General Conference Bulletin, vol. 6



W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, I. H. Evans, C. M. Snow, T. E. Bowen

In harmony with notice published in the Review and Herald, the meeting of the Washington (D. C.) Sanitarium Association was called by G. A. Irwin, chairman of the board, on May 19, at 11 A. M. GCB May 21, 1909, page 106.10

A large quorum was present. It was moved by B. G. Wilkinson, seconded by D. H. Kress, that the meeting be adjourned to Wednesday, May 26, at 10:30 A. M. GCB May 21, 1909, page 106.11

The motion was carried. GCB May 21, 1909, page 106.12

G. A. IRWIN, Chairman,
D. H. KRESS, Secretary.

That part of the report of the fourteenth meeting of the Conference to be concluded in our next issue embraces the reports of the Columbia and Southeastern unions, and the District of Columbia Conference. GCB May 21, 1909, page 106.13

The report of the Wednesday evening sermon, by Elder Butler, will appear in the next issue. It is a stirring address on “Loyalty to the Third Angel’s Message.” GCB May 21, 1909, page 106.14