General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 2


November 1, 1888


Thirteenth Day’s Proceedings GENERAL CONFERENCE Oct. 31, 1888

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The eleventh meeting of the Conference was called at 9:30 a. m. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.1

Prayer by Elder Frank Starr. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.2

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.3

The conference opened work by the consideration of recommendation No. 30, which was adopted. Nos. 31 to 37 inclusive was adopted with some slight alterations of the language used. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.4

For No. 9 a substitute was offered recommending that W. B. Hill go to Nebraska. This was referred back to the committee. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.5

A recommendation was passed recommending that R. F. Andrews labor in Indiana, this being numbered 22, having been omitted by oversight. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.6

Additional recommendations were made as follows: GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.7

38. That the canvassing company in Iowa, composed of the following named persons: M. W. Lewis and wife, Arthur Hurr, N. P. Long, Willis Adams, Lewis Starr, Laura Farris; make Maryland and Delaware their field of labor during the coming year, beginning work in the city of Baltimore; and that M. W. Lewis act as state agent. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.8

39. That S. F. Reader and E. Robb, with their wives, remove from Kansas to West Virginia, there to engage in the canvassing work, S. F. Reader to act as state agent. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.9

40. That C. D. Wolf and wife, and J. E. Frazee, of Kansas, remove to North Carolina to engage in the canvassing work; C. D. Wolf to act as state agent. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.10

41. That A. F. Harrison and wife, J. B. Thayer, Thomas Stewart, Benjamin Hensley, and Moses Edwards remove from Kansas to Louisiana, there to engage in the canvassing work; A. F. Harrison to act as leader of the company. And we further recommend that I. L. Reynolds and wife and Geo. Winn of New Orleans connect with this company. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.11

42. That Chas. F. Curtiss devote his entire time to the canvassing work, acting as state agent for Georgia and Florida, and that Chas. E. Giles and Wm. Fenner of Michigan, and Luther Harmon of Indiana, make Georgia and Florida their field of labor. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.12

43. That J. H. Dortch devote his entire time in the interest of the canvassing work in Tennessee. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.13

44. That the Indian Territory be given to Kansas as a canvassing field. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.14

45. That Wm. Arnold return to Great Britain in the early spring. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.15

On motion South Carolina was added to the Florida and Georgia field in No. 42. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.16

These recommendations were adopted. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.17

The committee on nominations then made the following report: GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.18

Your committee would recommend the following names for conference officers for the coming year: GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.19

For President, O. A. Olsen; Secretary, U. Smith; Corresponding Secretary, W. H. Edwards; Home Missionary Secretary, Geo. B. Starr; Foreign Missionary Secretary, W. C. White; Educational Secretary, W. W. Prescott; Treasurer, Harmon Lindsay. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.20

Executive Committee - O. A. Olsen, S. N. Haskell, U. Smith, W. W. Prescott, W. C. White, E. W. Farnsworth, R. M. Kilgore. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.21

Book Committee - W. C. White, U. Smith, R. M. Kilgore, W. W. Prescott, A. T. Jones, E. M. Morrison, C. Eldridge, J. H. Kellogg, E. W. Farnsworth, J. G. Matteson, F. E. Belden, A. T. Robinson, C. H. Jones. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.22

General Conference Association - Geo. I. Butler, U. Smith, A. R. Henry, W. H. Edwards, Harmon Lindsay. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.23

Labor Bureau - A. R. Henry, C. Eldridge, H. W. Kellogg. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.24

Respectfully submitted,

On motion to adopt by considering each name separately the report was accepted. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.25

A motion was made to reconsider the name of W. W. Prescott. The motion prevailed. The name of G. I. Butler was offered as a substitute for that of Bro. Prescott, and an amendment offered substituting the name of R. A. Underwood for that of Geo. I. Butler, but the amendment was lost after lengthy and animated discussion. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.26

The meeting adjourned to call of chair while the question on the substitute was pending. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 33.27


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The meeting opened by singing and prayer, and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The unfinished business, which was a discussion of resolution 10, BULLETIN 9, was taken up. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 34.1

After reading the resolution Eld. Covert asked if this was likely to tend toward breaking up the local societies. If so he would not favor it, but if not so tending he would favor it. Bro. Mitchell thought it had no bad effect in their society, where it had been tried. He thought it would be beneficial to the local societies, and would make the “reports” more nearly correct. Capt. Eldridge said the subject had been under consideration for a year, and he thought it was the best that could be done. W. C. White also favored the resolution, referring to their experience in California, where it had been found satisfactory. After further discussion of the resolution by R. M. Kilgore, Geo. H. Smith, L. C. Chadwick, E. W. Farnsworth, and several others it was adopted. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 34.2

Resolutions 11 and 12 were read and carried without discussion. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 34.3

Moved by L. C. Chadwick that the secretary of the International Tract Society be requested to send a circular letter to each of the state secretaries, giving full explanations of the intent of resolution 10 (BULLETINS 9 and 10), and the best methods for carrying the resolution into effect. Carried. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 34.4

The committee on resolutions reported three resolutions that had been recommended by the council of state agents, as follows: GCDB November 1, 1888, page 34.5

13. Resolved, That no canvasser remove or be removed from any state to work in another, without permission from the state agents of both such states, or from the state secretaries in case there are no state agents. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 34.6

14. Resolved, That we are opposed to our publishing houses furnishing books to agents who do not conform to the rules adopted by this society, whether in territory controlled by the publishing houses, or in the territory of any state society. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 34.7

WHEREAS, The tendency of the trust [credit system] plan is to burden our canvassers and tract societies with debt, therefore, GCDB November 1, 1888, page 34.8

15. Resolved, That we recommend the state societies to adhere to the rule adopted at the 1886 session of this society, which reads as follows: “Our Tract Societies shall do a cash business with agents” recommending that acceptable security be given, or the C. O. D. plan adopted where cash cannot be paid in advance.” GCDB November 1, 1888, page 34.9

Moved by L. C. Chadwick that the report be accepted, acting on each resolution separately. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 34.10

The first resolution was favorably discussed by W. C. White, C. H. Jones, and J. N. Brant, and carried. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 34.11

Resolutions 2 and 3 were carried without discussion. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 34.12

The committee on nominations reported as follows: GCDB November 1, 1888, page 34.13

For President - S. N. Haskell.
For Vice-President - W. C. White.
Recording Secretary - T. A. Kilgore.
Corresponding Secretary - M. L. Huntley.
Treasurer - The Review and Herald.
Assistant Secretaries - Anna L. Ingels, Oakland Cal.; Mrs. F. H. Sisley, Battle Creek, Mich.; W. A. Spicer, London; H. P. Holser, Basel, Switzerland; Josie L. Baker, Australia; Elizabeth Hare, New Zealand; Mary Heileson, Norway; Mrs. C. L. Boyd, South Africa; and Mrs. Eliza Palmer, So. Lancaster, Mass.

Executive Board - S. N. Haskell, W. C. White, L. R. Conradi, D. A. Robinson, O. A. Olsen, W. C. Sisley, A. J. Breed, C. Eldridge, and Geo. B. Starr. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 34.14

For the Committee.

Moved and seconded that the report be accepted by considering each name separately. The names were so considered, and passed without objection until the name of Eld. L. R. Conradi was reached. He objected to his name being used. The objection was not accepted. No further objection was made until after the reading of the report was finished; then W. C. White moved that his name and the name of O. A. Olsen change places, making Eld. Olsen vice president. After some discussion the motion was lost. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 34.15

Then the motion to accept the report of the committee was carried. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 34.16


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With the president in the chair the meeting was opened by prayer by Eld. S. N. Haskell, after which the secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting, which were approved. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 34.17

An interesting report was received from Eld. Loughborough, of California. S. N. Haskell devoted a few moments to the question of the “Health Reform” in the Old World, and showed the advancement that had been made in the last few years. The efforts there seem to be more energetic than here, and it can readily be seen how our temperance literature can be used as an entering wedge to our other work. The Good Health has a hearty reception in England. In London there are about 60 “vegetarian restaurants,” and about the same number of “Lockhart’s restaurants,” where the Good Health is now read eagerly by thousands, thus already demonstrating the truth that the intrinsic merit of our journal is recognized in other countries. Scotland and Ireland are following England, and it gives us favor with the people. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 34.18

Eld. D. A. Robinson has been requested to lecture in some of the most prominent places in the city of London. We hope to get our publications in all the missions in the world from our work in London. In Africa the entrance was gained by our temperance literature and the temperance lectures of Eld. Robinson. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 34.19

After these remarks the committee on resolutions made the following report: GCDB November 1, 1888, page 34.20

WHEREAS, Reports from different parts of the field indicate a general advance in the Health and Temperance work, and a desire on the part of our people to understand its principles; therefore, GCDB November 1, 1888, page 34.21

1. Resolved, That we express our gratitude to God for these favorable indications, and hereby pledge ourselves anew to the advancement of this important branch of the Third Angel’s Message. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 34.22

2. Resolved, That we earnestly recommend our ministers, church elders, and leaders to qualify themselves to give instruction in the principles of true health reform. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.1

3. Resolved, That we endorse the teaching of the “Testimonies” on this question, and recommend our people everywhere to carefully study and put in practice the principles therein brought to view. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.2

WHEREAS, We recognize in the S. Schools one of the most potent agencies in the education of our people, therefore, GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.3

4. Resolved, That we recommend the committee on S. S. lessons to secure the preparation of a series of health and temperance lessons, to be used at the earliest opportunity. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.4

WHEREAS, The plan of sending out monthly readings has proved a great benefit to the local tract societies, and, GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.5

WHEREAS, We believe a similar plan carried out in our H. and T. clubs, would result in much good, therefore, GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.6

5. Resolved, That we request the officers of this association to secure the preparation of monthly readings on the subject of health and temperance, to be sent to the secretaries of the state societies for distribution to the local clubs, and to the officers of such churches as have no temperance clubs. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.7

6. Resolved, That it is the sense of this association that the teaching of health and temperance principles should be combined, as far as practicable, with the Sabbath School work, and that we earnestly request the officers of our state S. S. association to give due attention to this work. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.8

WHEREAS, The experience individuals and the concurrent testimony of physicians, conclusively prove that much disease and deformity result from improper dress, therefore, GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.9

7. Resolved, That we recommend the adoption of such wearing apparel as will permit the free action and healthful development of all the muscles and organs of the body. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.10

WHEREAS, The General Conference Association in its session of 1886, adopted the following resolutions: viz, GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.11

1. Resolved, That each of our state conferences be requested to appoint one or more persons to devote themselves especially to the health and temperance work, and that these persons be encouraged and assisted to prepare themselves for this branch of the work. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.12

2. Resolved, That we recommend that meetings for instruction on the subject of health and temperance be held at each of our campmeetings, therefore, GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.13

8. Resolved, That we heartily endorse the above resolutions and urge our state conferences to reduce them to practice, and further, GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.14

9. Resolved, That we request the state conferences at each of their annual campmeetings to give time equivalent to one hour a day to the health and temperance work. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.15

10. Resolved, That we urge upon all our people the importance of increasing the circulation of our health journals and distributing such other literature as will advance the interests of the health and temperance work. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.16

A motion was made to adopt it by considering each item separately. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.17

Eld. D. T. Jones, D. E. Lindsey, C. H. Bliss, D. T. Bordeau, O. C. Godsmark, S. H. Lane, and J. P. Henderson made remarks of interest as the different resolutions were considered. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.18

Resolutions 1 to 5 were adopted after which the association adjourned to the call of the chair. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.19


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The meeting was opened by G. B. Starr, of Chicago. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.20

After prayer by S. H. Lane, of Michigan, and singing “Pray for Help, Christian,” it was announced that the evening hour would be divided among many, thus getting a variety of experience, and much instruction of a very important nature. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.21

G. B. Starr led out with a few minutes talk concerning “Jesus and the woman at the well.” Do not despise small opportunities is a motto we should remember daily. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.22

S. N. Haskell remarked that God gave to every man severally from one to five talents, and it is important that we set our mark high, and then strive in the strength of God to improve the talent we have; the angels will co-operate with us. They will lead us where we can accomplish great good, and when the Master calls for the talent committed to us we can gladly return it to him with usury, and hear the word “Well done good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of the Lord.” Meditate each day upon the goodness of God. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.23

A. T. Robinson, from New England, related some interesting experiences in the New England states, showing how, as a result of prayer and experience meetings, the interest of the individual members of the society was largely increased. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.24

H. W. Miller, of Michigan, expressed a deep interest in the work, and reported an increased interest in his field, and was heartily in favor of the steps taken for more thoroughly interesting and general effort to labor in the missionary branch of the work. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.25

Elder Covert, of Indiana, remarked that since the canvassers work began the interest in the work of personal missionary effort has slackened, but the present plans meet his mind, and he would do all he could to start the work in his field. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.26

Sister Druillard, of Nebraska, gave some interesting facts showing how a new interest was developed, and that she was in hearty sympathy with the plans for future work. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.27

A. J. Breed, of Wisconsin, related some gratifying circumstances from his experience. Showing how distribution of literature and correspondence by individual effort, resulted in the conversion of many precious souls. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.28

T. H. Gibbs, of Louisiana, read a most interesting letter from British Honduras, that was calculated to thrill our hearts with pleasure and incite us to more determined effort. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.29

Sister M. L. Huntly, secretary of the International Tract Society, remarked that many would gladly work if they knew how, and in her remarks she tried to impress upon our minds the importance of more thoroughly instructing the laity who are among us. It is important that the masses of the people be instructed, that from their ranks may spring many light bearers to others. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.30

Bro. Henderson related some interesting experiences from his field in Arkansas. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.31

Others spoke in the same strain, and a resolution was passed asking for another meeting. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 35.32

The following tabulated report is appended that all may get a general idea of the work. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 36.1

STATES.No. ScholarMembership.Contributions.To Missions.To State Society.To International Society
Arkansas17307$ 21 74$ 2 23$ 2 17$20
Connecticut711035 3330 403 431 34
California822,3513,248 13214 87308 3730 80
Colorado13385317 57145 93.......28 02
Dakota29577265 33238 2135 722 46
British1223097 056 4424 33.....
Florida1016419 691 306 49.....
Indiana501,184555 98250 561 2814 40
Illinois42989761 84446 8141 8528 21
Iowa831,811981 91643 0959 027 76
Kansas691,704400 44416 9177 228 87
Kentucky59412 907 7539 2025
Missouri31790251 6496 84752 14
Maine2130297 2849 1519 875 27
Minnesota741,9401,081 86566 817 941 20
New York29536361 08235 2992 849 35
North Pacific 28565363 28305 8821 563 66
Michigan 1454,8343,430 18 1,787 1734 3723 83
New England31636977 75550 50237 5217 44
Nebraska37878382 47186 4175 57
Ohio501,114738 18308 8730 515 66
Pennsylvania531,000610 27334 9950 736 33
Switzerland...406186 10.......63 33......
Tennessee101492 897 752 8331
Texas1529747 0119 294 3412
Vermont23422302 67209 9524 026 03
Virginia513019 418 611 3310
West Virginia718339 7314 592 3512
Wisconsin851,6671,004 89672 6376 565 22
Upper Canada16370257 20194 8919 7012 67
Australia6350356 1625 2120 33......
Isolated38785 0037 081 98......
New Zealand.......................................
Total1,11426,96816,927 089,958 97$1,383 79$233 24

For the year ending June 30, 1888. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 36.2


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A meeting was called by the officers of the International Association, according to appointment, at 6 P. M. Prayer by V. H. Lucas, of Ohio. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 36.3

The design of the meeting was to give instruction to those interested in the Sabbath School work. The time was occupied by Mrs. Jessie F. Waggoner, of California, who gave an informal talk on “How to study the Lesson.” GCDB November 1, 1888, page 36.4

She said that she would not attempt to lay down any set of rules that would apply to all cases, but the following is how to study the lesson, in a nut-shell: GCDB November 1, 1888, page 36.5

R p E r A a D y]
S p T r U a D y Y]ALL THE WEEK.
T p H r I a N y K]

“Read, study, think” are all necessary, but the most important is prayer. We should mix prayer through all our reading and studying and thinking, during the entire week. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 36.6

In studying a lesson we should - GCDB November 1, 1888, page 36.7

1. Consult the lesson book just enough to see where the lesson begins and where it ends in the Bible. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 36.8

2. Read carefully two or three times all that the chapter says about it. Then you have the subject in mind and can pick up illustrations, etc. during the week. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 36.9

3. Study and write down points learned in the Bible narrative. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 36.10

4. Consult Webster’s Dictionary on all the words that you do not perfectly understand. Read 1 Corinthians 14, 19. By the way, the Bible is the best manual on Sabbath School teaching that I ever saw. If we would study it more I believe that we would all be better teachers. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 36.11

5. Search out the main words in the concordance and see what additional light the rest of the Bible throws upon it. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 36.12

6. See what vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, “Great Controversy” say upon the subject. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 36.13

7. Use the Bible Dictionary when necessary, “Bible Manners and Customs,” and “Bible Atlas.” GCDB November 1, 1888, page 36.14

8. Sometimes commentaries are helpful if care be taken to accept no theory unless it agrees with the Bible. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 36.15

9. Ask yourself the questions, “Why did God have that particular portion of the Bible written? What did he wish us to learn from it? If one of my class should never come to Sabbath School again, could he know from this lesson how to be saved?” GCDB November 1, 1888, page 36.16

10. Read the lesson in the question book and use whatever additional light you may find there. The idea of not reading what the question book says till the last, is to compel yourself to dig it out for yourself till it is your own. You can then speak with confidence, for you know for yourself that it is true. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 36.17

11. Select your illustrations, bearing in mind this thought: We print our name with indelible ink so that our name will not rub out; we print the lesson on the heart with illustrations so that the lesson (not the illustration) will not rub out. Get an illustration that will fit the lesson whether it be an object, a finished picture, rough dots or marks, or a work picture. If you cannot make it plain yourself, ask the Lord to help you, for He is both willing and able. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 36.18

12. Put in order and in form of questions the best thoughts you have thus gained. It should be written down, not to commit to memory, but as a corrector of vagueness of thought and expression. It compels you to find out exactly what you want to say. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 36.19

Know just how you are going to begin and how you are going to end your lesson. The first question should be easy to answer, interesting, and not apparently on the subject of the lesson. You can thus gain the undivided attention and interest of your class before you get through asking your first question, and then you can unconsciously draw them on into the lesson. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 36.20

If you are a reviewer, I would save the most striking illustration for the review, and would dwell mostly upon practical points, with just enough of the narrative to hold them together and to make them interesting. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 36.21

We should ever bear in mind the fact that this is possibly the last chance some one of our class may have to learn about Jesus. It is the one golden opportunity to save a soul. An effort should be made to adapt the lesson to each individual in your class so that each one may understand, and understanding may obey, and thus gain a home in the heart made new. GCDB November 1, 1888, page 36.22