General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 3


October 23, 1889



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THE amount of work done in the general field by the Educational Secretary is necessarily limited; because while this added duty has been placed upon him, none of the previous duties devolving upon him have been lightened in any respect - rather, increasing from year to year; so that what work has been done in this direction has been done at odd times, and in addition to the usual work. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 39.1

I will first speak of some visits to different parts of the field, which I have been enabled to make during the year, with something of a history of the work done at these places. After consultation with the General Conference Committee, it seemed desirable to attend the meeting of the Department of Superintendence of the National Educational Association, which was held at Washington, D. C., last March, to bring before that representative body of educators our work pertaining to religious liberty, with the hope that there might be a chance of delivering an address before the meeting, and circulating some literature upon this subject. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 39.2

I took an early opportunity to find the President of the department some days before the meeting assembled, to arrange, if possible, for some work in this direction. He told me that the program was already arranged and announced; and yet there might be a possible opening, - some appointments might fail; and he seemed very favorable toward the effort. At the same time I found the President of the National Association - of which the other was simply a department - and laid the matter before him, especially with reference to the annual meeting of the General Association, which was appointed to be held at Nashville, Tenn., in July. He unhesitatingly expressed himself as against religious teaching in our public schools. From this I felt quite hopeful that he would give me a place for this subject in his program, which, he told me, he was then arranging. He presented my request to the Secretary, who at first supposed I had reference to the Blair Educational Aid Bill, and expressed himself as favoring the move, but that it would perhaps hardly be proper to bring the matter before the department. When corrected on this point, the Secretary took a very decided position at once, and said, “You keep that subject out of here.” That seemed to settle the President, and he told me that he did not think it would be any use to expect an opportunity. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 39.3

I had some private talks with members of the Association, and distributed a few copies of the pamphlet on “Civil Government and Religion.” I did hope, however, that the President of the Association would give opportunity for an address upon this subject at the large meeting to be held at Nashville, Tenn. He took the subject upon which I desired to speak, and expressed himself favorable toward having it in the program. I received later a printed copy of the program, and found that the subject was not inserted. I took occasion, therefore, to call on him in one of my visits in the East and called his attention to the fact that that subject was omitted from the program. He expressed some surprise at the omission, and said that there might be openings for it at the meeting. I made up my mind that it would be the experience at Washington over again; and so did not attend the meeting. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 39.4

In April I was present at the closing of the school in Minneapolis. The time was largely spent in counsel with the brethren present from Minnesota, and other Conferences, concerning general plans for school work in that part of the field. It was here that the idea was first presented to the brethren, of a union of effort in establishing schools, instead of attempting, at this stage of our work, to have a separate school in each Conference. Several meetings were held in consultation upon this point, and it resulted in a vote of those present that the educational secretary call together at as early a time as possible representatives from the Conferences in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Dakota, to consider the matter of a union of effort in these Conferences in the establishment of a school centrally located. This meeting was called at Owatonna, Minn., and met in May. Of this I will speak later. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 39.5

The next visit by the Secretary was at the closing of the school at South Lancaster, where I gave some addresses upon educational matters. It might be a proper time right here to speak of the work of the school at the Academy during the past year. It is well known in general to the delegates and others that the school had had something of an unfortunate experience, and that there had been a change in the general management, - quite a large change in the corps of teachers; and this was the close of the first year under the new management. So far as I was able to learn - and I took considerable pains to gather information from various sources, both in and out of the school, and from the meetings of the school board - it seemed that the general work of the school during the year had been eminently satisfactory; that so far as the quality of instruction given, and religious influences which had prevailed, and the tendency to hold up our work and to present the truth and the religious life as a desirable thing to those who were attending the institution, a great change had come over the general atmosphere of the school. The financial difficulties that have beset the school, and are still a source of much anxiety, will, no doubt, be presented to the Conference by the proper committee. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 40.1

Immediately after the visit to South Lancaster, I went to the appointment at Owatonna, Minn., to meet the representatives from those Conferences, to consult in regard to the school. Representatives were present from Wisconsin, Minnesota and Dakota. Iowa was invited to be represented, but was not able to send a representative on account of other matters, and more especially on account of the ill health of the president of the Conference. Several meetings were held by those present, and the whole matter was very thoroughly discussed. The result was that recommendations were passed by those present, to the effect that the four Conferences named should unite in a union school. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 40.2

From this meeting I went to the institute at Ottawa, Kansas, spending from Thursday until Sunday, speaking both upon educational and religious topics. I found here a deep interest in the school question. A school had been maintained in the Conference during the year; and this had served to increase an interest in this matter. A school committee had already been appointed by the Conference, and were waiting the arrival of the educational secretary to consult with him in regard to their school interests. Several meetings of this committee were held; and it was to this committee that the idea was first suggested of having a general union of effort for all the Conferences west of the Mississippi River and east of the Rocky Mountains. The matter was considered, and a report was made to the Conference, recommending a union of the Conferences in the south-west, including Kansas, Texas, Missouri, Arkansas, and Colorado. When the matter was brought before the Conference, an earnest and long discussion was had upon the question. Sister White, who was present at this meeting, was very emphatic in her counsel that under the circumstances it would be best if all these Conferences would unite, and that instead of opening two schools in that field, one school, centrally located with reference to the territory from which the larger share of the students would naturally be drawn, should be opened at this time, and then future needs be cared for as they should arise. After this lengthy discussion, - in which opinions were freely stated, - the Conference expressed a willingness to unite with all the Conferences, and appointed a committee to act with the educational secretary in bringing about this result. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 40.3

In June I visited the Des Moines, Iowa, camp-meeting. Here this plan of a union of effort for a school was presented, and met with a very hearty approval. The Conference voted unanimously that Iowa was ready to join in such a movement. At the Iowa meeting two public addresses were delivered upon the general subject of education. I also attended the meeting at Kalamazoo, Mich., speaking once upon the subject of education. I soon afterward made my first visit to the Illinois Conference, attending for one day only the meeting at Bloomington, speaking afternoon and evening upon general questions connected with education. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 40.4

I suppose it falls within the province of the secretary to speak something of the work done here at Battle Creek. I will simply say that the work has seemed to prosper during the last year, while the interest both in intellectual and spiritual matters has seemed to increase. The attendance has grown larger than ever before. There have been quite a number of conversions among those who were entirely outside our own people, and, in some cases, where there had been considerable prejudice. The attendance has been very permanent; the same students have returned in larger numbers than heretofore; and the number of those who have come in to take a short course of study and then go into the field to labor is not so large as in former years. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 40.5

There are a variety of topics to which attention has been paid by the secretary during the year. At a meeting of the General Conference Committee, recommendations were passed upon some propositions in reference to the holding of teachers’ institutes, etc., from which I will read the following:- GCDB October 23, 1889, page 41.1

Considering the scattered condition of our teachers, - some being on the Atlantic and some on the Pacific Coast, - and the great expense of their coming together, we recommend that no general teachers’ institute be held the present year. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 41.2

WHEREAS, The ministerial institute just closed has proved satisfactory to those attending, and we believe that a longer term, announced early in the season, would be largely attended, and would prove of inestimable value to the cause; therefore - GCDB October 23, 1889, page 41.3

Resolved, That we recommend that a special course for ministers and Conference laborers be organized, to begin about November 15 and to continue five months; this school to be held for the benefit of those of our laborers who cannot take a complete course of study at our College. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 41.4

We recommend great caution in the establishment of Conference schools; that before such enterprises are begun the Educational Secretary be consulted, and a mutual understanding be reached between him and the Conference Committee; and that no schools be started without his advice and approval. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 41.5

The following resolution adopted by the teachers’ institute, in Battle Creek, in 1888, has not been acted on by the General Conference: GCDB October 23, 1889, page 41.6

Resolved, that it is the opinion of this institute that a course of general reading and study, to meet the wants of Seventh-day Adventists, ought to be adopted, and that the General Conference be requested to take the matter under consideration at its next session. (Year Book P.71.) GCDB October 23, 1889, page 41.7

We therefore recommend that Prof. Prescott with two assistants be requested to suggest a course of reading. (C. Eldridge and Prof. A. W. Kelly were named by the chair to complete the committee.) GCDB October 23, 1889, page 41.8

Another matter to which attention has been given, - as already indicated in the previous part of the report, - was concerning the opening of a school west of the Mississippi. The need of further educational facilities, the difficulty of providing suitable teachers, and of procuring suitable help for a school in each Conference, has led to the suggestion that there be a union of effort in the establishment of a school centrally located in these Conferences. This matter has been brought to the attention of the General Conference Committee, and at its meeting in July, the following recommendation was passed:- GCDB October 23, 1889, page 41.9

“WHEREAS, The Battle Creek College has not sufficient capacity to accommodate all who wish to obtain the benefits of such a school; and, GCDB October 23, 1889, page 41.10

WHEREAS, The Conferences west of the Mississippi River and east of the Rocky Mountains are strong enough to build a college and to fill it with students; therefore, GCDB October 23, 1889, page 41.11

We recommend, that the Conferences of Iowa, Minnesota, Dakota, Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, Missouri, Texas, and Arkansas unite together and establish a school in some convenient location.” GCDB October 23, 1889, page 41.12

The General Conference committee requested the Educational Secretary to present to this body some plan for the organization of church schools. It has been felt that while the larger schools met a demand existing among us for education, there was yet a demand not met by these schools, - a demand for the proper education of younger children, until they become of sufficient age to send them away from home to these larger schools. This matter has been called to the attention of the Committee on Education by the Educational Secretary, and they have prepared some recommendations on this point, which will be presented. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 41.13

It seemed to the Secretary that it would be desirable to obtain, as far as possible, the names of teachers among us, that we might know what material we had to work with in this direction. A call was therefore made through the Review and Herald and the Signs of the Times for the names of all teachers not employed in any one of our schools. In response to this call I have received from 150 to 200 names of all grades of teachers, from those of long years of experience, to those who have taught but a single term; and I was myself surprised to find the amount of teaching force which we have among us as a denomination. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 41.14

It seemed to me that while all this force would not be used at present in teaching schools among Seventh-day Adventists, here was an amount of educated talent that ought to be made use of in some direction in our work. Many of them expressed themselves as desirous of working among our people, of course their attention being in the direction of teaching, as that was the thought suggested by the call, but I am satisfied that there is much ability here that could be utilized in various parts of our work. This amount of ability should not be allowed to drift away and be employed entirely in secular schools. The idea in my own mind was that a sort of teachers’ bureau could be thus opened, and that in localities where teachers are needed they could be supplied from teachers in that locality. And this was especially brought to my attention from the fact that one of our brethren in the West wrote me for a teacher - he being a director in the public school, - and I sent him the names of half-dozen or more teachers in his immediate vicinity, who had the qualifications that he suggested, and placed them in correspondence with him. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 41.15

The German school in Kansas, which has been continued for two years, is now closed. The secretary is not informed of the reasons for this action. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 41.16

An English school is now in operation at Ottawa, Kansas; but the secretary not being consulted concerning this school can give no further information than is generally known. There are about 50 in attendance, with a prospect for 65 or 70. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 42.1

The school at Minneapolis, after consulting with the Secretary upon the matter, decided to discontinue the primary department of the school, and to change some the general plan of the school in anticipation of its probable discontinuance when the union school should be opened, as recommended by the General Conference Committee. The school this year is designed more to render present help to those who are to work in the Conference. The grade of work has been raised, and no students are received to do work below what we call third grade; and more especial attention is to be paid to instruction in methods of labor and in such preparation as would help canvassers, colporters, and the younger laborers in the Conference, for their immediate needs. This plan has seemed wise under the circumstances. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 42.2

The Secretary has received a call from Australia, to render assistance in opening a denominational school in that field. He responded as best he was able under the circumstances, - not being familiar with the general plan of schools in that country, and sent such information as he could, with suggestions concerning it. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 42.3

From blanks which have been prepared and sent to Conference schools, the following general information has been gleaned; That the attendance at the opening of the schools this year is larger than at any previous time, and that the grade of work taken up is higher. This would follow not only from the class of new students that would come in, but from the tendency, which seems to me to be in the right direction, of retaining longer in our schools those of the proper age to receive a more thorough training. Bible study is made a special feature in every school. Physical labor is combined with study. In addition to this, in three of the schools attention is paid to physical culture. So far as possible the plan of a home in connection with the school has been adopted. This plan has been varied somewhat at Minneapolis, from the fact that no buildings are owned by the school, and it was thought best not to make any large expense in that direction, as the arrangement would doubtless be but temporary. I suppose that such is the case with the school in Kansas, but I am not specially informed. As to the advantages of this plan of conducting our schools, I am more and more convinced. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 42.4

My attention was called the other day to an article in the New York Observer, which made quite an impression upon my mind. I will present an extract from it. The article is headed “College Temptations.” GCDB October 23, 1889, page 42.5

“Hundreds of boys are kept from a college career, solely on account of the fears of a parent. We are reminded of this by a mother who writes to the Evening Post, asking if the editors can recommend a college ‘where the professors make a persistent, united effort to save the students from the temptation to drink,’ and whether they know of any college ‘which has sufficient safeguards against this temptation.’ GCDB October 23, 1889, page 42.6

“Our contemporary frankly confesses that it knows of no such college. Nor does it think that such a college can reasonably be expected. It proceeds to say: GCDB October 23, 1889, page 42.7

“‘In our opinion, parents who expect to devolve on other people the task of keeping their sons out of temptation after they reach the collegiate age, would do well to keep them at home. Keeping young men of this collegiate age out of temptation is essentially parents’ work. It cannot be delegated or imposed on anybody else, except, as we have said, by putting the youth in barracks under military discipline. No civil college in this country is properly organized for any such duty. The professor is a teacher, but not a guardian in the proper sense of that term. His business is to teach young men who want to learn, and to get rid of them if they will not learn. It is not his business to keep them out of harm’s way by any extraordinary precautions. If parents think their son is unequal to the temptations to which the inevitable freedom of college life exposes him, the proper remedy is not to commit his morals to the care of a poor hard-worked professor, who is already staggering under the weight of his didactic load, but to keep the youth at home.’” GCDB October 23, 1889, page 42.8

The editor of the Observer makes quite an extended comment upon this. I will present one short paragraph:- GCDB October 23, 1889, page 42.9

“The whole matter is one of the deepest interest and of the most vital importance. Were such a thing possible it would be well for our students if they could have the advantages of home life and its influence simultaneously with the College training. Good home training is beyond price.” GCDB October 23, 1889, page 42.10

In connection with the work which is being attempted in our various schools in this direction, this article struck me with force. We have made an effort to combine, if possible, with the collegiate training the influences of home; that the students should not be thrust, as it were, into these dangers without some effort being made to guard them from the temptations which are sure to assail them as they leave their homes and enter this new life. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 42.11

I will here present some statistics, which may perhaps be of general interest:- GCDB October 23, 1889, page 42.12

The total number of students attending our seven schools, from which I have reports, is 1,155, divided as follows: Battle Creek, 534; Healdsburg, 223; Milton, Or., 127; South Lancaster, 81; Minneapolis, 80; Portland, Or., 75; and Ottawa, Kansas, 35. The number attending the German school, in Kansas, is not included in this, as returns have not been received from that school. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 42.13

The total number of teachers employed is 54, divided as follows: Battle Creek, 19; Healdsburg, 12; Milton, Or., 5; South Lancaster, 9; Minneapolis, 4; Portland, Or., 3; Ottawa, Kan., 2. The average monthly charge is $14.60. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 43.1

The total value of grounds, buildings, apparatus, etc. is $220,082.28. This includes only five schools, the schools at Minneapolis and Ottawa, not owning any property. This amount is divided as follows: Battle Creek, $109,720.05; Healdsburg, $50,000.00; South Lancaster, $44,062.23; Milton, $12,000.00; Portland, $4,300.00. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 43.2

In closing this summary of the work done I can but add a word in regard to the value of educational work among us, not only in itself, not only for the benefits that come personally to each one, but in a general way for the advancement of the work. The value of this agency and the importance of giving due attention to it have grown upon my mind from year to year. That we can better train our own workers than to depend upon outside help, seems to me to be clear to all. And the general policy which we have adopted in the college here for the last three years, has been to try to hold, so far as it would seem desirable, young men and women of suitable age and ability, that we might raise up a more thoroughly trained class of workers. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 43.3

I have often felt that if from the beginning of our educational work, when the first Educational Society was incorporated 15 years ago, we had taken young people 18 or 20 years of age, and given them a thorough course of training covering a period of from three to five or eight years, trained laborers might have been going forth from the institutions every year, for the last six or eight or ten years. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 43.4

The desirability of having some one who could give his whole time, if necessary, to the general management of our denominational school interests seems to be very important. The calls that are being made for an increase in efficiency in our schools, and the need which exists that new schools be established upon a proper basis, seems to make such a demand as this almost imperative. Our denominational schools can be made of the very greatest value to our work. They can, if neglected, as we have learned in some cases by sad experience, become even an injury to our work. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 43.5

That the interests of education will receive some attention at this Conference I am assured by the appointment of an educational committee, and that committee are already in readiness to present some recommendations to this Conference whenever opportunity shall be granted. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 43.6

[This opportunity was granted immediately at the close of the address, and the recommendations appeared in yesterday’s BULLETIN.] GCDB October 23, 1889, page 43.7

THE committees are hard at work, and delegates find no time for anything but business. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 43.8


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THE Conference was called to order by the president at 9:30 A. M. Elder R. M. Kilgore offered prayer. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved, after which each delegate was supplied with a copy of the last Year Book. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 43.9

Unfinished business was then called for. The pending report of the committee on credentials and licenses being called up, was referred back to the committee. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 43.10

The resolutions reported in yesterday’s BULLETIN, were then read the second time. The second one was laid on the table. The last two called out touching remarks from J. N. Loughborough, J. Vuilleumier, R. A. Underwood, C. H. Jones, A. T. Jones, and others, concerning the labors of Elder Waggoner. Following are some of the words uttered:- GCDB October 23, 1889, page 43.11

Brother John Vuilleumier, said: “As I was in Basel at the time of the death and burial of our beloved brother, - Elder J. H. Waggoner, - I think it a duty to say a few words about this sad event. But I will go back of it a little. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 43.12

“During his stay in Basel, from August, 1887, to April, 1889, (about 21 months in all) although sometimes very weary, Elder Waggoner enjoyed quite a good degree of health. He worked like a young man. His Biblical works during that period are considerable. I am not acquainted with all of them, but I will mention the principal ones. He wrote some chapters on the new edition of “Life Sketches;” he re-wrote and enlarged the “Ministration of Angels;” he wrote the pamphlet recently issued at Oakland, Cal. - “The Origin and Growth of Sunday Observance;” he wrote a tract on “Who Changed the Sabbath?” published in French and German; he prepared a revised and enlarged edition of “Truth Found,” of which German and French editions were published in Basel, and an English edition in London; he wrote his largest and most important book - “From Eden to Eden” - which has been printed in both German and French, and of which four or five thousand copies have already been sold. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 43.13

“During this time he was steadily sending articles to the Review, the Signs, the Present Truth, The Sentinel; while writing for Les Signes and the Herald, of which he was the editor. Besides this, he bore responsibilities as chairman of the Central European Book Committee, and as a member of the publishing board. For quite a while he held an editorial also a Bible class in Basel. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 43.14

“At the time of his death, he had been more than ordinarily busy in preparing an English edition of his new book. His health seemed to be as usual. A Sabbath or two before his death, he preached his last sermon in our meeting hall in Basel. I remarked at the time that it was the most solemn sermon that I had heard him preach. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 44.1

“Two days before his death, at the occasion of Elder E. W. Whitney’s departure for England, the office hands had a leaving party. Brother Waggoner there made some remarks on the situation of the work. He stated that the condition of things at the office had made steady progress since he had come; that love and harmony prevailed among the workers; that the future prospects of the cause in that field had never seemed better; that his conviction of the near triumph of the truth had never been stronger, and that his joy in that belief had never been greater. ‘The truth will triumph,’ said he; ‘it will triumph soon; and I am glad of it.’” GCDB October 23, 1889, page 44.2

“He was then preparing to go to London for a few days, in order to attend special meetings, and to make important researches in the library of the British Museum. The next day, early in the morning, Elder Whitney left Basel for England. Elder Waggoner came to the office, read the editorials for the forthcoming number of the paper, and was occupied all day in making tissue copies of the last pages of the English edition of this book. At half past six, P. M., he went home. The next morning, early, his dear companion found him lifeless in his apartment - his earthly career had taken an end;- God had given rest to his whitened, weary laborer. May God help us all, thus to be found at our post!” GCDB October 23, 1889, page 44.3

Elder A. T. Jones said: “I think it only proper that I express my gratitude to God for the help that I have received from Brother Waggoner’s work and influence in different ways. His writings have been the chiefest help to me in gathering the principles of the Scriptures and of the justice and righteousness of God’s law, and his personal connection with me has done not much less. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 44.4

“In 1876 was the first acquaintanceship I had with him, while in Oregon; and from that time until he left the Pacific coast, and went to Europe, we were related more or less in the work, and the last two years before he left we were related intimately every day in the work in Oakland. I know that he was always so kind and patient, so gentle and good in his carefulness and his kindness to me. Many times I know when rebukes would have been proper, nothing but patient, tender instruction came. And this bound me to him. I know once when there was a misunderstanding, and rebuke did come, he learned a little while afterward that he had misunderstood the matter, and came with humble apology. That was unnecessary: but it came just as freely and humbly, and he a man more than twice my age, and I but young in the work, as though it had been mine to him. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 44.5

“But it is not this that I wish to mention more than one other thing. Toward the latter part of the work with which I was connected with him, I heard him mention several times in general meetings his seeming dread - he did not present it in the form of a dread - that he should have to be separated from the work. He said that he did not know what he would do if anything should happen in his life that he should be superannuated and separated from activity in the work. He seemed to have that care and love for the work that he would rather die at the work than be separated from it in helplessness. And when the message came concerning his death, the last entry in his diary was: ‘I have done a hard day’s work today.’ That seemed to me that God had granted his request; that he had not separated him from the work until his work was done; and then it seemed to me that that was his own best epitaph: “A hard day’s work I have done to-day.” Brethren, I hope that that spirit will go with us all; that we would rather be dead than separated from the work; that when the time comes, if it should be, that we should be separated from the work, it may be said, and our last words may be that ‘a hard day’s work has been done for God.’” GCDB October 23, 1889, page 44.6

The resolutions were then adopted, the last two by a unanimous rising vote. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 44.7

The motion of Elder Corliss, relative to the manner of acting upon resolutions and reports of committees (see BULLETIN, p.34) was taken from the table and adopted by unanimous vote. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 44.8

The Judiciary Committee, through its secretary, J. O. Corliss, then reported, recommending quite extended amendments to the constitution, the nature of which may be seen by a comparison of the constitution as it now stands, with the committee’s report, both of which follow. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 44.9


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THIS Conference shall be called the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 44.10


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SECTION 1. The officers of this Conference shall be a President, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, a Home Mission Secretary, a Foreign Mission Secretary, and an Educational Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Executive Committee of seven, of whom the President shall be one. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 44.11

SEC. 2. The Executive Committee shall have power to fill any vacancies that may occur in their number by death, resignation, or otherwise, and to appoint, in connection with the President and Secretary of the International Tract Society, a general canvassing agent. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 44.12

SEC. 3. The officers shall be elected at the regular meetings of the Conference, and shall hold their offices for the term of one year, or until their successors are chosen. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 44.13


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This Conference shall be composed of delegates from the State Conferences, of the officers of the Conference, and of such ministers as shall have been in the employ of the General Conference during any part of the year. And the Executive Committee are authorized to issue credentials to such ministers as are delegates to the Conference. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 44.14


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The duties of the President and Secretaries shall be such as usually pertain to those offices. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 45.1


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It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive and disburse means under the direction of the Executive Committee, and to keep an account of the same, and make a full report thereof to the regular meetings of the Conference. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 45.2


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SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to take the general supervision of all ministerial labor, and see that the same is properly distributed; and they shall take the special supervision of all missionary labor, and as a missionary Board shall have the power to decide where such labor is needed, and who shall go as missionaries to perform the same. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 45.3

SEC. 2. When any State Conference desires ministerial labor from a minister not a resident within the bounds of such Conference, its request shall be made to the General Conference Executive Committee, and ministers sent by said Committee shall be considered under the jurisdiction of the Conference committee of such State: Provided, 1. That if such minister consider the State committee inefficient, or their action so far wrong as to render his labor ineffectual, he may appeal to the General Conference Executive Committee: Provided, 2. That if such State committee consider such minister inefficient, they may appeal to the General Conference Committee, who shall decide on the matter of complaint, and take such action as they may think proper. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 45.4

SEC. 3. The General Conference Executive Committee shall have power during the intervals between the yearly meetings to license ministers who may be raised up in mission fields. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 45.5


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SECTION 1. For means to carry on its work, the General Conference shall receive the tithes of the State Conferences. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 45.6

SEC. 2. In addition to the tithes, the Executive Committee is authorized to call for donations from State Conferences, churches, or individuals, as the wants of the cause may, in their judgment, demand. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 45.7


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SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the ministers and others in the employ of the General Conference, to make a written report to each annual meeting thereof of each week’s occupation during the Conference year, or such portion of the year as they may have been in the employ of the Conference. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 45.8

SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the Conference to select a committee of six delegates who have not been in the employ of the Conference the preceding year, who, with the Executive Committee, shall audit and settle all accounts with ministers and others who have been in the employ of the Conference. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 45.9


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Each State Conference shall be entitled to one delegate in the General Conference, without regard to numbers, and one additional delegate for every three hundred church members in the Conference. Such delegates may be elected by the Conference, or appointed by its Executive Committee. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 45.10


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SECTION 1. The regular meetings of the Conference shall be held annually, and the time and place of holding the same shall be determined by the Executive Committee, by whom due notice thereof shall be given through the Review. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 45.11

SEC. 2. Special meetings may be called at the option of the Committee. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 45.12


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This Constitution may be altered or amended by a three-fourths’ vote of the members present at any meeting. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 45.13

The following amendments to the Constitution are proposed by the Judiciary Committee. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 45.14


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SECTION 1. The officers of this Conference shall be a President, a Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, a Home Mission Secretary, a Treasurer, an Executive Committee of seven, of whom the President shall be one; a Foreign Mission Board of three, the Secretary of which shall be a member of the General Conference Committee; a Finance Committee of three, the Secretary of which shall also be a member of the General Conference Committee. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 45.15

SEC. 2. The Executive Committee shall have power to fill any vacancies that may occur in these offices by death, resignation, or apostasy. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 45.16

In section 3 of article 2, substitute “sessions” for “meetings,” and “elected” for “chosen.” GCDB October 23, 1889, page 45.17


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This Conference shall be composed of its executive committee, of delegates from the State Conferences, and of such other laborers in the employ of the General Conference as shall receive delegates’ credentials from the Executive Committee. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 45.18


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SECTION 1. The President shall, besides performing the ordinary duties of such office, sign all orders on the treasury, and shall, by and with the advice and consent of the Conference Committee, appoint laborers to various fields between the sessions of the Conference, and shall, at the convening of the conference, give that body information of the standing of the work, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 45.19

SEC. 2. The secretaries shall keep the records of the Conferences, attend to the correspondence of the Conference, and do such other work as usually pertains to these offices. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 45.20

SEC. 3. The Home Mission Secretary, and the Educational Secretary, shall each keep himself informed of the progress of the work in his department, make a faithful record of the same, and submit a written report of it at the annual session of the Conference. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 45.21

SEC. 4. The Treasurer shall receive all funds of the Conference, and pay out the same on a written order signed by the President and Secretary of the Conference. He shall also make a full report thereof at the annual session of the Conference. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 45.22

SEC. 5. The Mission Board shall take the general oversight of all foreign work, and suggest ways and means for the expeditious propagation of that work; but no plan or suggestion of the Mission Board shall become operative until it has the sanction of the General Conference Committee. The Board shall, through its Secretary, make a faithful report of its work, at the regular sessions of the Conference. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 45.23

SEC. 6. The Finance Committee shall be advisory to the Executive Committee in devising plans for the support of the General Conference work, in examining claims and auditing accounts against the Conference; also in making expenditures of all kinds, whether for labor or investment. It shall, however, be the duty of the Executive Committee to give heed to their advice sufficiently to maintain the dignity for which the Committee was created. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 45.24


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SECTION 1. The Executive Committee shall take the general supervision of all ministerial labor, and attend to the proper distribution of the same: they shall also, in conjunction with the Foreign Mission Board, have full power, when the Conference is not in session, to decide where missionary labor shall be put forth, and who should be sent to perform the same, and to license ministers who may be raised up in such mission fields. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 46.1

SEC. 3. The Executive Committee shall receive the tithes of all the local Conferences, and shall take charge of all other moneys, raised in whatever way, for the maintenance of General Conference work. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 46.2


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The committee of four delegates shall be appointed at each session of the Conference, from among those who have not been in the employ of the Conference during the preceding year, who, with the Executive Committee and Finance Committee, shall audit, etc. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 46.3


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All ministers, and other laborers in the employ of the General Conference, shall send quarterly written reports to the Secretary, on blanks supplied by the Conference, in which each week’s time employed shall be fully accounted for. They shall also submit annual reports of the same nature, for the information of the Auditing Committee in the settlement of the Conference with its laborers. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 46.4


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The word “sessions” to take the place of “meetings” in the first line of Section 1. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 46.5

The words “Advent Review and Sabbath Herald” to take the place of the word “Review” in the last line of the same section. The word “sessions” to take the place of “meetings” in Section 2. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 46.6


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The word “session” to take the place of “meeting.” GCDB October 23, 1889, page 46.7

The Foreign Missionary Secretary, Elder W. C. White, made a report of the work under his supervision the past year. He prefaced his report with some remarks upon the present method of collecting funds for the work in the foreign fields, and of the method adopted in the distribution of these funds. To specify concerning the work of the various missions, he presented reports from the laborers in these fields. The first read was from Elder A. G. Daniells, president of the New Zealand Conference, which has developed under his labors. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 46.8


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To the brethren assembled in Conference at Battle Creek, Michigan, Oct. 17 to Nov. 3, 1889. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 46.9

DEAR BRETHREN, - During the past year those who have been connected with the work in New Zealand have thought it best for the cause to organize a Conference, Tract Society, and Sabbath-school Association. Inclosed will be found minutes of the proceedings as printed in the Bible Echo at Melbourne. It is the wish of the brethren in New Zealand that these organizations shall be connected with the parent organizations, that we may continue to have their counsel and help. We therefore request that the New Zealand Conference shall be admitted to the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 46.10

I inclose a statistical report which will give you some idea of the progress that has been made, at least so far as immediate results are concerned. Not having the statistics of the previous year we are unable to make the report as complete and accurate as we would like. I am sure, however, we have not overstated the facts. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 46.11

We feel encouraged by the success we have had during the past year. Last November Bro. R. Hare and I began a series of tent meetings in Napier, about 400 miles south of Auckland. From the first the interest was good, and the tent was well filled. When we took the tent down, Jan. 13, 35 persons had signed the covenant; $275 worth of books had been sold; and $250 had been received in donations to help meet our expenses. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 46.12

When the tent was taken down, Brother Hare took it to Gisborne and began meetings. The interest there was good. Ten or twelve began the observance of the Sabbath, and $150 donations was received. I remained in Napier with the intention of staying but a few weeks to establish them in the truth more firmly, and then going to a new place. But the interest increased so that I could not see my way clear to leave. About 60 persons have signed the covenant, making 95 in all. Of this number 54 have joined the church. We expect to have baptism soon, when about 20 more will join. We have already purchased an allotment for a church building, and the builders are preparing their tenders. This is about the extent of the efforts made in the way of lectures during the past year. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 46.13

It may not be out of place to call attention to two points in our experience in holding meetings in new places. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 46.14

First, the liberality of the people in contributing money to meet our expenses. During the eleven weeks our tent was in Napier we received $250.00. While Brother Hare was at Gisborne he received $150.00. During my stay here since the tent meetings I have received $475.00. Thus we have received $875.00 since last November. This, of course, more than meets our running expenses. Our tithe during the last year has almost doubled. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 46.15

The second point I wish to mention is the book sales in connection with the tent meetings. While the tent meetings were in progress in Napier the people purchased $275.00 worth of books. It was the same in Auckland when I was there. I consider these, two important points. If we can get the people who attend the meetings to buy books and read I have some hope of them. Then if they will pay all our expenses connected with a series of tent meetings, there is no danger of involving the Conference in debt. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 46.16

I make a great deal of use of the daily newspapers, and I find it a great advantage to me. It costs something, but that is more than made up by attendance and donations. Then it gives me a chance to publish our views more widely. It also controls the editor’s pen, and keeps him from writing against my work. During the year we have had some good experience in the canvassing work. In July 1888 ten young persons came with me to Napier, to engage in the sale of our literature. In a short time one of the best agents went to Melbourne to act as agent for the Echo Office, and one or two others were compelled to quit work. About five have worked at it the most of the year. During that time about $4,500.00 worth of our denominational books has been sold. This is not anything to boast of, still it is encouraging, when we consider that the agents have had no training, and no one to look after them but myself; and I was so busy with my tent work and other meetings that I could not help them much. It shows that the business can be made a success when it is properly conducted. Bro. E. M. Morrison is with us, drilling two men, one to take charge of our medical books, and the other to act as general agent for our denominational books. We confidently expect to at least double our sales during the coming year. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 47.1

Our Tract and Missionary Societies are not doing the efficient work I could wish. We take between two and three hundred copies of the Bible Echo, and I believe they are sent out pretty well. A good many tracts are distributed each quarter, but we see but little fruit so far. There are a few interesting cases. One man purchased a copy of “Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation” from one of our agents. He liked it quite well, and loaned it to a neighbor to read. The neighbor read it, and was convinced on the Sabbath and other points. Not being aware that there were Sabbath-keepers in New Zealand, he wrote to Battle Creek for some information. Sister Huntley sent him some papers; but before they reached him, he chanced to see a copy of the Bible Echo which I was sending to the reading-room of his town. In this was a report of my work at Napier. He then learned that there were Sabbath-keepers in New Zealand. He wrote to me at once, then came nearly 150 miles to see me. He came again and was baptized. He told me that no one can realize the joy he felt when he learned there were Sabbath-keepers in New Zealand. He had decided to obey, and thought he would be the only one in this colony, or anywhere this side of America. He has joined our Tract Society, and is a faithful worker, pays his tithe, and rejoices in the message. Others have accepted the truth through reading either the Echo, some tracts, or the books sold by the canvassers. Some of our literature is reaching the adjacent islands, and letters are coming in from the readers. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 47.2

We are requested to state the difficulties which confront us in our endeavors to spread the truth. Now I cannot say that we have any serious difficulties. The papers are very liberal in their notices of our work, people receive us kindly, pay our way, buy our books, and a fair proportion compared with other fields obey the truth. Last year we had 130 Sabbath-keepers. At present we have 230. Last year our tithe was $852.00. This year it is $1,403.00. God is good, and on the giving hand. We are of good courage to press on. We do not feel that we have done all that we should the past year, nor has the path been perfectly smooth and bright all the way; but the trials are so few, and the perplexities so trifling that it would be foolish for us to mention them. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 47.3

The most distressing obstacle that confronts us is the destitution of our field as regards workers. God has gone out before us; there is the sound of a going in the tops of the mulberry trees, but there is no one to step in and do the work. If you can possibly see your way clear to send us more help we shall prize it highly. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 47.4

Now dear brethren, thanking you for past favors, asking for a continuance of your interest and prayers, and praying that God’s choicest blessings shall rest upon you during the coming Conference, I am yours in the bonds of Christian love. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 47.5

Following this report Brother Brighouse from New Zealand, expressed his anxiety for the welfare of the work in that field. He said that Elder Daniells’s health was so poor that it was imperatively necessary that he should have perfect rest for a time. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 47.6

Elder White then resumed, by reading a communication from Elder G. C. Tenney, president of the Australian Conference:- GCDB October 23, 1889, page 47.7


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To the Seventh-day Adventist General Conference: GCDB October 23, 1889, page 47.8

BELOVED BRETHREN IN CHRIST, - It may be very justly expected by you that in addition to the statistical reports sent you from our secretaries, you will also receive from me a less formal statement of the present and prospective standing of the work in these distant colonies. This I feel glad to furnish you; though in addition to the information already in possession of your secretaries, there is perhaps not much that needs to be said. I prefer, with your permission, to write in a personal style, as being the most convenient in which to express myself. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 47.9

It is now thirteen months since I reached this field of labor, with a heart deeply laden with a sense of the responsibilities before us, realizing that our wide separation from the home work would render communication slow and unsatisfactory. The work had an appearance of a peculiar character in some respects. In harmony with the plan marked out by your Committee, we first canvassed the subject of organization, with the result that a meeting was called eleven months since, and the organization of a Conference was effected, together with a Tract Society and Sabbath-school Association. There are embraced in the bounds of this Conference the five colonies of Australia proper, and that of Tasmania. These have a population about as follows: Victoria, 1,033,000; New South Wales, 1,030,000; South Australia, 312,000; Queensland, 345,000; Western Australia, 40,000; Tasmania, 140,000; total, about 3,000,000. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 48.1

The work had been started in three of these colonies, and it seemed necessary that some one should follow it up. Brother W. D. Curtis took the field in South Australia, and Brother Israel removed his family to Tasmania. Brother W. L. H. Baker and wife, who had labored to some extent publicly, united with the printing and publishing work. Brother Baker and I have labored with the church in Melbourne, and have visited other churches and companies in this colony from time to time. The other three colonies have as yet had no labor. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 48.2

Two tent meetings in Adelaide have resulted in the forming of a church of twenty-five members, and some additions to the one previously there. Preparations are now being made for building two houses of worship there. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 48.3

In Tasmania, the church in Hobart has increased from twenty-five to sixty-five members; and under the labors of Bro. David Steed, about forty have embraced the Sabbath at another place, and a church of thirty-one members has been organized. The two churches in Victoria have increased their membership during the year, by missionary work, to quite an extent. A rather feeble but devoted band of Sabbath-keepers have maintained their existence in Sydney, and some canvassing has been done there. Lately a brother of some influence has embraced the truth there, and the interest to hear the truth is becoming very general, and the calls are urgent. About one thousand copies of “Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation” have been sold in Queensland, and many people there are now desiring to hear more of the truth. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 48.4

During the past ten months an average of about ten canvassers has been employed in the sale of our subscription books, and the books disposed of amount to about L1,532, wholesale, or $15,000.00, retail price. The organization and management of this branch of the work has not been hitherto rendered as efficient as it is desirable, but we are encouraged in anticipation of the coming of Bro. E. M. Morrison, whom your committee has considerately counseled to come to our help. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 48.5

My principal labor has been in connection with the publishing work. At the beginning of this time our publishing work occupied a leased building poorly fitted for the work. Our lease was to expire within a few months, and the owner would consent to no changes which would better accommodate us. Vacant buildings were very scarce, and none could be found which were appropriate for the printing business. It seemed imperative that we should build. It also seemed that the reputation and interest of our cause demanded that it should be represented by some visible property. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 48.6

This work was encompassed with difficulty, and it did not seem possible to obtain from your committee the counsel which we needed in time to meet our necessity. The matter of building was considered in a counsel at our conference, and it was the unanimous sense of our brethren that the work should be undertaken. A small lot of ground 33 x 159 feet was purchased in a favorable location, for the sum of 700 pounds, or nearly $3,500. A stock subscription list was started with the shares placed at one pound each, and up to the present time about 950 shares have been subscribed, nearly two-thirds of which has been paid in. We began the erection of the building, 22 x 36 feet, one and one-half stories high, to be used as a press and mailing room, and at the expiration of our lease in November we were able to remove our business to this building where at some inconvenience and discomfort it was carried on during the heated months and until about May 1. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 48.7

In the meantime plans were drawn up and the contract let for the erection of a building 33 x 65 feet, three stories high. As the business did not seem to demand the entire building at present, it was agreed that the two upper stories should be finished into a hall and used by the Melbourne church as a meeting place until they should be able to build a meeting-house. This work was hindered in its progress by various causes, but was finally completed and the building accepted by the Board of Health on July 19, 1889. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 48.8

This building has cost about 1,800 pounds; and the amount invested in real estate is 3,000 pounds. This has incurred an indebtedness of about 1,950 pounds, distributed as follows: To Brother Muckersy 1,000 pounds; to Brother Wm. Bell 450; and to the Australian Conference 500. The two former are on interest at 6 per cent. Brother Muckersy’s loan will be secured by a mortgage, and Brother Bell’s is mostly covered by pledges for stock. The Conference account we hope to be able to pay as it is needed. Our indebtedness to the General Conference Association has been allowed to reach a very large amount, but this is not due to any great extent to our building operations, since it will be seen by our balance sheet that our stock of books nearly offsets this indebtedness, and the accounts receivable from books places the value of our stock about 400 pounds above our indebtedness on the same. We have a large stock of saleable books on hand and the ready sale they meet with will we hope enable us to materially reduce our debt. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 48.9

We already feel some of the advantages which will come to us from the possession of a good building to fitly represent our work to the community, and in the greatly increased facilities which we now enjoy. Also we anticipate that great benefits will come to the Melbourne church, and to the cause of truth, by having a place in which to hold our meetings and invite our neighbors. This is the first meeting-place owned by Seventh-day Adventists in Australia (though steps are now taken for the erection of three others). We also hold the hall to rent for proper purposes, and from our short experience are led to believe that the revenue will materially assist in paying the interest on our indebtedness. The rents we were paying exceeded both the interest and taxes we shall now have to pay. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 49.1

Some months since, it became apparent that it would be necessary to organize our publishing work into a legal corporation; and, acting upon the advice of our solicitor, we formed, under an act of Parliament, what is known as a Limited Liability Company, with a capital placed at 10,00 pounds, and power to increase. The particulars of this organization have already been placed before your attention in the Review. We have issued stock to the General Conference Association to the amount which has been invested in this office from America, amounting to 1,340 shares, at one pound each. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 49.2

We are well aware that in these important measures we have seemed to overstep the bounds of propriety in taking upon ourselves undue responsibilities; but we trust that, in the main, our movements will meet your approval. It has been no part of our plan to involve means from the General Conference Association in the erection of our buildings, though it is true we have somewhat reduced the capital which we had invested in books; nor is it expected that the means pertaining to the book business will be used in reducing our indebtedness on the buildings. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 49.3

There is, I may well say, a grateful appreciation upon the part of the people of these colonies, of the great favors which have been bestowed upon them by the General Conference, and it is their wish, as far as possible, to make this work self-sustaining. We are glad that we were able to settle with our laborers last year according to the recommendations of your committee, and are well able to do the same this year without the help which the committee have voted to send us. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 49.4

Two new churches have been organized in the past year, and one small company united with the Melbourne Church. Our church membership has increased from 266 to 370, and the tithes have increased to about $1,000. Quite a number of people have embraced the Sabbath in different parts of the colonies from readings, who have not identified themselves with us, and it is a matter of regret to us that we have no one to send to their help. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 49.5

The operations of the Tract and Missionary Society for the first year have been gratifying, though not satisfactory. There is a disposition upon the part of the people to work, but we must provide further instruction before our society will become what it should be. In the development of the Sabbath-school work, we have reason for much encouragement, as you will see by reference to a comparative report, a few items of which are as follows: Last year, the number of schools was six; members 350; average attendance, 240. This year the number of schools is 14; membership 360; average attendance, 441. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 49.6

In looking into the future, as relates to the prospects of our work, there appears a larger field of labor to which the doors stand open wide. I think I hazard nothing in saying that the Australian colonies are in all respects as inviting to our labors as any in the world. I beg to place before you and to call your earnest attention to the urgent need of New South Wales and Queensland. Here we have a climate like Southern California, healthful and mild, though warm in the summer, especially north of Sydney. Fruits, grains, and vegetables are plenty throughout the year. The people are all English speaking, intelligent, and as unprejudiced as in any part of the world. They are of religious tendencies. Many books have been sold there, a few people have embraced the truth, and we receive most earnest entreaties to send them the message of truth. I have never experienced such feelings in reference to any work as I do towards this, and yet we are powerless to help them. We have no minister to send. I cannot leave Melbourne for such a work. Brethren Curtis and Israel have fields which they cannot leave. There is a prospect that in a short time we shall have three or four native laborers, but they are not of sufficient experience to put in charge of so important a work as this is sure to become. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 49.7

Another feature favorable to the opening of this field is that it is very likely to become self-supporting in a short time. As a Conference we are prepared to take the responsibility of supporting the work in all these colonies if we can only have the laborers. May we not therefore look to you again for help? If we have a brother and sister of experience we shall be able to supply what help they will need. Personally I feel as contented in this country as I ever hope to in any this side of the kingdom. I feel much attached to the work and people while we remember with brotherly affection those who are carrying forward the work “at home.” GCDB October 23, 1889, page 49.8

Praying that God may bless and guide you in your deliberations and in all your labors, I remain your brother in Christ. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 50.1


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ALTHOUGH the program called for a meeting of the International Tract and Missionary Society at 3 P. M. on Tuesday, October 22, it was thought best, on account of the condition of the business to proceed with the business of the Conference instead. Accordingly, at that hour the Conference assembled, and the meeting was opened in the usual manner. Prayer was offered by Elder E. W. Farnsworth. After the reading of the minutes, Elder W. C. White resumed his foreign mission report by reading the following communication from Elder Lewis Johnson concerning the work in Scandinavia:- GCDB October 23, 1889, page 50.2


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Sweden. - I have labored about nine weeks in this country, and during that time I have not only enjoyed the blessings of God in my work, but have also had many evidences that the Lord has gone before, and that the way is open for the message to go in this kingdom. The first month I was with Elder Olsen in Stockholm, assisting in the mission school there. It was indeed encouraging to see the interest manifested by all who attended the school; and since its close about thirty persons have been at work in different parts of the kingdom. Nearly all of them have worked as canvassers, and have had good success. The sales for the last quarter were $1,213.41. Brethren Johnson, Ericson, and Farnstrom have labored among the churches, and since the camp meeting at Grythyttehed they have been with the tent at Norrkoping, where they have had good attendance, and some have embraced the truth. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 50.3

At Carlskrona, where the tent was located last year, and where Brother Sunden has labored a large share of his time this year, a church has been organized with 15 members, and a Tract Society with the same number. The way is open for labor in many places, but we lack means and men to push the work as we desire. While we find many things that will hinder the work, we also have continually evidences of the Lord’s care and love. At the last session of the Conference, there were 12 churches and 331 Sabbath-keepers. The amount of tithe was $305.84. This is not for a full year, however, as the Conference was held much earlier this year than last. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 50.4

Norway. - I have also labored here about nine weeks. The most of this time has been spent at Christiania, but I have also visited other places. I was with Elder Haskell to the northern part of Norway, and believe that many will embrace the truth there. Elder Brorsen is at work there at present, and writes very encouragingly. He has good interest and has organized two Tract Societies. Brethren Clausen, Jensen, and Steen, have labored with our new tent at Frederikshald, and the Lord has blessed their efforts. The attendance has been good all the time, and twelve persons have begun to observe the Bible Sabbath. Here at Christiania quite a number have united with us from time to time, and some have left us. Elder E. G. Olsen has labored here the most of the time this summer. The Sabbath-school and missionary work is also onward, and the colportors have done well. We have sixteen that sell our books and the sales for the last quarter amounted to $948.26. We have three churches and thirty Sabbath-keepers. The tithe paid last year amounted to $473. Bro. Henrikson has canvassed for two years, or more, at Throndhjem, and had excellent success. We expect to begin a series of meetings there soon. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 50.5

DENMARK. - We have held five tent or camp-meetings in Denmark this year. One in Sjalland, and 4 in Jylland. Each of these continued over two Sabbaths, and the last over three. Elder Hanson has attended all of these, and Brother Brorsen three of them. Our brethren are very much scattered, and have to work very hard, so that we could not have meetings in the day time very often, except on Sabbath and Sundays. Sometimes it was half past nine in the evening, before we could commence meeting. It was therefore very different from our American meetings, and yet we enjoyed much of the blessings of God. We tried to help the brethren as much as we could, and still we did not have the chance to instruct them in the Sabbath-school and Tract and Missionary work that we wished. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 50.6

Eight persons were baptized at these meetings, and several others took a stand for the truth. Before leaving, I visited all the churches where we did not have any camp-meetings, and the brethren were much encouraged. At Vejle one was baptized, and a Sabbath-school and Tract Society were organized. At Jested a brother had commenced to observe the Sabbath, who desired to learn to canvass. At Copenhagen, the interest is good, and the brethren have succeeded in getting a good place in which to hold meetings. Three persons have lately begun to keep the Sabbath of the Lord. Elder Hanson will begin a series of meetings about the first of October, when they move to the new hall. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 50.7

At present we have only four canvassers in Denmark. Colporters do not have the liberty there that they have in Norway and Sweden. The book sales for the last quarter amounted to $338.42. Bro. C. C. Hansen has had good success in Odense this summer with “Life of Christ,” and he has been over but a small part of the city. Brother Petersen has lately been to Barnholm (a small island containing about 160 square miles), and he tells us that some Baptists are very anxious to hear about the Sabbath, owing to the influence of a Christian captain and his wife, who had visited them. Denmark has ten churches, and 265 Sabbath-keepers; and the amount of tithe last year was $808.16. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 51.1

Brother Jens Peter Hansen, a native minister in Denmark, has now arranged to use all his time in the work. We cannot do so much as we desire in any of these fields, for want of means. Norway and Denmark have but little in their treasuries, and Sweden is out of money altogether. We hope, however, that the Lord will open the way, and give us both men and means for the advancement of his cause, and to his own name’s honor and glory. We hope that you, much beloved brethren in the Lord, will remember the Scandinavian field, both in your prayers and by your good counsel, as well as by your means. Please accept our sincere thanks for many tokens of your love and interest in the past; and may the Lord be with you, and greatly bless you in all your labors for the dear Master. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 51.2

Following this report, Elder Olsen gave a few statistics, and made some stirring remarks. Said he: Brother Brorsen went last summer to the Lofoten fishing grounds, in the northern part of Norway, at the earnest request of a lone sister living there. He expected to remain but a few weeks; but on account of the deep interest to hear the message, he was obliged to stay six months, the result of which was fifty Sabbath-keepers. Considerable canvassing has been done along the western border of Norway. This enterprise has been much more prosperous since it was conducted on a systematic basis. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 51.3

The difficulties in the way of introducing health literature have of late been nearly overcome, and now much of this matter is being distributed. The most crying need at the present time, of the Scandinavian work is that of a school building of sufficient capacity to meet the demands. A school has been kept in part of an old building bought for a printing office. But now the room thus used has become too small, and our people there are asking for the use of the whole building. They ask the General Conference to provide seats for it. Much fruit has already been seen from the efforts put forth in the line of education, a number of young people having given themselves to the work as the result. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 51.4

Elder White then introduced Brother P. W. B. Wessels of South Africa, who gave a most interesting report from South Africa, which was listened to with intense interest. [The report will appear in a later number of the BULLETIN.] GCDB October 23, 1889, page 51.5

After the report from Brother Wessels, the meeting adjourned. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 51.6


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THIS was the subject of the sermon Tuesday evening, October 22, by Elder J. H. Durland, of which the following is a brief synopsis:- GCDB October 23, 1889, page 51.7

The subject assigned for this evening is one which has been, is at present, and will be in the future, of deep interest to our brethren in this country. There might be three or four addresses given on this topic which would be beneficial, and I believe of deep interest to this General Conference. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 51.8

While I cannot deal with the subject in all its parts, and enter into many branches which should be familiar to every delegate of this Conference, I shall endeavor to speak of those points which need especial attention at the present time, hoping the representatives from the different parts of Europe will speak of other points which you will be interested to hear. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 51.9

When the Lord would send his Son into the world, he chose a time which was the most favorable to the advancement of his work. He chose Jerusalem as the place for commencing that work, because of its location and influence in the eastern world. It has been the same with all special messages from God to man. The best time has been chosen, and the best point selected from which to propagate such messages. This was clearly seen in the special work done by Luther, Knox, Wesley, and others. Coming to our own time, and to the preaching of the Third Angel’s Message, we see the same course chosen by the Lord in the dissemination of his truth. Having said this much of God’s methods of dealing with man, we will turn our attention to Europe. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 51.10

As we have the field divided for the convenience of our work, Europe is composed of the following divisions: Central Europe, embracing France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Austria, Holland, Belgium, Turkey, Switzerland, Greece, Russia, Bulgaria, Romainia and Servia, containing a population of over three hundred fifty millions: Scandinavia, embracing Norway, Sweden and Denmark, with a population of nearly nine millions. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 51.11

The British Isles, embracing England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, containing a population of nearly 50 millions. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 52.1

In central Europe there are many of the States that have not yet heard the sound of the Third Angel’s Message. In England alone, there are more than 100 towns of about 20,000 inhabitants that have not yet heard this gospel of the kingdom. In Scandinavia, many towns and cities have not heard of this last message. This leads our minds to another important thought, with which we ought to be acquainted, namely:- GCDB October 23, 1889, page 52.2


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We read Luke 21:25-31, and Revelation 13 and 14, and think we have the strongest evidence in them, that we are living in the last hours of the gospel dispensation. Every line of prophecy shows that there are but a few points in the last link left, and then we may expect the Lord to come. Other scriptures concerning the state of the religious world, are fulfilled before our eyes. The image to the beast is fast being made in our country, and in other countries the power of the beast is being felt, and soon we expect the Sunday question to be one of the great questions for the whole world. The message which is intrusted to our care, is to meet this issue, and bring out a people of every nation who will get the victory over the beast and his image and stand on the sea of glass. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 52.3

In view of these things we find instruction in 2 Peter 3:10-14, that we must receive as applicable to us at this time. A careful reading of the text shows us that we should be “diligent,” and thus “hasten the day of the Lord.” What will our diligence do for us? It will do for us what it did for the Apostles. It brought the Holy Spirit of God down upon them in a mighty shower, and led them to bring their means and lay them at the Apostles’ feet, that the message might go with power to all the nations. The result of their diligence was to send missionaries to Europe and to plant the gospel in these countries. From these countries the gospel came to the New World. Persecutions drove them from their own land to a country which God had reserved for his work, just before that work would be finished. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 52.4

If we catch this spirit which moved them, we will esteem it a privilege to give of our means, our men and women, to carry back the last part of the gospel work to them. But some will say, there are so many GCDB October 23, 1889, page 52.5


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that we become discouraged in trying to support the work where we see such little progress. But has not God in his own word told that this gospel shall be preached to all the world? Have we completed our part of this work? The end is near, and so much to do. Souls will be lost and we will be held responsible if we do not do all we can. There have been many mistakes made in the past, and we may expect mistakes in the future, if we withhold our means, and not follow the opening that is before. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 52.6

There are many things to meet in these countries, that our pioneer laborers in the United States have known nothing of. There is a national pride on the part of the laborer, that his country is the best nation on the face of the earth. Europeans are just as sure that they live in a land which is far superior to the New World. This is especially true of Great Britain. These things have had a tendency to retard the work of our laborers. Caste is another barrier that holds in check the work. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 52.7

But are we to give up, because we meet discouragements? Let us remember, that obstacles have always come up before the servants of God. But God has said that the whole world wondered after the Beast. This, with a message that must be given to warn the world against receiving the mark of the beast, should stir us up to say we are abundantly able to possess the land. God will go with us to all these European countries, and give this message the last cry. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 52.8


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We need laborers. I mean by this, humble, consecrated men and women. As I have been closely connected with the British Mission in the past, I can speak more freely of its wants than of the others. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 52.9

England needs at least ten experienced canvassers. There should be from two to six Bible-workers. This field does not need preachers at present, but the time is not far distant when such help will be needed. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 52.10

If I am correctly informed - and the delegates have already heard this - the Central European and the Scandinavian missions are in need of Godfearing men and women to take up the work in each of these countries. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 52.11

Our writers, who are depended upon for our book and publications, should be advised to visit Europe at an early date, that they may be able to revise some of our books to meet the work in these countries. Especially is this true in England. Our educators should also visit the last-named country, that they may get an insight into the work there, and thus be able to educate young men and women to meet the wants of that field. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 52.12

Steps should be taken at once, to push the work with greater power than ever before in Europe. The Conference should pray that God would lead, so that many laborers can be found who feel a burden for the people in these countries and are willing to give their lives for this people. God will hold us accountable if we do not move out in this work. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 52.13

May God move upon all our hearts, that we may be diligent at this time. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 53.1

AFTER the legal meeting of the Educational Society, Monday evening, Elder Olsen gave a general talk on education, in which he said, This is a far-reaching message, and we must have men educated to carry it to all parts of the world, and among us there are many children from fifteen to twenty years of age, who could not do much in connection with the work. Then why not keep them in school, and if the Lord should come before they completed their education they would be better prepared to receive eternal life, and to appreciate the society of God, the angels, and the redeemed host. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 53.2

The speaker desired particularly to impress the necessity of broader plans for education among those of other nationalities, where there is a great dearth of laborers. He announced that plans are on foot to have schools in the Scandinavian, German, and French languages. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 53.3

It will not only be necessary in these schools to give instruction in regard to the sciences and the Bible, but it will be necessary to give instruction in regard to all our lines of work. It is very hard to start the Sabbath-school work, the tract work etc., in foreign lands, because the people there have no education in these lines of work. They are willing to take hold of the work as soon as they understand it; hence the great need of education in all these branches. In Scandinavia they have held normal schools for training in Sabbath-school work, in which they organize a school, and go through all its various rounds of work, so that those who would go out to work could help in this line. But what we need is a school in which all of the branches of our work could be taught. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 53.4

If we only had the schools and facilities for running them, we could soon have a large corps of young people in them. The limited school we now have in Scandinavia is crowded beyond its capacity, and we are obliged to refrain from encouraging our young people there to attend school. We should give prompt attention to this matter and supply the needed schools without delay, if we want to see laborers raised up in those fields. GCDB October 23, 1889, page 53.5