follows:— GCB April 1, 1903, page 37.20

Financial Report of the General Conference Association, Dec. 31, 1902

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Real and personal property$ 9,200 00
Bills receivable116,598 02
Office furn. and fixtures1,000 00
General Conference21,146 01
Echo Publishing Co.2,230 90
Review and Herald (bank)1,861 02
New Zealand Tract Soc.3,469 35
Mission Board9,917 53
Southern Union Conf. Assn.10,000 00
Southwestern Union C. A.10,000 00
Walla Walla Association11,000 00
Accounts receivable1,611 14
Cash in hand120 14
Deficit7,434 84
$205,408 95
Bills payable$203,671 91
Accounts payable499 00
Depositors1,237 05
$205,408 95
H. M. MITCHELL, Treasurer.

A. G. Daniells then submitted the financial report of the treasurer of the Foreign Mission Board. GCB April 1, 1903, page 37.21

Financial Report of the Mission Board, Dec. 31, 1902

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Echo Publishing Company$ 19,401 57
Bills receivable4,200 00
Australasian Union Conf.839 11
Office fixtures899 47
Library Fund69 96
South African Conference97 97
Map Fund37 23
General Conference2,793 84
Review and Herald (bank)3,141 80
D. T. Jones Transfer534 15
Mission and tract soc. accts.100,657 43
Petty accounts1,149 09
Cash in hand1,936 98
$135,758 60
P. P. Pub. Co., Oakland$ 688 28
Gen. Conf. Assn.1,971 78
Mission Board Fund45,413 78
Int. Tract Soc., London998 19
Ship Fund6,001 47
Institute Sanitaire, Basel154 96
S. S. Dept., Gen. Conf.139 16
Scandinavian Relief Fund1,366 87
Skodsborg Sanitarium37 08
Friedensau School (Germany)503 89
Nyhyttan School (Sweden)3,258 71
Australian Fund67 57
London Medical Treatment Rooms Fund181 72
Petty accounts649 09
Mission accounts16,745 11
Depositors1,392 29
Balance56,188 65
$135,758 60
Echo Publishing Company$ 19,401 57
Bills receivable4,200 00
Australasian Union Conf.839 11
South African Conference97 97
Map Fund37 23
General Conference2,793 84
Review and Herald (bank)3,141 80
Accounts receivable3,952 69
Cash in hand1,936 98
$36,401 19
P. P. Pub. Co., Oakland$ 688 28
General Conference Assn.1,971 78
Institute Sanitaire, Basel154 96
Int. Tract Society, London998 19
Scandinavian Relief Fund1,366 87
Skodsborg Sanitarium37 08
Friedensau School (Germany)503 89
Nyhyttan School (Sweden)3,258 71
Australian Fund67 57
London Medical Treatment
Rooms Fund181 72
Accounts payable1,979 50
Balance25,192 64
$36,401 19