General Conference Bulletin, vol. 6

Statistical Report of Conferences, Missions, and Institutions

W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, I. H. Evans, C. M. Snow, T. E. Bowen

The Statistical Report for 1908. H. E. ROGERS, STATISTICAL SECRETARY.

There is submitted in the following pages the statistical report of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination for the year 1908. This report is presented under four tables: Table No. 1 presents statistics regarding Conferences and missions, arranged by departments, and grouped by Union Conferences; Table No. 2 gives the statistics of our various educational institutions, publishing houses, and sanitariums; Table No. 3 exhibits the leading features of our statistical reports from the organization of the General Conference in 1863 to the present time; Table No. 4 presents information regarding our denominational publications, a similar table having been last issued nine years ago. GCB June 1, 1909, page 253.1

Table No. 3 illustrates the progress of this cause as fully perhaps as is possible by figures. The small numbers and their feeble strength at the beginning, the slow but steady growth of after years, and the more rapid progress and wider extent of later years are all clearly indicated in the figures presented. The year 1863, when the General Conference was organized, was the eighteenth year of effort in behalf of this work on the part of the pioneers who led out its promulgation; for it was in 1845-46 that the Sabbath truth was connected with the advent doctrine, and the new message began to make for itself a place in the hearts and lives of God’s professed people. GCB June 1, 1909, page 253.2

Publishing Work


Almost simultaneously with the promulgation of this truth by the preached word was its heralding begun by the circulation of the printed word. A small paper, called The Present Truth, first issued in 1849, at Middletown, Conn., but later changed to the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, formed the nucleus of a work which was carried on for nearly three years, at Rochester, N. Y., and was in 1855 removed to Battle Creek, Mich., where but one small office continued for twenty-one years to supply all the literature, mostly in the English language, used by the denomination. In 1876, however, a second office of publication was opened at Oakland, Cal., and the sales of both houses for that year amounted to $20,000. By the year 1888 six publishing houses in various parts of the world had been opened, and the sales for that year were $250,000; the year 1898 saw twelve such establishments in operation, with literature issued in thirty languages; in 1908 there were twenty-six offices of publication valued at $1,038,215.26; having 515 employees with sales amounting to $1,286,981.24, and literature issued in fifty-seven languages, in the form of 333 books, 287 pamphlets, 118 periodicals, and 1096 tracts, or a total of 1834 publications one copy of each being valued at $488. GCB June 1, 1909, page 253.3

Establishment of Sanitariums


In order of development, the establishment of sanitariums came next. The first one was established in Battle Creek, Mich., in 1866, for the rational treatment of disease and the dissemination of the principles of temperance and healthful living. This was the only institution opened by the denomination until 1882, when the second was opened in St. Helena, Cal. The third one was established in 1888, at Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Ten years later, 1898, there were sixteen such institutions in operation in various parts of the world, and at the close of 1908, there were eighty, having a total valuation of $2,766,346.50, with 1843 employees, and treating, in 1908, 22,762 patients, and expending in charity work $75,000. GCB June 1, 1909, page 253.4

Educational Institutions


The third step in establishing auxiliary facilities for the extension of this work was the opening of schools for the training of workers. In 1872 the first school was opened in Battle Creek, Mich. This school was incorporated as a college in 1874, and was the only denominational training-school until 1881, when a similar school was opened in Healdsburg, Cal. The following year a school of like character was opened in South Lancaster, Mass. A larger college was opened in 1891 at Lincoln, Neb. By 1898 there were twenty-one educational institutions of higher grades, and ten years later, at the close of 1908, there were eighty-three institutions, having a total valuation of $1,625,670.56, an enrollment of 6,521, and employing 476 teachers. In addition there were 535 schools of lower grades, having 625 teachers, an enrollment of 10,487, and an equipment valued at $147,749.05. The work offered in these two classes of institutions together constitutes an educational graded system requiring sixteen years’ work, with the special object of preparing workers for the prosecution of this work in all parts of the world. These schools are located in twenty-two different countries. GCB June 1, 1909, page 253.5

Foreign Work


Work outside the United States was not undertaken until 1874. Ten years later the six conferences and missions outside the United States reported 906 members. By 1894 the sixteen conferences and missions outside this country had a membership of 5,120. At the close of 1904, just thirty years from the time foreign work was entered upon, there were eighty-one conferences and missions, with 21,682 communicants. At the close of 1908 there were, in 78 countries, 110 conferences and missions, with 32,505 communicants. GCB June 1, 1909, page 253.6

Sabbath-School Work


Sabbath-school work was begun early in connection with this work, and has steadily grown in interest and membership, until at the close of 1908 there were 3,825 schools, 91,230 members, who contributed during the year $104,620.77. Of this sum $95,280.90 was given for foreign missions. The local Sabbath-schools in the United States retained for their own expenses during 1908, $7,352.64, a per capita, for the 58,383 members, of 0126 cents. The 32,847 members outside the United States retained for the expenses of their local Sabbath-schools $1,987.23, a per capital of .0061 cents. The contributions for missions for the entire world averaged $1.04 per member for the year. GCB June 1, 1909, page 253.7

Missionary Volunteer Department


The Missionary Volunteer Department, organized in 1907, now has 539 local societies, 10,148 members, with total contributions amounting to $16,282.52 for the year, $9,469.38 of which was for foreign work. The entire contributions averaged $1.60 per member for the year. GCB June 1, 1909, page 253.8



Seventh-day Adventists have no formal or written creed, but take the Bible as their rule of faith and practise. The chief points of their belief, upon which there is entire unanimity throughout the body, are as follows:— GCB June 1, 1909, page 253.9

That the law of God is the divine standard of righteousness, binding upon all men; that Christ, taking on him the nature of the seed of Abraham, lived our example, died our sacrifice, was raised for our justification, and is now the only mediator for us in the heavenly sanctuary, where, through the merits of his shed blood, he ministers pardon and forgiveness of sins to all who come to God through him; that the seventh day of the week is the Sabbath; that the personal, visible coming of Christ is near at hand, and is to precede the millennium; that immersion is the proper form of baptism; that man is not by nature immortal, but receives eternal life only by faith in Christ; that the state to which man is reduced by death is one of unconsciousness; that the investigative judgment now in progress in heaven decides the eternal destiny of all men; that at the coming of Christ the living righteous will be translated, and the righteous dead resurrected, and taken to heaven, where they will remain during the millennium, during which the punishment of the wicked is determined, and that at its close Christ, with his people, returns to this earth, the wicked are resurrected, and Satan, the originator of all sin, and his followers meet their final destruction; that the earth is then to be made the fit abode of the people of God throughout the ceaseless ages, where the righteous shall evermore dwell, and sin never again mar the universe of God. GCB June 1, 1909, page 253.10

The use of intoxicants or tobacco in any form is made a test of church fellowship; “higher criticism” finds no place in their ranks; they advocate the complete separation of church and state, and oppose all religious legislation; the payment of the tithe, or one tenth of the income, supplemented by offerings, is the accepted method of gospel support. GCB June 1, 1909, page 253.11



From the local church upward the form of organization may be stated thus: The local church elects officers annually to look after its interests; the churches in a State form a local conference, holding annual sessions, with one delegate for every fifteen members; five or six local conferences form a Union Conference, holding biennial sessions, with one delegate for every 200 members; the Union Conferences compose the General Conference, holding quadrennial sessions, with one delegate for every 1,000 members. The presidents of local conferences are ex-officio members of the Union Conference committees, and the presidents of Union Conferences are ex-officio members of the General Conference. GCB June 1, 1909, page 253.12

Attention may be directed to the decrease reported by a few of the Union Conferences in the United States. This decrease comes from a more thorough revision of church records in some of the conferences than has been undertaken for a number of years, and should have been attended to each year, and thus not have been brought into one year. The decrease in these Unions is therefore not an actual loss. GCB June 1, 1909, page 253.13

The financial summary on page 265 presents some of the leading items in connection with the various tables:— GCB June 1, 1909, page 253.14

[CD-ROM Editor’s Note: Table incomplete - will be completed in future edition of CD-ROM]

NAME OF CONFERENCE OR MISSION (a)OrganizedPopulationNumber of ChurchesMembershipNumber of CompaniesMembership
Atlantic Union Conference1901
   Central New England19033,216,934351,133423
   Greater New York19025,000,00023920113
   New York19061,875,000367822098
   Southern New England19031,500,00020496422
   Western New York19061,500,00036803122
    Totals for 190814,130,0441864,97533211
    Totals for 190713,089,5631834,65827165
     Gain for 19081,040,4813317646
Central Union Conference1902
   Eastern Colorado (e) 1908500,000331,700840
   North Missouri (e)19081,209,36513538110
   Southern Missouri (e)19081,897,30035807642
   Western Colorado (e)1908268,32015390
    Totals for 19086,792,8742568,62160566
    Totals for 19076,714,2252628,63552600
     Gain for 190878,6498
Columbia Union Conference1907
   District of Columbia1909339,4035548110
   Eastern Pennsylvania19034,000,000281,135580
   New Jersey19022,144,13419562446
   West Pennsylvania19033,000,00033787726
   West Virginia1887958,80012233322
    Totals for 190817,929,0662156,37621194
    Totals for 190717,668,6012116,19923188
     Gain for 1908260,46541776
Lake Union Conference1901
   East Michigan19021,170,029531,822936
   Northern Illinois19022,932,033311,315
   North Michigan1902558,027308061085
   Southern Illinois19021,889,51923599
   West Michigan1902692,928773,205156
    Totals for 190811,828,94038212,47329277
    Totals for 190711,828,03838812,91445369
     Gain for 1908902
Northern Union Conference1902
   North Dakota1902672,67128917
   South Dakota1879473,25033985
    Totals for 19085,357,6862565,980
    Totals for 19075,050,8352566,70819292
     Gain for 1908306,851
North Pacific Union Conf1906
   Southern Idaho1907150,00018527115
   Upper Columbia1880425,000301,5506106
   Western Oregon1902530,000401,658335
   Western Washington1902536,251391,54119173
   Alaska Mission60,000
    Totals for 19081,944,5801435,72430333
    Totals for 19071,897,6491475,71213107
     Gain for 190846,9311217226
Pacific Union Conference1901
   Southern California1901600,000302,3501192
    Totals for 19082,620,0001177,44022181
    Totals for 19072,567,0001066,87815142
     Gain for 190853,00011562739
Southeastern Union Conf.(f)1907
   North Carolina19012,100,000132771050
   South Carolina19071,474,7359174851
    Totals for 19087,129,466601,63227146
    Totals for 19078,645,183561,42436244
     Gain for 19084208
The letters (a) to (f) refer to accompanying foot-notes.

[CD-ROM Editor’s Note: Table incomplete - will be completed in future edition of CD-ROM]

Amount of Tithe appropriated to Fields outside of ConferenceTotal Offerings to Foreign Missions (except as noted under 28 and 36)Total Contributions for Home Mission WorkTotal Contributions for Local Church WorkNumber of Sabbat Schools
$ 5,727 40$ 3,530 19$ 2,733 6034
3,572 371,822 005,169 4322
604 13228 771,496 8323
529 70700 00550 0043
1,317 481,214 711,083 9622
700 00954 11719 27508 9621
1,000 001,457 83265 621,776 3036
1,700 0014,163 028,480 5613,319 08201
2,244 3412,251 2911,965 366,793 67181
1,911 736,525 4120
100 00500 00
8,256 905,059 3647
3,724 248,911 746,164 121,856 1295
5,000 0014,543 477,787 8210,739 2282
1,125 881,768 041,144 7117
697 1016 90240 1038
30 00918 03213 35197 7617
1,122 32393 2724
18,237 0233,020 0616,220 4113,033 20320
28,466 3132,970 2928,489 289,542 99333
49 773,490 21
626 56139 3219
5,917 972,297 71467 762,358 756
3,297 781,404 173,612 1350
4,065 984,518 46805 133,607 5976
2,800 00890 83942 6619
1,099 32132 43612 1828
2,056 07405 221,419 6141
375 8034 66100 0018
9,983 9517,071 704,279 5212,652 92257
9,655 349,749 477,087 658,461 50261
328 617,322 234,191 42
624 006,529 852,475 002,365 0066
2,855 752,821 51912 03980 2870
2,476 524,490 553,990 6436
1,223 77251 42263 5956
1,855 76796 78710 1524
5,844 106,068 494,127 373,962 9581
2,944 425,068 731,188 742,709 20120
12,268 2726,044 6314,241 8914,981 81453
17,590 2142,189 4526,815 4513,995 46450
986 353
10,309 676,013 159,072 673,600 00150
4,209 205,566 28684 632,206 67158
2,040 606,547 823,464 69214 9541
6,610 345,045 263,089 691,000 0046
23,169 8123,172 5116,311 687,021 62395
24,647 9718,840 5824,795 485,149 29336
4,331 931,872 3359
4,150 003,356 011,424 35355 6339
500 001,187 45296 46537 7623
3,517 314,879 702,788 161,207 6358
1,075 003,987 844,210 921,306 6851
7,439 264,320 071,826 151,345 5060
16,681 5717,731 0710,546 044,753 20231
9,203 5315,978 659,702 367,994 35194
7,478 041,752 42843 6837
478 20392 5894 27378 1415
15,619 879,909 986,354 438,572 8598
2,050 008,500 004,726 286,800 0041
569 20310 67164 65516 568
18,717 2719,113 2311,339 6316,267 55162
22,176 6911,144 6615,239 6620,248 79148
7,968 5714
1,186 04580 69500 0018
904 96247 221,285 5729
722 93247 08510 3013
353 78381 1362 5022
311 27103 14312 1517
3,478 981,559 262,670 5299
1,407 452,718 552,628 802,344 7892
760 43325 749

[CD-ROM Editor’s Note: Table incomplete - will be completed in future edition of CD-ROM]

Statistical Report of
NAME OF CONFERENCE OR MISSIONOrganizedPopulationNumber of ChurchesMembershipNumber of Compainies
Southern Union Conference (f)1901
   Tennessee River18862,020,61616500
    Totals for 19088,886,187661,5641
    Totals for 19078,672,066661,560
     Gain for 1908214,1214
Southwestern Union Conf.1902
    New Mexico Mission1908425,0008285
    West Texas Mission1908500,0003171
    Totals for 19086,560,0401364,3532
    Totals for 19076,110,2741323,8691
     Gain for 1908449,76644841
Canadian Union Conference1901
    Totals for 19085,191,69939851
    Totals for 19075,059,60940941
     Gain for 1908132,090
West. Canadian Union Conf.1907
   British Columbia1902300,00012230
    Saskatchewan Mission1907260,000384
    Totals for 19081,460,00034818
    Totals for 19071,360,00032777
     Gain for 1908100,000241
Australian Union Conf.189414
   New South Wales18951,596,56923935
   New Zealand1889928,978164581
   South Australia1899381,14810323
   West Australia1902263,84616362
    Cook Islands189412,250113
    Friendly Islands189522,000110
    New Guinea1908350,000
    Norfolk Island1895700125
    Philippine Islands19068,000,000
    Pitcairn Island1890155168
    Society Islands189212,800472
    Totals for 190848,851,1221173,7504
    Totals for 190750,377,5441093,5254
     Gain for 19088225
British Union Conference1902
   North England190216,392,36421575
   South England190216,400,00015595
    Totals for 190843,833,663521,5291
    Totals for 190747,833,663471,5601
     Gain for 19085
German Union Conference1901
   German Union District19051,145,0003593
   East German19017,256,380198361
   North German19075,162,49872481
   South German190213,771,167136242
   West German189812,006,580155682
    Austrian Mission29,168,332127
    Balkan Mission13,698,6032127

[CD-ROM Editor’s Note: Table incomplete - will be completed in future edition of CD-ROM]

For the Year Ending Dec. 31, 1908
Sabbath-School Dept.
Amount of Tithe appropriated to Fields outside of ConferenceTotal Offerings to Foreign Missions (except as noted under 28 and 36)Total Contributions for Home Mission WorkTotal Contributions for Local Church WorkNumber of SabbathSchoolsMembershipTotal Sabbath-School Contributions
571 22166 57238 5125498479 90
82 6610231266 82
794 29989 36355 4112304425 78
309 29268 99400 0024425323 73
575 501,200 001,500 0016412388 52
2,332 962,624 922,493 92871,8701,884 75
1,184 221,027 291,162 03921,9321,188 97
1,148 741,597 631,331 89695 78
627 50455 39588 7829633483 71
4,398 303,830 273,553 44527 41942,3062,895 58
550 002,128 501,601 251,001 50531,3691,509 24
91 1513 5615341278 43
60 8217 531020779 08
4,948 306,738 245,641 172,117 692014,8565,246 04
3,000 002,416 816,537 481,731 381783,8252,955 64
1,948 304,321 43386 31231,0312,290 40
321 03189 60104 689218237 88
855 10603 481,191 6525519575 17
83 3017182160 43
35239 78
1,259 43793 081,296 33549711,013 26
1,547 371,920 82821 2744958934 41
475 06101378 85
708 601,714 7818 8520448647 53
643 88205 77125 8616323441 67
474 34355 76413 01200 0014322358 35
569 50356 908140356 70
474 342,277 742,690 46344 71581,2331,804 25
2,125 525,237 66472 85611,1371,414 65
474 34152 2296389 60
759 721,790 10685 39854 86381,2831,801 09
1,263 95149 50277831,322 63
452 42272 2578 899268434 26
670 89909 27369 5718412763 45
245 99186 30251 7213291367 28
759 721,205 79220 231,956 12329471,553 65
828 121,158 92676 06285481,263 74
8 521 1012727 74
23300129 77
22384 15
15 4211876 62
1318 14
41 3915 3421 9113934 13
1315 18
11287 93
5 403 771 8311271 77
125 024 4433 4425485 96
913965 24
5 481513 76
438 782,078 53583937 90
22 6339 94
1,717 93664 171,304 2439 9533742558 92
1,957 12956 061,657 891,657 5523752522 16
172 32882 9138 35677145 76
177 48158 96417 508185169 72
206 91213 1460 9811259126 31
3,675 052,199 574,349 142,214 33812,0151,562 81
1,641 552,070 771,306 44105 75771,8711,457 55
2,033 50128 803,042 702,108 584144105 26
1,320 7710,536 63
1,600 14826 67866 703530741 22
2,895 571,146 212,803 2433996757 68
932 56736 561,474 6014378387 20
644 79164 38444 4728423227 95
1,343 94584 711,028 3627391486 16
1,106 11518 931,169 5540773679 13
2,515 76783 162,177 9324927739 76
1,457 15688 771,261 2712347519 05
1,377 00773 271,016 2628622538 48
2,140 681,318 903,606 1434930930 72
2,459 891,395 652,581 97361,059883 65
28 84102 69292 338109129 59
54 0995 3781 225139116 37

[CD-ROM Editor’s Note: Table incomplete - will be completed in future edition of CD-ROM]

NAME OF CONFERENCE OR MISSION (a)OrganizedPopulationNumber of ChurchesMembershipNumber of Compainies
Crotian Mission2,592,9681
Holland and Flemish
Belgium Mission9,287,253613510
Totals for 1908136,011,0781405,566171
Totals for 1907142,421,7901224,733150
Gain for 19081883321
Latin Union Conference1907
    Totals for 1908109,591,6192477116
    Totals for 1907107,894,3742470615
     Gain for 19081,697,245651
Levant Union Mission
   Egypt (Inc. Sudan)14,518,274110
   Syria (Inc. Mesopotamia
   and Arabia)6,288,600219
   Persia (unentered)9,500,000
    Totals for 190850,938,782815611
    Totals for 190750,740,63623253
     Gain for 1908198,14611
Russian Union Conference1908
   South Russia190814,410,000514114
    East Russia Mission29,433,300820615
    Middle Russia Mission63,821,60016210
    West Russia Mission22,392,70071788
    Totals for 1908148,442,100401,53474
    Totals for 1907145,980,100411,43257
     Gain for 19082,462,00010217
Scandinavian Union Conf1903
    Iceland and Greenland189793,000140
    Totals for 190813,147,001812,6915
    Totals for 190721,147,001812,5864
     Gain for 19081051
South African Union Conf.1902
   Cape Colony18922,794,849124713
    Barotseland (Rhodesia)1905350,000119
    Basutoland (Kolo)1899218,90313
    Malamulo (Nyasaland)1902850,705117
    Maranatha (Kaffir)19061
    Mkupuvula (Rhodesia)
    Solusi (Bulawayo)1894605,764160
    Somabula (Gwelo)1901130
    Totals for 19087,598,328216799
    Totals for 19077,370,437206738
     Gains for 1908227,891161
South American Union Conf1906
   Four Confs., Seven Miss.(g)41,964,550612,21028
West Indian Union Conference
   British Guiana1906387,08693296
   Central America19083,433,84271835
   East Caribbean1906900,000719511
   South Caribbean1906386,94794504
   West Carribbean19061,069 29783147
    Cuba Mission19052,058,000353
    Hayti Mission1905900,0001406
    North Caribbean Mission19071,650,0003583
    Totals for 190811,591,862762,78666
    Totals for 190710,767,807742,69366
     Gain for 1908824,055293
East African Missions
British East Africa (h)19064,038,25014
German East Africa19036,703,000115
Totals for 190819,021,250323

[CD-ROM Editor’s Note: Table incomplete - will be completed in future edition of CD-ROM]

Sabbath-Schoool Dept.
Amount of Tithe appropriated to outside of ConferenceTotal Offerings to Foreign Missions (except as noted under 28 and 36)Total Contributions for Home Mission WorkTotal Contributions for Local Church WorkNumber of SabbathSchoolsMembershipTotal SabbathSchool Contribution
48 0812 80131 43
38 46425 76326 1416253161 20
18,643 0610,894 6029,666 813097,8807,299 59
6,299 699,043 3711,812 654,660 902846,9175,971,53
12,343 371,851 2317,854 16259631,328 06
550 30
264 81444 0567 00316 0020264210 93
1,059 56996 571,424 0017436539 35
17 201710 45
13 9824141 15
8 9570 0011215 48
20 1221724 76
9 0711739 90
1,324 371,509 94617 301,810 0044794882 02
184 211,371 84896 131,841 6443785845 22
138 101936 80
47 3021010 29
73 8932038 35
56 611322424 69
177 801925773 33
256 3911 521722873 60
1,436 81
341 42328 8915494397 75
229 29112 20331,125295 43
229 46118 5520597322 77
115 2224599184 41
80 4212356134 67
70 441637593 68
800 17825 721,436 811203,5461,428 71
605 33133 83115 141082,8641,042 57
800 17220 391,302 9812682386 14
1,629 072,008 35260 43496 4929787573 30
1,268 89661 1093 1623567429 04
518 32593 55128 5064497385 33
413 242,230 7011118166 14
32 02100 0012017 57
111 5777224 44
3,416 283,819 832,712 79596 491352,0611,595 82
731 022,750 39405 60323 081152,0261,486 01
2,685 261,069 442,307 19273 412035109 81
523 36178 55262 6821343419 12
250 50615 671,134 6912166350 13
3 65311110 41
5 688382
12 7612221 21
14 26
54 06315033 18
9 7417516 99
523 36429 05964 241,134 69501,274865 30
965 30798 4678 47669 32338231,167 30
885 77465 3717451
810 18919 301,119 671322,5832,044 97
156 3517440110 55
237 94241 01306 5010312179 03
17400123 85
271 7346 63500 00561,627745 11
195 6316 73272 5313492215 55
17342243 90
32 0655933 26
11 0088015 00
328 18710753 83
904 71304 371,407 211503,8591,720 08
921 46612 561,780 981343,5711,403 20
16288316 88
88 303921 80
88 3051721 80

[CD-ROM Editors note: Table incomplete - will be completed in future edition of CD-ROM]Statistical Report of Seventh-day Adventist Conferences and Missions Church and Confe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NAME OF CONFERENCE Organized Population Number of Membership Number of Membership Number OR MISSION (a) Churches Companies Sabbat Miscellaneous Missions Bermuda 1903 17,000 1 39 9 British West Africa 1894 50,000,000 1 31 3 24 5 China(h) 1903 435,000,000 5 128 Hawaii 1895 170,000 1 24 India (Inc. Burma and Ceylon) 1895 297,970,499 6 132 4 25 50 Japan 1897 50,000,000 4 119 33 Korea 1904 12,000,000 4 100 8 105 Mexico 1893 13,607,259 2 70 4 65 7 Totals for 1908 858,764,758 24 643 19 219 104 Totals for 1907 847,597,758 21 535 26 228 153 Gain for 1908 11,167,000 3 108 Recapitulati 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NAME OF CONFERENCE Organized Population Number of Membership Number of Membership Number OR MISSION (A) Churches Companies Sabbath Union Confs. in United States General Conference (i) 1863 Atlantic Union 1901 14,130,044 186 4,975 33 211 348 Central Union 1902 6,792,874 256 8,621 60 566 849 Columbia Union 1907 17,929,066 215 6,376 21 194 430 Lake Union 1901 11,828,940 382 12,473 29 277 352 Northern Union 1902 5,357,686 256 5,980 545 North Pacific Union 1906 1,944,580 143 5,724 30 333 339 Pacific Union 1901 2,620,000 117 7,440 22 181 108 Southeastern Union 1907 7,129,466 60 1,632 27 146 145 Southern Union 1901 8,886,187 66 1,564 15 143 211 Southwestern Union 1902 6,560,040 136 4,353 24 238 320 Totals for 1908 83,178,883 1,817 59,138 261 2,289 3,647 Totals for 1907 82,243,434 1,807 58,557 251 2,256 3,702 Gain for 1908 935,449 10 581 10 33 Union Conferences in Canada Canadian Union 1902 5,191,699 39 851 5 31 88 West. Canadian Union 1907 1,460,000 34 818 2 21 320 Totals for 1908 6,651,699 73 1,669 7 52 408 Totals for 1907 6,419,609 72 1,718 11 116 260 Gain for 1908 232,090 1 148 Australasian Union for 1908 1894 48,851,122 117 3,750 47 368 374 Totals for 1907 50,377,544 109 3,525 42 362 312 Gain for 1908 8 225 5 6 62 European Union Conferences British Union 1902 43,833,663 52 1,529 15 139 6 German Union 1901 136,011,078 140 5,566 171 2,955 Latin Union 1907 109,591,619 24 771 16 176 16 Levant Union Mission 50,938,782 8 156 11 93 16 Russian Union 1908 148,442,100 40 1,534 74 1,473 70 Scandinavian Union 1903 13,147,001 81 2,691 5 33 115 Totals for 1908 501,964,243 345 12,247 292 4,869 223 Totals for 1907 516,294,927 338 11,270 243 3,495 569 Gain for 1908 7 977 49 1,374 Miscellaneous Union Conf. South African Union 1902 7,598,328 21 679 9 88 135 South American Union 1906 41,964,550 61 2,210 28 271 80 West Indian Union 1906 11,591,862 76 2,786 66 1,014 293 East African and Miscella- neous Mission Fields 877,786,008 27 666 19 219 104 Totals for 1908 938,940,748 185 6,341 122 1,592 612 Totals for 1907 905,916,952 178 5,827 128 1,389 690 Gain for 1908 33,023,796 7 514 203 Totals by Groups United States 83,178,883 1,817 59,138 261 2,289 3,647 Canada 6,651,699 73 1,669 7 52 408 Australasia 48,851,122 117 3,750 47 368 374 Europe 501,964,243 345 12,247 292 4,869 223 Miscellaneous 938,940,748 185 6,341 122 1,592 612 United States 83,178,883 1,817 59,138 261 2,289 3,647 All other countries 1,496,407,812 720 24,007 468 6,881 1,617 Grand total for 1908 1,579,586,695 2,537 83,145 729 9,170 5,264 Totals for 1907 1,561,252,466 2,504 80,897 675 7,618 5,533 Gain for 1908 18,334,229 33 2,248 54 1,552 Per Cent of Gain 1908 1.17 1.32 2.78 8.00 20.37 Totals for 1904 1,414,694,654 2,243 71,891 552 5,432 4,298 Gain for four years 164,892,041 294 11,254 177 3,638 966

[CD-ROM Editor’s Note: Table incomplete - will be completed in future edition of CD-ROM]

For the Year Ending Dec. 31, 1
Amount of Tithe appropriated to Fields outside of ConferenceTotal Offerings to Foreign Missions Foreign Missions (except as noted under 28 and 36)Total Contributions for Home Mission WorkTotal Contributions for Local Church WorkNumber of Sabbath-SchoolsMembe
67 64187 926
39 05135 0016 8181
81 4522 55237 801
201 50157 56122
123 0051
52 0032 50106 9161
564 64347 61549 44531,0
246 684,083 47175 81481,0
317 96373 635
Amount of Tithe appropriated to Fields outside of ConferenceTotal Offerings to Foreign Missions Foreign Missions (except as noted under 28 and 36)Total Contributions for Home Mission WorkTotal Contributions for Local Church WorkNumber of Sabbath-SchoolsMembe
8,000 00
1,700 0014,163 028,480 5613,319 082014
18,237 0233,020 0616,220 4113,033 203208
9,983 9517,071 704,279 5212,652 922576
12,268 2726,044 6314,241 8914,981 8145310
23,169 8123,172 5116,311 687,021 623957
16,681 5717,731 0710,546 044,753 202316
18,717 2719,113 2311,339 6316,267 551626
3,478 981,559 262,670 52992
2,332 962,624 922,493 92871
4,948 306,738 245,641 172,117 692014
105,706 19170,866 4091,245 0889,311 512,40658
118,391 84156,943 88134,289 3377,424 242,26555
13,922 5211,887 271413
1,259 43793 081,296 3354
474 342,277 742,690 46344 71581
474 343,537 173,483 541,641 041122
3,672 897,158 481,294 121052
474 34346 927
1,519 446,667 493,606 514,244 402095
2,783 556,228 715,241 872,165 872104
438 782,078 53
3,675 052,199 572,349 142,214 33812
18,643 0610,894 6029,666 813097
1,324 371,509 94617 301,810 0044
177 8019
800 17825 721,436 811203
3,416 283,819 832,712 79596 491352
27,858 9319,427 4638,782 854,620 8270816
8,856 4716,098 0914,566 177,046 5164414
19,002 463,329 3724,216 68641
523 36429 05964 241,134 69501
810 18919 301,119 671322
904 71304 371,407 211503
652 94347 61549 44581
523 362,796 882,535 524,211 093908
965 302,776 785,693 803,745 783497
20 10465 3141
105,706 19170,866 4091,245 0889,311 512,40658
474 343,537 173,483 541,641 041122
1,519 446,667 493,606 514,244 402095
27,858 9319,427 4638,782 854,620 8270816
523 362,796 882,535 524,211 093908
105,706 19170,866 4091,245 0889,311 512,40658
30,376 0732,429 0048,408 4214,717 351,41932
136,082 26203,295 40139,653 50104,028 863,82591
130,997 16185,720 35166,949 6591,676 523,57384
5,085 1017,575 0512,352 342526
83,031 11104,434 153,06471
53,051 1598,861 2576119
Denominational Institutions—Table No. 2
Section 1—Educational Institutions(a)
Adelphian AcademyHolly, Michigan$ 22,633 76377
Alberta Industrial AcademyLeduc, Alberta11,525 002160
Arizona Intermediate SchoolPhoenix, Arizona200 001
Avondale School for Chr. WorkersCooranbong, N. S. W., Australia76,492 72201,110
Battle Creek AcademyBattle Creek, Mich.8,000 0012
Beechwood Manual Tr. AcademyFairland, Ind.3,096 07313
Berean Industrial SchoolMalaga, Wash.2,000 00155
Bethel AcademyBethel, Wis.27,710 4110195
Bethel SchoolCanton, China1,637 521
Cedar Lake AcademyCedar Lake, Michigan11,977 83582
Central California Inter. SchoolArmona, Cal.2,500 0025
Claremont Union CollegeKenilworth, Cape, South Africa33,766 45422
Clearwater Industrial SchoolClearwater Lake, Wis.4,348 00265
Colorado Western Slope AcademyPalisades, Colo.4,000 0012
Cumberland Industrial SchoolDaylight, Tenn.1,500 003100
Darling Range SchoolHeidelberg, West Australia7,958 342100
Diamante SchoolDiamante, Argentina, South America5,000 002120
DuQuoin Intermediate SchoolDuQuoin, Ill.2,200 0017
Eastern Colorado AcademyLoveland, Colo.8,550 0026
Elk Point Industrial AcademyElk Point, S. Dak.14,553 94440
Emmanuel Missionary CollegeBerrien Springs, Mich.93,680 5125264
Eufola AcademyEufola, N. C.4,500 00523
Fernando AcademySan Fernando, Cal.26,997 21512
Fiji Training SchoolBuresala, Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific Ocean3,512 001270
Forest Home Industrial AcademyMt. Vernon, Wash.6,793 64340
Fort Ogden SchoolFort Ogden, Florida1,300 00242
Fox River AcademySheridan, Ill.14,000 91543
Friedensau Industrial SchoolFriedensau, Germany44,063 52145
Goldsberry Intermediate SchoolGoldsberry, Mo.2,500 0021
Gravel Ford AcademyGravel Ford, Oregon4,000 0033
Guatemala English SchoolGuatemala, Central America1,000 003
Haapal SchoolHaapal, Tonga, Pacific Ocean300 001
Hazel Industrial AcademyHazel, Ky.6,000 00352
Hildebran Industrial AcademyHildebran, N. C.6,000 004275
Hillcrest Schoolnear Nashville, Tenn.3,750 00293
Iowa Industrial AcademyStuart, Iowa24,585 396100
Keene Industrial AcademyKeene, Texas45,970 7112144
Korean SchoolSoonan, Korea200 00250
Latin Union SchoolGland, Switzerland1,359 20130
Laurelwood Industrial AcademyGaston, Oregon7,383 30258
Loma Linda College (c)Loma Linda, Cal.
Lornedale AcademyLorne Park, Ontario17,191 60550
Manson Industrial AcademyPort Hammond, British Columbia15,288 912214
Maplewood AcademyMaple Plain, Minn.19,876 02294
Meadow Glade Intermediate SchoolManor, Wash.8,618 07320
Mt. Ellis AcademyBozeman, Mont.1,768 05320
Mt. Vernon CollegeMt. Vernon, Ohio39,918 66425
Nashville Agr. and Nor. InstituteMadison, Tenn.31,000 0012414
Northern California Int. SchoolChico, Cal.2,500 0034
Oakwood Manual Training SchoolHuntsville, Ala.31,223 3211358
Otsego AcademyOtsego, Mich.20,500 006232
Pacific Educational AssociationSonoma, Cal.60,122 90
Petoskey Intermediate SchoolPetoskey, Mich.500 001
Pine Grove Industrial SchoolAmory, Miss.4,000 00160
Portage Plains AcademyPortage la Prairie, Manitoba7,840 821130
Pua Training SchoolPua, Chile, South America2,936 40250
Pukekura Training SchoolCambridge, New Zealand27,185 073170
Rome Mission SchoolRome, Italy200 001
Royal Intermediate SchoolCottage Grove, Oregon2,000 0024
Scandinavian Union SchoolSkodsborg, Denmark500 001
Shenandoah Val. Training Acad.New Market, Va.9,500 00142
Sheyenne River AcademyHarvey, N. Dak.27,229 973400
Singapore SchoolSingapore, East Indies2,056 111
Society Islands SchoolRaiatea, Society Islands, Pacific Ocean5,736 862200
South Lancaster AcademySouth Lancaster, Mass.61,371 22812
Southern Training SchoolGraysville, Tenn.35,460 143250
Stanborough Park Miss. CollegeWatford, England6,474 07255
Strode Industrial AcademyOswego, Kans.5,300 00418
Swedish Mission SchoolNyhyttan, Sweden15,504 723500
Takoma Park SchoolTakoma Park, D. C.5,000 001
Taquary Training SchoolTaquary, Brazil, South America4,000 00112
Toluca Industrial SchoolToluca, N. C.2,500 0026
Tonga SchoolNukualofa, Tonga, Pacific Ocean600 001
Tunesassa SchoolTunesassa, N. Y.4,802 303202
Union CollegeCollege View, Nebr.354,320 519125
Walderly SchoolHawthorne, Wis.6,212 403390
Walla Walla CollegeCollege Place, Wash.83,951 76460
Washington Foreign Miss. SeminaryTakoma Park, D. C.92,762 29614
West African Training SchoolFreetown, Sierre Leone, West Africa2,500 001
West Indian Training SchoolRiversdale, Jamaica, West Indies11,472 404507
Western Normal InstituteLodi, Cal.35,000 00520
Williamsdale AcademyWilliamsdale, Nova Scotia10,199 565200
Wyoming Intermediate SchoolHemingford, Neb.3,000 00240
Totals for 190883$1,625,670 562958,604
Totals for 1907671,226,746 152156,945
    Gain for 190816$ 398,924 41801,659
Section 2—Publishing Houses
Advocate Publishing CompanyBerrien Springs, Mich.$ 6,242,381
Avondale PressCooranbong, N. S. W., Australia10,542 332
Brazil Publishing HouseSao Paulo, Brazil, South America17,129 091
British Publishing HouseWatford, England56,514 851
Buenos Ayres Publishing HouseBuenos Ayres, Argentina, South America5,000 001
Canadian Publishing AssociationOttawa, Ontario10,558 271
Chile Publishing HouseSantiago, Chile, South America3,847 621
China S. D. A. Mission PressShanghai, China3,100 001
Christiania Publishing HouseChristiania, Norway35,900 532
Denmark Publishing HouseCopenhagen, Denmark7,731 051
Fijian PressFiji, Pacific Ocean1,500 001
Finland Publishing HouseHelsingfors, Finland9,027 531
Hamburg Publishing HouseHamburg, Germany63,250 064
India Publishing HouseLucknow, India2,200 001
International Publishing AssociationCollege View, Nebr.40,692 903
Latin Union Publishing HouseGeneva, Switzerland6,616 741
Mexican Publishing HouseMexico City, Mexico2,681 771
Pacific Press Publishing AssociationMountain View, California248,384 5971
Review and Herald Publishing AssnTakoma Park, D. C.248,764 852
Signs Publishing AssociationWarburton, Victoria, Australia105,326 171
Singapore PressSingapore, East Indies974 001
South African Publishing HouseCape Town, South Africa15,123 981
South Lancaster Printing CompanySouth Lancaster, Mass.6,679 101
Southern Publishing AssociationNashville, Tenn.108,074 823
Stockholm Publishing HouseStockholm, Sweden14,319 401
Watchman Publishing CompanyCristobal, Panama8,033 231
  Totals for 190826$1,038,215 26425
  Totals fro 190723978,894 14374
    Gain for 1908359,321 125
Section 3—Sanitariums
A. Under Conference Supervision
Adelaide SanitariumAdelaide, South Austrialia$ 8,721 69221
Atlanta Sanitarium243 South Boulevard, Atlanta, Ga.15,460 11141
Avondale Health RetreatCooranbong, N. S. W., Austrialia10,315 882102
Boulder SanitariumBoulder, Colo.138,807 55129010
Calcutta Bath Rooms50 Park St., Calcutta, India4,018 071
Cape SanitariumPlumstead, Cape, South Africa30,686 24252
Caterham SanitariumCaterham, Surrey, England23,376 00234
Christchurch SanitariumChristchurch, New Zealand20,002 07271
Christiana Health HomeChristiania, Norway2,136 111
College Springs SanitariumMt. Vernon, Ohio2,000 0021
Fayetteville SanitariumFayetteville, Ark.6,000 0021
Friedensau SanitariumFriedensau, Germany108,461 002456
Frydenstrand SanatoriumFrederikshavn, Denmark20,569 00185
Glendale SanitariumGlendale, Cal.56,960 99355
Graysville, SanitariumGraysville, Tenn.27,474 794653
Hydropathic InstituteAdelaide, South Australia3,572 6311
Iowa Sanitarium603 E. 12th St., Des Moines, Iowa37,034 6723
Iowa Sanitarium (e)Nevada, Iowa21,597 24155
Jerusalem Treatment RoomsJerusalem, Palestine1,000 001
Kansas SanitariumWichita, Kans.44,640 854207
Kimberley BathsKimberley, South Africa19,324 9921
Kobe SanitariumKobe, Japan3,000 0013
Lake Geneva SanitariumGland, Switzerland15,114 884705
Leicester SanitariumLeicester, England3,165 5011
Loma Linda SanitariumLoma Linda, Cal.123,861 431411210
Madison SanitariumMadison, Wis.87,823 74556
Mussoorie SanitariumMussoorie, India1,391 02181
Nashville SanitariumNashville, Tenn.46,578 391103
Nashville Rural SanitariumMadison, Tenn.2,000 0042
Nebraska SanitariumCollege View, Nebr.87,676 664510
Nebraska Sanitarium (f)Hastings, Nebr.11,929 00114
New England SanitariumMelrose, Mass.128,468 0764110
Pennsylvania SanitariumPhiladelphia, Pa.61,168 6233
Portland SanitariumPortland, Oregon69,839 89227
Rock City SanitariumNashville, Tenn.4,000 0042
Rostrevor Hills HydroRostrevor, Ireland7,597 2041301
Skodsborg SanitariumSkodsborg, Denmark160,830 357320
St. Helena SantariumSanitarium, Cal.216,762 852053520
Sydney SanitariumWahroonga, N. S. W., Australia80,367 665807
Tri-City SanitariumMoline, Ill.43,379 9022
Wabash Valley SanitariumLa Fayette, Ind.50,198 244253
Walla Walla SanitariumCollege Place, Wash.16,147 65212
Washington SanitariumTakoma Park, D. C.183,329 784337
Washington Branch Sanitarium1 and 2 Iowa Circle, Wash., D. C.12,906 7512
Number of sanitariums 1908, 44Totals for 1908$2,019,697 461501,3821,92
Number of sanitariums 1907, 40Totals for 19071,866,811 971401,4591,90
Gain for 1908      4  Gain for 1908152,885 49102
Under Private Supervision
Acushnet SanitariumNew Bedford, Mass.2,000 0011
Adirondack Sanitarium (g)Lake George, N. Y.6,000 004125
Arizona SanitariumPhoenix, Ariz.15,000 003563
Belair Hydropathicnear Durban, Natal, South Africa500 00231
Black River Valley SanitariumWatertown, N. Y.4,000 0021
Boise SanatoriumBoise, Idaho3,000 0011
Chamberlain SanitariumChamberlain, S. Dak.105,000 008307
Colorado Springs SanitariumColorado Springs, Colo.3,000 0012
Fayette SanitariumConnersville, Ind.1,000 0032
Florida SanitariumOrlando, Fla.15,618 577672
Fort Worth SanitariumFort Worth, Tex.2,500 0011
Garden City SanitariumSan Jose, Cal.65,000 004105
Grampian Hills HydropathicCrieff, Scotland500 00112
Hastings HydropathicBridgetown, Barbados, West Indies800 001
Hinsdale SanitariumHinsdale, Ill.75,000 0071010
Home SanitariumSt. Peter, Minn.28,000 0033001
Japanese SanitariumKobe, Japan3,000 0012
Lindsay SanitariumLindsay, Ontario1,000 0011
Little Rock SanitariumLittle Rock, Ark.26,000 00233
Logansport SanitariumLogansport, Ind.3,000 0011
Long Beach SanitariumLong Beach, Cal.75,000 00237
Middletown SanitariumMiddletown, N. Y.15,000 0021
Mill Val. and Mt. Tamalpais San.Mill Valley, Cal.30,000 00165
Montrose SanitariumMontrose, Minn.7,000 0021
Mountain Springs SanitariumBotzum, Ohio20,000 003130
Natal Health InstitutePietermaritzburg, Natal, South Africa681 8011
Nauheim SanatoriumOakland, Cal.75,000 00314
Nauheim SanitariumSpringfield, Mass.3,000 0011
Northwestern SanitariumPort Townsend, Wash.44,315 0021910
North Yakima SanitariumNorth Yakima, Wash.30,000 00264
Otter Lake SanitariumOtter Lake, Mich.20,000 00163
Paradise Valley SanitariumNational City, Cal.45,733 672305
Santa Barbara SanitariumSanta Barbara, Cal.13,500 00340
South Bend Treatment ParlorsSouth Bend, Ind.1,500 0012
Weatherford SanitariumWeatherford, Okla.4,000 0011
Willamette SanitariumSalem, Oregon2,000 001101
Number of sanitariums 1908, 36Totals for 1908$746,649 04827451,06
Number of sanitariums 1907, 24Totals for 1907477,471 684965161
Gain for 1908  12Gain for 1908269,177 36339445
Number of all sanitariums
190880Grand totals of all sanitari-
Number of sanitariums 1907,ums for 1908$ 2,766,346 502322,1272,98
64Totals for 19072,344,283 651892,1102,51
Gain for 190816Gain for 1908$ 22,062 85431747
Grand Total of all Institutions
Educational83$1,625,670 562958,6047,52
Publishing261,038,215 2642
Sanitariums802,766,346 502322,1272,98
Totals for 19081895,430,232 3256910,73110,50
Totals for 19071544,549,923 944419,0559,07
Net Gain for 190835880,308 381281,6761,43

[a The system of educational work outlined by the Educational Department of the General Conference in 1906, comprising sixteen grades, or years of study, is arranged as follows: Church-schools (information concerning which will be found listed under Columns 29 to 33 in Table No. 1), grades 1 to 8; intermediate schools, grades 7 to 10; academies, grades 9 to 12; colleges, grades 13 to 16.]

[b The assets of institutions shown in Table No. 2 are not all complied from official annual statements of the institutions represented. In some cases they may be inaccurate, and should only be considered as estimates of the amounts invested in the enterprises specified.]

[c Assets, etc., included in statement for Loma Linda Sanitarium.]

[d The total here would not indicate the number of languages in which denominational publications are issued, since some of the publishing houses issue in the same language, thus duplicating the number. Information regarding denominational literature is presented under Table No. 4, which see.]

[e Not opened at the close of 1908, but will begin operations during 1909. The assets show the standing at the close of 1908.]

[f Began operations Dec. 1, 1908.]

[g Discontinued before the close of 1908.]

Summary of Statistical Reports, 1863 to 1908

No Authorcode

YEARUnion ConferencesLocal ConferencesMissions2MinistersLicentiatesLicensed
Total, 10 years
Total, 10 years
Total, 10 years
Total, 10 years
Total, 6 years
Grand Totals

[a Since mission fields are not organized in the way conferences are, the dates in Column 2 do not refer to the time of their organization, as in the case of conferences, but to the time when the field was entered or when information was first separately given in these reports. The distinction between conferences and mission fields is indicated by greater indentation in names of mission fields.]

[b The tithe per capita is based upon the total Sabbath-keepers, and not the membership of churches only.]

[c By total laborers in Column 19 is meant the total number employed in the conference or mission field in evangelistic work, including not only the four classes named in the preceding columns, but all other persons not thus specified. The totals in Column 19 are not always, therefore, the totals of the four preceding columns, but are frequently greater.]

[d Column 20 shows the retail value of both book and periodical sales. Under the line for the General Conference are given the periodical sales of publishing houses in the United States which are made direct to individuals, and not through conferences, thus securing the total, and avoiding duplication.]

[e All financial items for the Colorado Conference are included in the line for the Eastern Colorado Conference up to September 1, when the Colorado Conference was divided into the Eastern and Western Colorado Conferences. Likewise the money received by the Missouri Conference is included in the line for the North Missouri Conference up to September 30, when the Missouri Conference was divided into the North and Southern Missouri Conferences. The tithe receipts of Eastern Colorado and North Missouri Conferences are increased thereby $20,570.44 and $11,258.80, respectively.]

[f The periodical sales of the Southern and Southeastern Union Conferences, as reported by the Southern Publishing Association, are given here, and are not included in the amount shown under the line for the General Conference.]

[g A failure on the part of the Secretary of the South American Union Conference to send any report whatever for that Union, although repeatedly urged to do so, and since last September, is responsible for the lack of definite information for that Union for the year 1908. It has therefore been necessary to omit the figures for the various local Conferences and missions, and to simply give what is supposed to be an approximately correct summary for the Union.]

[h A failure to receive returns from the British West African and Chinese mission fields, makes necessary the compilation of the report on the basis of the one furnished for 1907, with a few changes that are known to be correct. The 30 in Column 18 under China indicates native colporteurs and evangelists.]

[i Under General Conference are included those engaged in general labor as well as the amount of tithes and offerings not accounted for elsewhere. There are also shown the approximate value of book and periodical sales not accounted for in other portions of this report.

Denominational Publications in Various Languages—Table No. 4


LanguageNo. Speaking LanguagePeriodicalsPages AnnuallyValueNo. of BooksNo. of
Cantonese (China)20,000,000
Danish-Norwegian7,000,000516483 10268,52
Dutch9,000,00032281 2083,12
English136,000,0007019,49533 5114749,08
French53,000,00034321 30176,50
German83,000,00081,8323 954717,01
Greek (Modern)11,000,000
Hungarian9,000,00022241 25450
Malay (Singapore)2,500,00011606121
Mandarin (China)370,000,000128850
Russian85,000,00013201 25454
Spanish45,000,00058643 0561,68
Swedish6,500,00041,3123 05278,69
Urdu (Roman)500,000
Urdu (Persian)25,000,000
Wen-li (a) (China)100,000,000128850
  Totals for 190811828,855$59 13333103,26
Totals for 19009921569,16