General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 3

October 31, 1889



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WHEN we look upon the canvassing work in its present flourishing condition, and contemplate its gradual rise until it has assumed such magnificent proportions that it commands the admiration of our own people, and favorable comment from other publishers, we are apt to accord too much credit to those who are closely connected with it at the present time, without giving due thought and credit to the pioneers of this branch of the work. When we meet a man who can readily calculate eclipses of the sun and moon, and describe their paths in the heavens, and by a scientific manipulation of figures ascertain the orbit and period of a comet that occasionally visits our system, we applaud him and render him the honor which is due; yet the name of the man who first predicted an eclipse of the moon is lost in oblivion. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 119.1

We look upon the large ships of to-day, well-equipped and manned, with wonder and admiration, and credit the modern navigator with superior skill, without a thought of the pioneers of navigation, like Vasco De Gama with his poorly-manned ships, who was obliged, as he sailed around Cape of Good Hope, to go ashore and raise a crop before he could proceed on his voyage. All honor to the pioneers, for the bravery and sacrifices of such intrepid men as those who made the present condition of things possible. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 119.2

Imitators are many; originators are few. Yet we do well to imitate; it is our duty. But when we produce an original idea, the world is the richer, and it becomes common property. We do not deserve such a vast amount of credit for picking up what others have dug out for us; but we shall certainly deserve censure if we do not keep pace with the times, and fail to appropriate common property to our own use, adding what originality we may have in the way of interest to increase the capital stock. We deserve no credit as imitators; but we deserve censure for failure to imitate what is good. We will apply this principle to the canvassing work. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 119.3

Years ago George A. King engaged in the canvassing work. At that time we had no books especially adapted to the purpose; yet he believed that books could be sold by solicitation, and had courage to carry out his convictions. The publication which this pioneer used was the Health Reformer (Good Health), which for quality and attractiveness was much inferior to the popular journal of to-day. Brother King received from others his idea of canvassing, but added to it the original idea of canvassing for our own books, thus making himself pioneer of this branch, and the Health Reformer the pioneer work. He appropriated to himself what others had learned, and deserves no censure, but by adding his original ideas, he deserves much credit. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 119.4

The commission he received did not provide him with the necessities of life; and when his clothing wore out, and he could no longer make a presentable appearance, he left his book business to enter the harvest field, where he might earn money enough to enable him to again resume his work. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 119.5

When the two books, “Thoughts on Daniel” and “Thoughts on the Revelation” were published, no one thought of them as subscription books, or that they would circulate anywhere but among our own people. Brother King suggested that the two volumes be bound together and sold by subscription; another original idea. His plan was adopted, and that admirable book has reached a sale of many thousands, with a continually increasing sale, bringing more people into the truth than any other subscription book published. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 119.6

“Great Controversy” was brought out in due time, and has had a sale of 75,000. The Judgment alone will reveal the good that this book has accomplished. Others became interested and engaged in the work. Our leading laborers took it up and by voice and pen proclaimed the practicability of selling books to the world by subscription, and making it self-supporting missionary work. God has revealed to us through the Testimonies the importance of getting our publications before the world. Elders Butler, Haskell, White, and others have aided in the good work. Their efforts gave it an impetus that is felt in a marked degree at the present time. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 120.1

The idea that our books could be sold by agents was original with one man; others added what they had until the book sales were largely increased, and reached its maximum in the year 1884, and then, though the work should have increased, it began to fall off. There certainly was a cause for this. What was the matter? - We were behind the times. We had failed to appropriate to ourselves common property, which others had dug up at the expense of many years’ hard labor and the expenditure of much money. Others had a systematic plan of work. We had none. We had entirely disregarded the first principle of success, - method. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 120.2

Flattered by the success attending a few agents in an entirely new field, the early canvassers did not foresee the confusion which must necessarily follow when their numbers increased and the territory was burned over, without any record of what had been or was being occupied. The canvasser could not receive the guarantee of protection, or feel assured that the field assigned had not been worked or burned over by some other agent. There had been from time to time special efforts put forth to push the work, notably the canvass for “Sunshine at Home” and the “Marvel of Nations;” but they were spasmodic in their nature, and soon died a natural death. These experiments were in their natural order, and were necessary to the perfection of the general canvassing work. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 120.3

We had the impression that an entering wedge must first be inserted, and that we must use the wisdom of the serpent. An entering wedge is a small affair, and is used for various purposes. It splits the softest wood and hardest rock. It has had that effect upon our canvassing work wherever it has been used. I do not like the name. We would better pick up the log whole, use it for a battering-ram, make a breach in the wall, and call that an entering wedge, without spending much time preparing kindling wood. Wherever the so-called wisdom of the serpent has been practiced, it has resulted in great harm, and our canvassers have found that it is not necessary to give evasive answers to honest questions in order to sell books. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 120.4

Any one entering upon the stage of action at this time could certainly profit by the experience of others, and carefully avoiding the mistakes of the past, treasuring all that was good, and again borrowing from the common stock, adding thereto some original ideas, receiving contributions from others, could certainly organize a better system than had existed before. This is exactly what has been done, being possible only through the efforts of the pioneers. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 120.5

At the annual session of the International Tract and Missionary Society of 1886, resolutions governing the canvassing work were passed, which have been the rule and guide of the canvassers up to the present time. These rules can be found on page 146 of the Year Book for 1889. Our plan of organization is too well known to need any mention here. Following the principles laid down, we have endeavored to keep up with the times. Drawing largely upon the common stock, we have tried to repay in the way of interest. If we have given to the world a more perfect system of canvassing, we received the original idea from it. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 120.6

Kansas was the first State to enter heartily into the work, adopting the plans which were recommended, and succeeded so well that many other States were forced to imitate her example in self-defense. Others thought that some other plan was best; but by wheeling into line, one after another, they freely acknowledged the error of their way, and indorsed the policy. Wherever a State Agent has been employed to give his whole time to this branch of the work, success has attended his efforts, and we no longer hear the remark, “Our State is too poor to employ a State Agent.” The zeal manifested in the different Conferences to procure the services of a State Agent, plainly indicates that they are too poor not to employ one. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 120.7

During this time the work in Europe was steadily rising into prominence. Schools for canvassing were established in Scandinavia, canvassers were trained in Switzerland and England, who have since demonstrated by their work the wisdom of perfectly organizing and training canvassers. Canvassing has also been a success in Australia and New Zealand, and many of our publications have been sold there. Publications have been shipped to Africa, and are now being distributed through Cape Colony by the efforts of the canvassing work, clearly proving the fact that our books can be sold by subscription in all parts of the world without any financial incumbrance upon the general work. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 120.8

As some new departures were made relative to the canvassing work, at our last annual meeting of the General Conference, I will close what I term the “past,” treating the last year’s work as - GCDB October 31, 1889, page 121.1


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which presents to us many new features, and from which we may be able to make some deductions as to the possibilities of this work. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 121.2

For the first time in the history of the canvassing work companies have been sent into territory controlled by the General Conference. The company sent to Shreveport, La., has been steadily adding to its number both from Kansas and native workers. A good work has been accomplished in this field, a large number of books have been sold, and some brought to the knowledge of the truth. These experienced workers will be able to take the lead in extending the canvassing work in other Southern States. They are gaining an experience which will enable them to work among the Southern people that they never could have obtained in the North. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 121.3

We expect in a short time to draft from this company a leader and perhaps one or two canvassers to go into the States of Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee, and open up the canvassing work there. A company was also sent into North Carolina, and at the present time is in a prosperous condition. The work of the company sent to West Virginia is very satisfactory. The Maryland company has been partially broken up, owing to the fact that Brother Lewis, who had charge of that company, has been selected to act as State Agent for Ohio, and as Maryland now comes under the control of the Atlantic Conference, which has appointed a State Agent, there is no reason to doubt that the same efficient work will be accomplished. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 121.4

The report of the work in Canada already presented, speaks for itself. Brother Arnold made a canvassing trip to the West Indies, and during an absence of nine months sold 1,260 copies of “Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation,” proving that our publications can be sold in the isles of the sea. The first company of canvassers for foreign fields has just arrived in London to enter upon the canvassing work; and judging from the success which has attended all canvassing efforts in the past, we have reason to hope for as good success in that field as elsewhere. A company has also been sent into Manitoba, of whose success we have no reason to complain. The amount of work which may be done in this line is limited only by the number of efficient workers. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 121.5

The present year has been one of marked success throughout the whole territory. The organization has become more general, and our Conferences have entered more earnestly into the work. New England, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, and Illinois have shown by their work what can be done when efforts are put forth in the right direction. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 121.6

With our canvassing work covering such a vast territory, it is impossible for any drought or dire calamity, affecting a portion, to severely impair the work of the whole field, as was the case when our work was confined to a few Western States. Two years ago our canvassing work was completely broken up, owing to the severe drought in Kansas and the adjoining States. While the result of such a calamity in any portion of the field might now be felt, it would not completely break up the work. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 121.7

We have also received the most encouraging reports from Scandinavia, Basel, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. The prosperity of the present year has enabled the publishing houses to employ many hands, enabling them to train men and women for responsible positions in other offices as the work enlarges, and thus carrying out the wishes of the General Conference in reference to training workers for other fields. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 121.8

Take into consideration the amount of work done the present year, in comparison with books sold in the past, and you will be able partially to comprehend the possibilities of this work; add to this the fact that most of the work has been done by five or six Conferences, and that these Conferences have doubled their work the present year, you will be able to appreciate more fully the situation. We have twenty State Conferences that in the future will be able to do as good work as the Conferences referred to above, when their organization is perfected. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 121.9

With all the work that has been done, we have scarcely entered into the field. We are doing a little pioneer work on the outside, sending out a few sample copies to see if the people want them. The demand for samples at the rate of forty tons per month, is evidence that they like the goods, and they certainly should be supplied. This is the condition of the work at the present time, which naturally calls attention to - GCDB October 31, 1889, page 121.10


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Who can predict it? and how can we plan to accomplish the largest amount of work in the least possible time and with the smallest expenditure of means? We do not fully realize the fact that half a million dollars’ worth of publications has been sold during the past year, through the efforts of the sacrificing, and not wholly appreciated, canvasser. This vast amount of money comes from people outside of our ranks, which not only supports the laborers directly engaged in the work, but leaves a large margin to aid in other branches, thus solving the vexed question (with the canvasser) of capital and labor, the canvasser furnishing the labor, and those purchasing the books the capital, giving perfect satisfaction to all concerned. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 121.11

We have undertaken a great work, actually accomplishing that which has never been accomplished by any other denomination on the face of the earth, the selling of our denominational literature (books containing the fundamental principals of our doctrines) to representatives of every denomination within the limits of our labors. A work of such vast importance demands most careful study. In laying plans for the future we must take into consideration what must be for the best interest of the general cause. The success of the general plans already adopted would indicate that they should be continued at least until better ones can be devised; but we should watch carefully that we do not become stereotyped in our ways, and fail to keep abreast with the times. We must draw from the common stock, seek for original ideas, encourage contributions from others, and be ever on the alert for improvement, which will better serve the common cause. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 122.1

The denomination should be organized to do systematic work, something after the general canvassing plan. This we will call amateur, to designate it from the regular canvassing work. Every member of the denomination must be trained for thorough work. The work that will be given them will not interfere with the work of the field canvasser. Their work will be of a different character. As amateurs they will not sell our regular subscription books, but will handle such publications as Good Health, “National Sunday Law,” “Civil Government and Religion,” and other books of a like nature, which may be brought out from time to time, and will be given work in the way of circulating petitions, and if fully organized and instructed, will be able to do as much work in one week as now can be accomplished in months. If there is any branch of our work that is not receiving proper attention, it is not the fault of any existing plans, but rather indicates that other plans should be adopted to meet such demands. The plan of amateur canvassing will obviate all such difficulties by providing workers enough to give each department of the work its proper attention. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 122.2

A canvassing fund should be raised in every State for the purpose of aiding poor canvassers to enter the field; but much care should be exercised that such a fund be carefully handled; and some regular system should be devised to loan such an amount as may be deemed necessary to help worthy persons, the money to be returned as soon as possible to aid others in the same way, thus keeping a permanent fund for general use. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 122.3

Our country should be divided into districts, to correspond with those already decided upon by the General Conference, each district to be presided over by a district agent in addition to the regular State agents, the whole work to be under the control of the general agent. The canvassing work has reached such proportions that a paper is demanded especially devoted to its interest, and I believe that the time has come that such an enterprise can be successfully carried out. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 122.4

Owing to the importance of our canvassing work, and the necessity of perfect system whereby all those who are taking any important part in this work should be thoroughly familiar, the time has come that we should call a State agent’s convention for the purpose of becoming better acquainted with each other, and to devise methods and lay plans preparing for the expansion of the work which can be plainly seen on every hand. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 122.5

It is not necessary for me to tell you what the work will be in the future. A careful examination of the present in comparison with the past will give you some idea of what we may expect. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 122.6

Four years ago I did venture to predict some things in regard to the work, but my faith was so weak, as has been shown by the actual work performed, that I will not again play the role of a prophet. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 122.7


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HYMN 843 was sung to open the twelfth meeting of the General Conference at 9:30 Wednesday morning, October 30. Elder W. B. White of South Dakota led the delegates in prayer, after which the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 122.8

The first business of the meeting was to hear the following report of the General Canvassing Agent, C. Eldridge:- GCDB October 31, 1889, page 122.9


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The canvassing work never was in a more prosperous condition or more general than at the present time. Our book sales no longer depend upon a few localities where a drought might completely break it up; but are extended over so vast a territory that a local calamity is scarcely felt to the general work. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 122.10

The companies sent out by the General Conference have not only accomplished all that could be reasonably expected of them, but their success has proved that canvassers can be moved into distant fields with an assurance of supporting themselves, and rendering efficient aid to the cause. The company sent to Shreveport, La., has met with unparalleled success. It has greatly added to its working force both from Kansas and native workers, until the company now comprises an efficient working force of ten. In August they had taken orders for more than 2,000 books. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 122.11

The company in North Carolina met with some difficulties at the start, but since the camp-meeting, all difficulties have been amicably adjusted, and everything now moves harmoniously and with good success. In the future they will no doubt meet the expectations of the Conference. The company in Baltimore had splendid success up to the time Brother Lewis, the leader of the company, was taken away to act as State Agent for Ohio; but as that territory is now under the jurisdiction of the Atlantic Conference, I do not hesitate to say it will receive careful attention from Brother Saxby, who has been appointed State Agent. The canvassing company in West Virginia has met with good success, and is giving satisfaction to that Conference. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 123.1

The canvassers in Kansas have been obliged to seek new fields, owing to the failure of crops for the last few years, and are now laboring in Missouri, who generously gave them eleven counties to work in. They have been doing good work the present year. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 123.2

Some States that have not been able to thoroughly organize heretofore, have succeeded during the year in placing efficient State agents in the field, and have met with unparalleled success. New England, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Minnesota, and Iowa have been able to accomplish more through the canvassing work than other States. The canvassing work on the Pacific Coast has increased considerably over the past. C. E. Leland visited the Upper Columbia, North Pacific, and Fresno camp-meetings, and S. N. Curtis the Oakland meeting. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 123.3

The German canvassing work has largely increased, showing sales of more than $6,000. The Scandinavian work in this country does not show any gain, but I trust that plans will be laid that will help this branch of the work. The French canvassing work is still in the back-ground, owing to the lack of workers. Brother E. P. Auger is working hard and faithfully to start the work, and has met with fair success. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 123.4

F. E. Belden has spent three weeks at Minnesota in a canvassing Institute, one week at the Marion, Ind., State meeting, one week at the Ottawa, Kan., camp-meeting, one week at the Institute in Williamsport, Pa., one week at the Rome, N. Y., workers’ meeting, twelve days at Bloomington, Ill., ten days at Kokomo, Ind., ten days at Nashville, Tenn. Brother Miles attended the workers’ meeting in New England, Maine, and Vermont. The General Agent attended the camp-meeting in Kansas, Iowa, Georgia, Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas, and also visited the company of canvassers at Shreveport, Ia. G. W. Morse has spent thirty-seven days in the interests of the general work, and has visited the following places: Mosside, Ont., Williamsport, Pa., South Stukely, P. Q., Pittsfield, Me., Truro, N. S., Halifax, N. S., Moneton, N. B., St. Johns, N. B., and Fitch Bay, P. Q. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 123.5

We have received the most cheering reports from Australia, New Zealand, Africa, Scandinavia, Central Europe, England, and the West Indies. Unfortunately we have not the statistics from all over the field, but it is safe to say that more than half a million dollars’ worth of books has been sold. The success of the past year only indicates what can be done in the future. I would therefore suggest for the consideration of this Conference the following:- GCDB October 31, 1889, page 123.6

First, that the same general plan be followed in the future, as in the past, with any additional features we have learned through experience. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 123.7

Second, that the denomination be organized into amateur workers, after the same general plan as the canvassing work. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 123.8

Third, that the field be divided into canvassing districts, to correspond with those already adopted by the General Conference. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 123.9

Fourth, that the General Conference provide for a canvassing agent in each district. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 123.10

I would call the attention of this Conference to the following resolution passed by the New England Conference at its last session:- GCDB October 31, 1889, page 123.11

WHEREAS, The canvassing work has reached such proportions that a paper is demanded, especially for this work, and in view of the fact that New England has facilities for publishing such a work, therefore, - GCDB October 31, 1889, page 123.12

Resolved, That we request the International Tract Society to start such a paper, and publish it at South Lancaster. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 123.13

Brother William Arnold gave a very interesting account of his canvassing work in the West Indies, and said that although the general outlook had at first seemed discouraging, the Lord had helped, and about twelve hundred orders had been taken. He said that the islands he had visited were a grand field for the sale of books, and thought that living preachers should be sent to these people, as they are intelligent, and after becoming acquainted with the truth, could in turn present it to many of the colored people in other countries. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 123.14

The Committee on Nominations reported as follows:-
For President - O. A. Olsen.
Recording Secretary - D. T. Jones.
Corresponding Secretary - W. H. Edwards.
Home Mission Secretary - L. C. Chadwick.
Foreign Mission Secretary - W. C. White.
Educational Secretary - W. W. Prescott.
Treasurer - Harmon Lindsay.
Executive Committee - O. A. Olsen, S. N. Haskell, W. C. White, D. T. Jones, R. A. Underwood, R. M. Kilgore, E. W. Farnsworth.
General Conference Association - Trustees - O. A. Olsen, D. T. Jones, A. R. Henry, J. Fargo, Harmon Lindsay. Book Committee - O. A. Olsen, W. C. White, U. Smith, A. T. Jones, C. Eldridge, J. H. Kellogg, W. W. Prescott, E. W. Farnsworth, C. H. Jones, E. J. Waggoner, A. T. Robinson, F. E. Belden, L. C. Chadwick.
GCDB October 31, 1889, page 123.15

The Conference then adjourned till 3 o’clock in the afternoon. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.1


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THE fourth meeting of the International Tract and Missionary Society was called to order by the president, W. C. White, at 10:30 A. M., Oct. 30. Elder O. A. Olsen led in prayer. After the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, the Committee on Resolutions presented the following additional report:- GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.2

WHEREAS, The needs of the society demand the enlargement of the Home Missionary, and, - GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.3

WHEREAS, It has been published during the past year at a loss to the society; therefore, - GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.4

Resolved, That the English edition thereof be enlarged to sixteen pages of the same size as heretofore; and that the price be twenty-five cents per year. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.5

WHEREAS, There are several lines of work which should be carried on by the local Tract Society the coming year, and, - GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.6

WHEREAS, To do so successfully requires that our people become better informed on these lines of work; therefore, - GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.7

Resolved, That the Home Missionary contain series of questions, notes of information, references, etc., on the following lines; namely, foreign missions, religious liberty, health and temperance, and the home missionary work; one lesson on each subject to appear every month. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.8

WHEREAS, There is an urgent demand for religious tracts written in a clear and simple style upon such practical truths of Christianity as will not arouse the prejudices of the reader, and, - GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.9

WHEREAS, The greater part of our tracts are largely upon doctrinal subjects, therefore, - GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.10

Resolved, That the Executive Board prepare, or secure the preparation of, a series of small tracts specially adapted to meet this demand. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.11

Resolved, That we recommend the appointment of a publishing committee by the Executive Board. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.12

Resolved, That we request our committee on revision of constitution, to so revise the constitution for State Societies that it will be in harmony with the constitution of the International Society. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.13

WHEREAS, Some of our State societies have found it necessary to purchase or erect suitable buildings for their State Depository and headquarters for their society, therefore, - GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.14

Resolved, That in States where circumstances seem to demand it, we recommend that State Tract and Missionary societies legally incorporate, in order that they may lawfully hold title to such property as they shall deem best to purchase, provided, however, that the State officers of such Conference and Tract Society shall unanimously decide to so incorporate. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.15

The resolutions presented at the previous meeting (see BULLETIN, p.109), were then brought up for action. A motion being made to adopt this report, the resolutions were considered separately. The third resolution was spoken to by C. Eldridge, Reuben Wright, and W. C. White, all of whom were in favor of the resolution. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.16

It was voted to amend Resolutions 1 and 2 so that they would read “Executive Board” instead of “Executive Committee.” GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.17

Some question having arisen as to whether the fourth resolution would require the selling of works which were not strictly denominational, remarks were made by C. Eldridge, H. W. Miller, L. C. Chadwick, and others. D. A. Robinson presented the following amendment, which was carried:- GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.18

Resolved, That we recommend to the various branches of this Society the plan of acting as agents for all the periodicals and books of the denomination, and such other publications as may be deemed advisable by the Executive Board. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.19

The fifth resolution was referred back to the committee. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.20

The above report as amended was then unanimously adopted. D. T. Jones then presented the following resolution:- GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.21

Resolved, That this society ask the publishing houses to furnish the society with denominational literature at the cost of publication. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.22

The resolution was laid over until the next meeting for further consideration. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.23

The report of the Committee on Nomination (see Bulletin, p. 109) next came up for adoption. The following changes in the Executive Board, with the reasons therefor, were presented by the Nominating Committee:- GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.24

Executive Board - Mrs. F. H. Sisley, Eliza T. Palmer, Anna L. Ingels, Addie S. Bowen, H. P. Holser, W. A. Spicer, Mary Heilesen, Mrs. N. H. Druillard, Josie L. Baker, M. H. Truxford. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.25

Remarks were made by W. C. White upon the necessities of the hour in relation to the special work of the society, and an earnest appeal was made for consecrated workers, and for consecrated judgment upon the part of those who are already in the field. Elder O. A. Olsen referred to the position on the Conference Committee already occupied by D. T. Jones, and feared that the additional burdens now being laid upon him as President of the International Tract Society would be more than Brother Jones could endure. He counseled careful thought in regard to this matter. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.26

The report was referred back to the committee. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.27

It was moved that the resolution referring the State Constitution to the Committee on Revision be adopted. Carried. The society then adjourned. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 124.28


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ACCORDING to appointment, the Conference met again at 3 P. M., Wednesday, Oct. 30. After singing, all united in prayer with Elder E. H. Gates. After the reading of the minutes, the chair stated that the Secretary had a communication from H. Shultz concerning the German work in the United States, which was then presented to the Conference:- GCDB October 31, 1889, page 125.1


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About the year 1885 Richard Conradi was sent to Dakota to labor among the Germans. In the fall of the same year the Nebraska Conference said to one of her ministers, You give your time and attention to the Germans. In the following year a church of Germans was organized at Milltown, Dakota, and one at Stearnsprairy, Nebraska. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 125.2

In 1884 the work was started in Kansas, and a company of seven was brought out. Soon after Elder Conradi was sent to Pennsylvania, and Brother S. S. Shrock was left in Kansas to follow up the interest, where he labored faithfully till December, 1888, when he went to Wisconsin, leaving about five hundred German Sabbath-keepers in Kansas. But I will not weary you longer with the history of the work, as it developed among this people, and the results which followed every laborer, but will give you a summary of facts as they exist. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 125.3

In 1882, we had two German ministers in America; we had no members and no church. In 1883, we had two ministers, two churches, and about forty members. In 1884, we had three ministers, four churches, and about seventy-five members. In 1888, we had five ordained ministers, three licentiates, sixteen churches, and about eleven hundred members. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 125.4

We have in 1889 six ordained ministers, eight licentiates, twenty churches, and about thirteen hundred members. Slow but steady, the Third Angel’s Message has made its way among this people. We now have churches in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, and Oregon. We feel sad that the work has not made faster progress among the Germans of America; and yet we feel thankful to God, that a beginning has been made. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 125.5

Seven years of care and toil have developed about thirteen hundred souls among this people, walking in the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, and we pray God that in the next seven years they may be increased an hundred fold. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 125.6


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This branch of the work is attended with many difficulties among this people, as they live so scattered, yet something has been done in this line. I here present a partial report of what has been done, commencing November, 1888, closing September 15, 1889. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 125.7

Orders Taken.Delivered.Money Received.
Life of Christ,3,5522,282$5,084.25
Thoughts on Dan. & Rev.,9157146.50
United States in Prophecy,664.50
Sunshine at Home,171725.50
Matthew Twenty-Four,4,106612.25

The Committee on Sunday Prosecutions reported that they were unable to recommend anything definite in reference to the course our brethren in the South take in view of the oppressive Sunday laws in that section, and asked to be discharged. The request was granted. Elder A. T. Jones then moved that the recommendations of the Conference of 1885 concerning Sunday prosecutions, be adopted as the sense of this Conference. After considerable discussion the matter was referred to a committee of three, to be appointed by the chair. These were afterward named as follows: U. Smith, E. E. Marvin, D. T. Jones. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 125.8

In behalf of the committee appointed to consider the matter of establishing a Western school, Prof. W. W. Prescott presented the following report:- GCDB October 31, 1889, page 125.9

Decisions and recommendations made by the committee on the Western school and reported to the Conference by the Committee on Education:- GCDB October 31, 1889, page 125.10

1. That the proposed school begin in the fall of 1890. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 125.11

2. That the location of the school be left to the following committee, who shall have power to act: J. H. Morrison, W. B. White, R. S. Donnell, J. P. Gardner, E. H. Gates, J. P. Henderson, W. S. Hyatt, Allen Moon, L. Dyo Chambers. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 125.12

3. That the title to the school property be vested in the General Conference Association. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 125.13

4. That the management of the school be vested in the General Conference through a Board of Managers consisting of seven members, at least four of whom shall reside in the territory included within the limits of the nine conferences comprising this school district, said Board of Managers to be elected annually. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 125.14

5. That the General Conference be requested to elect such Board of Managers at its present session. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 125.15

6. That the institution be designated as a College, the further name to be selected by the Board of Managers as soon as practicable after it is located. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 125.16

7. That the grade of work to be done and courses of study provided be such as are found in colleges of the same character. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 125.17

8. That the amount of money to be invested in buildings would probably be from $50,000 to $75,000. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 125.18

9. That whatever sum is to be raised by our people in addition to donations from those not of our faith be apportioned in the following manner. The whole sum being divided into thirty-six shares, thirty of these shares shall be assumed as follows:- GCDB October 31, 1889, page 125.19

Iowa, seven shares; Minnesota, six; Kansas, six and three-fifths; Missouri, two and seventh-tenths; Nebraska, three; Dakota, two; Texas, three-fourths of a share; Colorado, one and one-half shares; Arkansas, two-thirds of a share. That the remaining six shares be apportioned as follows:- GCDB October 31, 1889, page 125.20

If the school is located at such a point within a conference as to be more than sixty miles from the nearest border of any other Conference, then the Conference within which it is located shall assume these six shares in addition to the number assigned above. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 126.1

But if the school shall be located within sixty miles of any one conference joining the one in which it is located, then the membership of that conference shall be divided by two, and the quotient being taken as the membership of this conference, the six shares shall be divided proportionately, according to the membership of said two States. But in case it should be located within sixty miles of the line of two or more conferences, then the conference having the school, shall assume three of the six shares, and the balance shall be divided between the other two or more conferences, according to the membership. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 126.2

That we present this matter to other conferences outside those named, and ask them to assist liberally in raising the necessary funds for the establishment of this school, especially those conferences joining this school district. GCDB October 31, 1889, page 126.3