General Conference Bulletin, vol. 6


Conference Proceedings. EIGHTEENTH MEETING


May 24, 10:30 A. M.

Elder L. R. Conradi in the chair. Prayer was offered by Elder E. T. Russell. GCB May 25, 1909, page 142.5

New delegates were seated as follows: Dr. J. D. Shively, Central Union; Dr. W. A. George, Southern Union. GCB May 25, 1909, page 142.6

A legal meeting of the Review and Herald Publishing Association being appointed for this hour, the time of the morning session was devoted to that meeting, a report of which appears elsewhere. GCB May 25, 1909, page 142.7

At the close of the morning hour, the meeting adjourned. GCB May 25, 1909, page 142.8

L. R. CONRADI, Chairman,
W. A. SPICER, Secretary.