General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7


Conference Proceedings. TWENTY-THIRD MEETING


May 29, 10 A. M.

A. G. DANIELLS in the chair. GCB May 30, 1913, page 193.7

Prayer by W. J. Fitzgerald. GCB May 30, 1913, page 193.8

A. G. Daniells: Last evening there was a meeting of the Loma Linda Medical College Board, and, after careful consideration of the interests of the school, it was decided by the board to request the Conference to permit this morning the presentation of Loma Linda Medical College interests. This is a good opportunity to place before a large number of our people the interests of this school and the needs of the institution, the efforts that are being made, and the object that we have in view. GCB May 30, 1913, page 193.9

There are a few statements to be made about this school. We know there is a difference of opinion regarding it, and we would like to have the one least interested in it, the one feeling most doubtful about it,—we would like to have your attention above all the rest, for we want to convert everybody that feels uncertain about it; at any rate, we want to come to a common understanding. GCB May 30, 1913, page 193.10

Now just a word with reference to the object of the medical college. Its object is to furnish a medical school for Seventh-day Adventist young men and young women, in which they may receive thorough training as competent physicians, and from which they may be graduated to do the work we believe this denomination is called to do. That is the object. Now, if we still need physicians, if we ought to have our young people take the medical course and qualify for medical work, should we attempt to give them that education in our own institution, or should we not? GCB May 30, 1913, page 194.1

George I. Butler: We certainly should! GCB May 30, 1913, page 194.2

Other voices: Yes! Certainly! GCB May 30, 1913, page 194.3

A. G. Daniells: Should we place them under our Christian medical teachers? GCB May 30, 1913, page 194.4

Voices: Sure! Amen! GCB May 30, 1913, page 194.5

A. G. Daniells: Or should we send them to the world, to get their education from men who do not know this message, and many of whom do not believe the Bible at all? GCB May 30, 1913, page 194.6

A voice: Never! GCB May 30, 1913, page 194.7

A. G. Daniells: Should we endeavor to give them a medical education along the lines that we believe to be rational and right, or should we send them out to get another kind of medical education or instruction in the worldly schools? Now, that is the problem that we have on our hands. We may differ in our opinions, but that is certainly the problem we have to face. The question for all our parents whose children desire to take a medical course, is whether those children shall go to a Seventh-day Adventist medical school, and take their training under consecrated, conscientious Christian, Seventh-day Adventist medical workers, or whether they shall go out and take it under others; and, too, while they are taking this course for four or five years, whether they shall be associated with a band of consecrated young people, or with the young men they find in the medical schools of the world; whether they shall be, during that formative period, closely associated with influences of a sacred, hallowed character, or the opposite. That is the problem we have to face. GCB May 30, 1913, page 194.8

Do we want any more physicians in the days to come? If we do, how shall we get them? How they shall be provided is the chief problem. The matter of location, the matter of the dollars to be invested,—that is secondary to the great question of how we shall give our young men and women the medical education they need in order to do this phase of our work. The brethren will endeavor to set before you this morning the solution of that problem, as it has come to us. I do not feel that I ought to take more time at this juncture of the meeting; but I do hope, brethren, that at this hour we will give this question very careful study and attention. We hope the ministers will do it, and you publishing men, and educational men, and leaders in all departments, and brethren and sisters who have children, or who are neighbors to those who have children to be educated along this line. Shall we not this morning give this matter most careful and prayerful consideration? GCB May 30, 1913, page 194.9

Now, as our time will be short compared with the length of our subject, I shall ask the speakers to be just as concise and direct and brief as possible; for we, perhaps, may want to hear from a number, and so those who address the delegates ought to be brief, and get the problem before us before our hour is lost and we grow too weary. So much good advice to the speakers. Dr. Ruble is to introduce the matter. GCB May 30, 1913, page 194.10

W. A. Ruble: The following resolutions have been formulated:— GCB May 30, 1913, page 194.11

Whereas, The world-wide proclamation of health reform and rational principles of healing connected with the third angel’s message, calls for a special training of a large number of workers; and,- GCB May 30, 1913, page 194.12


Whereas, Under the special providences of God, and in harmony with plain instruction from the Testimonies of the Spirit, the College of Medical Evangelists has been established at Loma Linda, Cal., as a training-school for gospel medical missionary evangelists, some of whom are to be fully accredited as physicians of the highest order; therefore,- GCB May 30, 1913, page 194.13

1. We, the delegates of the General Conference assembled, endorse the work of the administration in establishing this center of medical evangelistic training for physicians and medical missionary workers; and we further- GCB May 30, 1913, page 194.14

2. Recommend the College of Medical Evangelists to all our young people who desire advanced medical training, and ask all our people everywhere to acquaint themselves with its principles and purposes, and give to this worthy enterprise their moral and financial support. GCB May 30, 1913, page 194.15

Whereas, The college is in need of hospital and clinical facilities to properly carry on its work, and meet all State requirements; we therefore- GCB May 30, 1913, page 194.16

3. Recommend, That the North American Division Conference be recommended to advance the necessary means from its treasury, and to arrange for a call in all its churches throughout the division to raise the funds thus advanced; and we further,- GCB May 30, 1913, page 194.17

4. Recommend, That a systematic effort be put forth with men and women of means to secure an endowment fund for the college, sufficient to meet the necessary running expenses. GCB May 30, 1913, page 194.18

W. T. Knox was called to the chair. GCB May 30, 1913, page 194.19

Motion was made to adopt the resolutions, and number 1 and 2 were read. GCB May 30, 1913, page 194.20

W. T. Knox: Are there any remarks on these resolutions? GCB May 30, 1913, page 194.21

E. E. Andross: The question would naturally arise in the minds of the delegates as to why this school has been established. I have long felt that we ought to establish a medical school, but the financial obligations to be imposed upon us in consequence of the establishment of such a medical school were so great that at first I felt that we were unable to carry it. Those who were in most direct touch with the beginning of the medical school, as such, were in great perplexity. We did not know what to do, and at the biennial session of our Pacific Union Conference in 1910, this question was given very careful attention, and a committee was appointed. consisting of Elders I. H. Evans, H. W. Cottrell, and myself, to interview Sister White, and to ascertain, if possible, whether she had any counsel from the Lord bearing directly upon the question under consideration. GCB May 30, 1913, page 194.22

We did not interview her personally, as we did not wish to come into touch with her and to have it said that we had influenced her mind in any way whatsoever. Therefore, we addressed a communication to her bearing on this point, a paragraph of which I will read: “Are we to understand, from what you have written concerning the establishment of a medical school at Loma Linda, that, according to the light you have received from the Lord, we are to establish a thoroughly equipped medical school, the graduates from which shall be able to take State board examinations, and become registered, qualified physicians?” GCB May 30, 1913, page 194.23

In response to this question, Sister White wrote:— GCB May 30, 1913, page 194.24

“The light given me is, We must provide that which is essential to qualify our youth who desire to be physicians, so that they may intelligently fit themselves to be able to stand the examinations essential to prove their efficiency as physicians. They are to be prepared to stand the essential tests required by law, and to treat understandingly the cases of those who are diseased, so that the door will be closed for any sensible physician to fear that we are not giving in our school the instruction essential for the proper qualification of a physician. Continually the students who are graduated are to advance in knowledge; for practise makes perfect. GCB May 30, 1913, page 194.25

“The medical school at Loma Linda is to be of the highest order, because we have a living connection with the wisest of all physicians, from whom there is communicated knowledge of a superior order. And whatever subjects are required as essential in the schools conducted by those not of our faith, we are to supply, so that our youth need not go to these wordly schools. Thus we shall close a door that the enemy would be pleased to have left open; and our young men and young women, whom the Lord would have us guard religiously will not need to connect with worldly medical schools conducted by unbelievers.. GCB May 30, 1913, page 194.26

E. E. Andross: When this communication came to us, we felt it was so plain, and direct, and clear, in answer to our question, that there was left no ground whatever for either hesitancy or questioning; that we must find some way of providing all that was required in order to qualify physicians to practise and to receive the endorsement of the medical profession generally. GCB May 30, 1913, page 195.1

But still the question lingered in the hearts of some as to whether or not we might not furnish the first two years of the medical course, with all the necessary equipment, and the latter two years be spent in the very best medical schools of the world; for we understood, after studying the question thoroughly, that the largest expense would come in the latter two years of the medical course. After this matter had been given careful consideration, the following word came to us:— GCB May 30, 1913, page 195.2

“Some have advised that the students, after having taken some work at Loma Linda College, should complete their education in worldly colleges. But this is not in harmony with the Lord’s plan. God is our wisdom, our sanctification, and our righteousness. Facilities should be provided at Loma Linda that the necessary instruction in medical lines may be given by the instructors who fear the Lord, and who are in harmony with his plans for the treatment of the sick. I have not a word to say in favor of the world’s ideas of higher education in any school that we shall organize for the training of physicians. There is danger in their attaching themselves to worldly institutions, and working under the ministrations of worldly physicians. Satan is giving orders to those whom he has led to depart from the faith. I would now advise that none of our young people attach themselves to worldly medical institutions in hope of gaining better success or stronger influence as physicians.” GCB May 30, 1913, page 195.3

It seems to me this answers this question; and it is not really propounded in this resolution, but we recommend the following (reading again resolutions I and 2). GCB May 30, 1913, page 195.4

Now, I do not know of any enterprise upon which we have entered where we have received more direct, plain, and definite counsel regarding its establishment than that which has come to us concerning the medical college at Loma Linda. And as we have advanced by faith,—for we could not see our way,—I am glad to tell you this morning that we have never once been disappointed. We have seen difficulties in the way, and there have been dark hours through which we have passed, but God has gone before us, and I am perfectly confident that he will still guide us as we follow his counsel and step into his opening providences. GCB May 30, 1913, page 195.5

If we ever needed a training-school along any lines of missionary training, I certainly believe we need one for the training of our physicians and for the better equipment of those who have already received their training in other medical institutions. I believe that is so; and I want to let the delegates here know that I am fully committed to the policy outlined in this definite instruction; and I believe God will help us to finance the work, and so thoroughly equip this institution that we shall have men and women going forth from its halls that are so thoroughly equipped along medical lines that they will command the respect of the physicians of the world. GCB May 30, 1913, page 195.6

W. A. Ruble: Four years ago at this time I stood before this General Conference as the medical secretary of the General Conference. In that capacity I introduced a resolution which looked toward the discouraging of any effort to establish a medical college among us. I believed that we were unable to furnish the means for a medical college; that we were unable to furnish the men to man a medical college. On the other hand, I looked at the need for medical men throughout the field, and our inability to produce those men in our own schools, and fit them with the necessary education. GCB May 30, 1913, page 195.7

The following winter there was a meeting of the General Conference Committee, called at Lincoln, Nebr., and during that session the proposition was made to establish three new denominational schools, at an expenditure of one hundred thousand dollars. That led me to believe that if we could establish three additional schools in this denomination, we could also establish a medical school. The thought that we were so much in need of medical men for our sanitariums, led me to believe that we should establish a medical school where we could produce our own medical men for our institutions. GCB May 30, 1913, page 195.8

At that time I was converted to the idea, and from that time on I have been working with all my might and main for a medical school of our own, in our denomination. It was not long after this, that I was called to head the medical school at Loma Linda, and it has been the hardest thing I have ever had to do; but, thank God, it has come to be the most pleasant thing I ever had to do, although we meet more and more difficulties year after year. I am pleased to say to you that we have, without exception, in our meetings always arrived at the same conclusions in regard to our medical school, since that time. GCB May 30, 1913, page 195.9

The spirit of prophecy soon came out with the statements that have been read in your hearing by Elder Andross, which have given us our commission, laid down the platform for our school, and authorized us to go straight ahead, and procure what was necessary to provide a medical school which would give a medical education that would meet the requirements of State boards and medical examining boards. Our people have stood by us, so far as they have known on what basis we were operating, and the reasons for it. I have not met a man or a woman to whom has been explained these matters, who has ever said one word since that time against our having and operating a medical school. When God speaks, Seventh-day Adventists listen, and say, Amen. GCB May 30, 1913, page 195.10

So our men who have been gathered together, before whom this matter has been presented, have always said, “Go ahead,” and have made some provision for the means. You will all remember that recently a day was set apart for a collection for building the hospital required. We were in hopes at that time that there would be sufficient means come in to provide what was necessary; but we have been disappointed. It is only because you have not understood the need of our work there, and the basis upon which it is established. And it is for that reason we are anxious today to get before you the platform on which we are operating, the reasons for our operating, and the needs we have at Loma Linda. Our present facilities are sufficient to conduct only half of the medical course. Two years ago there was built one of the best laboratories on the western coast for our school at Loma Linda, and it has been in successful operation since that time. We have, however, entered upon the last two years of the medical course, which requires us to have, in order to give proper instruction during these two years, a hospital and a dispensary. It was for the purpose of constructing the hospital that the donation was asked for; but this has not come in sufficiently to enable us to go forward and complete it. We have it partly constructed at the present time; but the workmen have been called off, because the means have been exhausted, and we are here today appealing to our people to help us to go forward. GCB May 30, 1913, page 195.11

Medical requirements are the most rigid—well, I will say that in another way. Medical men are compelled to undergo more rigid requirements than any other class of people among us. From the time they begin their study until they lie down in death, they are under strict medical laws, enacted by the governments under which they are operating. This is right. In taking into their hands the lives of men, medical men are given the greatest responsibility that is committed to any class of people; and so they should be under the most rigid laws, in order to carry out the instruction that we must carry out for the health of our people and others. GCB May 30, 1913, page 195.12

These requirements demand that there shall be eight years of preliminary education up to the academic studies; then four years of academic studies, in which the exact subjects are indicated, the number of weeks in each one of those studies, the number of hours each week, and the number of minutes for each hour’s study. A medical student’s certificate from the State is then required of all who desire admittance to any medical college. Then the student is under the necessity of undergoing a set course of study, which will fit him, according to the laws of the land, to present himself for examination before a State board. After having undergone all that, which with the preparatory work takes at least sixteen years of study, he is not then permitted to take up medical practise until first he submits to an official examination before a State board. If he passes, he is given full privilege in that State or county to take the lives of his fellow men into his hands under any circumstances, and the law will uphold him. GCB May 30, 1913, page 195.13

In establishing a medical school, we must submit to these laws, because we, as Seventh-day Adventists, claim to be the most law-abiding citizens in the world; and we are conscientious in this matter of meeting proper requirements. GCB May 30, 1913, page 195.14

So we are, according to the instruction given here this morning from the spirit of prophecy, endeavoring to meet these requirements of the laws of the land in the provisions we make for giving a medical education to our young people. We have succeeded thus far, and as evidence of this, I wish to read in your hearing this morning a communication sent by the dean of one of the leading universities in the land, to one of our students at Loma Linda:-. GCB May 30, 1913, page 195.15

“Since writing you last [this means considerable correspondence, you see], we have had a decision from the executive council of the Association of the American Medical Colleges, which now authorizes us to admit the medical students from the Loma Linda College to junior standing, who have been in attendance two or more years, and satisfactorily completed the courses, and this without examination.” GCB May 30, 1913, page 196.1

Have we made good? The universities of the land are bidding for our young people on this basis: If students have had two years at our school, they say, “Come along; and you may have two more years here, and we will take you in without examination.” GCB May 30, 1913, page 196.2

This is a temptation to our young people, especially when they are going every step of the way by faith. We have no hospital or dispensary; but we are saying to them that our people will stand by us, and that we shall have facilities. But one class is already in the last two years of their course; and the American Medical Association has placed us in a class which will not admit these students to an examination in many of the States. But still they are staying by us. GCB May 30, 1913, page 196.3

One class is staying by us under these circumstances; and there are several articles which have come out in the Journal of the American Medical Association that have been very difficult for us to meet. But when I left Loma Linda, there was not one there but who was standing firm for our school. Since that time these letters have been dropping in there, and there has been some little question as to whether we would get the means for our hospital or not. We held out the hope that this donation was going to give us the full means to establish that school. We needed twenty-five thousand dollars; we got eight thousand. That has all been exhausted, and the workmen have been called off. The young men get these letters from other schools, and can you expect them to have more faith than we have? It is a trying proposition; and, furthermore, we have a five years’ course there. The young men who have been there two years can go to the universities and complete their medical education in two years more; whereas they will have to stay with us three years. That is another temptation to these young people. But we have a five years’ course in order that we may give the Bible instruction needed, and the instruction in the special features that we emphasize in our medical work. We are trying to follow the spirit of prophecy in getting away from drug medication; and for that reason we are under the obligation to continue our course for five years. But, in spite of that, our young people are willing and ready to stand by the institution, if we will give them the assurance that we are going to make good. We have made good thus far, and by the grace of God we are going to make good all the way through, because the Lord has spoken, and we are trying to follow in his steps; and with that help we are going to succeed. GCB May 30, 1913, page 196.4

I cannot emphasize too strongly the necessity of acting promptly for these young people. There is no question but what we shall lose some of them unless something is done, and that quickly; because we must give them some assurance that we are to get the facilities that are necessary. We need a hospital. It will require several thousand dollars to complete it. We must have a dispensary in Los Angeles, which will call for the expenditure of a few thousand dollars. When that is done, we cannot expect that the few students we have are going to meet the entire expense of operating that school from year to year; so it will be necessary for us to face the proposition of supplying some means from which we can draw support for the school, to a certain extent, for the coming years. And for that purpose, the resolution has been placed before you this morning. GCB May 30, 1913, page 196.5

H. R. Salisbury: A year ago the heads of our advanced training-schools in North America, met at Loma Linda for our yearly departmental meeting, which is provided for by the General Conference. We met especially at Loma Linda that we might study carefully the equipment and efficiency of that plant from our standpoint, because we felt that it was from the advanced schools of this denomination that the students of the medical schools would be drawn. We spent six days on the ground. We were shown through all their laboratories. We examined very carefully their courses of study. We spent three nights with the doctors, discussing in careful detail the whole question of their curriculum; and at the close of that meeting we passed—not as having to do with the medical men, but as the educators of our advanced schools,—a resolution of confidence in the Loma Linda Medical College, which meant that the heads of our training-schools in North America returned to their schools and told the young men who were finishing in our colleges that we as educators had confidence in the Loma Linda Medical College, that they could get there the necessary training in medicine. GCB May 30, 1913, page 196.6

There is an objection I have heard raised, as to whether we need a medical college or not. It has been said to me that we have had strong men, strong doctors, graduate from the schools of the world, and come out all right. But is it not because they were men of deep consecration that they have come out all right? That which has opened my eyes, has been what has been told me by those who have passed through the schools. The reports coming to me of prevailing evils, have caused me to believe that for the moral training, for the moral protection, and for the spiritual upbuilding of our young men, it will be vastly better if we have a medical college of our own. GCB May 30, 1913, page 196.7

Then, again, there is the financial temptation. I do not say that a doctor, on graduation, needs necessarily to attach himself to an institution in order to be a Christian; that a doctor who is in private practise is any different, from a spiritual standpoint, than any other doctor. I think it has been demonstrated over and over again that a man can go on with his practise and make his thousands a year and yet be a power in the church; but the point is this, Can not we rather have a school where these young men can go and while getting their medical education be anchored to this denomination, and while they are getting their technical education be anchored to the fundamental truths of this denomination, so that when they come out from that medical school, either to connect with one of our own institutions, or to go out to private practise, they will still be true Seventh-day Adventists at heart? GCB May 30, 1913, page 196.8

That is why I see hope in opening this medical school for our young people. I do not think we ought to be afraid that we can not operate such a school. I am proud of our young men wherever I see them. I visited that university in Tokio, spoken of yesterday, where two of our students have passed first on the list. Three weeks before that I visited the Nanking University, in China, and found that our students who were taking their studies along with all the other missionaries in China, were passing at the head of the list. God has given us bright students, with bright minds, and in some way we must conserve those minds and hold them in this denomination. And that is why I believe, with such bright students, that God will help us in providing subjects suitable for them in our own schools. GCB May 30, 1913, page 196.9

The question has been brought now regarding this great medical trust. We feel the same thing in our literary work, as well. Certain men who have more money than they know what to do with, have passed out millions of dollars in the United States to form a sort of educational trust, and crush out many colleges that ought to live. While there is some good coming out of it, there is evil as well; and I think as long as there is this special standardization being applied to all schools today, we ought to meet it. So, in literary lines, we are studying the question of how our advanced schools can meet the requirements. We do not propose to compromise. We do not propose to meet the world in their demands if it passes by the law of our God. But we do propose, as far as we can consistently with this truth and with this message, to meet them, and yet give our boys and our girls the very thing they need. I believe that our medical school can and should be helped to do that very thing; and I understand that the principal plea that is being made this morning is that money may be given to the college to carry on its work, so that the last two years of the course may be as successful as the first three years have been. GCB May 30, 1913, page 196.10

W. C. White: There are two questions which come very quickly to the minds of our people,—“Is it a necessity?” and “Can we do it?” I have seen a little of the workings of various schools and their influences. I have correspondence from men in middle age, who, because of special circumstances, are attending the universities nearest them, and I have asked them, “Will you permit your sons to attend the same school?” They say: “No, by no means. The moral atmosphere, the worldly influence, is beyond description, and we shall not send our sons to these places that we are attending.” GCB May 30, 1913, page 196.11

Can it be done? Where the word of a king is, there is power. It is my conviction, based upon the best of opportunities to know, that the God of heaven has sent us messages to do this essential work, to do it without leaning upon the world’s schools, to perfect that which we have begun. GCB May 30, 1913, page 196.12

From the beginning, it has been the experience of this people to meet impossibilities, and to conquer them. When I was a little boy, I remember the conflict in my father’s mind over the question of the tithing. He and others said, “Why, it is right, it is fair, it is just, it is Biblical, but will the people do it?” And most of the brethren said: “No, they will not do it. Tithing is ridiculed. You talk about introducing tithing, it cannot be done.” But, by the grace of God, and by the influence of his Holy Spirit, the body of men who met to consider that problem said, “We will do it.” And we see the results. Would we give up the tithing system today? Where would we be? And so with other enterprises,—the establishment of a college, the establishment of foreign missions, the establishment of church-schools, the establishment of sanitariums,—these things have all seemed to be impossibilities; but, by the grace of God uniting hearts, and putting it into the hearts of men and women each to do all that is possible, to stand shoulder to shoulder, it has been done. And, brethren, I believe that this can be done. GCB May 30, 1913, page 196.13

O, how I wish that others could have the opportunity I have had of hearing the verbal counsels, and of reading the written letters and testimonies of instruction, and could see, as I have seen, the perfect harmony of the long series of instruction. Some say: “There is confusion. The testimonies call for a school to train nurses with extraordinary ability to go out as medical evangelistic nurses. The testimonies call for medical missionaries to go out with qualifications to be gospel ministers, and to connect the medical work with it. Some of the communications seem to warn the people in Loma Linda against going too fast, and too far; and then others say, Go ahead. How do you harmonize all these?” GCB May 30, 1913, page 197.1

If you were near to the movement, and could see how each of those messages applied to the time it was given—how necessary it was to save mistakes—you would see perfect harmony in the whole series of counsels, and you would discern that the testimonies call upon this people, not only in Loma Linda, but in each one of our sanitariums, to maintain a strong medical faculty, strong gospel workers, teachers, and leaders in gospel work, so that every one of these institutions shall be an important training-center for missionary nurses. You would also see that it calls upon Loma Linda, and other places that may have simple facilities, to train medical evangelists. You would also see that the demand is clear, definite, emphatic, for us to have a school in which instruction will be given—a full course of instruction—to men who can stand in our institutions, recognized by the State, honored by the medical profession, as full, competent physicians, to minister to the sick, and to teach; and that these men should be trained in our own schools. It also calls for men of special ability to stand in our great cities, at the head of medical missionary enterprise in those cities, leading and teaching those who are going forth in house-to-house work in the cities. GCB May 30, 1913, page 197.2

Brethren, I do not see how we can drop out the main feature of this plan and carry on the plan. I do not believe our people want to do it. There are difficulties, you say, in some fields—in Europe and some of the distant fields. They will not accept physicians from such a school—they have got to go somewhere else and take postgraduate work. Good! let them do it. GCB May 30, 1913, page 197.3

You also say that, according to the natural result of the present movement for the elevation of standards, by and by it will be impossible to work. Many things are impossible with men, but nothing is impossible with God. Why, brethren, do you remember back in 1889 and 1890, when there was such a movement for religious legislation, and our efforts seemed so small and so puny to meet it? We had the prophecy saying that that thing would eventually prevail, and a lot of our people said “If it has got to come, let it come. They are going to run over us with a road roller, and what is the use of protesting? Let it come.” But no, the word of God said for us to meet it, and we met it, and things have been put off year after year, decade after decade. We have had freedom, and we have educated workers to go out and work with freedom, and so against the prospect of difficulties, let us have faith that God will enable us to do, and trust him to give guidance and grace to meet difficulties, and the residue of difficulties he will restrain. GCB May 30, 1913, page 197.4

I. H. Evans: I am sure it is not necessary to discuss this proposition any further. I think there could hardly be one who believes the testimonies but what would say that it is necessity that we have a medical school. It is recommended that our people study the principles of the school, and familiarize themselves with its policy. I think that would be a very good thing, and it ought to be done. Every father and mother who have a son or a daughter that they intend to send out to a medical school, ought, before selecting that school to study carefully the principles that govern our Loma Linda school. GCB May 30, 1913, page 197.5

I can scarcely think that a Seventh-day Adventist parent, under ordinary circumstances, would desire his child to be educated in any other medical institution than that of our people. We have the institution—it belongs to us, it does not belong to an individual; and I think the whole denomination ought to rally around this institution and make its work a splendid success, with a spirit of confidence, with a spirit of sympathy, with a spirit of cooperation. GCB May 30, 1913, page 197.6

I believe there are enough young men and women in our ranks to fill this institution. And when they have attended this school, I am sure they will come out with a great deal more confidence in the third angel’s message than if they had attended a worldly school. I do not believe our boys and girls can go to a university and take a medical course and not be exposed to the gravest danger of coming out crippled for life in their faith in the third angel’s message. There is something in the very atmosphere of university life, something that generally permeates the teachings of those that give instruction, that usually disqualifies a boy or girl who has been under that instruction for four or five years, to come out and really preach from the heart the third angel’s message. So I am in favor of rallying around this school, giving it our financial support, sending our boys and girls to receive their medical education in this school, and making it what it ought to be—a real denominational medical school. I believe the graduates from this school ought to be genuine Seventh-day Adventists. Their faith in this message ought not to have weakened, but to have strengthened. Instead of going out crippled, not knowing whether they want to work for God or themselves, they ought to come out of that school with one determination,—to give their lives to God’s work. GCB May 30, 1913, page 197.7

We could use a thousand doctors in the world today if we had them, those who were loyal to this message, whose hearts were in sympathy with it, who were not mere Sabbath-keepers, but who were genuine, earnest missionaries. We could put them in every city in this land; we could scatter them over Europe, and out in the heathen lands. They would be a rallying power, a center of influence. They would be mighty men for this work, if only the message burned in their souls when they completed their medical course. GCB May 30, 1913, page 197.8

Therefore, I believe that we ought to take hold of this school and make it a genuine Seventh-day Adventist medical training-school. There ought to be a large number of our brightest and best young men entering this school, and, year by year, going out—not that they may make money, not that they may go into the world and do business for themselves, but that they may put their shoulder to this great work and help to finish it. And, with the denomination rallying about the school, with the faculty loyal to this message, with all of us with but one purpose, brethren, our medical college can be a mighty factor in finishing this work. GCB May 30, 1913, page 197.9

W. T. Knox: The question has been called. The secretary will read the next recommendation. GCB May 30, 1913, page 197.10

Recommendation 3 was read. GCB May 30, 1913, page 197.11

W. T. Knox: The idea in this, brethren: The preceding speakers have stated to you the reasons for the establishment of the medical college, why it is, with all the other enterprises and burdens that the denomination is carrying, that we have also undertaken to conduct a medical college for training physicians. It has been shown by them that its establishment is the result, largely, of instruction from the Spirit of God; that, while the unfortunate conditions prevailing in the ordinary medical college have been recognized by the leaders in this work, yet the courage to start out and launch the enterprise was lacking until this instruction that has been alluded to came to us. Now, this has been made very plain to us at different times; and, as it seems that it is a work that must be done in order to preserve the best interest of the cause, and our young people who are giving themselves to the medical work, it would seem then, that the logical thing to do is that which is aimed at in this third recommendation; that is, the proper equipping of a college that would meet the requirements both from the standpoint of the persons entering its doors, and also from the standpoint of the State. GCB May 30, 1913, page 197.12

Now, the Loma Linda school does not at the present time have the necessary facilities. Our people generally, in America especially, are aware that we attempted to provide funds for the hospital by a special donation taken up in March. It was anticipated that this donation would give us twenty thousand dollars or more. We believed that, as the needs of the college were placed before our people, there would be a hearty response. It is evident, however, that we are to be disappointed. While all the offerings have not yet come to the general treasury, we conclude that the offering will not be more than $9,000. It is necessary that we should have something like $23,500 for the hospital and its equipment. And to establish a dispensary even in rented quarters in Los Angeles will cost approximately another $5,000, making something like $28,500. Before the offering was asked, there was a nucleus for the building fund amounting to some $2,500. This, with the amount of the offering, makes it still necessary for us to provide for some $17,500, in order properly to equip the school. GCB May 30, 1913, page 197.13

This equipment that we spoke of as being proper equipment, is not spoken of from the standard of the personal desires of the men that are connected with it, but it is to meet the requirements of the State. They must have the hospital; they must have clinical facilities. They are already drawing to the close of the school year in which these facilities are needed. They will be needed from now on. How much better it will be for us to recognize the necessity, and provide for it at once, than to expose the school to the harm and the danger and the actual evil that result from being improperly equipped. GCB May 30, 1913, page 198.1

But now, given the recognition on our part of the school, add to that the plain, definite counsel that has come to us; the requirements of the State; the school in operation, with the students becoming unsettled because of the lack of proper facilities, and to them no results if that continues, it is not the reasonable thing for us to do to provide the necessary funds at once? I think it is. We cannot delay this. It would be unwise for us to delay this until we can muster our forces, select a proper date, and again appeal to our people for their donations. The denomination should provide the necessary money. I believe they will, as the necessity is forced home to them. But we cannot deal for that; for if we postpone our efforts in this line, the furnishing of the money, until such time as we can again make a general appeal to the people, months will pass before relief will come, and many of the students will not only be tempted to leave, but I actually believe they will leave the college and seek other quarters. GCB May 30, 1913, page 198.2

It is therefore suggested that the North American Division Conference be authorized to supply, or to advance, the necessary means from its treasury, and to arrange for a call in all the churches throughout the division to raise the necessary funds. Now, I should hope that a proper appeal made to the churches, with the necessities of the case properly set before them, would result in our gathering together the necessary money. But if one offering fails, and it has; if the second offering should fail, what is there for us to do but to make the third call, and the fourth call, until we have it? [Voices: Amen, Amen!] But we cannot jeopardize the interests of the school, nor of our young men and women who are attending it, by delaying and making it possible for repeated appeals. I do firmly believe—I have expressed myself over and over again to the effect—that we should raise the money before we attempt to expend it. But every general rule has its exception, and I believe that here we are facing one of the exceptions, and it will be a good and proper exception if this people gathered here, the representatives of all the denomination, instruct the officers that are to be, to do this thing. Therefore I am in favor of it. GCB May 30, 1913, page 198.3

R. W. Parmele: I should like to relate a little incident illustrating the importance of the question before us. When I was in Louisiana last summer I called upon the secretary of the State board of medical examiners, and asked whether reciprocity would be granted to my wife, a physician, stating that she had a certificate from the State of Illinois by examination. The secretary replied that he could do this, that the State of Illinois gave a very rigid examination. I felt as if the matter was practically settled, when presently he said, “By the way, of what school is your wife a graduate?” I told him she was a graduate of the American Medical Missionary College [the school formerly at Battle Creek]. “Well, let me look the matter up,” he said; “I am afraid not.” He looked it up in the report of the American Association of Medical Colleges, and presently said that there was no reciprocity in Louisiana, giving his reason that the Medical Missionary College was rated in the report as class B, and no college in class B could be admitted to reciprocity. Now, if it had been rated in class C, she would not have been even admitted to examination. He then went on to read to me the reason why the American Missionary College was rated in class B, the reason being that clinical advantages were along the line of certain ideals, and that their equipment was not sufficient, and that the physicians composing the faculty were men who had practise on their hands. Hospital clinics were not given as they should be. That was the reason the college was placed in class B, and if our graduates are to be admitted to reciprocity in such States as that, where a rigid examination is given, it would be necessary for our college to be second to none. So this hospital is an absolute necessity to provide clinical advantages for the students. GCB May 30, 1913, page 198.4

W. T. Knox: There have been some questions sent up to the stand: “Will the hospital asked for meet the requirements of the law?” “Will Los Angeles furnish needed clinical material for dispensary?” I will call upon Dr. Ruble to answer these. GCB May 30, 1913, page 198.5

Dr. W. A. Ruble: The legal requirement made by the American Medical Association is for a hospital of at least one hundred beds, to be owned and controlled by the school. This hospital that we are providing is for seventy beds: and with the close affiliation we have with various medical institutions affording clinical facilities and other advantages, we believe we shall be abundantly able to meet the requirements of the law, so far as clinical hospital facilities are concerned. GCB May 30, 1913, page 198.6

The next question is, “Will Los Angeles furnish the needed clinical material in its dispensaries?” The clinical material comes from three sources,—first, from the clinical hospital; second, from the out-patient department; and, third, from the dispensary. We have already worked up a very good out-patient clinic in our own neighborhood. We have within six or eight miles of us a population of about one hundred thousand. We have four or five small cities there, which, of themselves, have a population of over sixty thousand. We are in close contact with them, and are receiving a number of patients from them, and are conducting quite a large out-patient department in those towns and in the surrounding country. GCB May 30, 1913, page 198.7

The city of Los Angeles will furnish a large amount of dispensary practise. There are several dispensaries there already, one of which is one of the finest I have ever seen in the United States. There can be no question but there is plenty of opportunity in the city of Los Angeles for our dispensary. At the time our students are there, they will also have access to the city for out-practise, and will be privileged to attend the clinics in the hospital in Los Angeles. But our own hospital, with the additional facilities we have, will, I am sure, be amply sufficient to meet the requirements of the law. GCB May 30, 1913, page 198.8

Charles Thompson: I would like to ask if this resolution means, if adopted, that there are to be $17,000 advanced out of the North American Division treasury? GCB May 30, 1913, page 198.9

W. T. Knox: That is what it means, Brother Thompson. GCB May 30, 1913, page 198.10

Charles Thompson: The question in my mind is how it is going to be possible to advance $17,000 out of a treasury that does not yet exist. Inasmuch as the General Conference treasury already exists, and the college is designed to train missionaries for all the world, why not have it come out of the General Conference treasury? If it is designed to have it come out of the North American Division treasury, I would like to move that this question be referred to the committee on finance. GCB May 30, 1913, page 198.11

W. T. Knox: Brother delegate, this is only a recommendation to the North American Division. This body here could take no money out of their treasury if it did exist. GCB May 30, 1913, page 198.12

Charles Thompson: Then it would be a matter that would have to be considered by the North American Division before it becomes effective? GCB May 30, 1913, page 198.13

W. T. Knox: That is it, exactly. GCB May 30, 1913, page 198.14

J. A. L. Derby: Brother Chairman, I would like to ask why it does not include Europe. Is it because our students are not recognized in Europe? I should think that the European Division ought to have a financial interest in this school. Is this a North American school, or is it a denominational school? GCB May 30, 1913, page 198.15

L. R. Conradi: The trouble is that in most of the countries of Europe we cannot have any post-graduate work. The students have to take the full course. For example in Germany,—my son today has the German diploma; but when he goes to Switzerland, he has to take his examinations over, even with a German diploma. There is an uncompromising spirit which we cannot help. It is there by law. GCB May 30, 1913, page 198.16

F. W. Stray: I would like to ask, inasmuch as it is contemplated to grant immediate help, where this seventeen thousand dollars will be found in the North American Division, unless there is contemplated some division of General Conference funds. Where will it come from? GCB May 30, 1913, page 198.17

W. T. Knox: These funds are to come from the people. That is the place, in the beginning and in the end, from which they will come. That is the only place that the General Conference could go to find the money. GCB May 30, 1913, page 198.18

F. M. Dana: Does it mean that the General Conference will get its money from the people in the North American Division, so that they can advance it to the institution? GCB May 30, 1913, page 198.19

W. T. Knox: I cannot answer that question, Brother Dana. That is a matter that will to be worked out. GCB May 30, 1913, page 198.20

Charles Thompson: I believe I will move that we change it to the General Conference treasury instead of the North American Division treasury. GCB May 30, 1913, page 198.21

The motion was seconded. GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.1

W. T. Knox: Are there any remarks on the amendment? GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.2

R. W. Parmele: I would like to inquire what field the General Conference would have to work to obtain this money. Is it that the General Conference advances the money, and then the North American Division replaces it? If so, that is all right; but if the General Conference is to supply the money, they would have to work the North American Division territory to get it. GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.3

F. H. Westphal: It seems to me that it would be a sad mistake to put this responsibility on the General Conference. The division conference will have its officers, and they will be here in the field. They can work the field, and secure this money. The means is here in the North American Division, and there would be no persons more ready or more prepared to secure this money than the officers of the North American Division. GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.4

W. H. Thurston: The difficulty seems to be in getting the money. The resolution provides, or suggests, that the college cannot wait until the money be raised, and that it, therefore, be advanced from the North American Division Conference. And there is no money in the treasury of the North American Division Conference. That seems to be the difficulty, where the money is coming from. GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.5

W. T. Knox: The North American Division will certainly begin business sometime. GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.6

W. A. McCutchen: I move to refer recommendation 3 to the two finance committees, that of the General Conference and of the North American Division Conference, jointly, for further consideration. GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.7

The motion to refer carried. GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.8

Resolution 4 was read, and question was called on the whole, the report being adopted save for the portion referred. GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.9

The Chair called for reports from committees. GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.10

Guy Dail responded with a further report from the committee on plans. The committee submitted a form of constitution for the Asiatic Division Mission, requesting that it be printed on slips for study by delegates before taking up its discussion. GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.11

Guy Dail (reading):— GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.12

Report of Committee on Plans GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.13

The committee on plans and resolutions submit the following further partial report:— GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.14

Whereas, The efforts of the Young People’s Missionary Volunteer Department to reach all of our youth where they are, and to enlist and train them in Christian service, are of the utmost importance to this denomination; and,— GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.15

Whereas, Success in this work requires Missionary Volunteer leaders who are especially qualified to work for and with the youth; and— GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.16

Whereas, There is a growing demand for well-qualified leaders,— GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.17

16. Resolved, (a) That our conference officers and school faculties encourage promising young people to prepare for this line of the Lord’s work. GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.18

(b) That for increasing the efficiency of Conference Missionary Volunteer secretaries and the preparation of those who contemplate entering the work, we favor some form of special training, such as Missionary Volunteer secretaries’ institutes. GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.19

(c) That the General Conference Missionary Volunteer, Department endeavor to arrange with the Fireside Correspondence School to conduct a course of study for the benefit of Missionary Volunteer secretaries, and of those who contemplate entering this work. GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.20

(d) That all conferences make a special effort to build up this department of their work by a careful selection of secretaries, in counsel with the Union and General Conference Missionary Volunteer departments, and by having secretaries who have been reasonably successful, remain in office long enough to enable them to build up a strong work. GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.21

17. Resolved, That in raising funds for interests outside of the local fields, our young people be encouraged to devote their efforts to those enterprises receiving appropriations through the regular channels. GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.22

Whereas, There is a call from many fields for the publication of portions of the writings of Mrs. Ellen G. White, selected from the “Testimonies for the Church,” and other of her books and manuscripts; therefore,— GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.23

18. Resolved, That the General Conference Committee be authorized to appoint three or more persons having a broad knowledge of the needs of the field, to outline plans, and to assist the workers who are very familiar with these writings, in the preparation of several compilations from these writings of such matter as they regard fundamental in character, and believe will be most helpful to the fields; these compilations to form a basis for a series of somewhat similar tracts and pamphlets, in many languages. GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.24

Discussion of Report GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.25

On motion to adopt, questions was called on resolution 16. GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.26

Resolution 17 was read. GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.27

W. T. Knox: Allow me to say a word there. Our young people have been very helpful to us in supplying funds for different enterprises in the foreign fields. And we have greatly appreciated what they have done. They are raising now I think something in the neighborhood of twenty thousand dollars a year. Now in maing their efforts in this line, they sometimes desire some special object to which their offerings shall be given. They write to the treasury department; or the object may be supplied by correspondence with foreign missionaries. Our local conference are all straining every effort to supply mission funds. The pressure has become so strong that conference greatly desire that money raised in their territory for mission work shall be credited upon the amount they are expected to raise in that particular territory. GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.28

For instance, here is a conference that is supposed to raise $25,000 a year in mission funds. It may have a strong young people’s society there, that raises $500 or $1,000 a year for some kind of mission work. Now the conference desires that that $500 or $1,000 that is raised by their young people’s society shall help make up the $25,000 that we expect them to raise; and we are quite willing it shall be counted so. But if Brother So and So over in India appeals to the leader of the young people’s society in that particular conference for help in accomplishing something to which we are not appropriating money, then we are not able to count the money thus secured in our regular mission funds. Thus the General Conference is arbitrarily compelled to increase its appropriation to India by the amount the young people are adding to that field. Now we do not object to the young people or to churches having some special object to which they should give their money; but we do desire that they shall select something to which money is being sent, to which aid is being given, and thus help us to raise the funds that we are appropriating. GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.29

In our appropriations we must act by faith. For 1913, we have appropriated $25,000, a number of thousands of dollars in excess of the mission funds of the preceding year. We had to do that by faith. Why did we dare have such faith?—Because we believed our people would raise their offerings this year, increasing the supply coming to us. We must, therefore, encourage our people to lift along the lines appropriations made; otherwise the gifts do not count on these needs which the fields list as of first importance. GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.30

W. A. Sweany (Bahama Islands): I would like to ask a question for information. I have a letter in my pocket now, received from a secretary of a young people’s society in one of our large churches, asking what they can do to help us in our mission field. I have not answered the letter yet. It was not in response to any call. The questions I want to ask is this, If I write and tell them what they can do to help us, and they send the money direct to us, or if I instruct them to send the money through the regular channel, and we report it as so much money received from such and such a source, will that meet all the requirements? GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.31

W. T. Knox: First, of all, brother, you should discourage this being sent to you direct. It always brings confusion; and if allowed to go unchecked, it would completely disorganize us and would destroy our financial strength in mission work. It would result eventually in leaving some fields absolutely bare, while others would be supplied. Hence, if you write to them and suggest that they devote their gifts to some work in your field that we are appropriating to, then it will count on the mission funds coming from the field; but if it goes to some work to which we are not appropriating, we cannot credit it to the conference, and that will result in dissatisfaction. GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.32

W. A. Sweany: Of course we are not carrying on any work but the general work to which the board is appropriating. GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.33

W. T. Knox: For instance, many requests come from different parts of the fields: “We would like a stereopticon;” “We would like a colporteur wagon;” “We would like an organ;”—all commendable things, helpful in the message, but things to which we are not appropriating. GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.34

Now we want every field to be well equipped, and to have all the facilities that can possibly be supplied, but I am sure that better results will come if these extras are obtained in the same way that we obtain the greater thing. Let me say a word to the missionaries. When you send into the General Conference your requisition, asking for this or that, you know that not a single thing is denied that it is at all possible to supply. And not it will not result the best if, after having placed your wants before the General Conference, and having obtained your appropriation, knowing, as you do, that the appropriation thus made is made in faith, and must be obtained from the churches and the conferences and the young people’s societies and the Sabbath-schools,—it will not work the best, I say, if you then throw out other pleas, separate and independent of that. GCB May 30, 1913, page 199.35

An instance comes to me now. I have in my desk over there some correspondence to show to one of the superintendents from one of the great mission fields. What was it this person was calling for? Coming from one of the department heads in the mission fields, stating that they had been sending out letters to their friends, some of them not of the denomination, and to their brethren here in America, pleading for a large sum of money for a particular purpose that had not been presented to the committee, and to which no appropriation had been voted, and saying that in these letters they had been careful to state to the parties to which they were writing, that money that would come from this appeal would be separate from the mission funds and would not be counted. They said they had every reason to believe that their appeals would result in their obtaining what they wanted, but they informed me so that I would know what it meant when the money began coming into the conference for this purpose. Some will come from the Northern Union, perhaps; some, perhaps, from Southern California; some, perhaps, will come from Greater New York. That brother did not think how those donations coming to us with the information that they were not be counted in the mission funds, but for this specific purpose—how that would appeal to the brethren in these conferences that were still obliged to raise forty thousand dollars for that same field. GCB May 30, 1913, page 200.1

Now if that field needed that machine, all that was necessary in order to get it was that the request come in the regular way, before the General Conference, and then that the General Conference have faith enough to believe that they would have money enough to buy it; but to inject a secondary way of raising this money is injurious to the great work of financing these world missions. We appreciate all that our brethren in foreign lands are doing to help us raise these funds, but I do appeal to you, my brethren, in your seeking to help us, to do it in a way that will really be cooperating with us and not weakening our hands. GCB May 30, 1913, page 200.2

Question was called, and resolution 18 was read. Question being called, vote was taken on the whole report, which was adopted. GCB May 30, 1913, page 200.3

Meeting adjourned. GCB May 30, 1913, page 200.4

W. T. KNOX, Chairman;
W. A. SPICER, Secretary,

“My son, forget not may law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: for length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee. Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about the neck; write them upon the table of thine heart: so shalt thou find favor and good understanding in the sight of God and man.” Proverbs 3:1-4 GCB May 30, 1913, page 200.5



May 29, 2:30 P. M.

[By invitation, a regular meeting of the W. C. T. U., of Northwestern District of Columbia, was held in the large tent, about two hundred temperature workers of the District being present.] GCB May 30, 1913, page 200.6

Mrs. J. W. Robinson, the vice-president of the W. C. T. U. of the District of Columbia, conducted the devotional exercises, reading the one hundred fortysixth psalm, which is sometimes called the W. C. T. U. “crusade song,” after which she offered an earnest prayer for the blessing of God to rest upon the work of the people gathered in this camp, the meeting being held, and the work of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union in general. GCB May 30, 1913, page 200.7

Dr. W. A. Ruble: I am sure we esteem it a privilege to be assembled here this afternoon in the cause of temperance. We are glad to be associated with such a body of earnest, Christian women, who are endeavoring to stamp out this great curse from out country. Edler Daniells, president of the General Conference, will extend to these, our friends, a word of welcome. GCB May 30, 1913, page 200.8

A. G. Daniells: I am sure we are all glad to have these Christian workers come out into the forest this afternoon to meet with us. It is not necessary for me to explain to this congregation the work of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union; for you are well acquainted with it. GCB May 30, 1913, page 200.9

We have with us the district officers and many representatives of this union from the District of Columbia. They will tell us of the work they are doing, and the victories they are gaining in this great struggle. GCB May 30, 1913, page 200.10

It may be of interest to these friends to know that they will have a most sympathetic audience this afternoon. (Many amens.) They have an audience of temperance people, and, to some extent, of temperance workers. This congregation is gathered from all parts of the world. It may be interesting, too, to state that among them all there is not one person who uses any kind of intoxicating liquor or tobacco. (Much clapping of hands by W. C. T. U. ladies.) And they represent more than a hundred thousand people, among whom, so far as I know, there is not one that uses any kind of intoxicating liquor or tobacco. Some one asked me how this was secured, how they were pledged to this. My answer is, They are pledged to this because they are Christians, and they do not believe that Christians ought to use either. (More clapping by the visitors.) That is the only pledge we require. Of course, when we meet with any other organizations that do this, we are no backward about signing the pledge; but, as a people, we take our stand upon that because we believe it is where Christians ought to stand. GCB May 30, 1913, page 200.11

I am sure this hour will remain a bright spot wit our missionaries,—you who have been out under the depressing influence of heathenism, surrounded by the terrible darkness and superstition of heathen lands so many years. You will enjoy hearing from these earnest workers, who are battling with all their energies and their devotion in this great cause of temperance reform. We shall pray for them and shall endeavor, where we may be to aid them in the triumphs of this work. (More clapping from W. C. T. U. and amens from the congregation.) GCB May 30, 1913, page 200.12

Mrs. Dr. Bourdeau-Sisco: The next speaker for the afternoon is our district president, Mrs. Emma Sanford Shelton. Mrs. Shelton has been in the W. C. T. U. work since 1874. She was one of the charter members in the District of Columbia. She was secretary for twenty-one years of this organization, and for three years she has been acting as our president. GCB May 30, 1913, page 200.13

While engaged in this work, she has acted as the district superintendent of narcotics, and while working in this capacity the wonderful Cigarette Bill was passed by Congress, one of the most wonderful bills that has perhaps ever passed Congress, not allowing any boy under sixteen years of age to get cigars or cigarettes. [Applause.] She worked most diligently to have this bill passed, and secured the cooperation of all connected with the schools is any way. I am sure we shall be glad to hear from Mrs. Shelton, our president. GCB May 30, 1913, page 200.14

Mrs Emma Shelton: Your presiding officer has said that this will be a bright day in your history. But I assure you we can return the compliment and say that this is a bright day in the history of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, when they can appear before an audience representing a hundred thousand men and women who do not either use tobacco or whisky in any form. [Applause from W. C. T. U.] Would to God that this could be said of every Christian church in our land and in the world! [Many amens.] GCB May 30, 1913, page 200.15

When I look into your pure faces, the faces of these men here,—my brethren,—the purity of your life is stamped upon your face. We do not always think that “what a man thinketh, so is he,” and that as he thinketh and as his life is, so it is stamped upon the face. Your lives today are stamped upon your faces. As I said to my companion at the table, “Have you ever seen a set of men with purer faces than these men who are surrounding us today?” GCB May 30, 1913, page 200.16

It has been said that the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union is an angel that stands at the door of every household to guard the child. In the year 1874, the year of the crusade, a precious baby boy was put into my arms, and as I was in that bed, with that baby boy in my arms, I prayed for those women who were going through the land, kneeling in the gutters, praying for men to give up the evil life they were leading, to give up the dreadful business they were in, and it was then and there that I dedicated my life to this cause; and from that day to this, I have given the best that I have to it. GCB May 30, 1913, page 200.17

This work has been a blessing to me all my life. It has made me a better wife and a better mother, and has made my son a better citizen. This great body of 300,000 women knows no political organization; it knows no one church. We are seeking the good of all mankind. The work of the W. C. T. U. is preventive. We seek to save the child from the evil habits. Besides working for the children, we are working among the soldiers, the sailors, and the marines; and we are also working with the foreigners in this country. In fact, we are distributing temperance literature in every direction. We are also engaged in Sunday-school work, and are trying to pledge thousands of children this year. GCB May 30, 1913, page 200.18

We thank God for a president of the United States who has taken his stand on this question. [Applause.] We thank God for a secretary of state who has taken this question to heart. [Applause.] And, as far as I know, we have practically a temperance president and a temperance cabinet in this country. We thank our Heavenly Father that the United States House of Representatives and the Senate were enabled to pass a stringent temperance bill for the District of Columbia. Some of the provisions of this bill are that there is to be no saloon within fifty feet of another saloon; no saloon within three hundred feet of an alley where there are residences; no saloon within four hundred feet of a schoolhouse or a church; a boy under eighteen will be fined if he enters a saloon to drink; the saloon-keeper is punishable also for selling the drink. He must know the age of the boy before he permits him to drink liquor. GCB May 30, 1913, page 201.1

We must be strong in this work. We are not here to play, to dream, to drift. We have hard work to do, and loads to lift. It matters not how deeply entrenched the wrong is, how hard the battle goes. Fight on! GCB May 30, 1913, page 201.2

Dr. P. S. Bourdeau-Sisco: Mrs. Don P. Blain, our next speaker, has been especially interested in the children and the young people. She is now our national organizer and national lecturer. GCB May 30, 1913, page 201.3

Mrs. Don P. Blain: Forty years ago, when our organization came into being, we tried to reform the world. The various songs we sung were of that type,—“Rescue the Perishing,” mourning for the thousands slain; but very soon we learned that it is far better to form aright than to reform; and if we win, it must be by education of the children, education of the people. So the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union settled down to place in the public-school system of the great United States a law requiring temperance instruction in certain grades of the public schools; and, through the effort of our organization, praise God, today this statute is found in every State of the United States, and placed by the federal government in every territory. By education we hope to win. GCB May 30, 1913, page 201.4

And then the woman’s Christian Temperance Union went after the Sunday-schools, too; and we have in the International Sunday-school system a lesson each quarter, perused by thousands and thousands of children. Then we supplement it in the home, by teaching our children. For we are good housekeepers, and we look after our homes, and, while we sweep them, and dust them, we look after the children, too, and we sweep in a little temperance instruction, and dust it in, and wash it in, and iron it in. [Applause.] And we rub it in, and we scrub it in. And the child of a white ribboner is right on the temperance question. GCB May 30, 1913, page 201.5

Now another way to win is the legislative way. Up on the Capitol Hill they think they passed the Jones-Works bill; but I tell you, confidentially, we passed that bill. Our maps showing the location of the saloons in the District were sent to forty-two States of the United States. A member of Congress said to me; “Call off your women, Mrs. Blain. I have had five hundred letters from my constituents this week.” He said, “I am for the bill; why trouble me?” I said: “We cannot discriminate, and it is a nice thing to have your secretaries and typewriters busy, and let them write to your constituents. I am glad our women are writing to you.” GCB May 30, 1913, page 201.6

There is another way to win, and that is by cooperation. Cooperation is a wonderful thing. Dear friends, we together, of every church and denomination, and many are represented here, join hands with this great church in hearty cooperation on the platform of temperance, on the platform of prohibition. We view with joy and pride the great work this church did in the grand old State of Maine [applause], when this church was represented in that campaign by splendid effort. We thank you. We ask you to go on with us for nation-wide prohibition. We are in to win, and we shall win by cooperation, and education, and legislation. We are bound to win, for God is with us, and God is for us. GCB May 30, 1913, page 201.7

And the women—O, when we take up this work, how the maternal spirit in every woman, whether she be a mother or not, reaches out to guard and save the children! We go to the lioness in the desert and learn from it a lesson. Let anything assail her young, and she comes forward to protect her little ones with her life if need be; she protects them with her heart’s blood. So we of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union go out battling for the children, battling for the home, giving to it our best effort for God and humanity; and some fair day, with your help, we shall win; for prohibition shall be won. GCB May 30, 1913, page 201.8

W. A. Ruble: Among the activities in this denomination in the way of health and temperance is our system of sanitariums scattered over this world, numbering some fifty-nine. This afternoon one of the superintendents of one of our four sanitariums in California is with us, and will speak to us, Dr. George Thomason, of the St. Helena Sanitarium. GCB May 30, 1913, page 201.9

Dr. Thomason: My work in connection with the human family makes me particularly interested in the subject of alcohol, from a physical standpoint. The Bible says, “Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.” In a physical sense, as well as in a spiritual and every other sense, alcohol deceives men. In a physical sense it makes them feel warm when they are cold; it makes them feel fed when they are hungry; it makes them feel rich when they are poor; it makes them apparently happy when they have distress, and no reason for happiness. The more carefully we are able to measure the effects of alcohol upon the tissues, the more profound influence we find it exerts over every tissue and fiber of the body. There is not a single tissue that escapes the baneful influence of alcohol, even though it may be taken in moderate quantities. GCB May 30, 1913, page 201.10

We find that alcohol influences, first, that tissue of the body which is the most highly organized and the most delicate, namely, the brain. Brain degeneracy is abroad in the land. The first effect of alcohol upon the brain is to paralyze it. Sometimes men think that, under the influence of alcohol, they can say more than they otherwise would be able to say; that it sets the tongue loose: that it opens the avenues of the brain. But this is not so. The effect of alcohol is to paralyze. The reason a man sometimes talks more freely when he is under the influence of alcohol is because his inhibitory sense is paralyzed; and he very often says a great many things that he ought not to say, and does many things that he would not otherwise do. Alcohol produces upon the brain degenerating effects, exhibiting itself in insanity. Insanity is increasing in our country at an alarming rate. It is estimated that brain degeneracy has increased 300 percent in the last fifty years. GCB May 30, 1913, page 201.11

Prof. Forbes Winslow, one of the greatest of the world’s authorities on the subject, says that when the mothers as well as the fathers are given to drink, the children will inevitably be either insane, criminals, or drunkards. My dear friends, if there were no other reason in the world for banishing alcohol from the face of the earth, it would be because of its effects upon the children. It is the inalienable right of every child to be well born, and every parent that forms any habit should think not only of the influence of that habit upon his own mind, but also that which will possibly come to his children. GCB May 30, 1913, page 201.12

I have not time to speak of the influence of alcohol upon other tissues of the body. Speaking of the influence upon digestion, a man who takes a strong solution of alcohol into his mouth cannot tell the difference between sweet and bitter, because of the paralyzing effect upon the nerves of the mouth. Alcohol in the stomach prevents the digestion of the food. GCB May 30, 1913, page 201.13

Just one other point: Many people wonder why it is that alcohol should be used so freely in prescriptions given by physicians if it is not of value. I am glad to tell you today that the physicians of the world are coming to recognize that alcohol is of very little or no value, either in health or disease. GCB May 30, 1913, page 201.14

Because the body is designed to be the temple of the living God, is, I believe, the supreme reason why we should endeavor to get men to abstain from alcohol. God wants men and women everywhere to present their bodies a living sacrifice to him, unpolluted and undefiled. GCB May 30, 1913, page 201.15

W. A. Ruble: As Seventh-day Adventists, we claim to be an army of temperance workers. We have in our midst some two thousand nurses who are giving their time exclusively to the matter of health and temperance; over a hundred physicians are also connected with our various institutions throughout the land. Another of these who comes to us from the Pacific Coast will speak to us this afternoon, Dr. W. B. Holden, superintendent of the Portland (Oregon) Sanitarium. GCB May 30, 1913, page 201.16

Dr. Holden: We often hear it said that it is the abuse of alcohol and not its use that should be talked against. In the few minutes allotted to me I wish to prove that any use of alcohol is its abuse. I am not here to describe the man who abuses alcohol to the extent that he beats his wife. I am not here to talk against the abuse of alcohol when it gets to the point where a man has to be picked up out of the mud. Our friends can tell that a great deal more graphically than I can. The class of users of alcohol that I wish to talk about is the class that use alcohol in such small amounts that they keep their self-respect. Their neighbors and their friends, perhaps, do not know that they use it. Still, that small amount of alcohol is abusive to the one that uses it. Professor Keppelin, of Germany, has studied the effects of alcohol, from an experimental standpoint, probably more carefully than any other living man. He shows by experiments that alcohol, in as small solutions as one to five hundred, produces an irritation and inflammation of the lining of the small arteries. The arteries are all over our bodies. These arteries are lined with a very delicate, smooth membrane. The arteries go to every cell, and every portion of the body. GCB May 30, 1913, page 201.17

A person who is taking only one drink of whisky is taking enough alcohol to produce irritation. Let this be kept up for months and years, and he has great irritation and contraction of the small arteries all over the body. Instead of their being soft and pliant, they become contracted, and the heart must pump much harder. As a result, he has an enlarged heart. The muscles of the heart get stronger and thicker; but there comes a time when they can become no thicker, and then he has heart failure. The heart must then pump against a pressure much greater than the normal. GCB May 30, 1913, page 202.1

The kidneys have a very liberal supply of blood-vessels. There is as much blood sent to the kidneys as to the arm. This constant irritation on the lining of the kidneys causes them to contract to one half, possibly, of their normal size, and the result is chronic Bright’s disease. This is true of people who do not get drunk, but only take their bracer every morning. GCB May 30, 1913, page 202.2

The liver is filled with blood-vessels; it has an extra set of blood-vessels all through it; so when alcohol goes through the blood, the liver receives a double dose. A few months ago I had the opportunity to examine the liver of a woman who was not known to be in the habit of drinking alcoholics at all; but we found the liver had contracted so small that she had lost her life. She was not a drunkard, but we found that she had been in the habit of taking alcohol in small quantities during a period of years. GCB May 30, 1913, page 202.3

Then take the heart: The arteries in the heart are contracted by small quantities of alcohol, and are replaced by scar tissue. After a while the scar tissue extends so far that the supply of blood is cut off; then the person dies in the prime of life. GCB May 30, 1913, page 202.4

In the brain there may be rupture of a blood-vessel, which breaks like an old, decayed garden hose. Then we have apoplexy. GCB May 30, 1913, page 202.5

We have in our blood stream two kinds of blood cells, the red and the white. They are the standing army of our body. There are about seven thousand of these in a drop of blood. These white blood cells go all over the body, and wherever they meet a germ, they pounce upon it, and arrest it. They are the police of the body. Were it not for these white blood cells, a single germ might get into our blood and finally destroy us. But when a little alcohol is introduced, they are much slower. If the alcohol is increased, they will not not do anything, they are sleeping on guard. Now, that thing is recognized clinically in such diseases as pneumonia, for instance. When a drunkard gets pneumonia, there is no hope for him; for the white blood cells are paralyzed. GCB May 30, 1913, page 202.6

I am glad today for the light we are having on alcohol. It does not take any courage to stand before an audience like this and talk temperance; it does not take any courage to stand now before an audience composed of doctors and talk temperance. The uselessness of alcohol in small amounts has been absolutely demonstrated over and over again by the best scientific authority the world over. [Great applause.] GCB May 30, 1913, page 202.7

Dr. Bourdeau-Sisco: We have with us one of the “crusaders,” Mrs. Margaret Ellis, whose name is world-wide. We all know her, and we all love her. Mrs. Ellis was for fifteen years State secretary of the W. C. T. U. in New Jersey. She came into this work in 1873-74. She was one of those who went around praying in the saloons and in the different places on the streets. That is what she did when she entered this work. Mrs. Ellis has been for eighteen years the national legislature superintendent of the W. C. T. U., and in that capacity she has been working in Washington for the past eighteen years. I am sure we shall all be glad to hear from Mrs. Ellis. GCB May 30, 1913, page 202.8

Mrs. Ellis: I wish I had time to tell you how we got the sale of liquor out of the Capitol. For years it had been sold openly in restaurants; but Senator Landis, from Indiana, sandwiched an amendment, prohibiting the sale of liquor in the Capitol building, to the Immigration bill, that was certain of passing at that time. The bill passed the House of Representatives, but it was a difficult matter to get it through the Senate. That body always analyzed a bill by sections before they passed upon it, and examined its provisions closely. When they came to the section dealing with the prohibition of liquor in the Capitol, Senator Penrose, of Pennsylvania, said, “I would like to know what section 26 has to do with immigration.” But Senator Berry, of Arkansas, quickly arose in defense of the bill, and told how he was besieged with letters and petitions from his constituents who clamored for the prohibition of the liquor traffic in the Capitol. The bill passed, and liquor has since been prohibited from the Capitol. GCB May 30, 1913, page 202.9

I happened to be sitting near the attorney of the liquor dealers of the District of Columbia, in the gallery, when the recent bill forbidding the shipping of liquor into prohibition States was passed over President Taft’s veto, who was there to do what he could to oppose the passage of the bill. When he saw the bill passed over the President’s veto, he wrung his hands. I thought in my heart: “You can wring your hinds. I have seen mothers wring their hands over wrecked homes brought about by this liquor traffic.” As he kept wringing his hands, I kept praising God that the bill had passed. GCB May 30, 1913, page 202.10

Brethren, do you know there are 46,000,000 people in the United States under prohibition law, and there are nine States that have statutory laws prohibiting the sale of liquor. There is no liquor permitted to be sold in the army or navy. The government has appropriated a fund for the maintenance of club rooms and places of harmless amusement for the soldiers and sailors to turn them away from the temptation of the saloon. GCB May 30, 1913, page 202.11

W. A. Ruble: Dr. Lauretta Kress, who has been actively engaged in W. C. T. U. work in this city, will now speak. We will have to allow Dr. Kress but one minute, on account of the shortness of time. GCB May 30, 1913, page 202.12

Lauretta Kress: I was reading on the little paper we had as we came in, “Wind the ribbon around the nation,” and I was thinking of the statement we heard, that last year there were enough cigarettes sold in the world to encircle the globe twenty times, end to end. If we as temperance workers are going to help in this great cause, I feel this afternoon that I must strike a deadly blow at the cigarette, because I believe it is doing great harm to man and boy. I read a statement last December of a boat that landed in San Francisco from the Orient free from liquor and tobacco. It was the first time in the history of Trans-Pacific shipping that such a thing occurred. And the statement further said that it was due to the heavy drinking and smoking of the women on board; and let me state further that the woman who led in this great smoking and great drinking was a member of Washington society, but had been absent from her home for five years. She said that her limit was sixty cigarettes a day. If I understand anything at all about the use of tobacco, there is in one smoking bag of Durham about forty cigarettes when rolled. This woman evidently smoked more than one bag of Durham a day. GCB May 30, 1913, page 202.13

I have a statement in my possession that one woman from Colorado has performed the feat of smoking three hundred cigarettes a day. She can smoke one every five minutes, not counting time for sleeping or eating. If cigarettes and tobacco are harmful for the men, what will they do for the women, who are the mothers of our children, who are to be the forwarders of our race? Will such a mother be able to help her posterity? If it weakens the heart and the arteries, what must it do to the little child? GCB May 30, 1913, page 202.14

Last year, in New York City, one hundred thousand women smoked thirty-five billion cigarettes. As Christian women, we must do what we can to help in this work. I believe it is the duty of every man, woman, and child in this audience to lift up the banner of temperance against this great evil in our land. GCB May 30, 1913, page 202.15

Mrs. Howe (president of the Northwest Union): I am not going to make a speech, but we white ribboners have had a great day. We have been the guests of this sanitarium, and of this great Conference here in session. As leader of the Northwest Union, I wish to say that I am sure that the white ribboners of the District of Columbia have profited very much by this day. GCB May 30, 1913, page 202.16

Dr. Mabel Howe-Otis: I am very happy today to tell you that I belong to the white ribboners, and I wish to pay a tribute to this great organization. The great number of women’s clubs can really trace their organizations back to the W. C. T. U. I am also happy to tell you that I belong to an organization which not only would do away with alcohol and tobacco, but with every harmful food or drink, which, taken into the body, would mar its perfection as the temple of our Creator. GCB May 30, 1913, page 202.17

I thank God for the knowledge which has come to me through the study of this truth with reference to physical conditions. I feel very thankful and very humble, in the light of all this knowledge, to subscribe myself not only a member of the W. C. T. U., but a believer in the truths and in the message that we as Seventh-day Adventists have held most dear. As I look into your faces, and see that some of you have grown gray in this service, not only in the extinction of the dram shop and the cigarette, but for the upbuilding of a physical basis for righteousness that will enable us to be workers in this cause that we love, I pray that the Lord will spare us all, and give us discernment that we may hold up the banner of physical righteousness wherever our tent may be pitched. GCB May 30, 1913, page 202.18

Mrs. J. W. Robinson: There is one more speaker, and it is my privilege to present to you a veteran, a man who was a personal, loved friend of Abraham Lincoln, Major J. B. Merwin. GCB May 30, 1913, page 203.1

Major J. B. Merwin: How should we dare adjourn this marvelously interesting audience without some specific tribute to this organization represented here this afternoon. If there is one man in this audience who stands in the pride and integrity of his manhood, preserved, honored, respected—can we ever measure what we owe to this organization of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, that you and I today are not drunkards? They are praying women. I am so glad to look into the faces of more than a thousand men who are temperance men, total abstainers, Christian men. I take off my hat—eighty-five years old—this afternoon, and say, “God bless you, brethren and sisters, for what you have done. [Applause.] What other calamity would you not rather that God Almighty should send on that child of yours than to withdraw his restraining grace so as to permit that child to be a drunkard? Abraham Lincoln said that saloons meant drunkards just as surely as a mill meant flour. They mean to take your boys and husbands and children and make drunkards of them, denude them of their manhood. GCB May 30, 1913, page 203.2

Several songs were rendered by the choir and male quartet, and, altogether, a very profitable afternoon was the result of the visit of our W. C. T. U. friends to the encampment. GCB May 30, 1913, page 203.3