General Conference Bulletin, vol. 6



W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, I. H. Evans, C. M. Snow, T. E. Bowen

May 19, 6 A. M.

The willingness of our Heavenly Father to grant us grace sufficient for the duties of the day, was impressively set forth by Elder M. C. Wilcox, the leader of the devotional service. The assurance, “Ask, and it shall be given you,“ is for us here this morning. “Seek, and ye shall find,” the Saviour declares even to-day; “knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Our Father is willing to give good things to them that ask him. GCB May 20, 1909, page 75.1

It is not ours to seek for some great power to use to-morrow or in days to come. This morning we have the privilege of praying for power sufficient to enable us to do aright the work of the day. As Paul has pointed out in the first of Ephesians, it is God’s purpose that his children shall be “to the praise of the glory of his grace;” but the blessings of heaven are bestowed “in all wisdom and prudence.” Increasing needs call for the bestowal of additional power. GCB May 20, 1909, page 75.2

The speaker dwelt for a moment upon the amazing transformations of character taking place in our world at the present time. There is that in the power of grace that can take the base, and so transmute it that in all ages to come, human beings shall be looked upon as monuments of God’s mercy and glorious handiwork. GCB May 20, 1909, page 75.3

Following an earnest season of prayer, many testified of the power of God, and of blessings received. GCB May 20, 1909, page 75.4

Christianity is vastly more than an ethical system; it is the power of God in the daily life. Its object is not primarily escape from the penalty of sin, but salvation from the dominion of sin now in this life. GCB May 20, 1909, page 75.5