General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7

Conference Proceedings. TWENTY-SECOND MEETING

W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, C. C. Crisler, T. E. Bowen, H. E. Rogers, J. N. Anderson

May 28, 10 A. M.

W. T. KNOX in the chair. GCB May 29, 1913, page 179.6

J. T. Boettcher offered prayer. GCB May 29, 1913, page 179.7

It was voted, that we invite the European and North American Division Conferences to supply their secretaries’ minutes of division conference meetings for publication in the BULLETIN. GCB May 29, 1913, page 179.8

The following communication was presented to the Conference:— GCB May 29, 1913, page 179.9


“We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to the members of the General Conference Committee and all the many friends who so kindly sympathized with us in our bereavement, as expressed in their kind words of comfort, their eager willingness to help in anything that loving hands could do, and their beautiful floral tributes. We wish to assure all the friends that their many acts of kindness were greatly appreciated by us, and contributed much to the amelioration of our grief. GCB May 29, 1913, page 179.10

“MEMBERS OF THE IRWIN FAMILY.” GCB May 29, 1913, page 179.11

It was voted that we accept this expression with thanks, and that the communication be incorporated into the minutes. GCB May 29, 1913, page 179.12

W. T. Knox: Are any of the committees ready to report? If not, we will call for a report from Brother L. V. Finster, on the work in the Philippines. GCB May 29, 1913, page 179.13

L. V. Finster: On behalf of the believers in the Philippines, I am glad this morning to bring to you words of greeting. At the last General Conference there were no Sabbath-keepers in the Philippine islands. GCB May 29, 1913, page 179.14

(Reading):— GCB May 29, 1913, page 179.15



This mission field consists of the Philippine Islands, the Sulu Archipelago, and the Bataan Islands. The population numbers about nine million. The people are divided into two classes,—the aboriginals, called the Negritos, Igorotes, Tinquin people, and a few minor tribes, and the invaders, who are known as the Tagalogs, Visayans, Ilocanos, Pampangas, etc., according to the province from which they come. They are of Malay origin, and constitute the real Filipino people. Since the conquest by Spain, three hundred years ago, the Filipinos have been members of the Catholic Church, with the exception of the oboriginals above mentioned, and the people on the island of Mindanao, called Moros, and those of the Sulu Archipelago, who are Mohammedans. GCB May 29, 1913, page 179.16

Although professedly Christian for three hundred years, it was not until the American occupation that the Bible was permitted an entrance into the country. The church did but little more than call their heathen customs by Christian names. GCB May 29, 1913, page 179.17

Our Work

Our work was first started in the islands by Elder J. L. McElhany and wife, six years ago. He was successful in reaching several Americans, who soon, however, returned to the United States. After two years of faithful labor, they were called to take up work in New Zealand. Brother Caldwell and wife, from Australia, were the next workers, Brother Caldwell representing our book work there. GCB May 29, 1913, page 179.18

Four years ago last December Mrs. Finster and I arrived in Manila, from the Australasian field. We were asked to work especially for the Filipinos. The needs of the nine million souls who had never heard of the third angel’s message gave us one of the greatest welcomes we have ever received in any field. GCB May 29, 1913, page 179.19

The people are divided into thirty-four different languages and dialects; and it is estimated that about ten per cent understand the Spanish language. The younger generation are learning the English language through the agency of the schools. We now have over nine thousand native teachers, more or less perfectly teaching the English language in the public schools. GCB May 29, 1913, page 179.20

Our first year was devoted to language study, and getting out some tracts in the Tagalog language. The second year we started some cottage meetings, speaking through an interpreter. Soon there were more calls than I could fill. Later I had a Bible school, which included many of the native pastors of Manila. GCB May 29, 1913, page 179.21

Tent Efforts

Two years ago Brother I. H. Evans visited us, and we organized our first church, with eighteen members. Our hearts were very glad as we saw another tongue joined to that host who are to sing the song of Moses and the Lamb when Jesus returns. GCB May 29, 1913, page 180.1

Soon after this we pitched our first tent in Manila. Our attendance was good from the start. In fact, it was packed, with crowds standing outside all around the tent. Our trouble has not been how to get a congregation, but how to care for those who come. They continued to come every night for ten weeks at a time. We pitched our tent in three different places, with the same results. We have many urgent calls from other cities to teach them the truth, but are unable to respond, because we have no one to send. One of the hardest experiences of our mission work is our inability to answer the many calls for help. One year later our membership had grown to one hundred, with many others keeping the Sabbath. Since then it has grown to something over one hundred seventy-five members. GCB May 29, 1913, page 180.2

A year ago last January we were glad to welcome Elder Elbridge M. Adams and wife and Brother Floyd Ashbaugh to the field. Since we left on our furlough, Brother Adams is the only minister in the field. GCB May 29, 1913, page 180.3

Our Literature

In the Tagalog language we now have ten tracts, also the book “Thoughts on Daniel,” and a small Bible-reading book, called “Suliranang ng Kapahunahan.” We also publish a monthly paper, called Patnubay ng Katabusan. We have two tracts published in the Ilocano language. GCB May 29, 1913, page 180.4

Our two canvassers have had excellent success. Brother R. A. Caldwell has sold eighteen hundred “Patriarchs and Prophets” in Spanish, one thousand “Coming King” in Spanish, and about one thousand copies each of the Tagalog books, “Thoughts on Daniel” and “Suliranang ng Kapahunahan,” on the island of Luzon. GCB May 29, 1913, page 180.5

Brother Floyd Ashbaugh has had splendid success this past year in the island of Panay, selling the Spanish “Patriarchs and Prophets.” GCB May 29, 1913, page 180.6

Brother Caldwell and wife have just returned to Australia on furlough, and Brother Floyd Ashbaugh expects to return to the United States at the beginning of the school year to finish his education. So we are in need of other canvassers. Several of the richest islands are as yet unentered. GCB May 29, 1913, page 180.7

Our Filipino Laborers

We have carried on a training class for several of our young men in the class-room and by taking them with me in the active field work. Four or five have developed into quite acceptable workers. The Lord is using them in reaching their own people. It matters not what the race may be, if the third angel’s message gets hold of the people, they want to tell others of the message for this time. GCB May 29, 1913, page 180.8

Our Needs

We have started work in only one of the thirty-four languages of the islands Some one must go to learn those other languages, and gather around him the young people to instruct them so they can carry the truths to their own people. Nine million people are too many for one minister. GCB May 29, 1913, page 180.9

We need better facilities for the training of our young people. They are our hope for the carrying of this message and the finishing of the work in this generation. GCB May 29, 1913, page 180.10

We need to have the medical missionary work started. We should have a doctor and some nurses to instruct our own people and to assist in the evangelistic work. We need canvassers to take the place of those that are leaving. GCB May 29, 1913, page 180.11

But, above all, we need your prayers for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, that the work may be carried forward in harmony with the Lord’s mind. GCB May 29, 1913, page 180.12

In closing, we wish to thank our Sabbath-schools for the assistance they have given us in the erection of our first church in Manila, and for a mission home; also the many friends who have helped us buy our printing-press and equipment, and the young people’s society in Maine for our stereopticon lantern. GCB May 29, 1913, page 180.13

We are thankful to the Lord for his blessings, and to him we give all the praise. GCB May 29, 1913, page 180.14

On leaving the islands our Filipino brethren asked me to convey Christian greetings to our brethren assembled here in Conference, and to thank you for the light of the message you have sent them. GCB May 29, 1913, page 180.15

L. V. FINSTER, Director.

L. V. Finster (speaking): I want to read a few words from a letter I have from a young Ilocano Sabbath-keeper, who has been attending the high school in Manila. As one of the examinations came on the Sabbath, he had to miss getting his diploma. He says: “By passing, I could have pursued university studies. But I passed in all except the examination that came on the Sabbath. That subject spoiled my all, and my teachers were disappointed, but I have peace from God. Now, Elder Finster, the work is progressing wonderfully in the Tagalog provinces, and reports from the Visayas are very encouraging. Malolos has about fifty believers. Kawit is receiving the gospel message. But I remember the Ilocano people, my people, Mr. Finster. Not one among them is keeping the Sabbath. We lack workers for the fertile Tagalog provinces, but not one worker has been sent to the not less fertile Ilocano provinces. Twenty more workers from America will not be too many. I wish you to make an eloquent appeal for my people in the General Conference.” GCB May 29, 1913, page 180.16

At the close of this letter, in compliance with a request, Elder Finster related the following:— GCB May 29, 1913, page 180.17

We have one old brother seventy-two years old with us. His hair is almost as white as that of these men here. Often he would come to me and ask that he might do something to help the work, because the Lord had been so good to him in calling him out of darkness, and he wanted to do something for the Lord before he died. And so I sent him out as a canvasser, and he went down to Cavite province. When he came to deliver his books, he did not just simply deliver them, but he told the people that he would not let them go until he explained the books to them; and so he started in with the second chapter of Daniel, and explained that, then the seventh, and then explained about baptism, and the coming of the Lord. He would spend a day with one man, and another day with another. GCB May 29, 1913, page 180.18

When he returned, he told me he had eight. Sabbath-keepers down there. These persons sent up by him an earnest call that I should come down and teach them the truth; for they had just come out of the Catholic Church. The doctor had ordered my wife to leave the islands at once, and we had our tent-meeting, with some eight hundred people there every night. Brother Adams had just arrived, and had to have an interpreter with him, so I told this man that we were all needed there, and no one could be spared to go. The tears began to roll down the old man’s cheeks, and he asked what would become of those poor people, if no one should go to tell them the truth. Finally, the only satisfaction I could give him was that I would send the native evangelist down for two days, and that at the close of the tent-meeting, we would try to send some workers down, that the people might know that we were willing to help them. This satisfied the old man. GCB May 29, 1913, page 180.19

When the brother went down, he called a meeting, and there gathered around him five or six hundred. When he started to pray, they fell down and began to cry. He never had such an experience before in all his life. He said that the Spirit of God could fall upon these darkened people the same as it did in olden times. They kept him preaching the whole day long, and in fact, the two days he was there. When he returned, he said they were different; they were really keeping the Sabbath, and trying their best to find out the truths we hold so dear. But the sad part of it is that we have not yet been able to send anybody to them, and that was a year ago. Our workers have been so engaged in their work that we could not spare them. I only wish we could secure some young people to come over and assist us in answering such calls. GCB May 29, 1913, page 180.20

W. T. Knox: We will now call upon Brother R. A. Beckner, for a report from Burma. GCB May 29, 1913, page 180.21

R. A. Beckner (reading):— GCB May 29, 1913, page 180.22



During the past four years our force of foreign workers has varied, but most of the time we have had three men with their wives, one single worker, and one self-supporting worker. Elder H. H. Votaw, besides having the general oversight of the work in Burma, has with his faithful wife been carrying on a strong, aggressive work in Rangoon, which is the local mission headquarters. Prof. R. B. Thurber, with his wife and family, is located at Meiktila, where he is doing the work of three men in our industrial school. Dr. Tornblad is doing self-supporting medical work in the southern Shan states. Miss Mary Gibbs has been studying the Karen language, at the same time carrying on medical missionary work in Rangoon. Our location is Mandalay, but on account of giving a great deal of time to the literature work the past year, we have spent only about three months of the time there. GCB May 29, 1913, page 180.23

These workers, with Elder and Mrs. G. A. Hamilton, who have come in answer to that oft-repeated call for a man and wife for the Karen work, give us ten workers among a heathen population of close to twelve millions. Suppose we say a million for each worker, this leaves a few odd millions for any one who wishes an unoccupied field of labor. Notwithstanding the great numbers before us, we can say with Jonathan, “There is no restraint with God to save by many or by few.” Our greatest need now is a strong force of workers from among the Burmese. We thank God for the loyal men we do have, and we believe that our school will soon be supplying the most essential feature of missionary propaganda,—trained workers from among the native people. GCB May 29, 1913, page 181.1


Forty-five have been added to the church by baptism during the past four years. Some have been taken in on profession of faith, and some by letter, so that the present membership is ninety-five. Counting the children, we have over one hundred in Burma who are keeping the commandments of God and are looking for the speedy return of the Lord. Of the new members, five are devoting all their time to active mission work under the supervision of the mission. Of these, India has taken three, one is teaching in the Meiktila school, while Brother Williams will in a few weeks, return from England, where he is taking a change, and getting some training along medical lines. He passed the first examination in Burmese while still in private business, and will be able to do active work in the vernacular very soon. GCB May 29, 1913, page 181.2


The people of Burma are noted for their liberality. You cannot go to a Burman’s house without being asked to eat. The fact that you have had a full meal less than an hour before, in no way lessens your obligation to partake of their hospitality. This has its disadvantages when one has several calls to make in an afternoon. We are glad to say that this spirit of liberality is manifested in behalf of the work as well. The total amount given by our people in Burma to the work during 1912 was 7,952 rupees or 94 rupees ($30.67) per member. This does not include money raised for the Meiktila school, which is about 11,000 rupees. GCB May 29, 1913, page 181.3

Meiktila Industrial School

The Meiktila Industrial School occupies a unique position among our denominational schools, in that it has practically no Seventh-day Adventist constituency to draw from, and the money for its start and maintenance, except the book teachers’ salaries, has been raised from those not of our faith, and for the most part heathen. Four years ago, in response to a call from the Buddhist people themselves, R. B. Thurber and family were sent to open a school at Meiktila. At once they began the study of the language, but the calls for the opening became so loud and frequent that school was begun, with no facilities, in a rented building. Application had been made for a certain piece of government land. After nearly a year’s delay, it was refused. At first this seemed to be a discouraging feature; but now we can see God had a much better location for us. We have twenty-five acres of “freehold land” on high ground about a mile and a half from the town, overlooking the lake, where the breezes come from all sides. It is, in fact, the most ideal location in the whole place. GCB May 29, 1913, page 181.4

On this land there has been erected one large school building 38x78, with tile roof, cement floor, brick nogging up three feet, and double mat walling; house for one teacher; house and stable for cartman and bullocks; a temporary work shed with living quarters for the teachers of carpentry and cane work. When we left, the foundation was being laid for a workshop the same size as the school building. This is now used as a dormitory, workshop, class room, storehouse, study room, church, and office. This has all been done with money raised largely in Burma and from those not of our faith. GCB May 29, 1913, page 181.5

In the morning the boys are taught Burmese and English; in the afternoon they work at the trades or outdoor unskilled labor. At present we have equipment to teach only three trades. The carpentry class are making chairs, tables, clothes-presses, working on the buildings, and have made new and repaired old furniture for the government offices. The officials were well pleased, and gave the school a good recommendation. The cane department is making cane chairs of various patterns, soiled-linen boxes, stools, waste-paper baskets, and the like. The shoe department has been so crowded with orders for new shoes and repair work, that they have been compelled to hire four extra men who understand the work to help. Even then I had to wait four weeks for a pair of shoes. There is a great demand for European shoes, especially those made on American lasts, which the school has on hand. They make these, as well as the Burmese sandals and slippers. GCB May 29, 1913, page 181.6

Thus far anything along the line of agriculture has had to contend against all the stray horses, cows, and goats in the station. This has now been remedied, or will be soon, as a few weeks ago, when Brother Votaw and I were in the oil fields getting money from the Burmese oil-well owners, one of the American drillers who had given to the school, suggested that we ask the oil companies for old sand lines and discarded cables, which, unstranded, make fine fencing. We acted upon the suggestion, and were promised enough to make a ten-wire fence around the whole twenty-five acres. We expect to receive from the Burma railways, free, or at a very low cost, enough old rails to furnish the posts, as any wood except teak would be eaten by the white ants. This will save over three hundred dollars. GCB May 29, 1913, page 181.7

The school opened last year with thirty-five boys; the last word before starting for Conference gave an enrolment of 141. For some time we have been turning boys away, asking them to wait until there is more accommodation. Most of the boys are Burmese, but there are some Indians, Chinese, Karens, and Eurasians. Nearly all the boys do some work. They are paid from the start, beginning at one pice (one-half cent) per hour. As they become more skilled, the wage is increased until some are receiving five cents per hour. Some of the parents are able to pay the school fees, and the boys have what they earn. All have the money placed in their hands. Thus we try to give them a financial training. A few are able to earn all or practically all their expenses, but usually it takes about $15 a year more than the average boy can earn. Several scholarships have been sent from America, and several have been donated by individuals in Burma. It is certainly a very little outlay to give a boy an education of his mind, train his hands, and bring his heart to a knowledge of the true and living God. GCB May 29, 1913, page 181.8

This industrial school is the only trades school in Burma. The only other school for boys to learn a trade is in jail. So we in Burma feel to say in no uncertain tones that the Meiktila School is a success, and I am sure that could you have been with me as I met with them in their prayer-meeting and heard those boys sing the songs of Zion, seen those young men, who six months before might have been seen at pagodas bowing down to an image of stone, stand up and thank God that they were at the school, and ask their teachers and fellow students to pray that they may learn quickly, so that they may be ready to meet Jesus when he comes, you too would say that it is a success. Could you have seen Ngwe Zin, who about three years ago was “only a Buddhist boy,” as he stands before his class of boys in the Sabbath-school, you would be glad to give of your means that Burma’s boys may become mercy’s messengers to Buddhist Burma. GCB May 29, 1913, page 181.9

In behalf of Brother Thurber and family, I wish to thank the liberal-hearted brethren and sisters who gave to the $300,000 Fund; as from money received from it they were able to move into a nice new house on school land, from a house of bamboo with a foot or more of water under it. In such a house it was no wonder that he was down with the fever before the new house on the hill was finished enough to move into it. GCB May 29, 1913, page 181.10


From time to time we have had canvassers come to Burma to sell English books and papers. In fact, the first work was done in that way; but the record of work done is not very definite, so we shall confine this report largely to the year 1912, as showing what could be done with systematic work. One canvasser devoted all his time to English books and papers for about nine months; three others sold some as their time permitted. The total value of these sales was $3,132. The English-speaking community is comparatively small, but often we can place English literature in the hands of Buddhists, Mohammedans, Hindus, etc., because they wish to improve in English. There is a great field here for two or three regular canvassers. Brother Carott averaged sales of more than two hundred fifty dollars per month, and reached over three hundred dollars when he reported full time. GCB May 29, 1913, page 182.1

Vernacular Literature

The Burmese people are a reading people. All the boys must enter the monastery before they can become men, and here they are taught the three “R’s,” so that now the percentage of those able to read and write is greater than that of Italy. The Baptists are this year celebrating the one-hundredth year of their entrance into Burma. Other missions have been there almost as long, but to the best of my knowledge none have ever made it a practise to sell Christian literature to the Buddhists. Because of the indifference and self-satisfaction of the people, they seem to have trouble in giving it away. It has remained for Seventh-day Adventists to demonstrate that literature can be sold, and sold for a price that more than covers the cost of printing. Our first real attempt to sell reading matter was made about two years ago, with a thirty-two-page and-cover booklet on the “Signs of the Times and End of the World.” We really began by giving these away and selling gospels at a half-cent each. After the first day, I adopted the plan of selling the two for a half-cent. This plan seemed to be good, so we tried selling them for a half-cent each. For the past eighteen months we have been selling the “End Near” booklet for a cent, which covers the cost. In four years, fourteen thousand of these heralds of the Lord’s coming have been placed in the hands of the people. GCB May 29, 1913, page 182.2

An eight-page tract on “The True Mode of Worship,” for free distribution, was printed, and an edition of ten thousand was almost exhausted when I left. Fifteen hundred copies of an eighty-page health booklet, several thousand copies of the Gospel Luke, besides a large number of tracts on the Sabbath and other subjects, have been sold. Encouraged by this success, but determined to launch out still farther, we issued, a year ago, the first number of a twenty-two-page quarterly magazine, selling for fifteen cents a year, or three cents a copy. The first three issues were 5,000 each; the fourth, 5,500; and the issue for last month was 6,000 copies. These were all sold as they came out, either as single copies or mailed to subscribers. GCB May 29, 1913, page 182.3

No one has given his entire time to the circulation of these magazines, and as yet we have no Burmese workers who can be spared for this work. From January to March I took 1,065 subscriptions for Kin Soung; 71 for the Chinese magazine, and 16 for the Tamil quarterly. Although I had no Bengali, Hindi, or Urdu papers with me, I secured 14 cash subscriptions for these. I cannot speak all these languages, but the people can usually speak Burmese or English, and the Lord helped me to get the orders. We are glad to be able to help in the circulation of the papers from the other fields. GCB May 29, 1913, page 182.4

I believe that in a short time we will be able to take boys from the school and train them to sell these papers. They may never be able to equal the work of a foreigner, for a white face naturally gives one a certain advantage, but ten native workers would easily give the paper a circulation of from ten to fifteen thousand. GCB May 29, 1913, page 182.5

From a small people of seven hundred fifty thousand (the Karens), the Baptists claim forty thousand converts, while from the eight or nine million Burmese, they have about ten thousand. They get a small per cent of those educated in their schools, but adult converts from direct evangelization are rare and exceptional. Yet I believe the Lord has solved the problem of breaking down that barrier of indifference for us. Our industrial training-school will furnish us with workers, trained and tested; and the vernacular papers will be the means of reaching the people. As I have gone from house to house, I have found the old copies of the papers nearly worn out with reading. I believe that each paper is read three or four times; and they generally read aloud, and are heard by from one to half a dozen each time. If one paper reaches so many people, Burma’s millions may soon be warned. GCB May 29, 1913, page 182.6

Scarcely a mail comes that does not bring to us letters of appreciation for the paper, and asking that all the papers and books we print in Burmese be sent, value payable. Some of the other missionaries have used large quantities of our literature. Men often come to us as a result of reading our paper. The thugyi (head man) of a village about fifteen miles from Mandalay, came to our house because he did not get his paper. The Baptists had just been to his village with a magic lantern; but he wanted to know why we kept “Oo-botenai” on Saturday instead of Sunday, like the other “sons of Christ.” He stayed about two hours talking, and went away with the promise that we would come to his village and preach as soon as we return from America. Daily these calls for more light come from one end of Burma to the other. Everywhere we go we meet those who know of our work and belief. I have often had fellow travelers, taking me for an American Baptist, begin an argument against Sunday and in favor of the observance of the Sabbath. GCB May 29, 1913, page 182.7

In Burma we need the power of God. And the workers and believers there are looking to this conference to be the beginning of a movement that will reach even to “bagoda land,” to gather from the “sons of Buddha” a goodly company to stand on the sea of glass. GCB May 29, 1913, page 182.8


W. T. Knox: We have not yet had reports from our brethren in South America. We will give Brother J. W. Westphal an opportunity to present a report from his field. GCB May 29, 1913, page 182.9

J. W. Westphal: When we were coming across the Atlantic, I had a conversation with a man apparently of more than average intellect and education and avoirdupois. On learning that I was from Argentina, he asked me where it was—whether it was south of Panama. I told him it was at the southern extremity of the South American continent. He expressed surprise, and said he supposed it was some place in the United States. As we neared the shore, an official asked the passengers for much information in regard to their place of birth, their nationality, their business, where they were going, and what they were going to do. There was with us a young lady from Uruguay. He asked her what her nationality was. I replied for her that she was from Uruguay. He said, “What is that? Where in the United States is Uruguay?” I said it was not in the United States. I told him it was an independent republic in South America, as independent as the United States. He laughed, shook his head incredulously, and said he wondered what the customs officials in New York City would think or make of it. GCB May 29, 1913, page 182.10

These facts made me think that a little lesson on South American geography might not be out of place this morning. Our South American field is not in the United States. [Laughter.] It is not in any territory that belongs to the United States. It is south of the United States—south of Panama. It embraces all of South America excepting the little republic of Panama. It has a population of something over twenty million. So much as regards where it is. As I am allotted fifteen minutes to read my report, I have put these general remarks into the preface. GCB May 29, 1913, page 182.11

J. W. Westphal (reading):— GCB May 29, 1913, page 182.12



It is twenty years since the opening of our work in South America, twelve years since the formation of the South American Union Mission, and seven years since the South American Union Conference was organized. Now, 1,762 Seventh-day Adventists from this field send greetings to the General Conference assembled in Takoma Park, Washington, D. C., in 1913. I do not have the membership of the present South American Union territory at the close of 1908, but three years ago, it was 1,242. There has been a gain of 522 in three years. GCB May 29, 1913, page 182.13


Our work in the South American Union territory is represented as follows: Argentina, 14 churches; membership, 760; Chile, 17 churches; membership, 500; Upper Parana Mission, embracing the republic of Paraguay and a portion of northern Argentina, 7 churches and 2 companies, with a membership of 208; Bolivia, 1 company, with a membership of 7; Ecuador, 1 church, with a membership of 12; Peru, 4 churches; membership, 177; Uruguay, 3 churches and 1 company, with a membership of 98. GCB May 29, 1913, page 182.14

As an indication of their love for and interest in this work, I refer to the fact that the tithe for 1912 amounted to $20,689.06, practically the amount of the appropriation from the General Conference, while the donations for local and general work amounted to more than five thousand dollars. The average tithe per member was $11.74, and the average tithe and donation for evangelistic work per member was $14.78. Offerings for other enterprises and local work will amount to several thousand dollars more. The tithe for the quadrennial period is $67,026.07; donations for evangelistic work, $17,181.49; total for evangelistic work, $84,207.56. GCB May 29, 1913, page 182.15

The total number of ordained ministers is fifteen; licentiates, eight; licensed missionaries, twenty-five; book and periodical canvassers, thirty-five; a total of eighty-three. They are distributed as follows: Argentina, twenty-six; Chile, thirty; Upper Parana Mission, five; Bolivia, four; Ecuador, two; Peru, eleven; Uruguay, five. GCB May 29, 1913, page 183.1


Since the last session of the General Conference, the union has been favored by the visits of two General Conference representatives, L. R. Conradi, of Europe, and W. A. Spicer, of Washington, D. C. We were disappointed in not being permitted to welcome A. G. Daniells in 1910, as had been planned. However, Brother Conradi ably filled his place, and did us good service during his short stay. His limited time enabled him to make only a brief visit to Chile, on the West Coast, and attend two meetings in Argentina and one in Brazil. GCB May 29, 1913, page 183.2

Union Organization

Up to 1901, the South American Union field was operated as three separate and independent mission field, namely, Brazil, River Plate, and West Coast Mission. In that year they were organized into the South American Union Mission. But because of its immense extent of territory, and the consequent difficulties in economical and advantageous administration, it was considered advisable to divide it into two union conferences. This was done at the time of Brother Conradi’s visit, when the Brazil Union Conference was organized. This arrangement became operative Jan. 1, 1911. The territory of the South American Union Conference is therefore reduced to the republics mentioned in the first paragraph of this report, and the Falkland Islands. But a glance at the map will show that it is still a large field, having a total length of about four thousand miles. Peru and Ecuador especially are very distant from our center, or from any acceptable center that could be chosen. A further division should be made in the near future. GCB May 29, 1913, page 183.3

Medical Work

Our sanitarium has done an excellent work. It began in the school buildings, Nov. 15, 1908. With the opening of school early the following March, it moved to its own quarters, in a dwelling house purchased from Dr. R. H. Habenicht. In the meantime a sanitarium building was begun, and as fast as a room was ready, it was occupied by patients. For a short time its work was stopped by the medical authorities on the ground that it had no recognized physician, the doctor having only a license to practise. Once since, a similar effort has been made against it, but each time its many friends came to the rescue, and its popularity has since continued. The past year has been a very successful one. It had a net gain in 1912 of $6,191.24. This is enabling the institution to reduce its indebtedness, and make some of the most needful improvements, especially in the surgical department. The total investment is $35,159.56; the net present worth, $22,450.54. Of the assets, over five thousand dollars are accounts. From thirty to thirty-five patients can be accommodated. In the accommodations and furnishings, there is still much to be desired, and the building is still incomplete. GCB May 29, 1913, page 183.4

Last October, the sanitarium graduated its first nurses’ class, seven in number. Two of these are still in connection with the institution, while the remainder are all in the field under conference employ—two in the Upper Parana Mission, two in Argentina, and one among the Indians in Peru. As this work becomes more appreciated, and our young people are becoming better educated, a better-prepared class are taking it up. What is greatly needed is a physician who will enter a medical school in our field for the purpose of securing a diploma and thus obviating further legal difficulties. GCB May 29, 1913, page 183.5

Educational Work

The River Plate Academy has done a good work. Under the direction of Prof. W. C. John, it has been fully organized, and a course of ten years planned. Previously most of the students came only for a few months. Under the present plan, this has been greatly improved. It is expected that the first class will be graduated this year. The attendance of students and children of all ages has been about one hundred each year. Much of the success in the sale of our literature is due to the work of this and the Chile school. One student has just entered the work of the gospel ministry. As our students nearly all come to us without any education, a two or three years’ course does not render the help necessary. We hope for greater results when the students we now have are able to enter the missionary field. GCB May 29, 1913, page 183.6

Necessarily the change in the school plan has increased the expense, but we are confident that this will be amply compensated for by better results. We are employing six teachers. They are endeavoring to develop a missionary spirit in the school, and are holding before those in attendance the one object of our school, that of preparing students to carry the message to the people of our great field. We are grateful for the help given in the sending of Professor and Mrs. H. U. Stevens, of Union College, to take charge of the school. GCB May 29, 1913, page 183.7

All are anxiously waiting to hear the result of the thirteenth Sabbath-school offering, which the General Conference Committee so kindly voted to give to the schools in Argentina and Chile. Thus far these schools have been able to keep free from debt; but the facilities must be increased, some most necessary things provided, and in Argentina, a new dormitory must be built. The investment of the school is $18,000.92, and the present worth, $16,023.51. When the good accounts are collected, all debts will be wiped out. GCB May 29, 1913, page 183.8

Publishing Work

For several years, up to 1910, there had been two printing plants in the Spanish part of the South American Union Conference territory; namely, in Argentina and Chile. At the union session of the year 1910, it was recommended that they be united at Florida, in Argentina. By the close of the year, an additional and larger building was erected, larger and better printing machinery procured, and the whole printing work taken over. About $2,500 from the $300,000 Fund was a great help in making these necessary changes. The total investment in the South American Union Publishing House is $22,554.60; the net present worth, $16,117.57. Since the real estate and first building were purchased at very low rates, when property was cheap, they would readily sell now for double the amount they cost, which was $4,796.85. The net gain for 1912 was $2,426.07, which, however, will be materially cut down by salaries that have since been apportioned. GCB May 29, 1913, page 183.9

The house publishes three periodicals: Salud y Vida, our health paper; El Atalaya, our missionary paper; and La Revista Adventista, our church paper. Thus far the other publications issued by the house have been tracts and pamphlets, as we prefer to use books from other houses for the present. All the literature sold in the field has not passed through the house, nor do we have complete returns from all the fields for the year 1909. The approximate value of literature sold during the four years is $78,896. Up to the last year, when there was a small decrease, there has been a rapid rise in sales from about $4,850 in 1909, to $19,651 in 1910, and $31,811 in 1911. The sales for 1912 were $29,684. The increase is due to more books and the excellent help the General Conference gave us in such experienced bookmen as E. M. Trummer, R. B. Stauffer, and J. D. Lorenz. A large amount of seed has thus been sown in many homes, some of which must surely spring up and bear fruit. GCB May 29, 1913, page 183.10

As these institutions are all properties of the union, and under its direct control, it has been decided, with the hearty approval of those in charge, to give a tithe of the net earnings to the union. GCB May 29, 1913, page 184.1

Work Among the Indians

One of the interesting features of our union is the work among the Indians on the shores of Lake Titicaca. On my way to the last General Conference, I was permitted to converse with several Indians who had begun to keep the Sabbath. There were less than a dozen in number, and they knew but little about the truth. At that time, Brother F. A. Stahl was sent to labor in Bolivia. But the interest among the Indians, and the demand for help, were such that he soon found it advisable to dedicate most of his time to this work, and it has rapidly grown, until now we have a church of over sixty members, and many others are keeping the Sabbath or are deeply interested. This is the more interesting from the fact that it is practically the first fruit from Protestant effort among the descendants of the Indians of the famous Inca empire. A property has been secured, and a mission home and schoolhouse have been erected. Brother Bartholomew Rojas, of the Upper Parana Mission, a graduate nurse from the River Plate Sanitarium, has, with his wife, gone to take up work among these Indians by teaching a school and laboring in other ways. GCB May 29, 1913, page 184.2

There seems to be opening before our brethren an unlimited field among this people. La Paz, the capital of Bolivia, is an Indian center, where work should be opened. Steps have been taken to this end, but thus far we have lacked the necessary help. GCB May 29, 1913, page 184.3

An Expensive Field to Operate

Necessarily, the South American field is an expensive one to operate. Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro, La Paz, and other places are noted for the high cost of living. Rents are exceedingly high for very inferior and limited accommodations. As nearly all manufactured articles are imported under heavy duty, prices are high. In most places there are no cheap and economical methods of handling home products. Traveling is expensive, for the twofold reason that rates are high and distances great. This is equally true of freight expenses. It is difficult to secure meeting-places. Frequently only a large living-room can be obtained, and that by renting a house complete and always at a very high rate. GCB May 29, 1913, page 184.4

While the professional man receives a large salary, the common people, those from whom the cause receives its principal support, receive a much smaller one. The farmer has heavy farm expenses, and many of our people are really poor. This materially affects the tithe, which largely governs the manning of our field. GCB May 29, 1913, page 184.5


Owing to the difficulty in getting places for meeting, and the high rents, the brethren have seriously considered the advisability of procuring churches of our own in a few of the large cities, such as Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Santiago, etc. But because of the scarcity of funds, and the fear of debt, nothing has yet been done except in Montevideo, where a building has been secured, at a cost of about six thousand dollars. The necessary additional expense of remodeling it for our use; and adding two or three rooms for living purposes, will make the complete amount not less than eight thousand dollars. The brethren in Uruguay have done nobly in donating toward this, but the larger portion will remain unpaid. The property is very desirable, in a good location, and was secured at a low price. We should have similar places in other large cities. The fact is that, with the above exception, we do not have a place in any large city in South America where we could have a general meeting. If procurable at all, it would be with great difficulty, and at very great expense. GCB May 29, 1913, page 184.6

General Spiritual Condition

The number of Sabbath-keepers, and the tithes and donations, show some of the good results of the work done. This represents many years of seed-sowing and earnest labor. Of all the effects of the work and distribution of literature, we cannot judge. We only know that the truth has found its way into many thousands of homes, and that it will not return void, but accomplish that whereunto it is sent. But, at best, only a small portion of the work that must be accomplished has been done. Millions have not yet heard the glad news that Jesus is soon coming, nor of Jesus as a loving, sin-pardoning Saviour. GCB May 29, 1913, page 184.7

Either infidelity or the grossest superstition reigns everywhere. There are a multitude who, by self-chastisement and other severe penances, are trying to appease God’s anger. A large number are indifferent, and are living only for the satisfying of the carnal desires. A host are slaves, both spiritually and physically, wholly ignorant of their spiritual slavery, and just awaking to the fact of their physical slavery. Some of the blackest crimes against humanity in history have been perpetuated against thousands during the last few years in our territory, and against which the sufferer dare not cry. While the sufferings of myriads are calling to God for vengeance, they are calling equally loud for help from us. With us the Lord has deposited the only certain means of help. The great threefold message must be brought to their doors and hearts if they are saved. The Lord has provided no other means for their deliverance; he is counting on us. GCB May 29, 1913, page 184.8


A little fruit is seen from the efforts put forth. From every class some are accepting the message. The artisan, the farmer, the servant, and the Indian in his lowly hut, are alike rejoicing in a Saviour’s love and a soon-coming Redeemer. However, they are but the first-fruits of what is to be, the promise of a much more abundant harvest. The prospects were never brighter than they are today. From plane and forest, from mountain and valley, from mansion, cottage, and hut, a host will yet come to meet their returning Lord. GCB May 29, 1913, page 184.9

Conditions are developing that bid us hasten our work. We who are laboring in Roman Catholic countries must look with grave concern on the purposes of Rome in the United States, the growth of her power, and the boldness of her claims. Her success there will surely react on our South American fields. The doors the Lord has so graciously opened will again be closed. Difficulties will increase, and the work must be done under bitter persecution, and amid war and revolution. These facts urge us on to do our best now. GCB May 29, 1913, page 184.10


Some of the most urgent needs of our field are the following:— GCB May 29, 1913, page 184.11

1. The further division of the South American Union field, organizing a union mission, composed of the republics of Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. This is a special request of the South American Union committee. GCB May 29, 1913, page 184.12

2. A General Conference representative to attend the South American Union meetings in 1914. GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.1

3. An ordained minister for Argentina. GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.2

4. A minister for Peru. GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.3

5. A physician to enter some River Plate medical college, and as soon as possible take a complete medical examination and secure a diploma. GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.4

6. Missionary nurses for Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.5

7. A missionary canvasser for Ecuador. GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.6

8. The strengthening of our Indian work by additional help, so that this work may be opened up in the city of La Paz. In this, the desirability of a young man of good education who should study the native languages with a view of translating portions of the Bible into them, should be considered. GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.7

9. A missionary canvasser for the Straits of Magellan and the Falkland Islands. GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.8

10. Ownership of suitable places of worship in several of our large cities. GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.9

11. A general strengthening of our work along all lines in all fields. GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.10

J. W. WESTPHAL, President.

W. T. Knox: Julio Ernst, of the same field, is called for to report. GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.11

Julio Ernst (reading):— GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.12



The Upper Parana Mission includes the republic of Paraguay and the northern part of the province of Corrientes, the territories of Formosa, Chaco, and Missiones, which belong to the Argentine Republic, having altogether a population of about eight hundred thousand. GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.13

Early History

As the name Missiones indicates, these places have been Jesuit missions during the Spanish colonial period, where, under the pretext of civilizing and converting the Indians, they put them under the bonds of slavery, obliging them to work, building their temples and towns, and carrying out their industrial and agricultural plans, whose proceeds eventually enriched the church. GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.14

To obtain their object, the Indians were made to believe that by making these sacrifices, they would gain heaven. Those who rebelled, received corporal punishment. GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.15

Finally the government suspected the Jesuits of taking part in a conspiracy against the proper authorities, and the Spanish government expelled them, in 1967, leaving their towns in ruins. Nevertheless, the Catholic Church continued as the religion of the state, and sowed superstition, idolatry, ignorance, and a very lamentable social state amongst the white people, as well as the Indians. GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.16

Conditions Today

Such is the condition even today in Paraguay, as it is the policy of Rome to hold them subject to its yoke. Nevertheless, the government has made efforts during past decades to educate the masses, and there exists a fair number of schools in the cities, although they are few and deficient in the country. GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.17

In Argentina it is much better, as the federal government maintains a goodly number of excellent schools, both in the country and in the towns. GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.18


The inhabitants of these republics are very hospitable and generous; the natives are especially so. The traveler in the country will find hospitality wherever he goes. In my canvassing tours in the interior, I have seldom found it necessary to make a request; for favors were extended without asking; and if pay was offered, they were frequently offended. GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.19

Beginning of our Work

The beginning of our work in Paraguay was by means of tracts and papers, which were sent by a brother in Uruguay to his relatives. They soon became interested, and requested help, which was responded to by sending Brother Snyder, twelve years ago. The work grew slowly at the beginning, but soon it extended more rapidly in the Argentine territory of Missiones. In order to work with the people, we have to be careful not to offend them in respect to their idols and saints. They are very superstitious in this respect. In spite of the fact that I was reared in a Catholic country, I have been greatly surprised at their superstition. It is quite easy, however, to talk to them of the love of God, and salvation through Christ, and of his second coming, and finally, the change made by the church in the law of God. Those who accept the Bible generally have little difficulty in accepting the gospel in all its fullness. Once their confidence is gained, they can be easily guided into the truth. GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.20

With all this, a year or more is necessary for them to truly understand Adventism, and be baptized. After they accept the gospel, it is necessary to free them from their vicious custom of drinking mate, or Paraguayan tea and from the use of tobacco, which they use very much, the women even more than the men. After that we have to get rid of the idols, which in some homes furnish a good museum as to their variety and aspect. At last we have to oblige them to get married, as a rule. This may seem strange, nor does it mean that we do not baptize old maids and bachelors. The fact is that scarcely thirty or forty per cent of the parents of children are married. This illustrates some of the fruits of Catholicism. GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.21


However, the power of the gospel of Christ is the same in all parts. We have faithful brethren. We are told that one who is forgiven much, love much. So we find that these brethren have a live interest in sending the good news to others, and many of them with success. Thus we see the fulfillment of Isaiah 55:10, 11, which says: “For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.22

At a general meeting, much disturbance was made about the tent, the throwing of stones, bones, etc. A number of soldiers off duty maltreated a brother, took his Bible from him, and took it to the barracks. Here a sergeant became interested in reading it, notwithstanding the jeers of his companions. He took it home, and showed it to his wife, who changed her conception of Adventists, and becoming interested, came to our Sabbath-school. Eventually, both accepted the truth and were baptized. Another was baptized later, and others were interested, on account of that Bible. GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.23

In another case we see how the Lord goes before us in the work. A sister went out to work in another town. She had a sick daughter, who was attended by a quack doctor. Meanwhile the lady received a letter from my wife, addressed, “My dear sister in Christ,” which heading was read by the doctor. He inquired what that religion was, and asked explanations. As this man knew of the gospel and of the Sabbath, having previously read the Bible, he wrote to us. I answered, promising to visit him on my coming tour to the churches. When I arrived, he had invited a number of neighbors, who heard for the first time the gospel of Christ. We had two meetings during the two days’ visit. The result was that both the doctor and his wife accepted the truth, and others were favorably impressed. As I could not remain longer, I sent for a Bible worker to follow up the interest, and the last I heard before leaving, it is still increasing. GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.24

At the same time I had a letter from Pastor Luis Rojas, who went to visit a place where Brother Taborda and other brethren have labored, and where there are twenty who have accepted the Sabbath. And now among these there are eight intelligent persons who will soon be ready for baptism. GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.25

Only a short time past, we commenced work in the city of Corrientes, the capital of the province of the same name. This has always been a fortress of the clergy, whose bishop some years ago caused one of our canvassers to be imprisoned. When taken before the judge he had a discussion with the bishop, who demanded that his books be burned and that he be banished from the town. Those who listened were inclined to favor our brother, and a lawyer made it known that such an act was unconstitutional. At once the canvasser was liberated, and proceeded to sell his books with more success than ever. GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.26

According to reports of Biblical colporteurs, the clergy has obliged them to retire in Corrientes. It is gratifying to note, however, that the more educated classes are rapidly becoming emancipated from the clerical yoke, following the example of the more southern cities, where the priests are more the objects of ridicule than anything else. We have gone to this city to raise the standard of truth. Our canvassers have sold many “Home and Health,” besides religious books. GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.27

Already, we have a family which has accepted the truth, and I was impressed when the brother used the language of the Bible without ever having read or seen one. Truly I see that he has come into the light. One of our canvassers obtained admittance to the president of Paraguay to present “Patriarchs and Prophets.” He subscribed, and gave permission to present the book to the remaining government employees. Thus many orders were taken. One of these, on receiving the book, said, “I am glad to have this good book, with which I make war against the priests.” Many are undeceived, as well as tired of Romish doctrines, and it seems to me that this is the opportune moment for carrying them the good news, while they have religious feelings; for if they stand still without help, they finally go to the extremes of unbelief and atheism, which is most difficult and dangerous. GCB May 29, 1913, page 185.28

The workers of our mission are all converts of the mission, excepting me, and we are all South Americans. There are two ordained ministers, one Bible worker, two canvassers, and two graduate nurses, who have just arrived. GCB May 29, 1913, page 186.1

One who was graduated at the same time was sent to Peru, and two other youth of intelligence and consecration will finish their course this year, and hope to enter the work. These belong to our field. Thus we soon will have produced several earnest workers. GCB May 29, 1913, page 186.2

Although Satan works with great wrath here, as in other places, the future of the work looks hopeful. Last year, twenty-five were baptized. We have in all about two hundred ten members, some of whom are from Brazil and Switzerland. GCB May 29, 1913, page 186.3


Our financial entry for 1912 was $1,512.94 tithe; Sabbath-school collection, $274.16; other offerings, $143; total, $1,930.10. This gives $7.20 tithe per capita, or $9.19 total contribution. This may seem small, but those who know the poverty of the greater portion of our church, will consider it quite satisfactory. Still there are many places that no worker has yet entered. The work seems greater than we can accomplish, and we lack laborers. But when we think that there are other missions near by that have fewer workers in comparison, we do not feel like asking for more. We only ask earnestly that we may have your prayers, that we may be filled with the Holy Spirit, and united in the love of Christ, and that we may feel debtors to our fellow men to carry quickly the triple message to all the world, so that Christ may come and take us to the mansions which he has prepared. GCB May 29, 1913, page 186.4

J. ERNST, President.

W. T. Knox: It is so near the hour of adjourning, it hardly seems wise to undertake another report. We have yet three other laborers from South America to report to us. A motion to adjourn would be in order. GCB May 29, 1913, page 186.5

A. G. Daniells: Before we adjourn, I should like to say that we will not have a conference session this afternoon. Quite a number have expressed the desire to meet personally the missionaries who are here, all our representatives from different lands. So the pastoral committee has arranged for this, and at 2:30 this afternoon we will gather here and have a reception for our foreign people. We would like to have our brethren and sisters have the opportunity to meet these brethren and sisters, and shake hands with them, and express their good wishes. Some have been working here in this land for the laborers in different mission fields, and have been rallying the young people, in providing offerings, and many of the missionaries’ names have been used in connection with these efforts. It will be a pleasure for our home workers to meet with our missionaries and representatives from abroad. We will ask all the delegates and friends from abroad to gather on the platform at the opening of the meeting; then after the opening exercises, we can meet one another and become acquainted. Here Conference adjourned. GCB May 29, 1913, page 186.6

W. T. KNOX, Chairman;
W. A. SPICER, Secretary.



According to appointment the missionaries present from lands outside North America, assembled on the platform at 2:30 P. M., for a general reception. Following are some of the good things enjoyed on this occasion. Seated in front with our missionaries were Elders Butler, Haskell, and Loughborough. GCB May 29, 1913, page 186.7

A. G. Daniells: Now I know that our brethren and sisters will be glad of this sort of meeting. We have intended all the time to somehow give you a better opportunity than you have had to see and to meet our brethren and sisters who have come to us from over the seas; and, while this will be something of a social hour this afternoon, yet I am sure that it will be an hour of blessing—that it will revive in our minds many very precious memories. It has begun already. As we began to collect here, my mind ran back to 1874. I was only a lad then, but I remember the profound impression made upon my mind and our people when we learned that Elder J. N. Andrews was to go across the great ocean to Europe. In those days Europe had a far-off sound to the most of us. Across the Atlantic seemed a great trip to take. What joy would fill his heart if that faithful and conscientious missionary could be here this afternoon and look on this group of foreign workers! Then I thought, too, that Brother Butler must have some feelings of gladness, because, if I remember rightly, Elder Butler was then the president of the General Conference and joined in the movement of that day and that hour to inaugurate this foreign mission enterprise that has grown until it now encircles the world. GCB May 29, 1913, page 186.8

This afternoon we cannot have a word from every one here. We think best, therefore, to follow this plan, to call the list of workers from abroad and have each one stand and give the date of going abroad, or coming into the truth when abroad. Our brethren here in this country read of these people who are at work in other lands. They know something about you [turning to the delegates], and they want to see you, and after the meeting have a word with you if possible. GCB May 29, 1913, page 186.9

Geo. I. Butler: I shall never forget the event that our brother has spoken of. Elder J. N. Andrews was a very dear and precious friend of mine, and a man to whom I owe more than any one else; he did more to get me out of infidelity than any other. There are some here—Brother Haskell especially—who were associated with me in the General Conference at that time. We considered this matter very carefully. It was a great epoch, as you might say, in the history of our denomination, this starting of the foreign missionary work. We had abundance to do in our own country, but to send a man out to Europe, far away in the foreign fields, was a very perplexing matter. I remember when he went. I was over there myself after a few years, under the auspices of the General Conference, to assist in building the house at Basel and the house at Christiania, and visited several countries. I wish, dear friends, to express the great gratitude of my heart at this moment, to behold the faces of these dear workers who have been laboring in distant fields. May God’s blessing rest upon you. GCB May 29, 1913, page 186.10

A. G. Daniells: One of the first titles I remember distinctly of Elder Haskell was, “The Apostle to the Gentiles;” for he traveled perhaps more than any other man among us in the early days among peoples of other lands in behalf of our missionary work. Brother Haskell, a word. GCB May 29, 1913, page 186.11

S. N. Haskell: I am a very poor hand on an occasion like this, but I remember very well when I went to Australia, and Brother Butler remembers it well. It came up in the General Conference, and I opposed going, and so the question was withdrawn. We went back into the committee meeting, and it came up again, and finally I said I would go. Brother Butler reached out his hand, and we shook hands together over it. It was decided the next day, and the first party sailed for Australia in 1885. I came back in less than a year from the time that I left. Then we had a printing-press established, a large number of subscribers for the Melbourne Bible Echo, and the work well launched. I found an old report the other day—a summary of the report that was given of that trip. If I remember right, about four thousand dollars was invested in it, and over two thousand dollars was raised in Australia. I think I had gone to Europe before then. GCB May 29, 1913, page 186.12

A. G. Daniells: O, long before! GCB May 29, 1913, page 186.13

S. N. Haskell: Then, afterward, we were prevailed on to go around the world; and if I remember rightly, I baptized our first man in Japan, but he was not a Japanese, he was an Englishman; I baptized our first man in China, but he was not a Chinaman, he was a Scandinavian; and I baptized a company in New Zealand. They were all Englishmen. One of the first things that I learned when I became connected with Seventh-day Adventists was that in a view given to Sister White in 1848, rays of light were seen going out from this people to every portion of this world. We see it fulfilled today. Much more might be said, but this is sufficient to let you know that I am interested in foreign mission work, and I feel thankful to God for what we hear here at this meeting. GCB May 29, 1913, page 186.14

A. G. Daniells: Elder Loughborough, you all know him, among our early foreign missionaries. GCB May 29, 1913, page 186.15

J. N. Loughborough: Well, I did not go to those speaking a foreign language. I went to England and landed in South-hampton the last day of December, 1878. We worked there a while. We had few facilities. I thank the Lord that those who have been working since have made some headway. A positive testimony came that I should go, and how I should work. We had no canvassing work, we had no Bible-reading work. Brother Haskell told us that the Lord would lead us, and the Lord guided us. We got a tent and pitched it on a corner and went to work. GCB May 29, 1913, page 186.16

S. N. Haskell: I received a letter a few days ago from one of the first converts in Southhampton, where Elder Loughborough raised up a church. GCB May 29, 1913, page 186.17

A. G. Daniells: Is there any one here who went out with Elder Andrews, or in that year, 1874?—No one. That was the first year of our foreign missionary undertakings. Any one who went out in ‘75? ‘76? ‘77? GCB May 29, 1913, page 187.1

Voice: Yes. GCB May 29, 1913, page 187.2

A. G. Daniells: Sister Boyd. She went to Europe in 1877. Sister Boyd, then, is the oldest missionary in the tent, from our standpoint, - not in years, but in service,-and has only recently returned from abroad, having been for years in Australia. GCB May 29, 1913, page 187.3

Sister Bourdeau (rising in the congregation, her words being repeated by the chairman for all to hear): She says she would like to have the congregation see the remnant of the first company that went out to what they then called a mission field. Elder Loughborough and Sister Bourdeau’s husband and she went over to California in 1868. There was no railway across the continent, so they took the boat at New York and went to Panama, and crossed the isthmus, and took a boat there and went up to San Francisco. GCB May 29, 1913, page 187.4

A. G. Daniells: That was in 1868, and opened the foreign mission movement. But see what has grown up on the Pacific Coast since that time-fourteen thousand believers, with institutions and organizations and a strong work. We have but two of the missionary party left. These are the remnant. We thank God that they had the heart to go; that the Lord blessed their labors; and that they are here believing in this message still and rejoicing in it; and may God bless their hearts here today. Now the request is sent in that we call the roll of the countries. We have asked our Russian brother, Elder Boettcher, to read the list. GCB May 29, 1913, page 187.5


At this point the roll-call of the various foreign union conferences and mission fields was taken up. The representatives (husband and wife standing together) responded, and in a brief word told the date of acceptance of this message, and the year of going to the field of service; also with what religious body affiliated prior to connection with this body. In the hour allotted to this service over one hundred thirty-five missionaries spoke briefly as indicated, and many on the list were not present, owing to other work in hand at the same hour. It was helpful and inspiring to hear the ringing notes of courage borne by those from far-off lands, and their almost universal words to the effect that they were eager to be on their way back to their fields. More than one said, “I have my return ticket, and expect to go back immediately.” GCB May 29, 1913, page 187.6

Mrs. L. J. Burgess spoke regarding a native daughter of India (who was called to the platform, Miss Nonibala Burrus, of Bengal), and said, “She is the first convert in India from heathenism to our faith. She is in medical work in this country, preparing to go back to work for her own people. She embraced the truth in 1897.” GCB May 29, 1913, page 187.7

E. W. Farnsworth: I wish to add a little to this interesting meeting. I am very glad that those who stay at home may have a part in foreign missions, as well as those who go. The Lord so arranged the matter, so ordained it, that everybody can have a part in foreign missions. I was impressed with this this afternoon. Just as this meeting was beginning, as I was passing down one of the aisles, a lady attracted my attention, and stopped me, and told me that she was not a member of our people. She is a stranger visiting the camp. I did not learn how many days she has been here; but she felt impressed to help in foreign mission work; and so, in her quiet way, she handed me a check to assist our foreign missions,-and it is for one thousand dollars. She is not a Sabbath-keeper, but I am sure she will be. GCB May 29, 1913, page 187.8

The congregation at once began singing, “Praise God, from whom all blessings flow.” GCB May 29, 1913, page 187.9

E. W. Farnsworth: I ought to remark, perhaps, of Mrs. Cleland, the lady who gives the check, that her heart has been moved very much by what she saw here, the gathering of foreign missionaries, and by what she has felt as she has been here upon the ground with us. She is in the audience, and I assured her that she receives the gratitude and appreciation of this whole congregation for her kindness, and for her sacrifice in behalf of the truth. GCB May 29, 1913, page 187.10

A. G. Daniells: I know that what you have sung expresses to this sister the gratitude of your hearts. GCB May 29, 1913, page 187.11

J. N. Loughborough: Perhaps none in this congregation can appreciate my feelings, when there stands before you the last relic of the organization of this conference. I was one of the three that signed the call for coming together to organize a General Conference in 1863. I was one of the twenty delegates at that meeting; I was one of eight on the committee that drafted the constitution of the General Conference; I was one of the five on the committee that drafted the constitution for State conferences. Where are they?-Four apostatized; the rest are all dead, but the one who stands before you. I thank God I am here to see the extent and growth of this work, and to see here these representatives from so many lands. And I am glad to see you start out in these new forms of organization. God will bless the work, for he has already spoken good words concerning it. Let us be of good courage in the Lord. GCB May 29, 1913, page 187.12

The service closed with a song by a male quartet, “Answer the Call, Ye Brave Men,” and with benediction by Elder G. I. Butler. Following the meeting, the missionaries mingled with the congregation in informal greetings and hand shaking. GCB May 29, 1913, page 187.13