General Conference Bulletin, vol. 6


Departmental Meetings

W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, I. H. Evans, C. M. Snow, T. E. Bowen



Tenth Meeting, June 4, 1909, 8 A. M.

This was announced as the final Sabbath-school Department meeting. The time was given to the consideration of papers on the program which had not yet been read. GCB June 7, 1909, page 348.24

Mrs. E. E. Prescott, the Western New York secretary, read a paper on “How May Sabbath-school Teachers Secure the Co-operation of Parents?” She said: “I am aware that teachers make slow progress with the children for lack of hearty co-operation in the home life. In too many homes there is no family altar, and little or no time is spent in reading or studying the Bible. If the plans presented by the Sabbath-school Department to get the families to studying the lessons at home are followed out, there will be great improvement. In my work I visit the homes. Sometimes I stop an hour or two, and assist the mothers in their work, trying to win their confidence and co-operation. As a result, the children come to Sabbath-school early, with well-learned lessons. GCB June 7, 1909, page 348.25

Miss Sue M. Andrews, of the East Pennsylvania Conference, led the discussion. She urged that the teachers labor for the souls of their pupils as they who must give account. The earnest, devoted, energetic, soul-loving teacher will find ways to bring in a spirit of co-operation with the parents, and thus the work in behalf of the youth and children may be made successful. GCB June 7, 1909, page 348.26

Miss Eliza Warner said that she wished the question might rather be stated, “How May Parents Secure the Co-operation of Teachers?” Parents should be foremost in this work. Co-operation is working together to accomplish the same end. Parents should be as much interested in the teaching of the lesson to the children as are the teachers. GCB June 7, 1909, page 348.27

Mrs. Rambo: I have found it very helpful to lead the parents to see that their children get the full benefit of the Instructor. By the aid of the parents, results may be obtained from the reading of this paper that will be worth while. GCB June 7, 1909, page 348.28

The next paper was presented by Mrs. R. W. McMahan, on “Home Department Work.” The development of the Home Department is a source of increasing strength to each school, and to every one who engages in it. In the large schools, experienced workers should be selected to look after that work. The Home Department secretary should visit Home Department members at least once a quarter. Persons not of our faith may be interested in the home study of these lessons. The lessons on the life of Christ are especially valuable to present to such. GCB June 7, 1909, page 348.29

Miss Helen McKinnon, of Alabama, said that she prepared a map on which she indicated the location of her State Home Department members. Her experience had been very successful. Home Department members had been led to pay tithe, give offerings to missions, and support the local work, through their connection with the Home Department division of the Sabbath-school. GCB June 7, 1909, page 349.1

In closing these meetings Mrs. Plummer expressed her appreciation of the faithful co-operation of the secretaries. Every paper presented had been carefully prepared. Very many of these will appear later in the Worker. GCB June 7, 1909, page 349.2