General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 1

General Conference Daily Bulletin, Vol. 1 (1897)

[February 12, 1897 - March 8, 1897]

[CD-ROM Editor’s Note: See “Summary of Bulletins Published” at beginning of Bulletins for a note about the 1897 Bulletin’s being Vol. 1. The following “Index by Authors” and “Index of Speeches” occurred in the reprinted document used as source material for this Bulletin. The original did not contain these.]


No Authorcode

Albion F. Ballenger
International Religious Liberty Assn.-Report of Corrs.Secy.184
W. T. Bland, Graysville (Tenn.) Academy Educational127
Our Schools in the South - An Appeal230
A. J. Breed
General Conference District No. 6217
An Uncertain Sound137
M. H. Brown
Sabbath School Conventions - Their Importance - How to Conduct Them303
G. W. Caviness
Battle Creek College262
G. E. Fifield
Sermon No. 1 (on Isaiah 53:3)12,15
Sermon No. 2 (Hebrews 9:22, Christian Consecration)28
Sermon No. 3 (John 12:24-25, Die to Live)39
God Is Love89
J. E. Graham
Last Cruise of the “Pitcairn”241
J. H. Haughey
The Christian Teacher125
(On Education)224
South Lancaster (Mass.) Academy207
E. J. Hibbard
Living By Faith258
H. P. Holser
General Conference District No. 8225
God’s Glory53
F. W. Howe, Healdsburg College Educational129
Healdsburg (Calif.) College237
C. B. Hughes, Keene Texas Industrial School Educational Reform143,145
Keene (Texas) Industrial Academy206
W. S. Hyatt
Selling Our Periodicals146

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G. A. Irwin
General Conference District No. 2138
Alonzo T. Jones
The Spirit of Prophecy - No. 12
“     “   “     “     - No. 2 (How to Regard the Testmns)21
The Science of Salvation, No. 146,49
“     “    “      “    , No. 259,65
The First Commandment, No. 1279
Missionaries For God, No. 2334
Egypt and Israel, No. 3340
Spiritual Israel, No. 4346
The Apostasy of Israel, No. 5353
“     “    “     “    No. 6360
Out of Babylon & Egypt, No. 7365
C. H. Jones, Int’l Sabbath School Assn. President’s Address130
The Use of Periodicals in Missionary Work179
D. T. Jones
Mission Work in Mexico294
John Harvey Kellogg, M. D.
God In Nature72
God In Man, No. 176,81
God In Man, No. 3 (No no. 2?)90,98
Christian Help Work113,309
Health and Spirituality133
Health Principles185,193
The Work of God285,289
Alberta Little Our Duty to the Young People and Children150
J. N. Loughborough
General Conference District No. 5246
Our Ways and God’s Ways199
J. W. Loughhead
Mount Vernon (Ohio) Academy224
E. B. Miller
Union College204
Allen Moon
Religious Liberty Assoc. - President’s Report161
J. H. Morrison
General Conference District No. 3227

No Authorcode

O. A. Olsen, President of Gen’l. Conf.
The President’s Address106,121
J. C. Ottosen
Fredrikshavn (Denmark) High School199
David Paulson, M. D.
Spiritual and Physical Sickness244
W. W. Prescott
True Education, No. 19
“       “    , No. 226
“      “    , No. 336
The Living Way163
Mrs. A. S. Steele
Mrs. A. S. Steele’s Address216
E. A. Sutherland
C. L. Taylor
Our Duty to Children and Youth at Campmeetings152
R. A. Underwood
Sons of Jacob and Sons of God167
I. D. Van Horn
Righteousness by Faith305
E. J. Waggoner
Studies in the Book of Hebrews, No. 16
“     “  “     “;    “     “    , No. 223
“     “  “     “;    “;     “    , No. 333
“     “  “     “;    “;     “    , No. 443
“     “  “     “;    “;     “    , No. 556
“     “  “     “;    “;     “    , No. 667
“     “  “     “;    “;     “    , No. 784
“     “  “     “;    “;     “    , No. 899
“     “  “     “;    “;     “    , No. 9155
“     “  “     “;    “;     “    , No. 10208
“     “  “     “;    “;     “    , No. 11232
“     “  “     “;    “;     “    , No. 12247
“     “  “     “;    “;     “    , No. 13253,257
“     “  “     “;    “;     “    , No. 14264
“     “  “     “;    “;     “    , No. 15269
“     “  “     “;    “;     “    , No. 16297
“     “  “     “;    “;     “    , No. 17325
“     “  “     “;    “;     “    , No. 18329
Witnesses for God374

No Authorcode

Ellen G. White
Ministers and Business Matters42
Political Controversy58
Relation of the General Conference Committee to Business
(God’s Plan of Organization) 2 paragraphs80
A Letter to the Conference97
(Plus numerous places where she is quoted by various speakers)
F. M. Wilcox
Report of the Foreign Mission Secretary172,177
M. C. Wilcox
The Wisdom of the Cross275

No Authorcode

An Uncertain Sound - A. J. Bread137
The Apostasy of Israel - A. T. Jones153,360
Battle Creek College - G. W. Caviness262
Charity - G. E. Fifield66
Children, Our Duty to Young People and - Alberta Little150
Children, Our Duty to at Campmeeting - C. L. Taylor152
Christian Help Work - J. H. Kellogg, M. D.113,309
The Christian Teacher - J. H. Haughey125
Colored People140
On Education - J. H. Haughey224
Educational - W. T. Bland127
    “       - F. W. Howe129
    “        - W. W. Prescott222
    “       - E. A. Sutherland148
Educational Reform - C. B. Hughes143,145
Egypt and Israel - A. T. Jones340
First Commandment - A. T. Jones279
Fredrikshavn (Denmark) High School - J. C. Ottosen199
General Conference District No. 2 - G. A. Irwin138
  “        “          “    No. 3 - J. H. Morrison227
  “        “          “    No. 5 - J. N. Loughborough246
  “        “          “    No. 6 - A. J. Bread217
  “        “          “    No. 8 - H. P. Holser225
God In Man - J. H. Kellogg, M. D.76,81,90,98
God In Nature - J. H. Kellogg, M. D.72
God Is Love - G. E. Fifield89
God’s Glory - H. P. Holser53
God’s Plan of Organization - E. G. White (2 paragraphs)76
Healdsburg (Calif.) College - F. W. Howe237
Health and Spirituality - J. H. Kellogg, M. D.133
Health Principles - J. H. Kellogg, M. D.185,193
International Religious Liberty Assoc. - Report of Corresponding Secy. - A. F. Ballenger184
International Tract Society Proceedings120
Keene (Texas) Industrial Academy206
Last Cruise of the “Pitcairn” - J. E. Graham241
A Letter to the Conference - E. G. White97
Living By Faith - E. J. Hibbard258
The Living Way - W. W. Prescott163
Mexico - D. T. Jones219
Ministers and Business Matters42
Missionaries For God - A. T. Jones334
Mission Work In Mexico - D. T. Jones294
Mount Vernon (Ohio) Academy - J. W. Loughhead224

No Authorcode

Oakwood Industrial School140
Our Duty to Children & Youth at Campmeeting - C. L. Taylor152
Our Duty to the Young People and Children - Alberta Little150
Our Schools In the South, An Appeal - W. T. Bland230
Our Ways and God’s Ways - J. N. Loughborough199
Out of Babylon and Egypt - A. T. Jones365
Periodicals, the Use of in Missionary Work179
“Pitcairn”, Last Cruise of - J. E. Graham241
Political Controversy - E. G. White58
The President’s Address - O. A. Olsen106,121
President’s Address, Intn’l S. S. Assn - C. H. Jones130
Relation of the Gen’l Conf. Committee to Business Interests - E. G. White76
Religious Liberty Assoc., President’s Report - Allen Moon161
A Remarkable Meeting (this 1897 G. C.)314
Report of Foreign Mission Secy. - F. M. Wilcox172,177
Righteousness by Faith - I. D. VanHorn305
Sabbath School Conventions - Their Importance - How to Conduct Them - M. H. Brown303
Science of Salvation - A. T. Jones46,49,59,65
Selling Our Periodicals - W. S. Hyatt146
Sermons 1, 2, and 3 - G. E. Fifield12,15,28,39
Seventh-day Adventist Educational Society, meeting of287
Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Assoc.286
Sons of Jacob and Sons of God - R. A. Underwood167
South Lancaster (Mass.) Academy - J. H. Haughey207
Spirit of Prophecy - A. T. Jones2,21
Spiritual and Physical Sickness - David Paulson244
Spiritual Egypt - A. T. Jones346
Studies in Hebrews - E. J. Waggoner (see under E. J. Waggoner)
Teacher, the Christian - J. H. Haughey125
True Education - W. W. Prescott9,26,36
An Uncertain Sound - A. J. Bread137
Union College - E. B. Miller15,204
The Wisdom of the Cross - M. C. Wilcox275
Witnesses For God - E. J. Waggoner374
The Work of God - J. H. Kellogg, M. D.285,289