General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7



June 1, 8:30 A. M.

THE apostle John, in his first epistle to the church general, writes these words: GCB June 2, 1913, page 233.8

“That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life; (for the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and show unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;) that which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.” Verses 1-4. GCB June 2, 1913, page 233.9

It was the blessed privilege of the apostles to testify of what they had seen and heard, especially the privilege of John, who lived longer and testified, perhaps, more than any other. And the same motive that was in his heart to give to his hearers the benefit of all the encouragement, all the counsel, all the joy that he was able to convey to them, this same motive should prompt us in the words we speak to one another. And it is because of opportunities we have at general meetings to strengthen the faith and confidence of one another, that such gatherings as these are a blessing to the church. We assemble here and unite in prayer, unite in study, unite in seeking special help from God, and by his Holy Spirit he impresses hearts. And it is his will and purpose that we shall cherish the spirit of this meeting, that we shall remember the blessed things heard as expounded from the Word of God, and that we shall pray to God to help our memories, and to bless our tongues and our lips as we return home, that we may carry these messages to our friends and brethren. GCB June 2, 1913, page 233.10

It is my desire this morning to speak of some things connected with a vital interest of this work about which there are questions, about which with some there is uncertainty and perplexity. It is my hope that I may this morning present to you some statements which will confirm your faith, and which, repeated by you to others, will strengthen their faith in the solidity of this movement, in the clearness and consistency of the instruction which God has given us from time to time through the spirit of prophecy. My opportunity to speak to you this morning has come because the one who was appointed was called away unexpectedly; therefore, I have not had time to give as much study to the logical presentation of matters as I might otherwise have given. I feel that you are all my friends, and that you will value the things I read, without criticizing much the order in which they may be presented. GCB June 2, 1913, page 233.11

I will begin to read this morning just where I left off a few days ago, by reading a statement written by myself in answer to inquiries and questions regarding the influence of Sister White’s helpers over the testimonies. I read as follows:— GCB June 2, 1913, page 233.12

“The supposition that those who are closely associated with Sister White have a potent influence over the character and contents of the messages that she sends to the people, is not a new thought. In the days of Jeremiah, the princes questioned Baruch the scribe as to how he received and wrote the words of Jeremiah. They evidently suspected that he had brought in some of his own ideas. GCB June 2, 1913, page 233.13

“For many years there has been brought against the testimonies to the church the charge that some one has influenced Sister White to write as she has done. Referring to early experiences, mother wrote, June 20, 1882, as follows:— GCB June 2, 1913, page 233.14

“‘Many excused their disregard of the testimonies by saying, “Sister White is influenced by her husband; the testimonies are molded by his spirit and judgment.” Others were seeking to gain something from me which they could construe to justify their course, or to give them influence.’ GCB June 2, 1913, page 233.15

“In the early days of our denominational work, this experience was often repeated. Elder James White, in his preaching, brought out new expositions of Scripture, and new thoughts regarding the best way to advance the cause of present truth; and shortly afterward, Sister White, in her testimonies to the church, advocated the same doctrine and policies. Then the critics cried out, ‘Is it not evident that she is following the lead of her husband’s mind?’ GCB June 2, 1913, page 233.16

“But the true explanation of this was not difficult to find by those who sought it. The facts were these: The Lord had given to Sister White clear light regarding doctrines and policies. As this new light was given her, it was most natural that she should first tell it to her husband. Thus he learned enough about what had been revealed to her to give a new zest and direction to his studies, and a new mold and increased power to his discourses, and fresh vigor and greater breadth to his plans. Later on, when Sister White found time to write out her views for publication, they must necessarily agree with the teachings and plans of her husband, so far as his teachings and plans had been influenced by what he had learned from her. GCB June 2, 1913, page 233.17

“It was most natural that James and Ellen White should discuss freely and interestedly between themselves, plans and methods and ways and means for the advancement of the publishing work and the work of the ministers in the field, and that she should tell him of the views given her regarding the most effective methods of labor. As a result, he would shape his plans to harmonize with these views. Often his brethren would criticize these plans, which seemed too broad, and urge other policies. Then when Sister White was appealed to, and it was seen that her testimony was in harmony with the plans and teachings of her husband, some said, ‘She is influenced by him, her testimony is a transcript of her husband’s mind.’ GCB June 2, 1913, page 233.18

“As James White gained experience and confidence as a leader, he sometimes made plans and inaugurated policies that were not in harmony with instruction given to his wife. But when reproved or instructed, through the testimonies to the church, for his error, he was quick to respond to counsel or reproof, and hearty in his confession of error.... GCB June 2, 1913, page 233.19

“From 1903 to 1909 the thought was entertained by some that Sister White’s movements, her testimonies, and her attitude toward certain men and enterprises, were largely influenced by the president of the General Conference, and by the editor of the Review. GCB June 2, 1913, page 233.20

“The facts regarding this matter are that the views of these men, and the views of many of their associates, have been largely influenced by the written testimonies which they have received and read, and by the oral messages given them, in which they were warned of perils that threatened the church of God, and were charged in the most solemn manner to stand as faithful sentinels and wide-awake watchmen, guarding, warning, and protecting the church against the many wily attacks of the enemy. GCB June 2, 1913, page 233.21

“Many times I carried messages from Sister White to Elder Daniells, to Elder Prescott, and to other brethren in leading positions of responsibility, asking them to visit her, and I have been present as a learner and as a witness at the interviews. During these interviews, she would question them regarding their plans and policies, and would relate to them what the Lord had shown to her regarding the work to be done, and the dangers and perils that surrounded the church, and the difficulties that confronted the various branches of its work. Often have I heard these men warned of the subtle and secret workings of the enemy to undermine the faith of our people in the peculiar truths which make us Seventh-day Adventists, and of his efforts to bring in discord that would rob the church of its strength. I have repeatedly heard the charge most solemnly given to Elder Daniells and Elder Prescott, that they must stand in defense of the truth, and must do all in their power to save the people from deception. GCB June 2, 1913, page 233.22

“Having had this experience, it seems to be plainly my duty to testify that these men have not, as some have supposed, led Sister White to take strong positions to harmonize with their minds and their views; but that they were led to take strong positions because they heard and heeded the solemn messages borne to them by her. GCB June 2, 1913, page 234.1

“I have known of messages of warning being sent to these men, pointing out that in their conference connection with ambitious leaders in certain branches of the work, there were dangers that they had not discovered. I have seen them read reproofs to themselves and to others, regarding the popular and accepted policies for the conduct of the publishing work and the medical work, and I have known of the struggle it cost them do decide that they would act upon the counsel received. I have knelt with them in prayer, and have heard their humble pleadings for grace to give up their will and way, and for strength and wisdom front on high to follow the course marked out for them. GCB June 2, 1913, page 234.2

“Regarding the development of our institutional work in Washington, D. C., it is my duty to testify that I had abundant opportunity to know that Sister White’s visits to Washington, her interest in the institutions there, and her anxiety that the sanitarium and the nurses’ training-school should be quickly put upon a strong footing, were the result of revelations from God, and not the result of the influence of men.” GCB June 2, 1913, page 234.3

Regarding the interest that Sister White feels for the work in the Southern States, it can truly be said that the intense interest which she manifested in the upbuilding of the Nashville publishing house, the Graysville school, the Graysville Sanitarium, the Huntsville school and sanitarium, the Nashville Sanitarium, and in the Madison school, was the result of revelations from God, and not, as some would say, enthusiasm aroused by appeals and representations of men. GCB June 2, 1913, page 234.4

But the question will be raised, Has not Sister White changed in her attitude toward some of our educational institutions? Has she not changed in her attitude toward some of those sanitariums?—No, I know of no change. Having loved our institutions, she loves them to the end. “How is it, then,” some have asked me, “that there are plans for closing some of them that are not succeeding financially? We hear that some of them are tottering, and will be closed unless the denomination puts its strong arm underneath to sustain them. Why is this?” GCB June 2, 1913, page 234.5

Now, brethren, let me illustrate by the experience of the Battle Creek Sanitarium. You who have read the early testimonies know very well the clearness, the strength, the earnestness of the appeals given to this people to establish a medical institution where the sick could come to be healed, and, while receiving the care of the most skillful physicians and nurses, be brought in daily contact with men and women who have strong faith in God, and who manifest by their lives that they have a hold upon Heaven, people who will lend their influence to encourage these patients to lay hold on God. You know the strength of these appeals, and also that Elder Loughborough and my mother and father and others put their whole heart into the work of establishing that institution. As it grew, demands came from the patients for more room and better accommodations. Then, without fully counting the cost, men began a new building. It was a good plan, and would have been a very good building if completed; but when it was partially completed, there came one of those crises which sometimes manifest themselves in our work. The work of building stopped. As my father and others studied the financial situation, they said, “It is hopeless to undertake to erect such a large building.” After one or two years, father called for workers to come with their pickaxes, crowbars, and shovels, and to tear that structure down. GCB June 2, 1913, page 234.6

It was not more than a year after this that my father saw his mistake, and felt deeply to regret that he had lifted his hand to undo that which had been begun. I have often heard him say, “If I had only waited; if I had only taken a broader and brighter view; if I had only had more faith that God would send us a strong management, I never would have lifted my hand to tear down that basement.” GCB June 2, 1913, page 234.7

Afterward, on the same ground, a larger building was constructed, and a greater work was done. This, in my mind, is a lesson with reference to other institutions that may be in financial perplexity. Let us have faith in God, and let us hold on to that which is most valuable. The most valuable thing of all in an institution of this character is the good will and confidence of the people. Let us hold on to the good will of the people. And if, because of lack of men to furnish strong management and efficient workers, we have to close some of them for a time, let us wait patiently until God gives us the men to open them again. Let us not tear them down, or give them away, or sell them. Such is the lesson from the earlier history of the Battle Creek Sanitarium. I think of it often in connection with some things we hear regarding the necessity of closing some of our institutions. GCB June 2, 1913, page 234.8

Has Sister White changed in her interest in the Graysville school? No! In the Graysville Sanitarium? No! Has she less interest in the success of the Nashville Sanitarium—No! Has she changed her views regarding the necessity and value of such an institution?—No, not at all! It may have been said by those who are perplexed over the great effort we are making to raise funds for the home and foreign mission work that if Sister White saw things then as she sees them now she would not have written as she did about the Madison school and other schools of that character. This is only a supposition. We have nothing from her pen, or from her, to intimate any such theory. GCB June 2, 1913, page 234.9

Have Sister White’s views changed regarding our schools because some schools have been located unfortunately; because some have been built where they are not needed?—No. She is sorry for every mistake that wastes the resources and mars the reputation of God’s cause. But her views are not changed with regard to the great work we are doing in educating our children and training them to enter the great army of God’s missionaries going to the ends of the earth. GCB June 2, 1913, page 234.10

Have Sister White’s views changed with regard to the value of establishing schools in the Central American republics and other child nations where education is necessary as a basis for successful evangelization? Have Sister White’s views changed because of some sad experiences like that in Spanish Honduras?—No! No! She is sorry for the mistakes that mortal man makes in carrying on God’s work, but her views of God’s work have not changed. GCB June 2, 1913, page 234.11

She has not changed her views with regard to the necessity of encouraging men and women in different States to leave their homes and go out into the unoccupied parts of their own State, or of other States where there are no Sabbath-keepers, and starting interests in these localities. We may hear from our conference officers that there are fifteen or twenty counties in their fields which have never been worked. Why do we not get men to go with their families into those unworked sections and hold aloft the torch of truth? Our time to work is growing short. God help us to have largeness of heart, and encourage the sowing beside all waters. GCB June 2, 1913, page 234.12

There is one question that a good many ministers and some laymen present to me: “Is everything that Sister White says or writes, inspired? Is everything that she writes in her articles, revelation?” Now I might say much about this, but I think it would be of more value to you, for me to read to you some things she has written. I hold in my hand a letter addressed to a physician, bearing date of June 14, 1906:— GCB June 2, 1913, page 234.13

“Dear Brother: Your letter came to me while in Southern California. For some weeks the consideration of matters connected with the development of our sanitarium work, and the writing out of the views given me regarding the earthquake and its lessons, have taken my time and strength. But now I must respond to the letters received from you and others. In your letter you speak of your early training to have implicit faith in the testimonies, and say: ‘I was led to conclude and most firmly believe that every word you ever spoke in public or private, that every letter you wrote under any and all circumstances, was as inspired as the ten commandments.’ GCB June 2, 1913, page 234.14

“My brother, you have studied my writings diligently, and you have never found that I have made any such claims, neither will you find that the pioneers in our cause ever made such claims. In my preface to ‘Great Controversy,’ you have no doubt read my statement regarding the ten commandments and the Bible, which should have helped you to a correct understanding of the matter under consideration.” GCB June 2, 1913, page 234.15

Here is the statement. Please do not forget what I am reading. Most of you have “Great Controversy” in your homes. You will find this statement in the introduction. That introduction is worthy of much more study than it has received. Carefully studied, it will answer many of the questions that arise over this subject. GCB June 2, 1913, page 234.16

Quoting from this introduction to “Great Controversy,” she wrote:— GCB June 2, 1913, page 235.1

“The Bible points to God as its Author; yet it was written by human hands; and in the varied style of its different books it presents the characteristics of the several writers. The truths revealed are all ‘given by inspiration of God;’ yet they are expressed in the words of men. The Infinite One, by his Holy Spirit, has shed light into the minds and hearts of his servants. He has given dreams and visions, symbols and figures, and those to whom the truth was thus revealed have themselves embodied the thought in human language. The ten commandments were spoken by God himself, and were written by his own hand. They are of divine, and not human, composition. But the Bible, with its God-given truths, expressed in the language of men, presents a union of the divine and the human. Such a union existed in the nature of Christ, who was the Son of God and the Son of man. Thus it is true of the Bible, as it was of Christ, that ‘the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.’ Written in different ages, by men who differed widely in rank and occupation, and in mental and spiritual endowments, the books of the Bible present a wide contrast in style, as well as a diversity in the nature of the subjects unfolded. Different forms of expression are employed by different writers; often the same truth is more strikingly presented by one than by another. And as several writers present a subject under varied aspects and relations, there may appear to the superficial, careless, or prejudiced reader, to be discrepancy or contradiction, where the thoughtful, reverent student, with clearer insight, discerns the underlying harmony. GCB June 2, 1913, page 235.2

“As presented through different individuals, the truth is brought out in its varied aspects. One writer is more strongly impressed with one phase of a subject. He grasps those points that harmonize with his experience or with his power of perception and appreciation; another seizes upon a different phase, and each, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, presents what is most forcibly impressed upon his own mind; a different aspect of the truth in each, but a perfect harmony through all. And the truths thus revealed, unite to form a perfect whole, adapted to meet the wants of men in all the circumstances and experiences of life. GCB June 2, 1913, page 235.3

“God has been pleased to communicate his truth to the world by human agencies, and he himself, by his Holy Spirit, qualified men and enabled them to do this work. He guided the mind in the selection of what to speak and what to write. The treasure was entrusted to earthen vessels; yet it is none the less from Heaven. The testimony is conveyed through the imperfect expression of human language; yet it is the testimony of God; and the obedient, believing child of God beholds in it the glory of a divine power, full of grace and truth.” GCB June 2, 1913, page 235.4

It is my belief, brethren, that if we faithfully study these statements regarding the method by which God communicates to his servant, and the method of writing out the light imparted, that we will find an answer to many of our questions regarding the character of the writings of Mrs. White. GCB June 2, 1913, page 235.5

(Proceeding with the letter):— GCB June 2, 1913, page 235.6

“In perfect harmony with this, are my statements found in the article, ‘The Testimonies Slighted,’ written June 20, 1882, and published in Testimonies for the Church 5:62-84. From this I quote, for your consideration, several paragraphs:— GCB June 2, 1913, page 235.7

“‘Many excuse their disregard of the testimonies by saying, “Sister White is influenced by her husband; the testimonies are molded by his spirit and Judgement.” Others are seeking to gain something from me which they could construe to justify their course, or to give them influence. It was then decided that nothing more should go from my pen until the converting power of God was seen in the church. But the Lord placed the burden upon my soul. I labored for you earnestly. How much this cost both my husband and myself, eternity will tell. Have I not a knowledge of the state of the church, when the Lord has presented their case before me again and again for years? Repeated warnings have been given, yet there has been no decided change.’ GCB June 2, 1913, page 235.8

“‘Yet now when I send you a testimony of warning and reproof, many of you declare it to be the opinion of Sister White. You have thereby insulted the Spirit of God. You know how the Lord has manifested Himself though the spirit of prophecy. Past, present, and future have passed before me. I have been shown faces that I had never seen, and years afterward I knew them when I saw them. I have been aroused from my sleep with a vivid sense of subjects previously presented to my mind; and I have written at midnight, letters that have gone across the continent, and, arriving at a crisis, have saved great disaster to the cause of God. This has been my work for many years. A power has impelled me to reprove and rebuke wrongs that I had not thought of. Is this work of the last thirty-five years from above, or from beneath? GCB June 2, 1913, page 235.9

“‘When I went to Colorado, I was so burdened for you that, in my weakness, I wrote many pages to be read at your camp-meeting. Weak and trembling, I arose at three o’clock in the morning, to write to you. God was speaking through clay. You might say that this communication was only a letter. Yes, it was a letter, but prompted by the Spirit of God, to bring before your minds things that had been shown me. In these letters which I write, in the testimonies I bear, I am presenting to you that which the Lord has presented to me. I do not write one article in the paper, expressing merely my own ideas. They are what God has opened before me in vision—the precious rays of light shining from the throne.’” GCB June 2, 1913, page 235.10

I will not read further, as time is passing. GCB June 2, 1913, page 235.11

From my conversations with men and women, I have learned that many understand this last statement to mean that every article, every testimony, is the writing out of a presentation given just then and there; and therefore some conclude that because they continue to see articles in the papers, mother is writing today just as much as she used to write years ago. GCB June 2, 1913, page 235.12

The facts are these: At the present time mother is writing very little. But during many years of service, her work was done on this wise: Oftentimes mother’s mind was directed in the early morning to some particular subject. Sometimes the angel would awaken her as if some one touched her, and the message would be given, Write what I revealed to you at such and such a time regarding such and such a church or conference or movement. She would quickly arise and dress, and undertake the writing without delay. As she began, the matter was all fresh in her mind, just as it had been presented years before; and she would write on, page after page, and page after page. Growing weary, she would stop and rest, sometimes sitting in her chair, waiting a few minutes, thinking of what was to follow. Then again another view was flashed upon her memory, and she would write on and on until she became weary, and rested for a time; or perhaps she would write until the subject was entirely finished. GCB June 2, 1913, page 235.13

At other times letters came stating conditions in certain conferences or churches or institutions; and these brought to her memory that which had been revealed to her six months before, or three years before, or six years before, as the case might be, regarding the future of that conference or church or enterprise. In many of the views, it has been presented before her that if the brethren would take such and such a course, certain results would follow; and that if they would take another course, other results would follow. Under such circumstances, she would write out from memory the instruction that had been given her years before. GCB June 2, 1913, page 235.14

With reference to her recent articles, I may say that about six years ago, when her activities in traveling and in holding meetings were growing less, she devoted much time to the reading of what had been written in former years. When we copy her writings, we place one copy in the office file, and one copy we bind up and place in her room. Day after day, and week after week, she would take those bound volumes of manuscripts, and search through them, and mark certain articles, saying, “This must be published.” Some pages she would interline, and to some articles she would add pages of manuscript, and then pass them out to us with instruction that they should find a place in our papers as soon as we could copy them and they were found to be needed. GCB June 2, 1913, page 235.15

As her strength has grown less, she has depended more upon her helpers in the matter of selecting material. She gives general instruction, “Find what I have written on such and such subjects, and offer it to the Review.” Or, “Find what I have written on such and such subjects, and offer it to the Signs of the Times.” And so, as her strength is less, she depends more than formerly upon her workers to make the selection of material. GCB June 2, 1913, page 235.16

Sometimes the editors of our papers feel the need of articles on certain subjects, and they write to us, “May we feel free to reprint what appeared in the Review (or Signs of the Times) years ago?” We usually reply, “Yes; use your judgment.” At other times they tell us what they think is the need of the people, and we search in the manuscript files and find some precious document that contains the very warning and counsel that it is felt the people need. This is prepared for publication in article form, and sent forward. Thus there is a harmony of plan and a hearty cooperation in the work, and we who are helpers in this work find that it is a blessed privilege to have a part in it. GCB June 2, 1913, page 235.17



Sabbath afternoon, May 31, at 6 P. M., a meeting of students who had been attending our schools during the last year was called. GCB June 2, 1913, page 236.1

A. G. Daniells: For a number of days I have been wishing that we might get all the students who are on the ground together for a little heart-to-heart talk. So, without any previous arrangement, I had the announcement made. I am sorry we did not think of it a few days ago, so that it might have been better understood. And, too, I wished to have our teachers get together, that we might see them, and that all the students might see the presidents of our schools and members of faculties in different parts of the country. GCB June 2, 1913, page 236.2

The object of this meeting is not merely to see one another, but I feel like making an earnest appeal to you young men and young women that are here today. I want to impress upon you in just a word my earnest desire that you shall stand by this truth and this work that has called us out, that you shall stand by the principles set forth in the schools you have been attending the past year. We cannot thank the Lord enough for the blessings and the privileges of Christian schools, for the good instruction we have received in them in addition to the teaching from the text-books. We have had set before us the truth regarding God, regarding the inspiration of the Bible, God’s message to men and to the world, and we have all been taught that now, today God has a message being given to all the world, a special work for this time; and I have been wondering as I have thought it over, how many of the students in these schools will stand by this message and this movement and devote their lives to it. I wish that every one would do so. I know something of the value of this work, dear friends. I have watched young men and young women for more than a quarter of a century. I have seen some drop out, while some have consecrated their service to the message and held their consecration. I have seen others begin to waver, and then fail. I have watched the end of these two classes, and I want to tell you today that the blessing of the Almighty stayed with those who have stood by the movement. GCB June 2, 1913, page 236.3


I know that faithful work has been done in the schools. You have had placed before you these things in a prayerful way. Your teachers have prayed for you; these presidents of schools and members of faculties who are here today are more anxious than words can express that the young men and young women who have been in our schools shall stand by the principles set forth. We want you to know that you are not forgotten individually. We want you to know that we want to see you in this great movement, active and earnest. We want to see you doing that which God created you to do. We want to see you filling a place of value in the work, growing and prospering as preachers or teachers or nurses or Bible workers,—something in the work of God, helping by your might, your talents, your time, your efforts, to carry this work on to a glorious finish. Will you stand by? Will you stay with it? That is all I wish to say today. If you have not made the resolution, will you not make it on this ground, that, God helping you, you will never turn from this truth and this work? GCB June 2, 1913, page 236.4

I have not told a single teacher here that I am going to give opportunity for them to speak a few words to this student body from these various schools, but we will begin with the secretary of the Department of Education. GCB June 2, 1913, page 236.5

H. R. Salisbury: I have just come from a reunion of old Battle Creek students that has been going on in the Religious Liberty tent. The old students of that school are today the leaders of our work, from the president of the General Conference down through all its departments. It is a marvelous thing to see what God has done with students who gave themselves to Christ in that college, and they have been used by him in the work ever since. There were those over at the tent bent with age, very white, and there were some of them younger. Some were not present this afternoon, because of having gone to their long rest in Jesus Christ. The testimonies borne over there this afternoon showed that these have followed Christ all these years. And now this great battle is about to close. I hope that you will this afternoon consecrate yourselves, every one of you, to God, to be used of him in extending this glorious news of a soon-coming Saviour. I hope this company of students, as you go back to your various schools, will use your best efforts and your example to bring a better knowledge of the principles of Christian education to others, that they, too, may enjoy the blessed fellowship of Christ, and have places in the Master’s service with you. GCB June 2, 1913, page 236.6

C. C. Lewis: In this meeting to which Professor Salisbury has referred, of the Battle Creek College students and teachers, one thing was very noticeable of those who bore their testimony that while they had forgotten many if not most of the lessons that they learned from books in the Battle Creek College, the thing which had stayed with them all through these years is the Christian experience that they there attained, the religious influence that they there received, the influence of the Friday-night meetings, and especially the impression upon their characters of the godly lives of many of their teachers. These are the influences that stay with us to the end. Some one has said that every young man and every young woman ought in early life to attach himself to some noble cause, to which he may give his best efforts, his best thought, for which he may sacrifice, if need be, life itself. We have such a cause. It embraces in it all these noble things for which men are giving their lives. How many there are who give their lives to the cause of temperance! This is a noble cause; it is worthy of the best efforts of any man. We have that, with many other causes, all embraced in this one glorious message. It is something worth living for, something worth working for, something worth sacrificing for, something worth dying for. Let us be true to this noble cause. GCB June 2, 1913, page 236.7

Frederick Griggs: The third angel’s message is the greatest message, the greatest proclamation, the greatest work that has ever been put before the world. As Professor Lewis has said, in it are embodied all the great upward movements of all times. Our schools are the heart of this message. In these schools there should be a deeper study, on the part of students and teachers, into the things of God, of heaven, and of our relation to mankind. The outpouring of God’s Spirit upon his people, the descent of the Holy Ghost for greater power and greater efficiency, is now due. It depends upon our teachers, it depends upon our students, very largely, to see that this is brought to this work, associated together as we are day by day in close relationship in class study, with opportunities for prayer, for the study of God’s Word, for earnest Christian service, and for missionary work. Thus, we need to consecrate ourselves to God in a manner that was not equaled even by the ancient schools of the prophets. If this work is finished, as we expect it to be finished, I believe it will be finished because of this deep, sincere consecration. May God help us to make it here. May God help us to carry this spirit back with us into our schools another year. May God place upon you students here a burden to bring every young person in this denomination into our schools. May God help you to make our schools what he designs them to be, as I have said, the heart of this great message. GCB June 2, 1913, page 237.1

A. G. Daniells: One of the oldest of our presidents is Professor Hughes, of Keene Academy. GCB June 2, 1913, page 237.2


C. B. Hughes: Four years ago, when I was on my way to the General Conference from Jamaica, I was given a berth in the forward part of the boat, from which I could look out upon the forward deck. I considered that quite fortunate. We generally have only one port-hole, but I had two. There was a disadvantage in case of disaster,—I was in the forward part of the ship, and if we should meet some other boat in collision, or if we should go upon the rocks, I was not in a very good place. I do not know why I should have had such thoughts; for I had traveled many thousands of miles and never had even been in a storm. While I was thinking about it, there rang out these words, “The lights are burning bright, sir.” I looked out of the forward port-hole to see who had spoken, and saw a young man on the deck. I watched him, and saw that he was pacing back and forth across the deck. When the bell struck, he would look over the side of the boat at the lights, and then turn back to the man on the deck, and say, “The lights are burning bright, sir.” I felt comforted. I thought, There is that young man out on the deck looking after the lights and keeping things in shape, associated with others who are there. And then my mind turned to the great numbers of our young people who are with us on the old ship Zion, and I thought, How much we depend upon them to keep their eyes fixed upon the lights! What a comfort. what a solace, it is to us in the midst of all the vicissitudes of life, to know that their eyes are fixed upon the light, and to have the assurance from them that the lights are burning bright? GCB June 2, 1913, page 237.3

You little realize, young people, how much we depend upon you. I ofttimes tell my students in school that they come to school to be helped by the teachers. But the teachers are helped by the students. We are associated together in this great work, teachers and students, and I am very glad indeed that the thought has come to Brother Daniells to call these young people here together; for we depend upon you, and God is looking to you. “It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth.” May God bless us all, and at last bring us home to himself. GCB June 2, 1913, page 237.4

A. G. Daniells: Professor Irwin, of the Pacific Union College. GCB June 2, 1913, page 237.5

C. W. Irwin: I wish, first of all, to say Amen to all that has been said by those who have preceded me. I presume it is an old saying that the greatest asset this people has is its young people. I have been thinking of it this afternoon. While we were attending the reunion of the old Battle Creek College students, I was more and more impressed with that fact. While the men and women who were at that reunion this afternoon are not young men and women, there was a time when they were, and some one remarked, “What a blow if all the workers who have attended Battle Creek College and who are now laboring in this great cause, were struck out of this work!” Why, it would start with the president of the General Conference, and go right down through. It would be an immense loss to this work if those students were to leave the work of God at this time. Now, what those men who attended Battle Creek College have done, those who are present here this afternoon can do in the future. I have thought what a great work may be accomplished by this body of young men and women who are here, if wholly consecrated to God. GCB June 2, 1913, page 238.1

I know of no trait of character that works more for the things of God than loyalty. And those students who are loyal to the school they attend will be loyal to the message in after years. Those students who shirked in their school days, who caused trouble, who took the wrong side of every controversy, were the young men and women who dropped out of the work of God; but those who were loyal and true in every crisis are loyal and true today. GCB June 2, 1913, page 238.2

The great work that we have to accomplish at this time lies outside of this country, in the great mission fields. We must send forth an army of young men and women to do this work. They must learn difficult languages; and only young people can learn them. Of course we have to send tried men of experience to lead out in the work, but we must have hundreds of young people to go into the fields and learn the languages and spread the truth. We all look forward to the close of this work. We have passed through vicissitudes and sorrows of various kinds, and we look forward to the completion of this work. And it rests largely with these dear young friends to bring this great work to a speedy consummation. I believe that work must begin in our schools. As we have been told in the testimonies, the schools of the prophets are the examples we are to follow in our own schools. When the time comes that every student and every teacher is filled with this truth, the work will be done quickly. Then God will pour out his Spirit, and the loud cry will be given by our young people. I am looking forward to the great day when this work shall be consummated in the earth. GCB June 2, 1913, page 238.3

A. G. Daniells: Dear friends, let us stand by it. I want to tell you that the words of these noble men who are speaking to you make my heart burn with the resolution that, God helping me, I will stay by this work. Now, will you make that resolution? We will ask Professor Machlan, who has recently come from the Avondale College (Australia), and is now principal of the South Lancaster Academy, to speak. GCB June 2, 1913, page 238.4

B. F. Machlan: A few years ago there came into my hands a few manuscript pages of the book, “Ministry of Healing,” and with those pages came a great inspiration. There was a thought there that especially burned into my memory. It was this: “Every son and daughter of God is called to be a missionary. They are called to the service of God and their fellow men, and to fit them for this service should be the object of their education.” It seemed to me as I read those words that my life ought to be more closely related to God if I should be connected with the young people who had for their purpose the service of God and their fellow men. It said, also, that we are to stand by the side of Christ in unselfish service. And, O, my dear young men and young women, what a privilege to stand by the side of Christ in unselfish service! As I sat here this afternoon, and looked into your faces, and as Elder Daniells spoke to you, the thought came into my mind that a general gets his forces together, in order to inspire confidence and to understand what he has to work with. He brings his whole army on review. Here we are, recruits for the army of God; and here we are, reviewing. What an inspiration it is to know that every soul here has for his object “the service of God and his fellow men.” May God help you, and may God help me, to stand by this cause, to do the work of God, to do service for God and our fellow men, until Jesus comes! GCB June 2, 1913, page 238.5

A. G. Daniells: We will ask Professor M. E. Kern, the president of our Foreign Mission Seminary, to speak. GCB June 2, 1913, page 238.6


M. E. Kern: I think we are a specially privileged class, both teachers and students. As I contrast our ideals and purposes with those held up before the students of other schools, I think our students are especially privileged. [Many amens.] And as I think back over my own privileges in one of our schools, it seems to me I would have been an ingrate if I had not yielded myself to the good influences thrown about me, and dedicated myself to this work. I think that the young men and the young women who have these privileges and do not yield to the influence of God’s Spirit and give themselves wholly to this work, are surely making a tremendous mistake. Life holds no privilege more precious than to serve in behalf of the lost. We see men in the world—and students, too—striving for this thing or that thing. Many are striving to make a living, or to find a high place in life. But in our schools, we are striving to make, first of all, a life worth living, a life that will yield fruit in the salvation of other souls in the kingdom of God. GCB June 2, 1913, page 238.7

I think we, as teachers, are especially privileged to be able to work with the noble class of young men and women that we have in our denomination. I count it the highest privilege and joy of my life to have spent so many years in association with young men and young women who have a holy ambition, an ambition to be all that God would have them be, and to do what he would have them do. To be able to help such young people along and give them the right start in life, and to help point them to the right way, has been, indeed, a great privilege. I know there is hard work before us. There are the great unentered fields in regions beyond. I would like to leave these words with you, the words of that noble missionary, Falconer, who gave his life to the Mohammedan world, “The burden of proof rests with us that God has not called us to give ourselves to this work.” GCB June 2, 1913, page 238.8

A. G. Daniells: Professor Lucas, from San Fernando Academy, in Southern California, will now speak to us. GCB June 2, 1913, page 238.9

H. G. Lucas: I believe that success in education comes when we take God’s standard set down for our young people. When I go among the parents of the young people in the conference, I tell them that God has given them their children that they may educate them for his service. And when those young people are sent to our schools, I feel that the Lord holds me responsible for setting before them God’s own standard of education,—his standard in the subject-matter and his standard in administration. The Lord has laid down certain rules that we are to follow. He has told us in the testimonies some of the dangers that young men and women meet. So I feel that in our schools we must have standards of administration that will show we are believing what we are preaching, and that we eliminate from our curriculum all that pertains to foolishness. In my work at the San Fernando Academy, I have studied on this standard of administration. Of the young people that went out from our school, there are now about twenty-five in the foreign fields, and seventy-five in the home land in the work of God. It is God’s cause that we have been studying to advance there, and he has given us good success. GCB June 2, 1913, page 238.10

A. G. Daniells: In the State of Iowa we have a school that stands, I believe, for the State itself. Professor Lamson has charge of that school. GCB June 2, 1913, page 238.11

J. G. Lamson: I think if there is one word above another I would like to leave with you students today, it is that it is not necessarily a failure of life’s work because a person may have made some failures in school. GCB June 2, 1913, page 238.12

I should have been glad to be present at that Battle Creek College reunion today, and to look into the faces of that body of men and women who attended school there. I am sure that if I had, many little incidents would have come to my mind of wrong courses followed by many of the students there in the past. A wrong course in school does not fit an individual for life work, but sometimes individuals can use mistakes they have made, as stepping-stones to a better life. So do not become discouraged if you have taken a wrong course. When the wrong is discerned, turn square about. GCB June 2, 1913, page 239.1

Friday-night meetings have been the inspiration of more than one heart. The boys and girls who came to them always say, “I never can forget those meetings.” These meetings are a great inspiration for good in the students’ lives. I wonder if the students knew the burden their teachers bear in presenting them before the Lord, the many heart-breaking prayers they offer in their behalf. Very few know the long hours these teachers have spent upon their knees praying to God to win those boys and girls, and their sorrow when students return home with hearts untouched. We can then only pray the Lord to give us another chance, to send them back another year. GCB June 2, 1913, page 239.2

Conference presidents have come to me on this ground and said: “We want young men and young women for the work. Can you give us a young man that we can place in the ministry?” I was never in a conference where there was a harder pull by conference presidents to get workers than here. They have come asking for bookkeepers, stenographers, and Bible workers. When this word comes to me, I ask myself, “Have you used every opportunity, and done all you could to get men and women ready for this great cause?” It makes me sad when I think that I might have done more. May God grant me in the years to come more power to reach the hearts of the students placed in my keeping. GCB June 2, 1913, page 239.3

A. G. Daniells: This is my twenty-second year as president of some conference, and I can say that during the last two years the demands for efficient men and women workers in this cause have been the most pressing of the twenty-two years. It is a marvelous thing that, with all the schools we have and the thousands that are going into the work, the demands for efficient workers are today beyond anything in our history. There is a place for you, young friends, a place for you. God is preparing it, and he is calling you to it. GCB June 2, 1913, page 239.4

I do not see Professor Kellogg, of the Walla Walla College, here, but I do see Professor Cady, one of our oldest teachers in that school. I would like to have him say a word. GCB June 2, 1913, page 239.5

M. E. Cady: I have had connection with recruiting stations for our work in the field for ten years. In the past two years I have not been directly connected with our college, but somehow, as I view the situation, I am convinced that God is mustering his army for the final conflict. When I think, from the reports we have heard in this Conference, that twenty-six thousand of our children and youth are attending our schools, it seems to me that it is an omen which should greatly encourage us. Of these, perhaps fifteen thousand are in our church-schools, and about five thousand in our colleges, and outside of this there are some six thousand in other schools. May God hasten the day when, a hundred thousand strong, we may march against the fortresses of the enemy. I believe that under God these schools are calculated to turn out a mighty army to finish this work. GCB June 2, 1913, page 239.6

In the early history of our denominational work we had but one college, that of Battle Creek; then Healdsburg College was added, and, later, South Lancaster Academy. Then we went on for several years, until Keene Academy, Walla Walla College, Union College, and Mt. Vernon Academy were added. Then came this message from the spirit of prophecy, that this land should be dotted all over with schools before this work closed. And when these other schools I have just mentioned were established, Professor Prescott said, “It looks now as though that message is just about fulfilled.” But now we have probably more than threescore colleges and academies in our land. GCB June 2, 1913, page 239.7

God has told us that we should have intermediate schools, and then, in a later message, the Lord said that the reserve force that is going to take part in the final conflict are the children that are taught in our church-schools. Just think of that statement in Volume VI (I am not giving the exact words): When the older ones, or public workers, are not permitted longer to speak the truth in a public way, because of religious legislation, then the Spirit of God will come upon the children, and they will rise up and give the message. Now I look upon the children as the reserve force that God is going to call into action when it seems as though all our efforts are paralyzed. And we are told that as the children shouted hosannas when the Lord Jesus entered Jerusalem, so children’s voices in these last days will be raised to give the message. GCB June 2, 1913, page 239.8

Now I do pray that God will help us as teachers to be faithful in our work. We are reformers. God has called us out of the world. And I believe that Christian education is just as truly a part of the message as any other part of the work. And I want to be faithful in the part I have to do. I want to encourage young men and young women to give themselves to God, to be mustered into this great army of God. GCB June 2, 1913, page 239.9

A. G. Daniells: We would like to hear from many more, but our time will not permit tonight. Sister Peck, we would like to hear from you. GCB June 2, 1913, page 239.10

Miss Sara E. Peck: I certainly feel that this motto which we have had before us these days, is a motto that appeals to every one, from the youngest to the oldest, “The third angel’s message to the world in this generation.” When I think that the Lord has given not only to the older ones, but to every child, a part in this work, it is a thing to be thankful for. I know that, for my own part, I am grateful that I can have a part in this closing work; and, with the children, it is my prayer that we may all be faithful until the work shall be finished; that when the glad reunion comes, we can all go home,—the children, the older ones, the teachers, the school boards, and all the people in our ranks. GCB June 2, 1913, page 239.11

A. G. Daniells: We must have a word from Professor Benson, of Japan. GCB June 2, 1913, page 239.12

H. F. Benson: I thought I would be permitted to be seen, and not heard. But I would like to ask if there are not quite a number of young men and young women in this company who would be ready for the ship which sails, I think, the twenty-third of August, from San Francisco, for Japan. There is quite a company going to China at that time, and we would like to get up just as large a company for Japan. Elder Lewis said that every young person should identify himself with some great cause. Now we are all identified with one great cause; and I hope there will be some six or eight young men and young women who will identify themselves with the cause of giving the message to Japan. We have room for a large number, and we need you badly, more than you are needed in the home field. And I do pray that a large number will give themselves to the cause in Japan. And the Lord will truly bless you, as he has blessed us, and blessed all who have been there. The people may be hard to reach, but the Lord’s strength is sufficient for all. In closing, I do hope that with you all we may receive of the Lord’s Holy Spirit; that we may consecrate ourselves to his work, and be ready to go wherever he wants us to go. GCB June 2, 1913, page 239.13