General Conference Bulletin, vol. 6



W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, I. H. Evans, C. M. Snow, T. E. Bowen

Sabbath, May 29, 3 P. M.

At three o’clock, the Seminary Chapel was filled to overflowing. After prayer by Elder Quinn, Elder Fulton (of the East Indies) made an earnest appeal for consecration. The great work before this people was emphasized, and the part that our young people must act in its accomplishment. Nearly all of the English-speaking portion of the world has been quite fully occupied, and the remaining portions are those which must engage the energies of youth, in mastering languages, and in enduring hardship. Looking at the matter from a human standpoint, the work before us can not be allotted time. It can be done, and it will be done, but it must be accomplished through the consecration of all that we have to the service of God. GCB May 31, 1909, page 221.9

About one hundred fifty testimonies were borne by earnest young people, who reconsecrated themselves to God, many expressing themselves as ready to go wherever or to do whatever the Lord might indicate to be duty. Many more expressed themselves in harmony with this spirit, by rising to their feet, as the hour was late. GCB May 31, 1909, page 221.10

Elder Olsen told of the good meeting that was being held in the large tent, and of the offerings that were being made to missions, and as there seemed to be a general desire on the part of those present to share in this blessing, a collection was taken, amounting, in cash and pledges, to about twelve hundred dollars. GCB May 31, 1909, page 221.11