General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 1


November 15, 1887


Second Day’s Proceedings

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AT 9 A. M. the first meeting of the tenth annual session of the International Sabbath-school Association was called to order by President C. H. Jones. The song, “Where Are the Reapers?” was sung, and prayer was offered by Elder W. M. Healey. The Secretary being absent, it was moved by H. P. Holser, seconded by E. J. Waggoner, that L. T. Nicola be elected Secretary pro tem. Carried. After the vote, it was found that Brother Nicola was not in the room, and the name of H. P. Holser was substituted in place of his. The minutes of last year’s session were then read by Elder A. T. Jones. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 4.1

It was voted that the chair appoint the usual standing committees. Before the naming of the committees, the President gave a retrospective and prospective summary of the work, of which the following are the principal items:- GCDB November 15, 1887, page 4.2

The first session of this Association was held in Battle Creek, Mich., October 11, 1878, Elder S. N. Haskell being President. The number of schools at that time was 177. The number of schools June 30, 1887, was 977, being a gain of 800 schools in less than nine years. The Sabbath-school contributions for 1878 were $25, the contributions for the year ending June 30, 1887, were $13,440,61. The number of schools that reported for the quarter ending June 30, 1887, was 915, leaving 62 unreported. The total membership of the schools reported was 25,294, and the average attendance for the quarter was 17,978, a little over 71 per cent, of the membership. The number of Instructors taken by the schools reported is 11,330. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 4.3

The amount of contributions received during the quarter ending September 30, 1886, was $2,322.22; the amount for the quarter ending December 31, 1886, was $2,830.61; for the quarter ending March 31, 1887, it was $3,710.53; and for the quarter ending June 30, 1887, it was $4,577.25. Thus there has been a steady increase in this respect. The total contributions for the year ending June 30, 1887, were $13,440.61. The total amount donated to the African Mission for the first six months of the present year was $4,798.16. This does not include the large donations taken up at the camp-meetings. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 4.4

The President then read the following statement of the amount contributed to the African Mission, during the first six months of this year, by the associations that have been heard from:- GCDB November 15, 1887, page 4.5

Canada$ 13 13
California676 63
Colorado96 86
Dakota111 32
Indiana116 80
Illinois218 10
Iowa289 03
Kansas227 74
Kentucky1 00
Michigan1,227 80
Missouri54 41
Minnesota219 33
New York91 30
North Pacific125 94
New England360 98
Nebraska73 48
Ohio171 87
Pennsylvania129 47
Tennessee3 00
Texas9 40
Vermont99 81
Virginia2 90
Wisconsin395 53
Upper Columbia41 40
Isolated20 85
Total$4,798 16

The President suggested that the children be taught to sacrifice for the missionary contribution, instead of contributing money given to them without their having made any effort. He said that there should be a fund in each State, from which to assist new schools, and to supply Sunday-schools that might be started; this could easily be done if each school would faithfully send the tithe of its contributions to the State Association. He also suggested that it would be a good plan to have a short series of lessons on the life of Christ, to use in Sunday-schools and Sabbath-schools that are held during tent-meetings in new fields. Ministers ought all to be practical Sabbath-school workers, so that they may not only tell the schools what to do, but show them how to do it, since, in the absence of preaching, the Sabbath-school is the life of our churches. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 4.6

Concerning the map of Africa, that was promised at the last session, he said that since its publication had been delayed until the year is nearly over, the schools would be charged nothing for them, but that the Association would furnish each school with a copy, free of expense. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 5.1

On the subject of lessons, he said that at this session we ought to lay plans not only for next year, but for the year following, so that ample time could be given to prepare them, and that the schools in all parts of the world can study the same lessons. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 5.2

The President then appointed the standing committees, as follows:- GCDB November 15, 1887, page 5.3

NOMINATIONS - R. A. Underwood, M. H. Brown, A. T. Jones. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 5.4

RESOLUTIONS - E. J. Waggoner, G. C. Tenney, H. P. Holser. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 5.5

LESSONS - W. C. White, E. W. Farnsworth, A. T. Robinson. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 5.6

AUDITING - A. R. Henry, W. C. Sisley, C. Eldridge. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 5.7

Reports from the various fields were then called for. W. C. White spoke for the schools in Central Europe. He said that the Sabbath-school work is receiving attention in Europe, and that earnest work is being done. The people are learning to love the work, and are learning how to study. There are some difficulties there that are not encountered in this country, one of the chief being the fact that two, and sometimes three, languages are spoken in nearly all of the schools. This makes it very difficult to hold general reviews or teachers’ meetings. Many of the leading churches have opposed Sunday-school work, but now some are beginning to encourage it, in self-defense, to keep their children from being drawn away by the “sects.” The idea prevails that the Sabbath-school is for the children only, but as the older ones engage in the work they become interested, and now a foundation is laid for solid growth. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 5.8

J. O. Corliss spoke for Australia, stating that one difficulty there is that the schools cannot have the same lessons as the schools in this country, because the mails are received so infrequently that the lessons are old before they are received. This would be obviated if the lessons were furnished a year ahead. He said that the Sabbath-keepers there are so isolated from the main body that they cannot keep track of what is going on, but that much help might be given them by judicious correspondence. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 5.9

In behalf of England, Elder S. H. Lane said that they have not the difficulties to encounter that are found on the continent and in Australia. The Sabbath-school work started in England, and he had learned much from attending the schools there. There is a spirit of reverence in the schools that is not known in this country. Children are not allowed to run about, to come in with hats on, or to make any disturbance. The teacher has full control of the children during the school, and the parents do not complain when they are subjected to discipline. The most encouraging thing in connection with the Sabbath-school work in England is the enthusiasm manifested over blackboard illustrations, a thing which is entirely new in that country. Many family schools are held, and they are conducted with the same system and order that mark the large schools. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 5.10

Elder G. C. Tenney said that it had been necessary to change the secretary in Minnesota twice within the year, and that this had crippled the work somewhat, but that the efficiency of the Sabbath-school work is increasing. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 5.11

L. C. Chadwick said that the work in Pennsylvania is gradually increasing, and the interest is developing. It has been necessary to change officers, which has hindered some, but the membership and the contributions are increasing. The donations for the quarter ending September 30 were almost the same as for the preceding half year. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 5.12

A. T. Robinson stated that there is a constant increase in the amount of contributions in New England, and also in the thoroughness with which the lessons are studied. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 5.13

M. H. Brown said that the length of the lessons has been a source of discouragement to the schools in New York. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 5.14

A. J. Cudney stated that there has been an improvement in every respect in the schools in Nebraska. Whenever a series of tent-meetings is held, money is raised at the last meeting, sufficient to well equip the new school that is organized, and thus every school starts off unembarrassed. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 5.15

W. C. Sisley said that the interest in Michigan is increasing. This is due largely to the fact that the President has been allowed to devote the most of his time to the Sabbath-school work. A series of institutes has been held, in conducting which the President has been aided by two or three efficient workers. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 5.16

A. J. Breed, of Wisconsin, stated that in his State there is an increasing interest in the study of the lessons, and that the contributions are more abundant than ever before. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 5.17

Elder Underwood said that connecting the missionary work with the Sabbath-schools had been a great blessing to the schools in Ohio. The schools, instead of being cramped, as some feared, have been better supplied since they began to donate to missions than they ever were before. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 5.18

Elder Goodrich stated that an encouraging feature in Maine is that, whereas it was formerly the case that when a minister came to a church, the Sabbath-school was omitted, now the school is invariably held on such occasions, the same as when they are alone. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 6.1

Elder J. D. Pegg gave an interesting report of the work in Colorado. He said that the schools are in a healthy condition, and the interest never was better. Several schools have been added, and the only ones dropped have been family schools. Within the year a convention lasting five days was held, with three sessions each day, devoted exclusively to the interests of the Sabbath-school. The effect has been good. There is more system, better discipline, and the lessons are more thoroughly learned than before. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 6.2

Elder Butler spoke of the necessity of choosing only such teachers as are thoroughly consecrated, and have ability to teach the knowledge of Christ. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 6.3

Elder Decker said that there had been some difficulty in the Upper Columbia Association, in getting all to contribute, owing to their unwillingness to make contributions on the Sabbath, but they are trying to follow the best light that is given. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 6.4

Elder Loughborough said that great good had resulted this year in California, from the attention that had been given to the Sabbath-school work in the small camp-meetings, where some officer of the Association could spend the most of the time giving instruction. The efficiency of the schools has also been much increased by correspondence. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 6.5

The President spoke of the value and necessity of teachers’ meetings. He said that what is done by the teachers and officers on the Sabbath is only a small part of their work, much must be done on the outside. In response to his query as to what portion of the contributions has been sent to the African Mission the following facts were learned:- GCDB November 15, 1887, page 6.6

Colorado sends all to the mission, except the running expenses, and the whole amount is tithed. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 6.7

Ohio gives three fourths of the contributions and tithes the remainder. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 6.8

Pennsylvania pursues the same course as Colorado. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 6.9

Indiana does the same as Ohio. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 6.10

New England tithes the whole amount of contributions, and donates the remainder. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 6.11

Iowa does the same as Ohio. There is now $125 in the treasury, and they have resolved to give more than three fourths. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 6.12

Maine tithes all that is contributed, and gives the remainder, with the exception of bare running expenses, to the African Mission. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 6.13

Kansas gives all above running expenses, after tithing the whole. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 6.14

Wisconsin does the same. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 6.15

Tennessee gives all over running expenses. Elder Rees stated that Tennessee has given more than the $3,00 credited to her in the report read by the President. A question was raised as to what is included in running expenses. It was found that in Kansas, Upper Columbia, and Wisconsin, the members as a rule pay for their Instructors out of their own pockets, but the most of the schools count all supplies, including Instructors, as necessary running expenses. Following these reports, the President announced the following subjects for consideration at some future meeting, and asked the person named in connection with each to lead out in the discussion:- GCDB November 15, 1887, page 6.16

The Use of Illustrations - H. P. Holser.
How to Study the Bible, and How to Teach It - E. J. Waggoner.
Teachers’ Meetings, and How to Conduct Them - W. C. White.
Teachers and Teaching - Jessie F. Waggoner.
Sabbath-School Music - L. T. Nicola.
The meeting was then adjourned to the call of the chair.


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The third meeting of the Conference was called at 3 P. M., and was opened by singing, and prayer by Elder S. H. Lane. After the reading of the minutes, the following delegates were added to the list:- GCDB November 15, 1887, page 6.17

From Indiana - Jesse Woods, John Charles.
KANSAS - L. Winston, W. M. Dail.
IOWA - Henry Nicola, Ira J. Hankins.
MISSOURI - Andrew Erskine.
MICHIGAN - G. K. Owen, Robert Sawyer.

Dr. J. H. Kellogg, a duly elected delegate from Michigan, having arrived, took his place among the delegates, as did also Elder W. M. Healey, of California. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 6.18

Elder Butler spoke concerning Elder D. T. Jones’s resolution on order in debate. He said that it was not his wish to hold the members down to strict parliamentary usage, and he hoped that such a truly Christian spirit would prevail that no advantage would be taken of this leniency, and hoped that all sharpness would be avoided, and that love and Christian courtesy would always be manifested. The following report of the Committee on the Week of Prayer was then presented by J. O. Corliss, the secretary of the committee:- GCDB November 15, 1887, page 6.19

Your committee recommend that this Conference endorse the action of its Executive Committee in appointing a week of prayer to be held December 17-25, and offer the following suggestions: GCDB November 15, 1887, page 6.20

First, That an address be sent to the officers of the churches, Sabbath-schools, and Missionary Societies, setting forth the importance of the week of prayer, and urging them to work for a large attendance at the meeting appointed on last day, when they will also have plans to unfold before the brethren, that will secure the co-operation of all the members, so that the following meetings of the week may be a success, and that the Christmas offerings may be liberal. In order to accomplish this, we recommend that the address mentioned shall urge that a special meeting of the officers of the church, Sabbath-school, and Missionary Society be held on Sabbath, December 10, in which they may pray together and consult as to the best method of procedure. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 6.21

Second, We also recommend that a circular letter be published in the Advent Review, and be read in the churches on December 10, setting forth the objects and importance of the week of prayer. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 7.1

Third, We further recommend that articles on the following subjects be prepared to be read in the churches during the week of prayer:- GCDB November 15, 1887, page 7.2

(1) Reading for fast day, Sabbath, Dec. 17, setting forth the importance of devoting the week of prayer to the special work of seeking God. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 7.3

(2) Sunday, Dec. 18. The steps by which we place ourselves in a condition where God can accept us. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 7.4

(3) Monday, Dec. 19. The blessing of God brought to us through faith. The value of such an experience. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 7.5

(4) Tuesday, Dec. 20. The object of God’s blessing and how it can be retained. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 7.6

(5) Wednesday, Dec. 21. Missionary work in the home church, and neighborhood - Mrs. E. G. White. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 7.7

(6) Thursday, Dec. 22. Foreign Mission work, Great Britain, Scandinavia - Elders Olsen and Lane. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 7.8

(7) Friday, Dec. 23. Foreign missionary work in Central Europe, Russia, etc. - Elder W. C. White. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 7.9

(8) Sabbath, Dec. 24. The obligation, privilege, and blessing of giving, and also setting forth the branches of the work most in need. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 7.10

Fourth, We still further recommend that the delegates of this Conference do all in their power to enlist the interest, and secure the co-operation of the ministers, in their several fields of labor, to help forward this work. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 7.11

Moved by S. H. Lane to adopt the resolution by considering each item separately. Carried. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 7.12

The different items of the resolution were spoken to by Elders Butler, White, and Corliss. In reply to H. P. Holser’s question as to the advisability of having Christmas-trees in the school, upon which to hang their offerings of money, Elder Butler said that it is immaterial. Personally he has not much respect for Christmas, but if any would feel better to have their money hung on a tree, he had no objection. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 7.13

It was voted that H. Shultz, S. S. Shrock, and H. P. Holser be a committee to see to the translation into German of the matter concerning the week of prayer. J. O. Corliss moved that a committee of five be appointed, whose duty it should be to carry into effect the recommendations of the Committee on the Week of Prayer. The motion prevailed, and the President appointed W. C. White, O. A. Olsen, R. A. Underwood, J. O. Corliss, W. C. Sisley. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 7.14

The Committee on Resolutions presented the following:- GCDB November 15, 1887, page 7.15

With reference to the resolution presented by Elder D. T. Jones, relative to rules of order for the government of our deliberations, which was referred to the Committee on Resolutions, we beg leave to submit the following recommendations:- GCDB November 15, 1887, page 7.16

We recognize the principle involved in the rules suggested, as a good one, but fear that if carried out as proposed, it would often occasion unnecessary delay in our proceedings: therefore, to secure the often desirable privilege of having more time to consider important nominations, resolutions, or motions, and at the same time not embarrass the proceedings by unnecessary delays, we recommend that the following rules be adopted in place of the ones previously submitted:- GCDB November 15, 1887, page 7.17

1. When matters are before the meeting, upon which it would seem desirable that more time be given for thought or deliberation, it shall be the privilege of any member to request such subject to be deferred to the next meeting, and on such request, if no objection is offered, the subject shall be deferred, without debate or motion, and at the next meeting shall come up as unfinished business. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 7.18

2. When objection is offered, the request to defer may be overruled by a two-thirds vote, and the question acted upon immediately. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 7.19

3. No question can be more than twice deferred under this rule. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 7.20

This report was adopted without debate. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 7.21

In harmony with the suggestion of the President, it was voted that he appoint a committee of ten to act with himself as chairman, to consider the whole subject of finance in connection with our work. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 7.22

The meeting then adjourned to the call of the chair. GCDB November 15, 1887, page 7.23