General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7



W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, C. C. Crisler, T. E. Bowen, H. E. Rogers, J. N. Anderson

June 7, 1913

The ranks were perceptibly thinned on this last Sabbath of the tented city, as many had found it necessary to return home. A feeling of solemnity rested upon hearts, for the “good-by” time was nearing, and this had been a good place to be. GCB June 9, 1913, page 336.8

The school met in the usual divisions, and the interest that has been so marked from the beginning was continued to the very close. In the pavilion the review was conducted by B. G. Wilkinson. Leading texts were assigned to different persons to be read, as the review proceeded. The practical lessons drawn from this study were as follows:— GCB June 9, 1913, page 336.9

1. Join the right church. There are churches and churches. But only the temple that can stand the measuring rod (Revelation 11:1, 2) is acceptable to God. GCB June 9, 1913, page 336.10

2. See the altar service is correct. No tobacco-clouded, strife-encircled worship can please the Holy Spirit. GCB June 9, 1913, page 336.11

3. Come out of Babylon. Do not bring your body and membership out and leave your heart in. GCB June 9, 1913, page 336.12

4. Let your light shine. You have no light in you unless you are right with God. GCB June 9, 1913, page 336.13

O. A. Johnson conducted the lesson study. The thought was made very emphatic that the Sabbath is a sign between God and his people who are sanctified. Hence an unsanctified person cannot really keep the Sabbath. The work of God in this generation is to make known the Sabbath truth to all the world, to sanctify believers, and to prepare his people for his coming. GCB June 9, 1913, page 336.14

J. E. Fulton, of Australia, described the island schools he had visited. He thought the people in the home land could learn lessons of promptness, reverence, and faithfulness in attending the services. GCB June 9, 1913, page 336.15

G. B. Thompson read a letter from an isolated family that had sent a check of $20 to be added to the Sabbath-school offerings on the last Sabbath of the General Conference, and solicited a liberal offering. The thermometer registering one thousand dollars was already broken with the gifts for the three Sabbath-school sessions. It was found when the collection was taken that a check for $200 had been given. The statistics for the four sessions are as follows:— GCB June 9, 1913, page 336.16

First Sabbath2,038$383.25
Second Sabbath2,121412.20
Third Sabbath2,523506.00
Fourth Sabbath1840551.69

The total amount given at the General Conference Sabbath-school in 1909 was $597.06. GCB June 9, 1913, page 337.1