General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7


Division Conference Minutes

W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, C. C. Crisler, T. E. Bowen, H. E. Rogers, J. N. Anderson



June 5, 3:30 P. M.

I. H. EVANS in the chair. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.8

Reports were called for, and the committee on nominations presented a further report, as follows:— GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.9

Report on Nominations

Your committee recommends:— GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.10

1. That the selection of a secretary for the Publishing Department be referred to the executive committee. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.11

2. For secretary of the Sabbath School Department, Mrs. L. Flora Plummer. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.12

The report was adopted. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.13

Credentials and Licenses

The committee on credentials and licenses presented a report, as follows:— GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.14

Your committee recommend for ministerial credentials: I. H. Evans, C. P. Bollman, G. F. Haffner, Dr. H. W. Miller, W. W. Prescott, G. G. Roth, C. B. Stephenson, G. B. Thompson, F. M. Wilcox, L. H. Christian, F. C. Gilbert, C. S. Longacre, S. Mortenson, L. A. Reed, J. H. Schilling, A. O. Tait, M. C. Wilcox. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.15

For ministerial licenses: C. M. Snow, W. E. Howell. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.16

For missionary licenses: Matilda Erickson, Vesta J. Farnsworth, L. A. Smith, Kathrina B. Wilcox. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.17

The following names are referred to the Columbia Union Conference: E. R. Palmer, A. J. S. Bourdeau, Dr. H. N. Sisco, Dr. Bourdeau-Sisco, W. A. Colcord, M. E. Olsen. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.18

All other names demanding consideration are referred to the executive committee of the North American Conference. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.19

The report was adopted. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.20

Distribution of Labor

The committee on distribution of labor presented the following report:— GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.21

Your committee on distribution of labor respectfully recommend the following report:— GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.22

1. That J. W. Davis, of the Southwestern Union, make the Southern Union his field of labor. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.23

2. That W. A. Woodruff, of the Southwestern Union, be invited to labor in the Southern Union. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.24

3. That R. D. Quinn, of Greater New York, take the presidency of the Southeastern Union. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.25

4. That J. R. Patterson, of Central California, labor in the Oregon Conference. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.26

5. That E. W. Catlin, of Oregon labor in the Central California Conference. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.27

6. That S. E. Jackson, of Minnesota, be invited to make Western Canada his field of labor. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.28

7. That H. S. Shoup, of Knoxville, Tenn., be invited to labor in the Western New York Conference. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.29

8. That O. E. Sandnes, of the Manitoba Conference, labor in the Western Oregon Conference. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.30

9. That Miss Ella M. Leach, of the District of Columbia Conference, connect with the New York Conference as a Bible worker. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.31

10. That the Oklahoma Conference be requested to release David Voth, to labor in Chicago. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.32

11. That the Walla Walla College Board be requested to release Prof. John Isaac, to take the presidency of the Oklahoma Conference. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.33

12. That R. L. Routt make North Missouri his field of labor. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.34

13. That Milton St. John, of Western Oregon be requested to make the Massachusetts Conference his field of labor. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.35

14. That Miss Meta Peterson, of Iowa, be invited to labor in Montreal, Canada. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.36

15. That S. M. Butler, of Mt. Vernon, Ohio, make Iowa his field of labor. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.37

16. That W. Ostrander, of Michigan, labor in the Iowa Conference. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.38

17. That A. J. Haysmer take the presidency of the Montana Conference. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.39

18. That L. T. Nicola, of the Greater New York Conference, connect with the East Michigan Conference in labor. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.40

19. That C. R. Magoon, of Northern Illinois, make the Cumberland Conference his field of labor. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.41

20. That C. Meleen, of the West Pennsylvania Conference make the Massachusetts Conference his field of labor. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.42

21. That Miss Lottie Bell, of California, connect with the work in the East Michigan Conference. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.43

22. That Earl Nichols, now with the Review and Herald Publishing Association, connect with the Canadian Publishing Association, Eastern Canada. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.44

23. That the Maine Conference be requested to release J. F. Piper to labor in the Western Washington Conference. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.45

24. That Chas. Everson, of Northern Illinois, make the Greater New York Conference his field of labor. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.46

25. That F. H. Hoxie, of East Michigan Conference, make the Northern Missouri Conference his field of labor. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.47

26. That N. P. Neilsen, of Greater New York, go to the Pacific Union Conference to labor. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.48

27. That Miss Florence White, of Ohio, connect with the Buena Vista Academy, Ontario. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.49

28. That the Greater New York Conference be requested to release A. V. Cotton, to labor in the Upper Columbia Union Conference. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.50

29. That M. C. Strachan, of the Southeastern Union, labor in the Southern Union Conference. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.51

30. That T. B. Buckner, of the Southern Union, make the Southeastern Union his field of labor. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.52

31. That E. L. Stewart, of West Michigan, make North Dakota his field of labor. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.53

32. That N. M. Jorgenson, of North Dakota, make West Michigan his field of labor. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.54

33. That J. L. McElhany, of the District of Columbia Conference, take the presidency of the Greater New York Conference. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.55

34. That H. C. J. Walleker, formerly of the East Caribbean Mission, make Greater New York his field of labor. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.56

35. That W. D. Parkhurst, of Iowa, make the Northern Missouri Conference his field of labor. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.57

On motion to adopt, the consideration of the report was deferred. GCB June 6, 1913, page 301.58

I. H. EVANS, Chairman;
W. A. SPICER, Secretary.