General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 3


October 21, 1889



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THE twelfth annual session of the International Sabbath-school Association convened in the Tabernacle, October 19, at 7 o’clock, P. M. President C. H. Jones announced Hymn No. 1263, and prayer was offered by Elder E. J. Waggoner. The reading of the minutes of the last annual session was waived, and the president then proceeded to read the following annual address:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 15.1


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Another year has passed away, and in God’s providence we find ourselves convened in this the twelfth annual session of the International Sabbath-school Association. Before calling your attention to the workings of the Association during the past year, it may not be out of place to briefly review the history of the Sabbath-school work among us as a people. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 15.2

It was over forty years ago that the attention of a few individuals, some of whom are with us to-night, was called to the great truths which separated them from other religious bodies and now constitute the Seventh-day Adventists a separate denomination. From the very beginning of the work, special attention was given to Bible study, and as their numbers increased, Sabbath-schools were organized and lessons prepared for a more systematic study of the Scriptures. In October, 1877, just twelve years ago, the first State Sabbath-school Association among Seventh-day Adventists was organized, in the State of California. Up to this time there had been no regular organized effort, but each school was expected to care for itself. “From this time, however, the work rapidly increased. Other associations were formed, until at the close of 1878 there were about twenty State organizations. In the spring of that year, at a session of the General Conference, the General Sabbath-school Association was formed to take the oversight of the work. In the autumn of the same year the first camp-meeting Sabbath-school was held.” GCDB October 21, 1889, page 15.3

The first session of the General Sabbath school Association after its organization, was held in Battle Creek, Mich., October 11, 1878 - just eleven years ago. At that time 177 schools had reported, and given as the total membership 5,851; total amount of contributions $25.00. Thus the foundation of our present organization was laid, and from that time forward the work rapidly developed. Year by year new plans and methods were introduced, more thorough organization was effected, and more attention given to the plan of keeping records and reporting. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 15.4

In 1886 the work had extended to foreign countries. An association was organized in England in 1885, and another in Switzerland in 1886, so that in order more perfectly to represent the character and work of the Association, the name was changed from General to International Sabbath-school Association. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 15.5

As the membership increased, the officers of the International Association felt the need of some means for more direct communication with the workers, and of some plan by which special instruction could be given to officers and teachers. Accordingly, in January, 1885, the first number of the Sabbath-school Worker, a 16 page Quarterly, was issued. This journal was devoted wholly to the interests of the Sabbath-school work, and is still being published in its original form. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 15.6

The plan of taking up class contributions on the Sabbath was introduced at the very beginning of the work, but up to within the last few years this money had all been used to meet the running expenses of the schools. In 1886 the President of the International Association made an appeal to our schools in behalf of the foreign missions, suggesting that a portion of the class contributions for that year be donated to foreign mission work. Just how much was raised for this purpose during the year, we have not been able to ascertain. However, the plan seemed to meet with general favor, and at the next annual meeting, when the General Conference wished to send workers to South Africa to open a mission in that field, the officers of the International Association made another appeal to our schools to take upon themselves the responsibility of supporting that mission for one year. It was estimated that not less than $10,000.00 would be required to do this. Our schools everywhere responded heartily to this appeal, and as the result, $10,615.72 above the running expenses of the schools was raised and donated to the African mission during the year 1887. We understand that this mission is now on a paying basis, and that some of this money still remains in the treasury. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 15.7

The following year - 1888 - $10,755.30 was raised in the same way for the London City Mission. Thus it can be seen that this was a move in the right direction, and we trust that the plan will still be kept up. If rightly used, it will tend to awaken the true missionary spirit in the minds of the children. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 16.1

From year to year the Sabbath-school interest has been working its way to the front, and receiving more attention from our people. Conventions and normal institutes have been held in different States from time to time, and have done much to awaken an interest and raise the standard higher. We are glad to know that some earnest workers are beginning to feel that they are called of God to devote their lives to this special work; and may the Lord of the harvest raise up many more who feel a burden in this direction. There are great possibilities within our reach as Sabbath-school workers. We have not yet begun to realize the amount of good that may be accomplished in this line. Shall we not at this meeting try to get a broader view of the work, and gain a deeper experience in the things of God, so that when we go to our homes and fields of labor we may be able to do more and better service for the Master? GCDB October 21, 1889, page 16.2

We feel grateful to God for the degree of prosperity that has attended the work during the past year. Three new associations have been organized since our last annual session - one in New Zealand, one in South Africa, and one in the East, called the Atlantic S. S. Association. The one last named includes the District of Columbia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, the two Southern counties of New York, together with Staten and Long Islands. These will doubtless ask to be admitted at this session. One hundred and sixteen schools have been added to the list, and the membership increased by the addition of 2,458 names, making the total membership 28,018 as reported June 30, 1889. Two associations and several schools failed to report during that quarter. Counting these, the entire membership would be over 30,000. We now have 1,071 schools, divided into 4,162 classes. Making an allowance of only two officers to each school, it would give us 2,142 officers, or a total of 6,304 officers and teachers. The entire membership of all the schools, as reported in 1878, was only 5,851; thus it will be seen that we now have 453 more officers and teachers than the entire membership of all our schools eleven years ago. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 16.3

In accordance with Resolution No. 8, passed at the last session of the International Association, Elder Roderick S. Owen, a member of the Executive Committee, and president of the California Sabbath-school Association, visited the following States or Conferences during the past year in the interests of the Sabbath-school work: North Pacific, Upper Columbia, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Dakota, Iowa, Ohio, Arkansas, Texas, Missouri and Colorado. In the same line, Elder E. J. Waggoner visited Pennsylvania and New York, and in company with his wife, Mrs. Jessie F. Waggoner, they visited Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and Tennessee. Other States have exchanged laborers for general meetings, but to just what extent we have not been informed. The time of these laborers having been limited in each place, and so many other things coming up for consideration at these general gatherings, it was impossible to give that attention to the Sabbath-school work which it deserved, yet from the encouraging reports received, we feel sure that much good will result from this effort. We only hope that more of this same kind of work can be done during the coming year. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 16.4

Much has been accomplished in some States during the past year by way of correspondence. It is astonishing to see what an interest may be awakened and how much good can be done by faithful labor in this line alone, and we are glad to know that it is coming to be recognized so generally. We cannot forbear calling special attention right in this connection to the North Pacific Association. It will help to emphasize the matter under consideration. The secretary, Mrs. Luella H. Ward, felt a special burden for this work, and as she was not able to visit the schools in person, she determined to see what could be done by way of correspondence. She entered upon her work, trusting in God for help. She not only kept up a faithful correspondence with those schools already organized, but sought to find out the names and addresses of isolated families and companies of Sabbath-keepers where no Sabbath-schools were held. What was the result? You can all see by comparing the reports as published in the Worker. But for the benefit of those who do not take the Worker, I will say that the number of schools, the membership, the donations to missions, etc., have been nearly doubled in the North Pacific Association during the past year. We hope that this may be an incentive to others, to enter upon this line of work more energetically. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 16.5

The Sabbath-School Worker, which was revived and published in its original form at the beginning of the year, has seemed to meet with general favor, and we trust that it has been the means of accomplishing some good. The Publishing Committee decided to make it a 16-page quarterly, at 25 cents a year, with the privilege of enlarging it if found necessary. The first two numbers contained 20 pages each, the third 24 pages; and the last one 32 pages. Thus it will be seen that we have given subscribers considerably more than was promised. This has been done at a loss to the International Association, of about $150.00. It has been suggested by some that the Worker be enlarged to 32 pages quarterly, at 50 cents a year, or else published monthly. The question as to whether it shall be enlarged or whether it shall be published at all, will come up for consideration at this meeting. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 17.1

In the Secretary’s report will be found a comparative statement of work done this year and last. It will be noticed that advancement has been made in nearly every item. But this should not lead us to rest satisfied or to slacken our efforts in the least. Indeed, instead of this, it should stimulate and encourage us to take hold of the work with renewed energy and zeal. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 17.2

The report of the Corresponding Secretary is full of interest and encouragement. We regret that sickness prevented her from giving more time to the work. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 17.3

The treasurer’s report shows the Association to be in quite a flourishing condition financially. According to the balance sheet which will be handed out this evening, it will be seen that the surplus at the beginning of the year was $1,002.91. The net gain from October 16, 1888 to September 30, 1889, was $511.37, making the surplus at the present time $1,514.28. Besides this amount which belongs to the Association, the balance sheet shows that there is now deposited with the treasurer to the credit of different missions the following:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 17.4

London Mission Fund,$6,230 59
African    “     “113 00
Missionary Ship  “2,595 43
Hamburg Mission  “5 00
Russian    “     “2,735 31

We feared that when the General Conference introduced the plan of First-day offerings our Sabbath-school donations would be diminished, but we are happy to learn that in the aggregate this is not the case, as the following statement will show:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 17.5

Contributions received for year ending June 30, ‘89$21,801 49
      “           “     “   “     “      “  30, ‘8816,833 10 
Increase$4,968 39
Donations to Missions year ending June 30, 1889$10,980 74
   “      “    “      “     “      “  30, 188810,942 73 
Increase$38 01

From the above, it will be seen that while the total contributions this year are nearly $5,000.00 more than last, the donations to missions are only $38.01 more. The only way that we can account for this is by supposing that the running expenses of the schools have been much higher this year than last, or that the contributions are being turned into some other channel. This is something that needs looking into. Have all our schools adopted the plan recommended by the International Association? We fear not. We trust that State officers will interest themselves in this matter so that all may work in harmony. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 17.6

The lessons for the senior division during the past year have been especially interesting, and if they have been well learned, and our brethren and sisters will put them in practice, they cannot fail to accomplish great good. The present series on the “Letter to the Hebrews” is especially interesting and instructive. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 17.7

In looking over the field, and comparing the work that has been done during the past year with that of other years, and seeing the advance steps that have been taken, we feel that we have every reason to thank God and take courage. Our forces are better organized, we have better discipline, and better material to work with than ever before, and therefore ought to do better work. But let us not forget the true object of the Sabbath-school. We may have the best plans, and the best methods, and the best machinery that the best minds have devised, and yet if we have not the blessing and help of God, our work will amount to nothing. It will degenerate into a mere form, and be “As sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal.” What we all need is more of the love of God in our hearts, and a broader view of the plan of salvation. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 17.8

Now a few words in regard to our work for the coming year, and some of the important questions to be considered at this meeting. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 17.9

1. The selection of officers. We feel that this is an important matter, and one that should receive careful consideration. We do not wish to anticipate the work of the Nominating Committee, but we feel sure that some changes should be made. Individuals should be selected who can devote a large share of their time to this special work, and it is too much to expect them to do this without some remuneration for their services. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 17.10

2. Sabbath-school lessons. The full course for the year for all the divisions should be decided upon at this meeting. Also lessons to be used at camp-meetings next year. We understand that some lessons have been prepared, and are now ready for examination. An earnest call has also been made for a series of lessons for use in tent-meetings. It may be thought best to appoint several committees to examine lessons, - one for the senior, one for the primary, and one for the intermediate, and still another to examine the tent-meeting lessons. This will be left for the Executive Committee to decide. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 18.1

3. Class Contributions. To what object shall our class contributions be devoted during the coming year? This matter perhaps can best be left with the committee on resolutions; however, we want you all to be thinking of it. So far as we have been able to learn, the majority seem to be in favor of donating a portion of the contributions during the coming year toward the purchase of a Missionary Ship. It will be remembered that last year one quarter’s donations were for this purpose, and over $2,500 was raised. This amount still remains in the hands of the treasurer. It will probably be thought best to build a ship of our own during the coming year, and considerable more money will be needed. We feel sure that our Sabbath-schools will esteem it a privilege to raise the amount required. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 18.2

In order to aid this enterprise, the California Association at its last session adopted the following resolution:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 18.3

“Resolved, That out of the surplus funds now in the treasury we donate $250.00 toward the purchase of a Missionary Ship, provided that steps are taken to purchase or build such a ship within the next six months.” GCDB October 21, 1889, page 18.4

Perhaps other States have a surplus in the treasury, and would also esteem it a privilege to assist in this enterprise. If so, please make it known to some of the officers of the International Association. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 18.5

4. Labor for the coming year. In every other branch of our work, such as the Tract and Missionary, City Mission, Canvassing, etc., it is deemed necessary to employ certain persons to devote their entire time to that particular line of work, in order to have it succeed. Is it not just as necessary in the Sabbath-school work? and shall we not ask the General Conference to employ at least three persons to devote their whole time to the General Sabbath-school work during the coming year? (1.) A person to act as field secretary to go from State to State, attending important meetings, organizing State Associations and local schools where there are none, holding normal institutes, giving instruction to State officers, and looking after the interests of the work in general. (2.) A corresponding secretary who shall not only correspond with the officer of the associations already organized, but who shall search out and correspond with isolated families, and companies of Sabbath-keepers that are not within the bounds of any State organization, organize them into schools and get them to report regularly. We feel confident that a great and good work can be done in this way. Then the corresponding secretary can follow up the work of the field secretary. The one can strengthen the work of the other. (3.) A recording secretary. We have been in a position during the past year to know something of the amount of work this person has to do in order to keep the records straight, and make accurate reports. The actual routine work might not take all the time, but there is other work connected with this, in which the time could be profitably spent. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 18.6

The question will naturally be asked, Will this pay? We feel sure that it will, and would like to see it tried for one year. And are not our Sabbath-schools entitled to something of this kind? We see that with but very little expense to the General Conference they have donated to foreign missions within the last three years over $32,000. These three persons which we ask for, spending their whole time in the work, would not only tend to keep the stream flowing, but could do much to increase the volume. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 18.7

But aside from the financial aspect of the question, we feel that something of this kind should be done for the benefit of our own people. It is a fact, according to reports received, that more than one-half of those who are enrolled as church members do not belong to any Sabbath-school. According to the last Year Book there are over 26,000 persons enrolled as members of the Seventh-day Adventist churches, in this and foreign countries; but of this number less than twelve thousand are reported as members of the Sabbath-school. Thus we find from twelve to thirteen thousand persons whose names are on the church book, who have no connection whatever with the Sabbath-school work. It is quite likely that some of these are so situated that they cannot join, and yet we feel sure that the majority could be brought in, if the proper efforts were put forth. Many of these persons, no doubt, can be classed among isolated families who need the benefits to be derived from a systematic study of the Scriptures even more than those more favorably situated. It has been demonstrated that family Sabbath-schools can be organized and run successfully; and who can estimate the amount of good that can be done by faithful labor in this line? We always find our people ready to take hold and labor as soon as they know what and how to do. Here is a vast field opening up before us, and not a moment should be lost in entering it. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 18.8

5. What steps can be taken to bring before our people information in regard to our foreign missions, especially those to which our contributions are devoted? We feel that something should be done at once. It is not only due to those who give of their means, but it will also tend to increase the donations. How many before me to-night can even tell the different objects to which our class contributions have been devoted during the past year, much less give an intelligent description of them? GCDB October 21, 1889, page 19.1

6. The work in foreign countries. Encouraging reports have been received from nearly all of our foreign associations, and we are glad to find the work in such a prosperous condition. But we fear that these fields have been somewhat neglected by us in the past. There has not been that close connection which could be desired. We hope that some plan can be devised by which these foreign associations can be brought into closer relationship. Some difficulty has been experienced in the matter of lessons. They have tried to use the lessons that we do in this country, but some of the subjects have been hardly appropriate for that field. If this Association is still to have an oversight of the Sabbath-school work in foreign countries, broader plans should be laid, and steps taken to secure information and the more hearty co-operation of all. This is a question which should be carefully considered. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 19.2

7. Reading for the children and our young people, and books for our Sabbath-school libraries. It is a fact that but very few books are published nowadays that do not contain more or less of error - generally more. We purchase these books and give them to our children. It is like putting poison into their food, only this acts upon the mind - more sensitive and delicate than the body, and more susceptible of lasting injury. Older people can perhaps separate the chaff from the wheat, but how much better it would be to set before our children nothing but good food, - that which will tend to strengthen the mind, and build them up in the most holy faith. To whom does this work belong? - to our Publishing Houses? to the Tract Society? or to the International Sabbath-school Association? This is a question which should be decided at once, and plans laid for meeting the demand. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 19.3

8. Aggressive work. Up to the present time we have been obliged to spend most of our energies among our own people and on local work. But has not the time come when we should take a little broader view of the work and try to extend our influence to our unbelieving neighbors and into new fields? And then, there are places where Sunday-schools can be started to good advantage. Our own lessons can be introduced, and thus seeds of truth be sown which may spring up and bear fruit. Shall we not try to be a little more aggressive in our work during the coming year? GCDB October 21, 1889, page 19.4

These are some of the things that have come to my mind during the past few weeks, and I lay them before you for your consideration. No doubt there are many other things that you have thought of, that should also receive attention. I trust that all will be free to express their minds, and that this may not only be the most interesting, but also the most profitable session ever held. We hope to see more accomplished during the coming year than we ever have before. Our time to labor is short. Could the veil be lifted and we see into the future, what an earnestness and zeal would be manifested on the part of all. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 19.5

May the blessing of God rest upon this the twelfth annual session of the International Sabbath-school Association, and may wisdom be given in laying plans for the future, and as we go to our homes and different fields of labor may the blessing of God attend every effort put forth for the advancement of the work. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 19.6

This address was listened to with marked attention, and was followed by the following report from the corresponding secretary, which called forth hearty responses:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 19.7

For the greater part of the past year it has been utterly impossible for me to perform the duties of a corresponding secretary; and what little I have done has been accomplished under many difficulties. I trust that those who have not heard from me will not think that it is because I have had no interest in the work in their part of the world. The spirit has indeed been willing, but the flesh weak. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 19.8

I have written about seventy letters, about twenty articles for the Sabbath-school Worker, given twelve or thirteen public talks on the Sabbath-school work, had charge of four camp-meeting Sabbath-school divisions, three divisions in camp-meeting Teachers’ Meetings, about thirty-six children’s meetings at the camp-meetings, and given considerable private instruction in connection with the camp-meetings and a few small schools which I happened to visit. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 19.9

I have become acquainted with some of the most successful Sunday-school teachers in the United States, have attended some of their training classes, noticed their methods, and with a few have had long private talks, asking questions, etc. In this way, and by writing to different publishing houses, I have got on the track of many things that I am sure will help us when I get time to follow them up. And we have had some very kind offers from those who are able to aid us. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 19.10

Although our eyes have been opened this summer more than ever before to our many and great needs as an International Sabbath-school Association, our hearts have been led to praise God many times for the tokens of his leading hand and of his blessing that we have seen on every side of us. Dear brethren and sisters, the work is great and the laborers are few, but there is no cause for discouragement. Why not get discouraged? I will tell you. We see many marks of improvement this year that we did not see last year. We have more members, a better average attendance, almost $5,000 more contributions, more promptness in reporting, and there has been more labor expended in the interests of the Sabbath-school work than ever before. But best of all, there has been a general waking up, in many parts of the field, to the responsibility of the work, to the shortness of time, and to the necessity of heart preparation. As a consequence, we can report more consecrated teachers than we had last year, and more converted scholars. God grant that the good work may go on. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 20.1

If every one of our six thousand teachers and officers were wholly consecrated to God, what might we not expect in the year to come? I believe that our success as an Association will be in proportion to our individual consecration as officers and teachers. One more reason why we should not become discouraged: You and I, no difference how humble or unworthy, may swell the number of laborers in this great Sabbath-school field. And think of the condescension! if we will allow him to, the Son of God will add his strength to our weakness, and work through us! Oh let us open our hearts and let him in. In this way we can answer our own prayers by furnishing more laborers for the field. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 20.2

A few extracts from some of our letters may give an idea of the work in some of our foreign fields. A letter from Sister A. G. Daniells of Napier, New Zealand, May 15, 1889, says:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 20.3

“We have only three schools in New Zealand at present. The Sabbath-school work has been neglected by us because my husband has had more of other things than he could attend to, and my health has scarcely been equal to the many burdens I have had to bear. I intend to pay more attention to such work another summer. We were glad to get the Workers that were sent us. We intend that every teacher shall have the Worker. [A good example for our Associations, I think.] We do use black-boards some, but not as much as we would like. We find very few natural teachers.” GCDB October 21, 1889, page 20.4

The same might be said of United States teachers. No man or woman was ever yet born a teacher. It will take tears, and earnest prayers, and hard, diligent labor, for us to become the teachers that Jesus is longing for us to be. But she further says, - GCDB October 21, 1889, page 20.5

“The people here in the Colony usually take a great interest in the Sabbath-school work. I think they make more of an effort to learn their lessons well than new scholars in America do. The children turn out wonderfully well, and enjoy the school very much. We have been obliged to have all the classes in one room for the want of other rooms, and the children are all reviewed in the presence of the older ones ... We have quite a number attending whose parents are not Sabbath-keepers. This school in Napier is now the largest in the Colony, although they have a good school in Auckland.” GCDB October 21, 1889, page 20.6

A later report reached Oakland just too late for the last Worker, but as it was accidentally left there, we cannot tell what it contained. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 20.7

In South Africa they have just organized an Association with Elder I. J. Hankins President, and Elder Chas. L. Boyd, Vice-President. They have eight schools, with a membership of about one hundred and fifty. I have written two long letters to them, but have not yet received answers. I received one from Elder Hankins about the work, but accidentally destroyed it. I also received two good letters from Hester Wessels, and one from Elder Boyd. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 20.8

I have received several long letters from a gentleman in Appam, Gold Coast, West Africa. He accidentally heard of the International Sabbath-school Association, and wrote us a letter asking for sample papers, etc. We answered, and sent some supplies, and now he is keeping the Sabbath, and several others with him. He is very anxious to have a missionary sent over to help them. He says Appam is a town of three thousand inhabitants, and is under the command of a chief. Most of the people are colored, and are fishermen. About one-fourth of them have been brought to the gospel light, and the rest worship the sea, the pond that opens its waters into the sea, the earth, hills, rocks, trees, snakes, and ghosts (or departed souls). He says that his father was a merchant and a Dutch consul. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 20.9

May 11, 1889, he organized a Seventh-day Adventist Sabbath-school of twenty-seven members. On Sunday from four to five o’clock he gave a Bible Reading, and sixty-one persons were present. He has regular appointments now Sabbath forenoon and Sabbath afternoon, Bible Readings on certain Sundays, and prayer meeting every Friday evening from seven to eight o’clock. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 20.10

There are many other interesting things which he tells about the place, which we would be glad to read to you if we had time. He has severed his connection with the Wesleyan Methodist Society, and now considers himself a thorough Seventh-day Adventist. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 20.11

We have received the address of one isolated school in Fort Laramie, Wyoming Territory. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 20.12

We have the address of six in Mississippi, and six in Alabama. There is one school of thirty members in Silas, Choctaw Co., Alabama. Some of these schools in Mississippi and Alabama are very poor and cannot afford to buy supplies. They have no pleasant church like this in which to meet, no black-boards, no pictures, no papers, or Sabbath-school helps, and no teachers’ meeting. How many of us appreciate the many blessings that God is raining upon us? In all the Southern field they need some good person to go from one school to another and teach them how to carry on the Sabbath-school work. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 20.13

In Louisiana there are not quite so many difficulties. Still they cannot all afford to get supplies. And on account of the frequent high water it is impossible to get together regularly. There are seven schools there: One at New Orleans with a membership of about fifteen; one at Galvez, membership twenty; one at Hope Villa, membership twelve; one at Marthaville, membership fifteen; one at Evergreen, membership thirty; two at Shreveport with a membership of about twenty-two. Total about one hundred and fourteen. They have no organized Association there yet, but in a letter received this evening from Elder Purdham he says if it is thought best, his wife is willing to act as State Secretary until such time as they can become fully organized. I feel sure that we shall soon have a flourishing Association in Louisiana. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 21.1

In the last Worker, Georgia and Florida reported seventeen schools. Elder L. H. Crisler has been elected president, and Miss Lysle Reynolds secretary of the Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina Association. The workers there think there is no reason why the Sabbath-school work may not become successful and self-sustaining in that field. Brother Bagby of North Carolina gave me three family schools besides those reported in the Worker. This makes nine schools in North Carolina. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 21.2

We enjoyed the work in Tennessee very much. While there we met and talked over the work with representatives from Kentucky, Louisiana, North Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and Tennessee. We have some good schools in Tennessee, and good people all through the Southern field. But they need personal labor by some live, energetic, God-fearing Sabbath-school worker. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 21.3

In Louisville, Ky. there is a nice little company of colored Sabbath-keepers. One of their little Sabbath-school scholars went out in the country on a visit among Sunday-keepers, and when it came Sabbath he took out his Bible and Lesson Book and began to study his lesson. This caused the people to ask him questions, and the result is several grown people are much interested in the truth. I thought this was an example worthy of imitation by our northern boys and girls. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 21.4

Let us all take courage. God can use us all, - yes, even the little children. God grant that we may all take hold, young and old, great and small during the coming year and help push the good work, remembering that Jesus is able, and willing, and anxious, to help us. And it will only be a little longer till we may come again with rejoicing, bringing our sheaves with us. MRS. JESSIE F. WAGGONER. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 21.5

As this report was read, the hearty “amens” that were drawn out by every mention of progress or expression of a desire for help, gave evidence that when the question of supporting laborers who shall give their entire time to the Sabbath-school work, shall come up for action, it will have a strong affirmation vote. Indeed, many have already, in private freely expressed the opinion that such a proceeding would be highly profitable in every way. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 21.6

The following communication was then read from Elder Roderick S. Owen, a member of the executive committee, who has labored to some extent at camp-meetings in the interest of the Sabbath-school work:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 21.7

“According to request, I left home about the middle of May, to visit some of the State camp-meetings in the interest of the Sabbath-school work. The course marked out for me originally included fourteen State meetings, but owing to changes in dates of several of these, I could not attend all of them. The ones visited are as follows:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 21.8

“Upper Columbia, North Pacific, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Dakota, Ohio, Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, and Colorado. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 21.9

“In each of these I endeavored to improve the opportunities offered to do work for the Sabbath-schools. But, as all know, the majority of the meetings this year continued only through one week, and as they followed each other immediately, a day or more of each one was lost in passing from one to the other. The shortness of the time, and a press of other business made it impossible to get in many meetings in this line. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 21.10

“In many places other work was assigned me, which necessarily consumed time that might have been employed in Sabbath-school work. In view of my experience, I would recommend that in the future it shall be understood that one going out for Sabbath-school work shall do nothing else. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 21.11

“In each State there were from two to four general meetings of the Association, besides the instruction given to teachers and officers. The interest seemed good among the people, but in many places while the Conference officers were ready and willing to admit the importance of this work, there was a lack of willingness or ability to devote the time and talent to it which it deserves. I hope the great importance of this work will be more fully appreciated in the future, and that in each State some one of ability who will take a lively interest in it, will be selected and permitted to devote his entire time to it. The matter of family schools should receive more attention in many, if not all, of our Conferences. We have reached a time when no Sabbath-keeper can afford to lose the means which the Sabbath-school offers for a systematic study of the Word. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 21.12

“There is great need of some means of imparting information to our schools regarding our missions, in order that they may give more intelligently, and a greater interest may be awakened and maintained in them. I would suggest the following plan:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 22.1

“Let a list of questions be printed in the Worker, sufficient to last throughout the quarter; then from week to week let simple articles appear in the Instructor, which will answer these questions. The superintendent of each school will call the attention of his school to from two to four of these questions each Sabbath, and the school, by reading the articles referred to in the Instructor, and by the use of other sources of information at hand, will be prepared to answer the following Sabbath. Perhaps five minutes’ time might be devoted to this immediately after the reading of the minutes, before the singing of the second hymn. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 22.2

“In many places there are families which are so situated that they can attend an organized school in pleasant weather, but in winter especially are very irregular in attendance. In such cases we should urge them to organize family schools, and while they should continue to attend the church school when possible, yet, when prevented from so doing, let them hold a regular session of the family school and report to the secretary of the church school (instead of the State Secretary). And, when in the judgment of the officers, the excuse for not attending is a good one, let the report be received and the family recognized as being present at the school. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 22.3

“I hope and trust that steps may be taken which will greatly advance the work in the years to come. Believing it to be an important branch of the work, I am glad that I have been called to labor in it, and I am praying that the rich blessing of the Lord may rest upon all our Sabbath-school laborers until we shall be permitted to join in the song of triumph so soon to be sung.” GCDB October 21, 1889, page 22.4

The president then supplied each member with a printed sheet containing the report of the recording secretary, and the treasurer’s balance sheet. The main points of the treasurer’s report have appeared in the president’s address; the report of the recording secretary follows:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 22.5


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The following table gives the name of each association, the number of schools reported quarter ending June 30, 1889, with membership and number of classes, together with total contributions received and amount donated to missions during the year ending June 30, 1889:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 22.6

No. Sch’lsMembership.No. Clas’sContribu. Received.Donated to Miss.
Arkansas1729441$63 70$19 69
Atlantic51672294 2333 14
Australia14560791,007 1170 49
British Mission1020734117 1647 99
California692,5864014,914 203,071 00
Canada61202631 9621 41
Colorado1243557456 52186 98
Dakota2275589490 43351 92
Illinois42910128801 45456 35
Indiana371,013150529 30153 88
Iowa771,9302681,098 79549 18
Kansas732,200304924 93500 13
Kentucky12 651 66
Maine1930641123 5253 58
Michigan1294,3856783,279 751,520 04
Minnesota802,0742961,282 95654 33
Missouri31847110348 60136 94
Nebraska391,037169502 75211 83
New England2347166785 65391 12
New York2955287377 28182 09
New Zealand32693190 17
North Carolina44198 256 94
North Pacific46916152902 92567 64
Ohio501,014172773 91302 48
Pennsylvania58950164556 50301 36
South Atlantic152053967 1715 15
Switzerland183 2729 64
Tennessee82122772 3327 23
Texas184686269 3525 45
Vermont2136664250 16167 06
Virginia257716 059 78
West Virginia81422233 915 76
Wisconsin841,9982951,102 12686 91
Upper Columbia1646963381 46220 59
Isolated Schools462950 991 00
107128,0184162$21,801 49$10,980 74
Number of associations belonging to the International Association June 30, 188828
Number admitted during the year4
Total number belonging June 30, 188932

The following are the names of the four associations admitted at the last annual session: GCDB October 21, 1889, page 23.1

Arkansas, with 14 schools and 350 members; Australia, 6 schools, and 350 members; North Carolina, 4 schools, with a membership of 75; South Atlantic, embracing the States of Georgia and Florida, consisting of 17 schools, with a membership of 165. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 23.2

Quarter ending June 30, 1889, 156 schools failed to report. When last heard from they had a membership of 2,064, divided into 403 classes. This would make a total membership of over 30,000. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 23.3

Of the isolated schools heard from three are in Louisiana, one in Honolulu, H. I., five in South Africa, and one in Hamburg, Germany. Besides these we understand that there are schools in Russia, Roumania, Italy, Pitcairn Island, and other places. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 23.4

The following is a comparative statement between the year ending June 30, 1888, and that ending June 30, 1889:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 23.5

June 30,1888.June 30,1889Increase.
No. schools reported9551,071116
Average attendance18,74320,0761,333
New members enrolled3,5364,114578
Dropped from record2,8913,070179
Scholars church-members11,39513,6752,280
No. of classes3,9804,162182
No. members in senior div12,23314,294
No. in inter. and prim div9,99312,807
No. “Workers” taken2,374
Contributions received$16,833 10$21,801 49$4,968 39
Amount given to missions10,942 7310,980 7438 01
Tithes sent State Ass’ns1,371 481,994 59623 01
Tithes sent Inter’l Ass’n228 22233 255 03
MRS. C. H. JONES, Sec.

This report, being in the hands of the members, called forth quite a number of questions, which were answered by the president. The following committees were then appointed:-
Committee on Nominations - M. H. Brown, A. J. Breed, W. S. Hyatt.
Committee on Resolutions - E. J. Waggoner, A. O. Tait, W. W. Sharp.
Committee on Auditing - L. C. Chadwick, A. T. Robinson, W. H. Edwards.
GCDB October 21, 1889, page 23.6

The meeting then adjourned. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 23.7


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THE second meeting of the Conference was called Sunday, October 20, at 9:30 A. M. Prayer was offered by Elder U. Smith. The roll of delegates was called, and Elder R. D. Hottel presented credentials as delegate from Virginia. The Committee on Credentials of Delegates presented the following report:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 23.8

Your committee on Credentials of Delegates would recommend that Elder D. T. Fero receive credentials as a member of this General Conference to represent Montana. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 23.9

Your committee would also be glad to recommend that Bro. J. Vuilleumier of the Central European Conference receive credentials, but are prevented from doing so by the Gen. Conf. Constitution, which declares, article 3, that “the Executive Committee are authorized to issue credentials to such ministers as are delegates to the Conference.” GCDB October 21, 1889, page 23.10

Bro. Vuilleumier not being a minister is thus cut off from receiving credentials. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 23.11

Brother Fero was received as delegate from Montana. The following request was then read:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 23.12

To the General Conference Assembled: GCDB October 21, 1889, page 23.13

The Atlantic Conference, recently organized at Washington, D. C., would respectfully request admission to the General Conference. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 23.14

J. E. ROBINSON, for Atlantic Conference. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 23.15

This newly-organized conference has five churches, aggregating 151 members, and five ministers. The tithe for half of the year was $1,650.60. On motion of T. A. Kilgore the Conference was admitted into the General Conference. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 23.16

Elder W. C. White then stated that a Conference had been organized in New Zealand, and that from communications already received, it is certain that they wish to be admitted, although no request has as yet been received, and he moved that the New Zealand Conference be admitted without formal request. The question was referred to the Judiciary Committee. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 23.17

E. J. Waggoner then moved that article 3 of the Constitution be amended so as to read as follows:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 23.18

This Conference shall be composed of delegates from the State Conferences, of the officers of the Conference, and of such other persons as the Conference Committee may invite by issuing to them delegates’ credentials. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 23.19

The amendment was adopted, and the Conference Committee accepted Brother Vuilleumier as delegate from the Central European Conference. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 23.20

Reports from various portions of the field were then called for. Elder W. C. White presented the following interesting items from the Pacific Coast:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 23.21


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Ministers -Last year18This year17
Licentiates - “    “10  “   “8
Churches - “    “31  “   “34
Members - “    “2000  “   “2143
Tithes - “    “$25,350.00  “   “$35,032.90

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Ministers -Last year4This year7
Licentiates - “    “8  “   “4
Churches - “    “21  “   “26
Members - “    “542  “   “629
Tithes - “    “$6,962  “   “$7,205.72

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Ministers -Last year6This year5
Licentiates - “    “7  “   “7
Churches - “    “13  “   “16
Members - “    “366  “   “438
Tithes - “    “$2,998.08  “   “$4,509.66

No Authorcode

Ministers -Last year1This year1
Licentiates - “    “1  “   “1
Churches - “    “1  “   “1
Members -  “   “22
Tithes -  “   “$500.00

The following is an approximate estimate of the territory and population in the Pacific Conferences. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 23.22

CONFERENCE.Ch. mem.Population.Area.
North Pacific627350,00080,000
Upper Columbia438250,000186,300

Elder J. N. Loughborough, president of the California Conference, who has also spent some weeks in the other Pacific Coast, presented the following additional items:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 24.1

In the North Pacific Conference, of the $6,962.31 reported as tithes the last year, $2,000 was a donation made by one individual, so that the increase of tithes in that conference in the last year was $2,243.41. In the Upper Columbia Conference the increase in tithes last year was $1,511.58. This increase the past year is more than the whole tithe amounted to during the year 1884-5, when I was president of the conference. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 24.2

Four years ago, in order to settle with our laborers in California it required a loan from the Pacific Press of between three and four thousand dollars; this year after settling with about seventy-three laborers there was a surplus of funds which was loaned, without interest to our institutions. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 24.3

Elder E. W. Farnsworth then presented the following report of the condition of his special field:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 24.4

The territory to which I was assigned, was that which extends from the British Possessions on the north, to the Gulf of Mexico on the south, and from the Mississippi River on the east to the Rocky Mountains on the west. And also the State of Wisconsin. This vast extent of territory, with more than 11,000,000 inhabitants is all included in well-organized Conferences, except the Indian Territory and Louisiana. In the past year, therefore, the work has not been the opening of new fields, but the ordinary development and growth of the Conferences. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 24.5

According to the reports there are 10,794 Sabbath-keepers in these States. These are scattered in almost every county. The number of those who have embraced the truth during the past year is 1,035. There are 364 churches and 135 ministers and licentiates. There are also 274 canvassers, and about 25 Bible workers, making a working force of 434 in all. These canvassers and workers have visited and sold more or less of our literature in almost every county of all these States. The value of books sold during the year is $90,234; and the amount of business transacted with the different offices was $138,333.00 in the aggregate. It is estimated that the amount of sales in these ten conferences during the past year will equal the sales of the whole denomination five years ago. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 24.6

The fruit of this literature will be seen more in the future than at present; yet the labor already done has had one result that is very apparent, namely the great good that was received by those who did the labor. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 24.7

Minnesota has taken the lead in the sale of books. In the past sixteen months $35,500 worth has been sold. Kansas comes next with $15,748 worth sold, while Iowa falls to the third place with books sold to the amount $8,400. And yet the ministry in Iowa seems to have been more successful than in any other State, about 300 people having embraced the truth; this includes both those who have and those who have not as yet united with the churches. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 24.8

Twenty-two camp-meetings have been held in these States. It is not too much to say that in nearly every case they have been good. In almost every State the attendance of our own people was larger than usual, while the attendance from without has been fair. The meetings of Missouri, Texas, Colorado, Wisconsin, and Iowa seem to have been exceptionally good. At the latter meeting 106 were baptized at one time. The press has been liberal toward us this season, having given good reports of nearly all the meetings. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 24.9

The work that has been done in opposition to the so-called National Reform movement has been on the whole, quite satisfactory to us. The gathering of signatures to our counter-petitions, seems to have put new life and vitality into many of our people. The efforts of their field secretary in Colorado, was almost entirely a failure, on account of the books and papers that had been circulated before him, and not only were his efforts defeated, but considerable interest was raised in our work through that means. An effort to secure the insertion of an article recognizing the Sunday rest day, and other religious items in the Constitution of North Dakota, met a most signal and disastrous defeat, through the same means. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 24.10

One matter that has been of great interest to our brethren in the Conferences to which this report relates, is the school question. In every Conference in this district the matter has been brought before them for discussion, and we have seen nothing for years that has provoked a more friendly and earnest debate than this question. In regard to the demand for a school, there is only one sentiment expressed, and that is, we must have a school. Scarcely a dissenting voice has been heard the past summer. Without anticipating in any manner the report of the educational secretary, and also the report of the committee selected by the different Conferences, we will simply say, that a committee from each State has been appointed to meet with committees from other States to lay plans in reference to the work necessary to be done to perfect the enterprise. It seems to us as though the ten thousand Sabbath-keepers living in these Conferences, ought to have a school located among them. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 24.11

In conclusion I wish to say that I see many tokens of the blessing and goodness of God the past year. There was an unusually bountiful harvest, in nearly all parts of this territory, making it an opportune time to circulate our literature, and the blessing of God has accompanied the preaching of the word. The brethren have had difficulties to meet and obstacles to overcome; but the Lord has helped them hitherto, and there is a general spirit of courage and hope and faith in the hearts of God’s people, for which, and for many other tokens of his love, we thank and praise the Saviour’s name and take courage and press on. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 24.12

At the close of this report, the congregation arose and united heartily in singing, “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name.” Then Elder Kilgore presented the following report from the Southern field:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 25.1


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In making the report of the work in the Southern field, I shall only refer to those sections which are under the immediate direction of the General Conference, embracing Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, and North and South Carolina, and to the action of the council held at Nashville, Tenn., October 1-6, in connection with the Tennessee camp-meeting, leaving the organized Conferences to report for themselves through their own appointed delegates. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 25.2

The circumstances surrounding the workers in this field render it peculiar in many respects. The prevailing sentiment against those of Northern birth, and that which is brought to them by those not of Southern proclivities, makes the work of presenting the truth of the Third Angel’s Message in that field more difficult than in those fields north of “Mason and Dixon’s Line.” He who labors in this field must be acquainted with and adjust himself to the customs and usages of this people in order to reach them, and before he can expect to be at all successful. With one or two exceptions, the workers who are now laboring there are all of Southern birth, and are therefore able to adapt themselves and their labor to the circumstances surrounding them. As far as I can learn they are of good courage and are determined to do all they can to build up the work as best they can. In some of these States success has marked their efforts, and they are greatly encouraged and much interested in the fields committed to their charge. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 25.3

Elder B. F. Purdham, on entering the State of Louisiana less than a year ago, found two organized churches, with a membership of 55; since that time he has organized three new churches, adding 50 more to their membership. There are five Sabbath-schools with a total membership of 80; the tithe received during the past year was $225.00. Seventy-five altogether have embraced the truth since he entered the State. There are seven canvassers at work in that field, doing good service. He calls loudly for an additional laborer to be sent to that State to aid him in the work. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 25.4

Elders M. G. Huffman and L. H. Crisler have been holding tent meetings in Georgia during the past summer. A few have embraced the truth. The results of the work here during the past summer are not so prosperous as those noted in regard to Louisiana. There may be more than one reason for this, the chief of which, doubtless, is that the oppressive laws of the State of Georgia are such that those who see the truth are deterred from obeying it. Though they may be convinced, and may feel it their duty to obey the truth, the strong arm of the law presents a barrier before them, over which the small degree of faith that many possess is not able to carry them. The canvassers there are also meeting with success. It is a source of great encouragement to the canvassers in the southern field, that the Review and Herald has established a branch office at Atlanta, Ga., from which place our books may be published with that imprint for the workers in the South. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 25.5

The brethren in Florida make a strong plea for another good laborer to be sent to that State, who can remain long enough to hold a few series of meetings at some very important points; after which they are confident that the work there would be self-sustaining, and a Conference could be organized. In the South Atlantic mission field there are six companies, with a membership of 115, twenty-two converts the present year. Their tithe the past year is $450.00. They have more than doubled their Sabbath-schools, which now number 17, with a total membership of 180. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 25.6

North Carolina is not so strictly Southern in principle as Georgia; the fine for the violation of the Sunday law is only $1.00, and the people are more liberal. The inhabitants of the hill country are still more free from this prejudice against those of Northern proclivities than those in the flat country. Here, again, the canvassing work is quite successful. They will soon have about fourteen who are giving themselves wholly to this branch of the work. Those who have heretofore held credentials and licenses in that State have voluntarily taken up the canvassing work for the coming year. It was thought by others, as well as themselves, that this branch of the work afforded them a better opportunity, with a fairer prospect of success than had formerly attended their efforts in another direction. This, we believe, is true. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 25.7

It is possible that if their example were followed by others in other fields they would hear the welcome, “Well done” from the lips of the Master. Elder J. W. Bagby feels at home in his new field, it being his birth-place. He is able to labor unmolested, and without fear of meeting prejudices that he would have to meet were he of Northern birth. He feels that while he is not meeting with so great success as in his former field of labor, he is willing and determined to put forth his best efforts to advance the cause of present truth where he is. He also requests that another minister, who can labor in few fields, be sent to his aid. In regard to his work thus far, it is but proper to state that he did not find as many believers when he entered the State as he expected. He has, however, a little more than held his own. The brethren are poor, their numbers are few, and their tithe will not much more than pay the incidental and traveling expenses incurred by the work in that State. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 25.8

The work in the States of Mississippi and Alabama is somewhat different than in those fields heretofore referred to. There are but few partly organized companies in these States, and but little help either from a spiritual or financial standpoint is realized from them. Elder Hill and wife have been there now nearly two years, and have labored as best they knew how to get the truth before the people. They have held a few series of meetings, but not with such success as they desired. The difficulties which have attended their work may be expressed briefly as follows:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 26.1

(1) Besides the usual contending forces against the presentation of the message, here also in Mississippi the Sunday law stares the people in the face the moment that they think of diverging from the customs of the country by a violation of the so-called Lord’s day. It is almost universally understood that Sunday labor would be followed by indictment. As a rule the people there are afraid of open violation of the law, right or wrong. This is doubtless increased largely by their experiences during the reign of the late war. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 26.2

(2) Another reason is also presented, that the usual customs of holding meetings is from four to eight days, which is detrimental to the efforts of those who would continue for a longer period. A meeting beginning on one Sunday and holding to the next is considered a very lengthy meeting. They say that their preachers do not continue long, and why should others. And therefore many of the people become weary of a ten days’ meeting and stop if it continues longer. The people are poor, and many of them are without means of conveyance, so that they and their families are deprived of the privileges afforded them, even if they desired to attend the meetings. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 26.3

The financial condition of the people in these States is such that if they should receive the truth, they would be able to assist but little in advancing the cause. From these and other considerations which loom up before the ministers, as they plan to present the truth from the pulpit, it would seem that other means than preaching must be devised, at least for the present, by which the truth may be carried to the people in these States. Elder Hill himself has devoted some of his time to the canvassing work, and from his experience he is satisfied that this method is the most feasible; and certainly it will be admitted to be the most economical. His experience leads him to conclude that the canvasser can reach the people in a more satisfactory manner than the minister. He does not make a plea for another minister to be sent to his help, but he asks for a large corps of canvassers. One-hundred for Alabama, and one-hundred for Mississippi. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 26.4

Although Brother Hill did not enter upon the canvassing work with a view to make it a business, the success that attended his efforts in this direction proves that this field affords inducement to those who will enter it with a view of devoting his entire energies to this branch of the work. Elder Hill has said that from a financial stand-point, he could do better in this department than in that of the ministry. These facts only substantiate the generally accepted opinion by all who are laboring in the South, that the canvasser must be the forerunner of the minister. There are many good reasons why this policy must be adopted, especially in the southern field. The canvasser as he passes from house to house in the execution of his work is regarded merely as a business man and his transactions of a business character. He, therefore, has not to contend against the bitter prejudices which the minister has to face. His efforts are not looked upon as being an advance movement against the usages and institutions of the South. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 26.5

In this connection, I herewith present the recommendations upon this subject, that were made by the council recently held at Nashville:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 26.6

(1) We indorse the action of the Review & Herald Publishing Co. in its establishment of a branch office at Atlanta, Ga.; and recommend that the imprint on all books sold from that office be as follows: Atlanta, Ga.; Review & Herald Publishing Co.; Battle Creek, Mich.; Chicago, Ill.; Toronto, Ont. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 26.7

(2) The strong appeal made by the delegate from Mississippi for canvassers should, we think, be favorably considered. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 26.8

(3) In this connection we would further say that, considering the peculiar sentiment, and prejudices existing in the South, and considering the fact that it is difficult to get the Southern people to attend meetings of more than a week’s duration, and the difficulty of reaching both whites and blacks in one public meeting, it seems to us evident that the bulk of the work in the South-Atlantic and Gulf States must be done by means of canvassers; and we, therefore, recommend that the General Conference send as large a force of such laborers as possible to occupy that field. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 26.9

At this council the following delegates were present: Elder J. W. Bagby from North Carolina; GCDB October 21, 1889, page 26.10

Elder L. H. Crisler, representing Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida; Elder B. F. Purdham from Louisiana; Elder O. Hill and wife from Alabama and Mississippi; Elders Wm. Covert and E. E. Marvin from Tennessee; Elders S. Osborne and R. G. Garrett from Kentucky, and Elders E. J. Waggoner, J. O. Corliss and the writer from the General Conference, and F. E. Belden from the Review and Herald. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 27.1

This was an important meeting, and the faithful instruction given during the institute by Elders Waggoner and Corliss and F. E. Belden was timely and much appreciated by all present. Sister Waggoner’s efforts in the interests of the Sabbath-school were much needed, and her labors for the youth and children most acceptable. In our council, the freedom which was manifested in the discussion of all the subjects pertaining to the Southern field, and its relation to the general cause, presented the same notable characteristics which have marked the unity of the work wrought by the Third Angel’s Message. An opportunity was there presented for a better understanding of the difficulties attending the work in the Southern field. Those who have labored exclusively in the North were better able to appreciate the situation, by what they saw and heard. The delegates were unanimous in the opinion that this council was of more real value to the cause in the South than a consideration of those subjects could have been by the General Conference. The further decisions and recommendations of this council we present in this connection for the consideration of this body. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 27.2

In regard to the plea that was made by brother Crisler in behalf of Florida, the following was adopted:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 27.3

“We believe that the appeal from Florida for a good minister to labor in that State this winter, holding two series of meetings in new fields is reasonable, and ought to be complied with; especially since the delegate from Florida thinks that after such labor that field would become self-supporting.” GCDB October 21, 1889, page 27.4

In respect to the plea from Louisiana, it was voted:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 27.5

“We recommend that the request of Brother Purdham, of Louisiana, that an additional minister be sent to that field, be granted.” GCDB October 21, 1889, page 27.6

In behalf of North Carolina, it was voted:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 27.7

“We recommend also that a minister be sent to assist Brother Bagby in North Carolina.” GCDB October 21, 1889, page 27.8

After considering the circumstances surrounding the work in Georgia, and the request from that State, it was voted:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 27.9

“We also recommend that after Brother Huffman has built up the work started during the past summer, he be transferred to another field.” GCDB October 21, 1889, page 27.10

The perplexity of holding annual camp-meetings in the South, because of the scattered condition of the believers in those sections, and the financial bearings that such meetings have upon the interest of the cause in our mission fields, was fully considered, and the following was adopted:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 27.11

“In view of the financial weakness of the Southern mission fields, we think it unwise to incur the great expense incident upon yearly camp-meetings in those fields. We would recommend that camp-meetings, at which General Conference laborers shall be present, be held only in alternate years, and that in the other years the necessary instruction for the brethren there be given at general meetings in various quarters of the field.” GCDB October 21, 1889, page 27.12

The annexation of Kentucky to the Tennessee Conference was considered, and several objections were raised against this action. The reasons presented were: first, the extent of territory thus embraced in the two States made it wholly impracticable to carry on the work under one administration. Second, the length of Tennessee is so much greater than its width, and the Cumberland Mountains, cutting off the eastern portion, makes a wall of separation which seems impossible to overcome. The railroads leading to this portion of the State can only be reached by going out of the State entirely. Again, the western portion of Kentucky being the only part covered by the labor expended thus far, and its membership so numerically small and financially feeble, it is thought advisable to recommend a new division of these two States; and the following was proposed and heartily accepted by all parties:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 27.13

“In view of the peculiar shape of the States of Tennessee and Kentucky, they being long and narrow, and the difficulty of communication between the eastern and western portions being great, - we recommend that a Conference be formed of the western part of the two States, and that the eastern portion of the two States be formed into a mission; the dividing line to begin at the southwestern point of Jefferson county, Kentucky, on the Ohio river, and extending in a southerly direction to, and along the base of the Cumberland mountains to the southern Tennessee line; the exact division by counties to be left to the General Conference and the Tennessee delegate; the new Conference thus formed to be called the Tennessee-River Conference, and the mission to be known as the Cumberland Mission.” GCDB October 21, 1889, page 27.14

Although the reading of this report held the meeting beyond the time for adjournment, so great was the interest aroused by it, that no one manifested any desire to leave till the close. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 27.15


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THIS meeting was called at 3 P. M., Sunday afternoon, GCDB October 21, 1889, page 27.16

October 20, vice-president, W. C. White, in the chair. The song “Lift Him Up” was sung, and prayer was offered by Elder E. H. Gates. The following additional delegates were found to be present:-
Michigan—R. Stewart, Mrs. S. Sisley, H. Miller, E. B. Miller, Mrs. E. B. Miller, M. A. Pasqual, L. McCoy, E. A. Kynett, Thomas Stewart, W. M. Hall, Mary Miller, L. Hill, Mary Lewis, G. K. Owen.
Dakota—H. R. Johnson, Alice H. Beaumont.
Iowa—J. H. Morrison.
Virginia—R. D. Hottel.
Indiana—Mrs. Emma Wales.
GCDB October 21, 1889, page 28.1

The Chairman stated that a portion of last year’s proceedings was not inserted in the Year Book, and called for a reading of it. It is as follows:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 28.2

NINTH MEETING, Sunday, Nov. 4. - The committee consisting of the finance Committee, and the presidents and secretaries of State Conferences and Tract Societies, to whom was referred the resolution respecting the payment of first day offerings to tract society officers, recommended the adoption of the resolution as previously presented to the meeting, a similar one having been adopted by the General Conference. The report was adopted. L. C. Chadwick, G. B. Starr, and M. L. Huntley were appointed as a committee to prepare copy for new blanks. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 28.3

Meeting adjourned sine die. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 28.4

On behalf of the corresponding secretary, Miss M. L. Huntley, the recording secretary, T. A. Kilgore, read the following, GCDB October 21, 1889, page 28.5


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Quite full statements having already been made with respect to the publication of tracts in other languages, and the distribution of publications in foreign countries, it will be unnecessary to notice these lines of work in this report. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 28.6

In the cities of Zurich and Geneva, Switzerland, something has been done by the society in the way of placing reading matter within the reach of tourists. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 28.7

In the ship work, $983.14 has been expended as follows: Hongkong, $234.04; Liverpool, $245.52; New Zealand, $397.79; New York City, $67.52; Hamburg, $38.27. Considerable assistance has also been given to the ship work in Baltimore and other places, in the way of furnishing back numbers of periodicals. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 28.8

The work performed in the office of the International society has been varied. In the correspondence with State societies, a special effort has been made to encourage the holding of weekly meetings in local societies by furnishing at intervals interesting matter to be read at such meetings. A course of instruction in missionary correspondence was conducted during the winter. An extensive correspondence has also been carried on with American Consuls and English speaking residents in foreign countries. In response to requests for the addresses of such persons, thirty-four consuls have responded, giving 359 addresses. Some of the letters received from these persons have been very encouraging, of which we might read samples if time would permit. They have come from the following places:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 28.9

Algiers, Sierra Leone, Egypt, Cape Colony, Africa; Amoy, Ningpo, Peking, Marash, Asia Minor; Bombay, Lucknow, Calcutta, India; Jerusalem, Ainlat, Turkey, in Asia; Japan; Joppa, Palestine; Syria; Burmah, Constantinople, Turkey; Paris, Havre, France; Antwerp, Belgium; Madras, in Spain; Lisbon, in Portugal; Zurich, Switzerland; Equador; Chili, Cartegena, Panama, Venezuela, South America; Balize, Costa Rica; Central America; City of Mexico, and the islands of Jamaica; Hayti; St. Croix; San Domingo; San Salvador; Ruatan; St. Thomas; Phillippine; Martinique and Trinidad. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 28.10

In various colleges and benevolent institutions in foreign countries, we have also found openings for reading matter; - prominent among these are two openings in Turkey, one in Aintab, and one in Smyrna, to which we have sent bound volumes in English, German, and French. The proprietor of a hotel in Jaffa (Joppa), becoming interested in our publications, sent quite a long list of addresses of English speaking people in that locality. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 28.11

Our correspondence with schools and teachers in the South and South-west has also been quite extensive and very interesting. With many of these schools are connected temperance and missionary organizations. A young lady student in a large school in Alabama wrote that since reading our publications she had experienced a new conversion, and was keeping the Sabbath. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 28.12

We are also carrying on a correspondence with five missions in Alaska, where reading matter is thankfully received. To one of these, by request of the missionary in charge, the society furnished ten Bibles. In these several lines of work the society has increased its clubs of periodicals, until it is now (October, 1889), using the following:- 125 Signs; 100 Instructors; 100 Good Health; 25 Pacific Health Journal 35 Present Truth; 15 Les Signes; besides, occasionally extra numbers of some of these periodicals, and also those printed in other languages. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 28.13

The Religious Liberty work done by the society - involving a cost of $1,486.82 - includes the marking by paragraphs of about 9,000 periodicals, and the mailing of the same to editors, the sending out of petition blanks, together with other matter; also the counting and filing of petitions. Up to July from five to six hundred letters were written to persons not of our faith, and about fourteen thousand periodicals and not less than 85,000 pages of publications were mailed. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 28.14


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The annual report of labor for year ending July 1, 1889, has not been received from the New England, Georgia and Florida, Tennessee, and West Virginia societies. The number of local societies reported is 717, of which number 136 are holding weekly meetings. Sixteen of the State societies have adopted the recommendation of the International Society, to form a State district; and of these all that have reported have separated the labor performed by agents from that performed by other members. On an average a number equal to about one-fourth of our church members have reported each quarter during the year; or, in other words, the number of quarterly reports returned averages one to each church member during the year. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 29.1

Four societies - California, Iowa, Pennsylvania, and Texas - report a larger amount of labor in every particular than last year. With the exception of periodicals distributed, the same is true of the Wisconsin and North Pacific societies. So far as reports can be compared with those of last year, all the other societies, excepting one or two, report an increase in most of the items of missionary labor. Several societies have fallen behind in obtaining subscriptions to periodicals, in Bible readings held, and in letters written. During the year, 195 cities and towns, in sixteen societies, have been entered for the first time for regular and thorough work by canvassers, Bible-readers, or ministers. In seventeen societies, 2,929 persons have been engaged in circulating petitions and in other branches of religious-liberty work. As a whole the reports show that a much larger amount of labor has been performed than in any previous year. The report is therefore encouraging and we trust that the increase in labor will continue in a still larger ratio during the coming year. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 29.2

One of the most interesting letters referred to in the above report was read by the secretary. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 29.3

The treasurer’s report showed that the net present worth of the society June 30, 1889 was $8,183.99, against $11,693.96 October 1, 1888. Thus there is an apparent loss of $3,509.77; but the president said that the more money that was lost in the way that this was “lost” the better it would be. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 29.4

An earnest plea was made by Captain Eldridge and T. A. Kilgore for the society to purchase a boat for the use of the ship missionary in New York. Without a boat it is difficult for the agent to do any work, and he cannot do one-tenth of what he could with one. Many ships cannot be reached at all without a boat, as many ships do not come to the dock, and when they do, the sailors leave. Brother Tay seconded the appeal, giving his experience in San Francisco Bay. A boat such as is needed would cost about one thousand dollars. That amount could not be expended to so good advantage in any other way. On motion this matter was referred to the Committee on Resolutions, for consideration. The following request was then submitted by J. E. Robinson:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 29.5

To the International Tract Society. In connection with the organization of the Atlantic Conference at a meeting held at Washington D. C. Sept. 25-30, 1889, a State Tract Society was organized with J. E. Robinson, as president, H. E. Robinson Vice-Pres, T. A. Kilgore, Secretary and Treasurer. We would respectfully ask to be admitted to the International Tract Society. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 29.6

The request was granted. The chairman then spoke of the work that had been done in circulating petitions, and the necessity of being prepared for emergencies, and of anticipating the work of the opposers of religious freedom. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 29.7

Captain Eldridge was then called upon, and made the following suggestions as to how the work could be greatly increased:- GCDB October 21, 1889, page 29.8

The whole denomination should be organized. The International Society should employ a man who could give his whole time to the work, as a general agent. States and churches should organize. The local societies should be thoroughly drilled by the agent. They should not take our canvassing books, but such as shall be specially provided, for instance, the National Religious Liberty Association may prepare some books. They should also be trained to secure signatures to the petitions, and to circulate the American Sentinel. These amateur canvassers can be drawn from, as occasion requires, for the regular canvassing work. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 29.9

The meeting then adjourned. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 29.10

AT 8 A. M., Sunday morning a meeting was held in the interest of the contemplated Bible school for ministers. Elder O. A. Olsen occupied the chair. The meeting was opened with prayer by Elder F. D. Starr, after which the chair set forth the crying need of laborers who can enter the work more intelligently, than have some in the past. He said that the reason why some had hitherto gone forth to the work of the ministry unprepared in some respects, was because of the exigencies of the situation. The facilities of the college, while ample for the work assigned that institution, were not sufficient for the course now contemplated. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 29.11

Elder U. Smith followed with appropriate remarks sustaining the points advanced by Elder Olsen. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 29.12

Prof. W. W. Prescott spoke at length on the general features such a school should wear. One important object is to acquire mental power, rather than to obtain certain facts. After having acquired power to study, the pupils can then gain the rest in connection with their regular work. It is therefore proposed to carry on the school on a similar plan to that adopted by Prof. Harper, in his Hebrew schools. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 30.1

Elder Waggoner referred to the advantages and benefits to be derived from attending such a school. In the five months of the proposed training, the pupils may learn to apply their time in that advantageous way, that their efficiency may be doubled. If they should learn but the one thing of depending on the Bible, more than upon the expressed opinions of men, they will have gained an invaluable treasure. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 30.2

Mrs. E. G. White spoke of the early experience of the pioneers, and how the necessity of educated workers was painfully brought before them. Men with hardly a common school education started out to become public laborers, and could not successfully meet the sophistries of some who opposed them. Our educational interests have been started, which have done much toward obviating this difficulty. Many apt illustrations were given to show what God requires of those who would fill places of trust in his work. GCDB October 21, 1889, page 30.3