General Conference Bulletin, vol. 6


W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, I. H. Evans, C. M. Snow, T. E. Bowen

As a large number of experienced Bible workers from various parts of the world are in attendance at the General Conference, a desire was expressed by them that council meetings be held. This resulted in appointments for such meetings. GCB May 28, 1909, page 202.11

Meetings have been held at 6:30 each evening. Nine meetings have been held. Pastor G. B. Starr was elected chairman, and Miss Addie Bowen secretary. GCB May 28, 1909, page 202.12

Attention was called to the fact that the Spirit of God has said that the Bible-reading work was a heaven-born idea, and that it should have a permanent place as a factor in the work, and should be included in plans for work and in the selection and employment of workers in this cause. GCB May 28, 1909, page 202.13

Being heaven-born, it was suggested that God calls persons to this specific line of work. It was also noted that those conferences and foreign fields reporting at this conference, which have employed the largest number of Bible workers, also reported the largest increase in membership. GCB May 28, 1909, page 202.14

Regret was expressed that this line of work had been largely dropped by a number of the conferences in the United States. It was hoped, however, that it would be speedily revived, and a higher standard raised. GCB May 28, 1909, page 202.15

Important Testimonies on city work and the condition of the large cities were read by the chairman. GCB May 28, 1909, page 202.16

Questions were answered including the best methods of reaching the higher class of homes and large apartment houses, visiting and working for clergymen, bringing people to decision, etc. GCB May 28, 1909, page 202.17

A good interest has been manifested by a large and increasing attendance, the tent being well filled each evening. GCB May 28, 1909, page 202.18