General Conference Bulletin, vol. 6


Conference Proceedings. TWELFTH MEETING


May 19, 3 P. M. (Concluded from page 90.)

South England Conference


To report for this conference, Elder Fitzgerald called upon W. H. Meredith, who said:— GCB May 21, 1909, page 93.10

It is with our hearts filled with gratitude to our Heavenly Father for his watchful, tender care over us, that we render to this General Conference our report. We have no good works of our own to boast of, but we can rejoice in that our God hath done great things for us. There have been times of peril and tribulation, for the enemy has sought to hinder and retard the work in many ways; but we can truly say that out of the trials has come forth joy. Each time the enemy has sought to destroy, the Lord has gained a marked victory, and his cause has come forth the stronger from the conflict. GCB May 21, 1909, page 93.11

Therefore, we rejoice, and can say truly that the success that has attended the work in our field has come because of God’s almighty arm, his power to save, and his ability to care for his own. GCB May 21, 1909, page 93.12

Our conference includes the southern counties of England, lying south of Worcester, Warwick, and Northampton, and its area is 23,652 square miles, with a population of about 17,000,000. Our longest journey from our headquarters in London, is about 250 miles; but the full stretch of counties would be about 380 miles. GCB May 21, 1909, page 93.13

Of course to the good people of America this would be a very small conference in area; but you must remember that in population we are as great as your largest union conference. GCB May 21, 1909, page 93.14

Among this great population we have 15 churches and 4 companies, with a membership of 640. During the last four years, 232 were baptized, and 13 were added by vote. We have 23 Sabbath-schools with a membership of 752. This shows an increase over the year 1904 of 235. We are urging all our schools to send all their donations to missions, and the result thus far is very encouraging. GCB May 21, 1909, page 93.15

We have several young people’s societies, and these are manifesting a good interest in the general plan for our young people. We humbly pray that God will abundantly bless those in charge of this part of the work, so that the plans made may be not only for the blessing of our young people but to all the members of our churches. GCB May 21, 1909, page 93.16

The tithe for the year 1908 amounted to $10,300, an increase over the year 1904 of $3,377. We pay two tithes to the union conference, and are making other donations to help some weaker fields. GCB May 21, 1909, page 93.17

Our offerings to missions for 1908 were $1,404, which is an increase of $489 over 1904. This is certainly good when we consider that during the last quadrennial period, we have been doing our utmost to establish our union institutions. For the funds of these our conference has raised over $3,260 during the last two years. GCB May 21, 1909, page 93.18

Our laborers at present are 3 ordained ministers, 2 licentiates, 8 Bible workers, and 6 other workers, 19 in all. We have some 20 book canvassers, besides some paper workers. It can be truly said that we have scarcely begun the work in our field, for 11 out of the 22 counties in our territory have not yet been entered by public effort. We have many large towns which have not heard the truth of the third angel’s message, save by the books and papers sold by the canvassers. GCB May 21, 1909, page 93.19

One unique feature of our field is the great city of London, with its 7,000,000 souls for whom the Saviour died. Let me try to make a comparison. According to the last Year Book, the Central Union Conference—with a little less population than our great London—has about 70 ministers; London has 2, including the president of the conference. The Central Union has about 40 licentiates; London has 1. The Central Union has 100 Bible workers; London has 5, including 2 who are in training. GCB May 21, 1909, page 93.20

The reason I make this comparison is to try to show you something of the greatness of the work before us in London, and how few laborers we have to accomplish it. We have 5 churches and 4 companies in this great city, and about as many Sabbath-keepers as the Central Union has churches. GCB May 21, 1909, page 93.21

Often when we pass through the busy streets of this great city, we are overwhelmed with the magnitude of the task before us; but, brethren, such a meeting as this inspires us with confidence that the Lord will not fail us. The work is his. We are but instruments in his hands. He has promised to take the weak to confound the mighty; and though often conscious of our own unworthiness and inability to do the work committed to us, we rejoice in the knowledge that the Master who has called us to give this message to a fallen world, will also give grace sufficient for the task. GCB May 21, 1909, page 93.22

We assure this Conference of God’s remnant people that to-day there are many earnest prayers ascending to the throne of grace from faithful hearts in England on your behalf. We promised them we would bring back a good report. Already we feel that we shall be able to fulfill our promise; for surely God is with us to bless us. GCB May 21, 1909, page 93.23

That the blessed sound of the third angel’s message may soon fill up the vacant places, and reach the uttermost parts of the earth, is our prayer. May we all soon hear the welcome words of our Saviour, “Enter thou into the joy to thy Lord.” GCB May 21, 1909, page 93.24

Wales Conference


The report for this new conference was given by H. E. Armstrong, the president, who said:— GCB May 21, 1909, page 93.25

It is with feelings of deepest gratitude to God that we render our report to this General Conference of the progress of the third angel’s message in our Wales Conference. The labors of the past few years have been especially blessed of God with a steady success. This is truly encouraging, and justifies us in a most hopeful expectancy for its future advancement and its rapid consummation. GCB May 21, 1909, page 93.26

Wales, “gallant little Wales,” as it is termed, is the home of the youngest conference in the British Union. It is the youngest child in the family, being only four months old. But it is a thoroughly alive and growing child, and while not yet able to walk alone, we believe it will early learn to do so. Our field is divided into two main divisions, known as North and South Wales. These two divisions are again subdivided into counties, the northern division having 7 counties, and the southern division 6 counties, making 13 in all. The population of both North and South Wales reaches a total of over 2,000,000 souls. GCB May 21, 1909, page 93.27

There is approximately a numerical equality of Welsh and English-speaking people in the principality. These thirteen counties cover an area of 7,470 miles. GCB May 21, 1909, page 94.1

Until very recently we have not done any public labor in North Wales, and have only entered publicly half of the counties of the south. We may safely say that as yet we have scarcely touched the fringe of the great work which God has committed to our trust. GCB May 21, 1909, page 94.2

At this present time we have 6 organized churches, 3 organized companies, and 2 companies yet to be organized. We have a membership of over 200 souls. GCB May 21, 1909, page 94.3

Our force of conference laborers now in the field numbers 2 ordained ministers, 1 licensed minister, and 5 other workers under conference control. While it is true that our official force is small, we are thankful to acknowledge the faithful labors of our church elders and company leaders. And still we can add to this incomplete list the untiring efforts of many of our faithful and loyal church-members. GCB May 21, 1909, page 94.4

The year ending Dec. 31, 1908, was specially blessed of God. A comparison of this record with that of the year with which this quadrennial period began, shows that the membership, tithe, Sabbath-school offerings, first-day offerings, and annual offerings of this conference more than doubled. There has not however, been any spasmodic growth, but rather a steady increase from year to year. GCB May 21, 1909, page 94.5

The year 1908 shows an increase over 1904 in tithes to the amount of $1,202, and in offerings of $212. GCB May 21, 1909, page 94.6

We have eleven Sabbath-schools in the conference, with a membership of 256. Every cent of the donations is annually sent to missions. GCB May 21, 1909, page 94.7

We have also a young people’s society with some active members. They are doing a noble work, and are gaining an efficiency that will early fit them for a place of usefulness in our field work. GCB May 21, 1909, page 94.8

Our canvassers, faithful as in other parts of the earth, are doing much in spreading our literature abroad. Books, magazines, papers, and tracts, both in Welsh and in English, are being distributed as the leaves of autumn, and some precious souls are reading their way into the truth. Over $6,000 worth of literature was sold during the year 1908. GCB May 21, 1909, page 94.9

We have no organized medical work in Wales, neither have we any institutions; but we are thankful to report that we have three trained Christian nurses who are doing invaluable work in our field on a self-supporting basis. We earnestly hope that this department of our work will soon develop, and fill a larger place in our field. GCB May 21, 1909, page 94.10

The success which has attended the work has not been gained by any emotional revival method, but rather by a patient, daily seed-sowing, which, watered by the Holy Spirit of God, has brought forth this precious fruit. GCB May 21, 1909, page 94.11

We are not, however, satisfied with what we have gained, and we believe that as we go back from this conference, carrying with us the power of God’s Holy Spirit and the beautiful fragrance of the life of Jesus, we shall see more souls drawn into the realm of this truth. We have large cities, lesser towns, and needy small villages still waiting to hear God’s final appeal. GCB May 21, 1909, page 94.12

The brethren and sisters whom I am this day privileged to represent would gladly be at this feast. They are rejoicing in this message, and are praying that the day may speedily come when this message shall ring through every mountain and valley in Wales, and echo and re-echo in chorus with that mighty anthem which shall sound unto the uttermost parts of the earth. GCB May 21, 1909, page 94.13

The time having come for adjournment, further reports from the British Union were deferred to a later time. Again, as these reports came in from across the sea, hearts were touched and mellowed at the evidence of the evergrowing strength and expansion of the message. GCB May 21, 1909, page 94.14

The meeting adjourned.

A. G. DANIELLS, Chairman,
W. A. SPICER, Secretary.