General Conference Bulletin, vol. 6



W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, I. H. Evans, C. M. Snow, T. E. Bowen

Dr. H. F. Rand, of the St. Helena Sanitarium, occupied the 5:15 hour last evening. His lecture was reported, and will appear as space allows. GCB May 31, 1909, page 234.4

Last evening, as we left the grounds to make up this BULLETIN, people from the city and Takoma Park were pouring into the encampment. Elder E. E. Andross was to speak, and it is safe to say a very large audience was in attendance. GCB May 31, 1909, page 234.5

Evening after Sabbath, Dr. W. A. Ruble gave a stereopticon talk on our sanitarium work. Views of sanitariums in all parts of the world were thrown upon the screen. It was a graphic presentation of the rapid growth of this department of the work. GCB May 31, 1909, page 234.6

Sunday afternoon, Elder W. A. Spicer spoke at the 3 o’clock hour to a large audience on the special providences of God in the rise and progress of this advent movement, reviewing some of the encouraging evidences that a quick work is to be done in the closing days of the message. On appeal to any who had not as yet yielded obedience to the Sabbath truth to make the decision, two persons responded. GCB May 31, 1909, page 234.7