General Conference Bulletin, vol. 5



WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1903, 9 A.M.

The twenty-ninth meeting of the General Conference was held in Battle Creek, Michigan, April 22, at 9 A. M., according to the adjournment at the twenty-eighth meeting in Oakland, California. GCB August 1903, page 221.1

A. G. Daniells in the chair. GCB August 1903, page 221.2

Prayer by R. A. Underwood. GCB August 1903, page 221.3

The Chair stated that it was necessary, to comply with the legal technicality, to elect the legal trustees of the General Conference Association in Michigan. The list of members named by the Nominating Committee in Oakland was read, and on motion of W. W. Prescott, seconded by G. B. Thompson, it was— GCB August 1903, page 221.4

Voted, That the following named persons be elected the legal trustees of the General Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists: S. H. Lane, W. H. Edwards, H. M. Mitchell, W. A. Spicer, A. G. Daniells, I. H. Evans, W. W. Prescott, P. T. Magan, Allen Moon, J. D. Gowell, Wm. Covert, C. D. Rhodes, A. G. Haughey, R. A. Underwood, J. E. Jayne, H. W. Cottrell, S. N. Curtiss, J. S. Comins, A. E. Place, D. B. Parmelee, J. Sutherland. GCB August 1903, page 221.5

The Conference in Oakland had recommended the reduction of the number of these trustees to seven instead of twenty-one, inasmuch as the business was now largely distributed among the Union Conferences. GCB August 1903, page 221.6

On motion of E. R. Palmer, seconded by E. T. Russell, it was— GCB August 1903, page 221.7

Voted, That we request the trustees of the General Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists to so amend their Articles of Association as to reduce the number of trustees from twenty-one to seven, and that the following named persons constitute the seven members:— GCB August 1903, page 221.8

I. H. Evans, W. H. Edwards, Allen Moon, W. W. Prescott, J. E. Jayne, A. G. Daniells, H. W. Cottrell. GCB August 1903, page 221.9

On motion of W. W. Prescott, seconded by E. T. Russell, it was— GCB August 1903, page 221.10

Voted, That the following named thirty persons be elected as the constituency of the Seventh-day Adventist Central Educational Society:— GCB August 1903, page 221.11

Wm. Covert, Allen Moon, A. G. Haughey, I. J. Hankins, J. D. Gowell, S. E. Wight, I. H. Evans, D. W. Reavis, S. M. Butler, E. I. Beebe, P. T. Magan, E. A. Sutherland, J. H. Haughey, W. E. Howell, R. T. Dowsett, D. Paulson, S. P. S. Edwards, N. W. Kauble, J. G. Lamson, E. K. Slade, I. D. Van Horn, M. B. Miller, Joseph Smith, G. W. Amadon, M. J. Cornell, S. H. Lane, C. H. Bliss, W. D. Curtiss, Chas. Thompson, W. C. McCuaig. GCB August 1903, page 221.12

Voted, That the nomination of the six trustees of the Central Educational Society whose terms expire at this time be referred to the electors of the Association. GCB August 1903, page 221.13

Attention was called to the recommendation of the Conference that a committee of seven should be appointed on institutions. (See Church and Sabbath School Bulletin, 216.) GCB August 1903, page 221.14

On motion of R. A. Underwood, seconded by G. B. Thompson, it was— GCB August 1903, page 221.15

Voted, That the following named persons be appointed the Committee of seven to investigate the relationship existing between our institutions and the denomination: I. H. Evans, W. T. Knox, C. H. Parsons, Jay Cummings, W. A. Wilcox, J. N. Nelson, N. P. Nelson. GCB August 1903, page 221.16

Attention was further called to the recommendation of the Conference (Church and Sabbath School Bulletin, 67), that an advisory committee of three be appointed to study institutions, and render assistance where counsel is needed. GCB August 1903, page 221.17

Voted, That the following named persons be the standing committee of three for the study of institutions: I. H. Evans, C. H. Parsons, W. A. Wilcox; and that in case any one of these is unable to serve, the General Conference Committee be requested to fill the vacancy. GCB August 1903, page 221.18

A memorial from the First Seventh-day Adventist church in Washington, asking financial and other assistance, was read, and referred to the General Conference Committee. GCB August 1903, page 221.19

Conference adjourned, sine die.
A. G. DANIELLS, Chairman.
W. A. SPICER, Secretary.