General Conference Bulletin, vol. 5



The Lord has a great work to be done. If this meeting is a success, the laborers will go from it to open up the work in new places. The salvation of God will be revealed. I am thankful that during the past year something has been done in Southern California. I praise God for what has been accomplished there. It is hard work to press the battle to the gates, but this must be done. God calls upon every one of us to take hold in earnest. GCB April 1, 1903, page 31.10

Here is the medical missionary work,—a wonderful work. God gave us this work thirty-five years ago, and it has been a great blessing. It is to be to the third angel’s message as the right hand is to the body. The gospel and the medical missionary work are one. They can not be divided. They are to be bound together. Medical missionary workers should be encouraged and sustained. And let them remember that they are working for the Master. Unless they do this, they can not exert a strong influence for good in the world. And they must ever keep clear and distinct the line of demarcation between worldlings and those who are carrying the gospel of the kingdom to the world. GCB April 1, 1903, page 31.11

In the place of erecting large sanitariums, we should establish smaller sanitariums in many places. A few patients in a small institution can be helped and educated to much greater advantage than a large number gathered together in a large institution. God help us to let the light shine forth. It must shine forth, and God will make us channels of light, if we will let Him. GCB April 1, 1903, page 31.12

The Southern field needs our help. I have carried this field on my heart for many years. I have tried to make known its needs, and yet it has scarcely been touched. God has given me encouragement for the workers there, and I have followed them step by step in their work. There are those who say that mistakes have been made by the workers in the Southern field. Do you ever make mistakes? My husband and I used to grieve when we made mistakes. But often we found that in His providence God had permitted us to do as we had done, that we might understand what He wanted us to understand. GCB April 1, 1903, page 31.13

God does not cast us off because we make mistakes. Of Ephraim He says: “I taught Ephraim also to go, taking them by their arms.... I drew them with cords of a man, with bands of love.” GCB April 1, 1903, page 32.1