General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7


W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, C. C. Crisler, T. E. Bowen, H. E. Rogers, J. N. Anderson

May 29, 7:30 P. M.

The sermon, by Elder M. C. Wilcox, was an appeal for growth and advancement in religious experience and knowledge. The text used was Mark 16:6, 7. GCB June 1, 1913, page 221.14

It is not in negations, it is not in empty forms, it is not in mere materials, it is not in holy places, it is not in the dead past, that we are to get life, and glory, and power in Christian service. The message we are to proclaim to the world is a positive message, the everlasting gospel. GCB June 1, 1913, page 221.15

We thank God for the past, and all its precious experiences; we thank God for Abraham, for Israel, for Daniel, for John, for Luther, for William Miller, for James White, but we cannot be saved by their faith. While we thank God for the past, we must go on and on. Our faith must advance. There is no life in these past experiences as recorded as past history, as past things. GCB June 1, 1913, page 221.16

The Jews trusted in the past; we must not do so. The foundations of the past must be united with the mighty present truth of today. The danger in looking at the past is that we become satisfied. God takes no pleasure in such a people. We must not stop; we must go on. GCB June 1, 1913, page 221.17

In Luke 5:37 and onward we have the parable of the new wine in the old wine-skins, which could not contain the new wine. The reason why many cannot receive the live, expansive gospel today is because they are old wine-skins; they are creed bound. But he who gives the new wine can make the old wine-skins new. GCB June 1, 1913, page 221.18

Creeds shut out the light of God’s truth today from many, just as the old Jewish customs shut from the Jews the living truth. GCB June 1, 1913, page 221.19

We cannot live in the past; we must live in the now. The exercise of our faith must be now. We cannot rest in the fact that Christ saved us ten years ago; he must save us now. Forgiveness of sins forty years ago is not sufficient now; we must be forgiven now. The message we preach must be the living, vital message of today. It was new to Elder Bates when it began, and it must be new to us today. GCB June 1, 1913, page 221.20

Faith in the now means that we must give up our own opinions, our preconceived ideas. Our work in the past, our great institutions, sometimes shut from us the simple things which God can use to save souls. Our plans, however elaborate they are and however mighty they may look, must be laid before the Master, and we must take other plans that are pleasing to him, whether they meet our own ideas or not. As we get nearer to God, we shall find greater simplicity coming into his work. God’s great truth humbles the hearts of men; it does not mislead them; it makes them like little children, reaching up with the greatest confidence to take their Father’s hand, to be led by him. Wherever the Master leads, we must be willing to follow. GCB June 1, 1913, page 222.1

God’s truth grows, it is expanding constantly, and we must go with it. It will not stop until the perfect day. It shineth “more and more.” We must not be like the old wine-skins, unable to receive new wine. Whatsoever God teaches us, and whatsoever we find by examination is in harmony with the foundations of this message, we must willingly accept. GCB June 1, 1913, page 222.2