General Conference Bulletin, vol. 5



We are told to lift up our eyes, and see the fields white unto harvest. The great difficulty with us, brethren, has been that we have looked around in just a little circle, and we do not lift up our eyes and see the possibilities that there are in the message which God has given us. We do not lift our eyes sufficiently high to see the power that is in the message that we were told about this morning, and that is illustrated in this morning, and that is illustrated in this 49th chapter of Isaiah. It says, further, “For thy waste and thy desolate places, and the land of thy destruction, shall even now be too narrow by reason of the inhabitants, and they that swallowed thee up shall be far away.” Why, the people that come in the Gentiles, that will come flying in the people that are waiting for the gracious message of truth that God has given us, of the soon return of our Lord, will flock in until we will have to enlarge the place. It will be too straight for the people that will enter into the truth of God. It says. “The children which thou shalt have, after thou hast lost the other.” GCB March 30, 1903, page 13.7

I want to read again in Volume 5, right under this same general heading: “The days of the purification of the church are hastening on apace.” Now, this was written several years ago. “God will have a people pure and true. In the mighty sifting soon to take place, we shall be better able to measure the strength of Israel. The signs reveal that the time is near when the Lord will manifest that His fan is in His hand and He will thoroughly purge His floor. The days are fast approaching when there will be great perplexity and confusion.” Are we there?—Yes, we are. This was spoken several years ago. It said the days were fast approaching. We are in a time, brethren, when perplexity and confusion are everywhere. GCB March 30, 1903, page 13.8