General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7

Departmental Papers

W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, C. C. Crisler, T. E. Bowen, H. E. Rogers, J. N. Anderson



Seventeenth Meeting

Mrs. Lee Wheeler, of New York City, conducted the opening exercises of this session, after the manner of a model Sabbath-school. She urged that a program be placed before the school each Sabbath, giving the numbers of the songs, the scriptures to be read, and other similar items. The secretary’s report was verbally given, and the blackboard used to register the statistics and a comparison made with the previous quarter’s work. A special missionary exercise was conducted by Mrs. Martha Howe, as an object lesson in this model program. The fact that only three small children were used in this demonstration shows what can be done for the children even in a very small school. GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.1

Topic: “The Conference Sabbath-School Secretary’s Relation to Local Schools and to the General Conference Sabbath School Department.” GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.2

Miss L. M. Gregg, of New Zealand, read the opening paper, as follows:— GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.3

“The conference Sabbath-school secretary holds one of the most important positions in the conference, hence care must be exercised in the selection of the individual. The rapid growth and development of our work in most conferences calls for some person to devote his entire time to building up and fostering the interests of the Sabbath-school. This person, in order to accomplish the work, must be an earnest, active Christian, one who will command the respect of both old and young, a person of good judgment and influence, good leadership, and managing ability. GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.4

In His Relation to the Local School GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.5

“He must be recognized as a friend, whose visits are eagerly looked for and whose counsel is appreciated. The secretary should regard each school as a member of his family, and should not be satisfied until every officer in each school has received the personal touch, with all the help that he can give. He must remember that the Sabbath-school work depends very largely upon his attitude. He must be ever ready with suggestions that will fit each school; he must bear patiently with those who do not see the necessity of pushing new plans. By kindness and cooperation he must persevere until all do what is required. He will learn that one visit to a school will teach more than many letters, and in order to see the work advancing, he must visit the school frequently, and help carry out his own suggestions, thus proving that they are practical and effective. GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.6

Relation to the General Conference Department GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.7

“It is to the General Conference that all departments look for much help for the developing of our work. Our officers there study the field as a whole, and sense its needs and requirements, and send out to our union officers such suggestions as seem best. They in turn pass them on to our State officers, and they to our churches, schools, etc. Our State secretaries are the link between the General Conference officers and the people. One can see at once that our secretaries must be keen to realize that in order for their work to be a success, and to keep pace with it, and in harmony with the field, they must heed the instruction received, and carry it out to the best of their ability. If they fail in this, the connection is broken, and the work throughout the conference suffers. The State secretary should maintain that close association with the union secretary that he desires from the local secretary; the union secretary, with the General Conference secretary. Though the plans and suggestions may not always seem workable, yet with persistency they will usually be found to be so, and for the best interest of the work.” GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.8



Fourteenth Meeting

Addresses by L. R. Conradi and J. W. Westphal. Topic, “How to Reach Roman Catholics With the Gospel Message.” GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.9

PHOTO-Evangelist Last (India), who died of ill-usage by persecutors

It was shown that in all Roman Catholic countries there are many persons of that church who are honest and are seeking for light. They are very devoted to their church, because they think it is the true religion. They are walking in all the light God has revealed to them. Then, when the last message is brought to their attention, they gladly embrace it and become devoted Adventists. But great care, tact, and Christlike kindness must be exercised in dealing with them. Our work is not altogether to warn, but to win them. GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.10

When possible, use the Roman Catholic version of the Scriptures as a text. There is practically small difference between the Catholic versions and others, simply a matter of different translation, but both contain all things necessary to salvation. In showing how the prophecies of the Bible have been fulfilled in history, it is always best, if possible, to quote from Catholic historians. GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.11

W. W. Prescott briefly summarized the “Fundamental Differences Between Protestantism and Roman Catholicism,” as follows:— GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.12

1. The supremacy of the Word of God: the Scriptures as opposed to the supremacy of church tradition. GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.13

2. Salvation through the free grace of Christ to every believer apart from any efficacy derived from any form or ceremony or works of the flesh, as opposed to works of penance as a means of attaining perfection or forgiveness. GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.14

3. The priesthood of Christ as an advocate for the individual in a literal sanctuary in heaven as opposed to the administration of an earthly priesthood through men, such as pope, cardinal, bishop, or priest. GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.15



Thirteenth Meeting

After earnest prayer was offered, M. B. Van Kirk presented the following report of the committee on finance:— GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.16

Recognizing the value of concentrated effort, and believing that a definite object always appeals to the youth,— GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.17

1. We recommend, (a) That it be the policy of this department to set before the youth definite objects for which to gather funds. GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.18

(b) That each union secretary in counsel with the local secretaries, agree upon a definite sum to be raised in the union each year. GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.19

(c) That the money thus raised be forwarded to the general Conference through the regular channels, that it may become a part of the regular mission funds, and be counted in the apportionment of mission funds to the union. GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.20

(d) That the secretary of the department arrange with the General Conference a list of fields that may legitimately be selected for this effort; and that the union secretaries, in counsel with the local secretaries, choose some one field for each year’s effort. GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.21

(e) That each society adopt such methods as may best suit its conditions for the purpose of raising these funds. GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.22

(f) That, among other tried and successful plans, we recommend the following for consideration:— GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.23

(1) The setting apart of certain days in which to collect offerings for this special purpose. GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.24

(2) The investment idea. GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.25

(3) The certificate shareholder’s plan. GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.26

(g) That any society having tried a plan that produced good results, be requested to pass the plan along to the general department, that it may be given to others. GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.27

In the matter of reporting mission offerings— GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.28

2. We recommend, That only such money as is given through the Missionary Volunteer Society be included in the reports, and that all money given through the regular channels for fields outside of the North American Division be reported as foreign mission offerings, and all money given for local society work and home fields be reported as home mission offerings. GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.29

The report was favorably received. After a brief discussion of it, C. J. Boyd gave an interesting account of the Missionary Volunteer work among our colored youth. We hope that his paper on this subject may appear in print soon. GCB June 6, 1913, page 302.30



Seventeenth and Eighteenth Meetings

Chas. Thompson, president of the Northern Union Conference, on the subject of “How Can Conference Officers and Committees Cooperate With the Leaders of the Publishing Work,” declared that “the publishing work stands equal in importance to any other work devised for the spreading of the gospel; therefore the conference committee should have full sympathy in devising, promoting, and supporting plans and efforts for the circulation of the printed page.” He emphasized especially, camp-meeting and convention actions, where the close cooperation will bring definite results. By vote it was requested that his paper appear in full in the BULLETIN. GCB June 6, 1913, page 303.1

“How Circulation Managers Can Most Successfully Promote the Sale of Our Literature,” was presented by I. A. Ford. Among the suggestions made were 1 the keeping of an ample stock to meet the needs of the field; 2 the preparation of suitable advertising matter to be distributed through regular channels; 3 the originating of plans to assist local officers in promoting activity among the churches; 4 the passing on of information and experiences; 5 the referring to the conference office of interested inquirers; 6 the importance of doing personal work among tract society officers at conventions and institutes. GCB June 6, 1913, page 303.2

In the afternoon meeting the “Successful Conducting of Institutes, Also Conventions,” was taken up in papers by V. O. Cole and J. B. Blosser. Brother Cole in the first paper emphasized the thought of eliminating from the institute everything that is not of vital importance to the work in hand. Concentrate upon the canvasses, general salesmanship, and, in every possible way, gain the spiritual preparation essential to such work. Brother Blosser outlined excellent convention plans, which were enthusiastically discussed. GCB June 6, 1913, page 303.3

Nineteenth and Twentieth Meetings

“There is no class of literature that brings in as large returns in souls as tracts; the enemy of souls knows this, and in some way the distribution of tracts has not been what it should have been.” This declaration by Sister S. N. Haskell in a paper on “How to Work successfully With Tracts and Periodicals in Our Large Cities,” expresses her deep interest in this work. Among the methods of work outlined was the use of a tract table on the street, where some one could personally hand out tracts as passers-by manifest an interest. Permission can be secured from proper authorities. Sister Haskell said that thousands of tracts may be given out this way with excellent results. She urged that the person at the table be quiet and modest, not crowding the tracts upon the people, but with a pleasant word inviting those who show an interest to select those desired. A piece of canvas may be stretched between the front legs of the table, and upon it the announcement made that the reading-matter is free to all. Tracts in packages may also be sold successfully in large cities, Sister Haskell said; and the loaning of them is a most successful plan of gaining interest. GCB June 6, 1913, page 303.4

A very strong paper on “A Sound Business Policy” in the colporteur work was given the department by R. L. Pierce, manager of the branch of the Southern Publishing Association located at Fort Worth. He expressed himself as confident that sales will increase and a higher standard be reached, both in efficiency and in spiritual influence, by the maintenance of a sound business policy. GCB June 6, 1913, page 303.5

This means from a tract society standpoint: First, that the standing of a person desiring to canvass be known; that if he is in debt, some arrangement should be made to get this paid, lest he go further into debt and bring on hopeless discouragement. Second, it means that the office shall be prompt in its business dealings with the agent, and in close touch, so as to work with him in a sympathetic business way that will gain his confidence. Third, the cooperation of the tract society secretary, the conference president, and the field agent, will often help out a difficult situation. This cooperation is made possible by the secretary’s keeping these officers informed concerning accounts. Fourth, the business standing of the tract society is safeguarded by getting prompt reports from agents, thus enabling the secretary to avoid overstocking, yet meet the needs of the agents promptly. GCB June 6, 1913, page 303.6

At a very recent former meeting W. W. Eastman led in the discussion of the subject, “The Advantages and Importance of Combining the Book and Magazine Work.” He feels positive that the use of an effective system already organized for the promotion of the book work is the only successful way to handle the magazine work in the field. It enables one man to plan the territory for both classes, and to give instruction to both classes, thus bringing in economy as well as strength, and building solidly and uniformly. Brother Eastman believes that even in the larger conferences this is the better plan, even though assistants may need to be appointed to work with the State agent in handling the magazine work. GCB June 6, 1913, page 303.7



Fourth Meeting

Genesis 9 was the general topic for the day. On the blackboard was arranged a table giving the ages of the first ten generations of men, as compared with the next ten generations, thus showing the great and rapid shortening of life after flesh food came to be the common diet. GCB June 6, 1913, page 303.8

Question: Should prayer always be offered with those who are having Bible readings?—Most assuredly, but not necessarily at the beginning of the study. After the mind has been directed to God in the study of his Word, the prayer is often more effectual. A short, earnest prayer makes a very fitting ending for a Bible study. GCB June 6, 1913, page 303.9

Fifth Meeting

The subject, “Cities of Refuge,” was handled by Sister Haskell as a suggestion for teaching the truth on life only in Christ, fate of the wicked, sleep of death, and eternal life, without exciting prejudice in the minds of those who believe in the immortality of the soul. The outline was as follows:— GCB June 6, 1913, page 303.10




Joshua 20:2—Cities of refuge. GCB June 6, 1913, page 303.11

Joshua 20:4—Sin was confessed at the gate. GCB June 6, 1913, page 303.12

Numbers 35:21, 27—Outside of the city was death. GCB June 6, 1913, page 303.13

Numbers 35:28—Inside the city was life. GCB June 6, 1913, page 303.14

Joshua 20:6—Must remain in the city until the death of high priest. GCB June 6, 1913, page 303.15


Proverbs 18:10—The name of the Lord is a refuge. GCB June 6, 1913, page 303.16

Psalm 61:3—God is a tower. GCB June 6, 1913, page 303.17

1 Peter 5:8—Satan is a devouring lion. GCB June 6, 1913, page 303.18

1 John 5:11, 12—He that hath the Son hath life. GCB June 6, 1913, page 303.19

1 John 3:15—Wicked do not have life. GCB June 6, 1913, page 303.20

Acts 4:12—Christ is our only hope. GCB June 6, 1913, page 303.21

Soon Christ will cease to be our High Priest. He will come in glory as King of kings. GCB June 6, 1913, page 303.22

Mrs. L. J. Burgess, of India, stated that the great problem in her field is how to teach pagans the truth on the subject of immortality. Immortality of the soul is the great corner-stone of all pagan worship. The word for “son” means “a place of departed spirits” and “a saviour.” The eldest son performs a ceremony on stated occasions which is supposed to lead the departed members of the family through the spirit world. They believe there is no other hope of salvation. GCB June 6, 1913, page 303.23

Sixth Meeting

A very suggestive study was given at this time under the topic, “Dress Reform.” God made the first clothing. Genesis 3:21. Garments are a symbol of righteousness. Isaiah 61:10. Christians are not to follow their own desires. Numbers 15:38, 39. Men are not exempt from the temptation to follow the world in this respect. Achan coveted the Babylonish garment. Joshua 7:19-21. Fashion rotate. They do not change. Isaiah 3:16-25. In some part of the world nearly every one of the models of dress and ornamentation represented in this text is in vogue. The Lord has given quite comprehensive directions for our dress. 1 Timothy 2:9, 10; 1 Peter 3:1-5. GCB June 6, 1913, page 303.24

Questions.—“What subject should we use first with a beginner?” This was answered by several Bible workers of experience. It is well to be prepared to begin on the subject uppermost in the reader’s mind. Illustration: Philip and the eunuch. If no particular subject is suggested by the reader, the “Second Coming of the Lord” is almost sure to take well, and develop further investigation. Sister Haskell stated that Christ should be the center of every Bible reading. A Bible reading without Christ in it is a failure. GCB June 6, 1913, page 303.25

Another very important question asked was: “Should the minister attend Bible readings with the worker?” This was answered very concisely and forcefully by Sister Larkin, a worker of wide experience. She suggested that a minister should not attend the studies with the Bible workers, unless accompanied by his wife. He may call at another time by appointment of the worker, accompanied by his wife, or alone, as may seem best. If the Bible worker needs help or supervision, she may obtain this assistance from the minister and his wife at some time other than during the reading. GCB June 6, 1913, page 303.26



On my way to the meeting, I overheard some one in a tent say, “I must not miss one of these early morning meetings; they are the best on the grounds.” GCB June 6, 1913, page 304.1

A brother: This is the best meeting I ever attended. I would be glad to stay here till the Lord comes; but there is work for me at home, and I must go. GCB June 6, 1913, page 304.2

A sister: I took serious offense because a sister did me an injury. I despised her. I took the matter to the Lord and said, “Lord, let me see this thing just as thou seest it.” I arose from prayer with no hatred in my heart. GCB June 6, 1913, page 304.3

William Arnold: On my way to the Conference, I stopped off to view the Gettysburg battle-field. With a guide I began where the battle commenced and ended with the high-water mark. As is remembered, the conflict at the start was marked with reverses. At the end of the second day, a council of war was held, and it was decided to continue the struggle, regardless of the casualties. It was found that the enemy in pushing our columns back had driven us into a strong position. So the battle was continued the third day, resulting in a victory to the Federal arms. And this proved to be the turning tide of the war. As a denomination and as individuals we have in the past met with heavy reverses; but, notwithstanding this, we find ourselves today strongly entrenched on the heights of truth. We have an exceedingly strong position. Let us continue the struggle; for victory is sure to come. GCB June 6, 1913, page 304.4

A brother: I express my consecration this morning in the chosen words of another: “I am willing to receive what Thou givest; to lack what thou withholdest; to relinquish what thou takest; to suffer what thou inflictest; to be what thou requirest; to do what thou commandest.” L. T. N. GCB June 6, 1913, page 304.5