General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7




May 18, 8:30 A. M.

The morning hour was filled by Elder Loughborough with reminiscences of early experiences connected with the proclamation of the first and second angels’ messages during the great advent movement. As an introduction to his talk, he exhibited an old logical chart of the visions of Daniel and John, published by Joshua V. Himes in Boston. This chart, yellowed with age and exposure, awakens many memories in the minds of those who passed through the early advent movement, and is an inspiration to all who are still proclaiming prophetic truth. It arouses feelings similar to those aroused in the hearts of old warriors before whom is unfurled the banner of their regiment. This is the chart that was regarded by the Adventists generally as published in fulfillment of the prophecy of Habakkuk, that the vision should be written and made plain upon tables. (See The Spirit of Prophecy 4:241.) GCB May 19, 1913, page 33.3

Elder Loughborough dwelt at some length on the providences connected with the giving of the first angel’s message. Those who heard William Miller and his associates reading the solemn words, “Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come,” were deeply impressed, and many heeded the message, and endeavored to prepare for the coming judgment. GCB May 19, 1913, page 33.4

Some today suggest that William Miller did not really preach the first angel’s message, because he did not have the whole truth regarding the judgment. It is true that in his published “Lectures” (1840 edition) he does teach some theories that are not advocated today. But this is not surprising; for in every age God has used men who did not have all the truth. GCB May 19, 1913, page 33.5

Luther accomplished a mighty work for God, yet he did not teach the Sabbath truth. And whether William Miller had the whole truth on the judgment message or not, it remains a fact that he was used of God to lead out in the proclamation of the first angel’s message; and as he and his associates gave to this work their undivided energies, their words were accompanied with convicting power, and a mighty movement took place in fulfillment of prophecy. GCB May 19, 1913, page 33.6

The speaker touched upon the remarkable fact that the relationship between the prophetic periods of Daniel 8 and 9 was sealed until the beginning of the time of the end; and then, at the time appointed, these prophecies were unsealed, that all might have a full knowledge of the times and the seasons, and be prepared, as were the wise virgins, for the coming of their Lord. GCB May 19, 1913, page 33.7

The speaker also narrated experiences connected with the beginning of the midnight cry, and the giving of the second angel’s message of Revelation 14—the call out of Babylon. It was a time when the mighty movings of the Holy Spirit were revealed in manifold ways. The power of God was manifestly present in the meetings. Wrongs were righted; restitution was made; confessions were made by parents to children and children to parents. The believers were preparing to go out to meet the Bridegroom. They expected him at the appointed time, and they endeavored to get ready to greet him with joy. GCB May 19, 1913, page 33.8

The coming of the Lord is nearer than when we first believed. We should ever be in readiness for his return, so that when he does come, the angel that has guarded us all through life may guide us to the heavenly chariot, and accompany us to our beautiful home above. May this be the happy lot of every one of us. O, let us be of good courage in the Lord! GCB May 19, 1913, page 33.9