General Conference Bulletin, vol. 7



W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, C. C. Crisler, T. E. Bowen, H. E. Rogers, J. N. Anderson

May 18

By the time the hour for service had arrived the large pavilion was filled to overflowing—probably the largest assembly since the Conference opened. GCB May 20, 1913, page 64.4

The evening had been given to Elder Spicer who spoke in his usual forceful manner on the them, “The Certainties of the Advent Message.” He based his discourse on Proverbs 22:20, 21, linking this passage with Peter’s utterance, “We have also a more sure word of prophecy.” By means of prophecy, in which God makes known his power and knowledge, the most skeptical mind finds indubitable proof of the certainty of divine revelation. Referring to the challenge of Isaiah to the false gods he said the supreme testimony of God to the world is his prophecy of events ages before they happen. GCB May 20, 1913, page 64.5

Two crises in human history are outstanding illustrations of this truth. The first was the experience of ancient Israel in the exodus from Egypt. And this is but a type (Isaiah 11:11) of the final deliverance of God’s people out of this world in the advent movement (cf. Romans 15:4). GCB May 20, 1913, page 64.6

The exodus was a time prophecy. God’s word to Abraham was, after four hundred years he would visit his people and deliver them out of bondage according to his word. God was ready and had his agencies prepared against the time of bringing Israel out of Egypt. Moses, God’s appointed leader, was born about that time, and full deliverance came in the right hour. So it is in our time. God is active in fulfilling his promise and prophecy as is plainly set forth in Revelation 14. In the heavens God in judgment is making ready to finish his mighty work in the earth. The hour of this last crisis began in 1844, both in heaven and in earth, exactly according to his foreknowledge and foreword. Witness the astounding mechanical inventions of our day that God may bring his sons and daughters from all lands, in accordance with Isaiah’s prophecy. (cf. Isaiah 49). The vote of the mission board passed this morning, appropriating money for the school in Shanghai, was carried in a few hours over the broad Pacific. Thus is our God mightily working for the accomplishment of his promise. GCB May 20, 1913, page 64.7

In view of all these compelling evidences we lay all on the altar of God; we surrender our souls to a full, unreserved consecration. And may all here, the speaker appealed, give themselves to this conquering cause. GCB May 20, 1913, page 64.8