General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7


W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, C. C. Crisler, T. E. Bowen, H. E. Rogers, J. N. Anderson

May 30, 2:30 P. M.

L. R. CONRADI in the chair. GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.12

Prayer by H. S. Shaw. GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.13

L. R. Conradi: The matter before us is the constitution and by-laws of the Asiatic Division, recommended by the committee on plans. GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.14

The constitution was studied in detail by the Conference, and, as amended, was adopted, as follows:— GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.15



Article I—Name

This organization shall be known as the Asiatic Division Mission of Seventh-day Adventists. GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.16

Article II—Territory

The territory of this division mission shall be Japan, Korea, Manchuria, Mongolia, Chinese Turkestan, Thibet, China, Formosa, Hainan, the Philippines, Indo-China, Siam, Malaysian Federated States, and the East Indies except New Guinea. GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.17

Article III—Object

The object of this division mission is to teach all nations the everlasting gospel of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.18

Article IV—Membership

Section 1. The membership of this division mission shall consist of:— GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.19

(a) Such union mission fields as have been, or shall be, properly organized and accepted by vote. GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.20

(b) Missions properly organized, not included in any union. GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.21

Sec. 2. The voters of this division mission shall be designated as follows:— GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.22

(a) Delegates at large. GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.23

(b) Regular delegates. GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.24

Sec. 3. Delegates at large shall be:— GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.25

(a) The Division Mission Executive Committee, and the General Conference Executive Committee. GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.26

(b) Such representatives of organized missions in the division mission as may be recommended by the executive committee, and accepted by the delegates in session. GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.27

Sec. 4. Regular delegates shall be such persons as are duly accredited by union and local missions, on the following basis:— GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.28

(a) Each union mission shall be represented in the division mission sessions by delegates chosen on the basis of one for the union mission, one for each organized mission within its territory, and one for each two hundred members. GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.29

(b) Each organized mission field outside of any union mission shall be entitled to one delegate, and one for each two hundred members. GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.30

(c) The delegates of union and local mission fields shall be appointed by the executive committee of the division mission. GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.31

Article V—Officers and Their Duties

Section 1. The regular officers of this division mission shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary, a treasurer, and one or more auditors, who shall be elected or appointed by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.32

Sec. 2. President: The president shall act as chairman of the executive committee, and labor in the general interests of the division mission, is counsel with the executive committee. GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.33

Sec. 3. Vice-president: It shall be the duty of the vice-president to assist the president in his work, as the executive committee may advise, and, in the absence of the president, to preside at the councils of the executive committee. GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.34

Sec. 4. Secretary: It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep the minutes of the division mission sessions, and of the meetings of the executive committee, and to collect such data from union and local missions as may be desired by the officers of the division mission, or by the executive committee, and to perform such duties as usually pertain to said office. GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.35

Sec. 5. Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the treasurer to receive all funds, disburse them by order of the president, and to render such financial statements at regular intervals as may be desired by the division mission, or by the executive committee. GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.36

Sec. 6. All secretaries of departments of the division mission shall be appointed by the executive committee of the division mission. GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.37

Article VI—Executive Committee

Section 1. The executive committee shall consist of the president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, the superintendents of organized union missions, the superintendents of local missions not included in a union mission (all of whom shall be elected or appointed by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists), and such departmental secretaries as may be appointed by the executive committee of the division mission. GCB June 1, 1913, page 216.38

Article VII—Incorporations, Departments, and Agents

Section I. Such incorporations and departments may be created as the development of the work requires. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.1

Sec. 2. At each regular session of this division mission, the delegates shall elect such trustees of all corporate bodies connected with this organization as may be provided for in the statutory laws governing each. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.2

Sec. 3. The division mission shall employ such committees, secretaries, treasurers, agents, ministers, missionaries, and other persons, and shall make such distribution of its laborers, as may be necessary to execute its work effectively, and shall also grant credentials or licenses to all foreign workers, and credentials to the native ordained ministers. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.3

Article VIII—Sessions

Section I. This division mission shall hold its first regular session in the winter of 1914-15, and shall thereafter hold quadrennial sessions at such time and place as the executive committee shall designate by written notice sent to the superintendent of each mission field at least three months before the date of the session. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.4

Sec. 2. The executive committee may call special sessions at such times and places as it deems proper, by a like notice, and the transactions of such special sessions shall have the same force as those of the regular sessions. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.5

Article IX—By-Laws

The voters of this division mission may enact by-laws and amend or repeal them at any session thereof, and such by-laws may embrace any provision not inconsistent with the constitution of the Asiatic Division Mission. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.6

Article X—Amendments

This constitution or its by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the voters present at any session of the division mission, provided that such amendments shall not be inconsistent with the constitution of the General Conference, and provided further that if it is proposed to amend the constitution at a special session, notice of such purpose shall be given in the call for such special session. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.7



Article I—Executive Committee

Section 1. During the intervals between sessions of the division mission, the executive committee shall have full administrative power, with authority to grant and withdraw credentials and licenses, and to fill for the current term any vacancies that may occur in its offices, boards, committees, or agents, by death, resignation, or otherwise, except in cases where the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists has elective or appointive power. The withdrawal of credentials, or filling of vacancies on the executive committee, shall require the consent of two thirds of the members of the executive committee. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.8

Sec. 2. Any five members of the executive committee, including the president or vice-president, shall be empowered to transact such executive business as is in harmony with the general plans outlined by the committee, but the concurrence of five members shall be necessary to pass any measure. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.9

Sec. 3. Meetings of the executive committee may be called at any time or place by the president or vice-president, or such meeting may be called by the secretary upon the written request of any five members of the executive committee. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.10

Sec. 4. Previous to each session of the division mission, the executive committee shall provide such temporary committees as may be necessary to conduct the preliminary work of the session. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.11

Sec. 5. At each session of the division mission, the executive committee shall nominate for election the presiding officers for that session. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.12

Article II—Finance

Section 1. The division mission shall receive tithes from all its union and local missions, said tithes to be reported quarterly to its treasurer, but retained in the several fields. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.13

Sec. 2. This division mission shall report quarterly to the General Conference treasurer all funds received in its territory. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.14

Sec. 3. This division mission shall annually submit an estimate of its operating expenses for the following year to the executive committee of the General Conference. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.15

Sec. 4. This division mission shall receive appropriations from the General Conference to assist in carrying forward its work. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.16

Sec. 5. This division mission shall pay a tithe of its tithe receipts to the General Conference. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.17

Article III—Audits

Section 1. The auditor appointed by the General Conference shall audit the accounts of this division mission at least once each calendar year, and shall make a report thereof to its executive committee and to the treasurer of the General Conference. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.18

Sec. 2. Each union and local mission committee, acting with the president of the division mission, shall annually audit the time and expense of its native workers. The accounts of all foreign workers in the division mission shall be audited by the General Conference auditing committee. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.19

Discussion of Constitution

We present a few items from the discussion of the constitution, explanatory of its provisions. In reply to question on Article II:— GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.20

I. H. Evans: My understanding is that we entered into an arrangement at the Friedensau council, two years ago, that if the Russian brethren raised up churches in Manchuria, they should direct the Russian work, and of course the Siberian Mission would have the tithe that they pay; but as far as Manchuria is concerned, the Asiatic Division hopes to put in a management that will be able to work that territory effectively. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.21

[On the provision that gives the whole of New Guinea to the Australasian Union.] GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.22

A. W. Anderson: That island is now divided between the Dutch, the German, and the British. The Australasian Union Conference is now operating missions in the British portion. I believe the whole of Papua, or New Guinea, ought to be in the Australasian Union Conference. The Dutch territory is wholly savage as yet. It is only nominally under Dutch rule. It is not like a Dutch settlement. The whole of New Guinea is a savage island; and it seems to me it would be a good thing to put the whole island under the one mission. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.23

[On the provision that the division mission pay a tithe to the General Conference.] GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.24

E. E. Andross: It seems to me that all of our fields throughout the world should pay a tithe to the General Conference treasury. However small the receipts may be, I think that the principle ought to be maintained throughout, that the field should pay a tithe of its tithe to the General Conference treasury. In all our union fields we ask our missions to pay tithe of their tithe into the union treasury. It seems to me it would be preserving the same principle in each field that we recognize now in all the local fields. It is not that the General Conference would want the tithe money, but it seems to me it ought to be recognized. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.25

Further Reports

Following the adoption of the Asiatic Division constitution:— GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.26

L. R. Conradi: We have a report from the committee on nominations that ought to be read. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.27

O. A. Olsen: The committee on nominations has a partial report to make. You will appreciate that all this organization and constitution work has delayed us in submitting this report, and therefore we are only able to submit a partial report at this time. Elder Fitzgerald will render this report. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.28

W. J. Fitzgerald: The committee on nominations respectfully submit the following partial report: For president, A. G. Daniells; for secretary, W. A. Spicer; for treasurer, W. T. Knox. Mr. Chairman, I move the adoption of this report. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.29

The report was adopted

The committee on plans submitted the following further partial report:— GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.30

According to the instruction given in the inspired Word of God, the specific work of the minister is to preach the gospel; the object sought is to deliver those who are under the power of Satan, and to reconcile them unto God; this is to be accomplished by preaching the salvation which is found in Christ: in order to obtain the desired results, it is necessary that one should give his undivided attention to his specific work, in order that he may be “approved unto God.” GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.31

The application of these principles is seen in the ministry of the apostles, who refused to be burdened with the administration of temporal affairs, and declared, “It is not fit that we should forsake the Word of God, and serve tables.” GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.32

In order that the ministry of this denomination may become more efficient, and may approach more closely to the apostolic standard; we therefore,— GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.33

19. Recommend, 1 That those who are ordained to preach the word devote themselves wholly to the work of the gospel ministry. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.34

(2) That they put forth earnest efforts to make their work as efficient as possible, by prayerful study of the Word of God, and by personal consecration to the specific purpose of winning souls to Christ. GCB June 1, 1913, page 217.35

(3) That they constantly strive for self-improvement, by systematic private study and by pursuing such ministerial reading courses as may be arranged. GCB June 1, 1913, page 218.1

(4) That candidates for the ministry be encouraged to take a course of study in one of our training-schools, as a necessary preparation for their work. GCB June 1, 1913, page 218.2

(5) That it be the policy of the denomination to select and train laymen possessing suitable qualification for the business management of institutions, and for directing business affairs generally, in order that those who have been set apart for the work of the ministry may be relieved of these burdens, and may be able to give their time and strength to soul-winning. GCB June 1, 1913, page 218.3

Whereas, The interest and pleasure in making gifts for missions in our Sabbath-schools is greatly increased by having occasionally some definite need set before us as the object of the contributions, resulting in largely increased offerings; therefore,— GCB June 1, 1913, page 218.4

20. Resolved, That we approve the plan of devoting the Sabbath-school offering on the thirteenth Sabbath of each quarter to some definitely named missionary enterprise calling for special help which may be beyond the ordinary income of the mission treasury; it being understood that this action relates primarily to the North American Division, but that other divisions, unions, and conferences outside this division, join in the plan where they can consistently do so. GCB June 1, 1913, page 218.5

On motion to adopt, the consideration of the report was left until it should be printed in the BULLETIN. GCB June 1, 1913, page 218.6

The meeting adjourned. GCB June 1, 1913, page 218.7

L. R. CONRADI, Chairman;
W. A. SPICER, Secretary.