General Conference Bulletin, vol. 6



W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, I. H. Evans, C. M. Snow, T. E. Bowen

May 21, 6 A. M.

The central thought of the morning lesson was the privilege of the Christian to glorify God in the little things of daily life. The leader, Elder F. M. Wilcox, in a few earnest words clearly outlined our great need of learning to live with God in every-day life; of trusting him in the little experiences; of yielding ourselves so fully to him that even our impulses will be under his control; and when we speak without previous thought or planning, or under the stress of circumstances, we shall speak that which his Spirit dictates. With the apostle Paul, we should be able to declare: “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” Galatians 2:20. GCB May 23, 1909, page 107.1

With some, there is a tendency to long for the mysterious and the miraculous; but before we see these unusual manifestations of the mighty workings of God, we shall have to experience the power of the Spirit in our own lives,—in our words and acts when in daily contact with men and women. We shall have to see, first, the power of God enabling us to be Christians in the home-life. GCB May 23, 1909, page 107.2

The testimonies that followed these remarks were good. Many expressed a desire to be daily crucified with Christ, and to live in the beauty of holiness. GCB May 23, 1909, page 107.3

One brother acknowledged that for years he had not enjoyed a close walk with God. He had neglected opportunity after opportunity to grow in grace, and to bring to others a knowledge of the truth, because, all the while, he had been looking forward to some time when he would be given a miraculous fitting up for service by some remarkable outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Since coming to this Conference, he has been learning of the folly of this course, and now rejoices in the privilege of daily making peace with his God, and of humbly watching for opportunities to do some small service for his Master. He is now determined, by divine grace, to walk with God day by day, and to improve faithfully the little opportunities, however small they may seem, to help others to live for Jesus and to prepare for his appearing. GCB May 23, 1909, page 107.4

Benediction by Elder R. F. Andrews.