General Conference Bulletin, vol. 5



W. T. Knox

THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1903, 3 P. M.

W. T. Knox in the chair. GCB April 3, 1903, page 66.11

Hymn No. 1219 was sung, prayer being offered by Elder J. N. Loughborough. GCB April 3, 1903, page 66.12

The Chair: At the time of the adjournment, we were considering recommendation No. 3. An amendment had been offered, and we will ask the secretary to read it. GCB April 3, 1903, page 66.13

The amendment was then read. GCB April 3, 1903, page 66.14

W. H. Thurston explained how difficult it would be to remit direct to workers supported by home conferences in such fields as South America. GCB April 3, 1903, page 66.15

W. A. Spicer suggested that any special difficulties might be met by treating the case in a special way, but that it would be exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, for the Mission Board to send money direct. In some distant parts, workers can only be properly supplied by a central treasury near at hand. GCB April 3, 1903, page 66.16

The question was called on the amendment, which was lost. GCB April 3, 1903, page 66.17

The fourth recommendation was then read. GCB April 3, 1903, page 66.18

A. G. Haughey: I would like to have this recommendation amended to read: “That the General, Union, and state conferences continue to give,” etc., not to cast any reflection upon past action. GCB April 3, 1903, page 66.19

H. W. Cottrell: I second that motion. GCB April 3, 1903, page 66.20

The amendment, being put to the meeting, was lost. GCB April 3, 1903, page 66.21

Question on recommendation 4 was then called. GCB April 3, 1903, page 66.22

The Chair: The secretary will now read recommendation 5. GCB April 3, 1903, page 66.23

R. T. Dowsett: I would like to ask whether this refers to the second tithe. GCB April 3, 1903, page 66.24

The Chair: Brother Cottrell, are you prepared to make a statement in regard to this? GCB April 3, 1903, page 66.25

H. W. Cottrell: I think it means only what it says, that the states be encouraged, as able to do so, to set aside a definite percentage of the regular tithe as a provision for the general work of the Mission Board. GCB April 3, 1903, page 66.26

N. P. Nelson: Is that the second tithe? We have the first tithe, to the Union Conference; then a second tithe, to the General Conference; and does this mean another tithe, besides these two? GCB April 3, 1903, page 66.27

H. W. Cottrell: Some conferences have been many years working a state, and have a small constituency to work for, with a large constituency of our people, and a large tithe. They can send out a good many dollars, and pay a second tithe, and give, perhaps, several thousand dollars from the tithe to foreign mission work. I think this is the idea of the resolution. GCB April 3, 1903, page 66.28

Question was called on recommendation 5. GCB April 3, 1903, page 66.29

Recommendations 6 and 7 were read, and the question called on each in succession. The question was then called on the adoption of the entire report, and it was adopted. GCB April 3, 1903, page 66.30

Reports from other committees being called for, it was stated that the Committee on Institutions had a partial report. GCB April 3, 1903, page 67.1

C. H. Parsons: I offer this report in place of the secretary, as I desire to make some explanations of it:— GCB April 3, 1903, page 67.2

Report of the Committee on Institutions GCB April 3, 1903, page 67.3

We, your Committee on Institutions, submit the following partial report:— GCB April 3, 1903, page 67.4