General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 3


October 28, 1889



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AFTER a very interesting Bible class, led by Elder A. T. Jones, the delegates assembled for business at 9:30 A. M., Sunday, October 27, and prayer was offered by Elder I. D. Van Horn. After the reading of the minutes, C. Eldridge rose to a question of privilege. In stating his point, the speaker asked if a public announcement of a change in the program of the evening before was made. Upon receiving a negative answer, he entered a protest against such proceedings. After ample explanations the matter was passed. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 95.1

President Olsen then asked the permission of the body to present an important matter before them. No objection being offered, he presented the following:- GCDB October 28, 1889, page 95.2


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To the General Conference Assembled:- GCDB October 28, 1889, page 95.3

In behalf of the General Conference Committee, the chair would call the attention of the Conference to some important matters that ought to receive the attention of this body. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 95.4

To meet the ever increasing magnitude of our publishing work which from the first has been an arm of strength to this cause, and by the means of which we have been able to produce publications in various languages, setting forth the principles of present truth as held by S. D. Adventists, and to supply the demand which the rapid growth of this work has required, publishing houses have, from time to time, been established in different places in this and other countries. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 95.5

In order to carry on these establishments, stock corporations have been formed, and, to some extent, local interests created. The better organization of the canvassing work has also created a much greater demand for books. But this work will not stop here. What has been done in the past, only goes to show what may be accomplished by carefully-laid plans and well-organized efforts. And now instead of thinking that we have reached the pinnacle of this work, it is very evident to us all that we have only made the beginning of a work that must yet grow to a magnitude that we can hardly realize. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 95.6

Under these circumstances it must be evident to every one that such an extensive work calls for an equally extensive plan of organization, carefully laid and efficiently executed. It must also be evident to all that our present arrangement is not in every respect satisfactory. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 95.7

It was no doubt the best that could be produced at the time it was arranged, and at that time was very far in advance of the work. But as this is only the beginning of a work of the greatest magnitude and importance, has not the time come for a more perfect organization to be effected, that will not only legally protect our work, but bind together the different denominational institutions and interests, and provide for such expansion of these institutions as may be necessary to meet the future demands of our work? Unity is strength. This work as a whole is all one. Why should not our various denominational enterprises be managed by boards, elected by the General Conference? We acknowledge the General Conference to be the highest authority recognized by God on the earth. Here the whole of our people are represented, and speak through their delegates. Here is no north nor south, no east nor west; it is one the world over. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 95.8

Our publishing interests and our book business are of the greatest importance. Should not these properly be under one managing board, and that board chosen by this body in its annual sessions? Would not such an arrangement secure greater efficiency than can now be expected in its present divided state? These are questions that ought to be carefully considered by this body. We do not want you to take hasty action in these matters. We do not want you to approve or condemn without a careful consideration of the question at issue. But we do feel that this body should not adjourn before some attention is given to this matter. We will not suggest any definite plan; we are not prepared to do so. But we would suggest that a large committee of representative men be appointed, probably in connection with the General Conference Committee, to consider these questions and make suggestion of plans, etc., to this body before its adjournment, as they may deem wise and expedient. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 95.9

There is another matter, to which I would call the attention of this Conference. Some provision should be made for the support and care of faithful laborers, who from overwork, infirmity, or old age, cannot engage in active labor; also widows and orphans of ministers who have been left without means of support. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 96.1

We can all readily see that we owe a duty to these, from which we do not wish to excuse ourselves. Just how this shall be arranged, or from what funds this shall be appropriated, and to what extent assistance shall be rendered, we are not prepared to say, but this subject demands immediate attention, as there are several among us already that need assistance. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 96.2

It may be that a portion of the revenue arising from the sale of publications could properly be turned to such an object. It is for this body to consider this matter, and make such provision as may seem for the best. This subject might properly be referred to the committee before mentioned, with instructions to report at this session of the Conference. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 96.3

L. C. Chadwick presented the following:- GCDB October 28, 1889, page 96.4

Inasmuch as valuable time is wasted in making, recording, and discussing unnecessary amendments; GCDB October 28, 1889, page 96.5

I move, that during the remainder of this session of this body, no amendment shall be moved to any report of committees, resolution, recommendation, or motion that may be under consideration by the body, till the point which is desired to be covered by the amendment, shall first have been raised in form of an inquiry, and the committee, framer of the resolution, or mover of the motion under consideration, have an opportunity to explain the question under consideration as it relates to the point raised. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 96.6

On motion the rules were suspended, to consider the matter at once. After a few remarks a vote was called, and the motion was carried. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 96.7

Elder Farnsworth then moved that the chair appoint a committee of nine to act in conjunction with the Executive Committee, to take into consideration the recommendation offered just before by the President; the motion was carried. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 96.8

Elder D. T. Jones then read the following from Elder J. G. Matteson:- GCDB October 28, 1889, page 96.9


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To the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, assembled at Battle Creek:- GCDB October 28, 1889, page 96.10

DEAR BRETHREN: I am sorry that my present condition of health is such that I am not able to attend the meetings of the Conference. I must go to a better climate as soon as possible, and have decided to leave to-morrow. Your appointment for me to preach, I would not be able to fill even if I stayed. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 96.11

I read the BULLETIN, and my interest and prayers are with you. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 96.12

My state of health so far has been such that I could study and write. In Colorado, I intend, the Lord willing, to continue the work. Three brethren go with me to be instructed in the kind of work I am doing, and to help me. The work before us now is the translation of “Great Controversy,” Vol. 1, new canvassers’ edition, “Bible Readings for the Home Circle,” and “Revision of Prophecies of Jesus,” besides furnishing manuscript for our three Danish periodicals. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 96.13

I have counseled with the General Conference Committee concerning this move and have their approval, but I desire very much to have the sympathy and prayers of my brethren assembled in Conference, that the important work may be prospered. Yours truly, J. G. MATTESON. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 96.14

The matter of providing for the time which was to be filled by Brother Matteson, was left to the Pastoral Committee. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 96.15

The Judiciary Committee through its Secretary reported as follows on the clause of the act to provide for a missionary ship, which was referred to them:- GCDB October 28, 1889, page 96.16

2. That a sum of money for this purpose of not less than twenty thousand dollars, be raised by donations, and in such other ways as may be devised by the General Conference Committee. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 96.17

On motion to adopt, Brother Eldridge spoke on the subject. He said that he was not in faver of expending so large a sum of money to begin with. He thought that ten thousand dollars was sufficient to procure a vessel as large as is necessary. He thought it was not necessary to have steam auxiliary. He was brought up on sailing vessels, and was something of an old fogy. He did not consider it best to have steam. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 96.18

Brother Tay said that there had been two vessels lost within one year, on Pitcairn Island, drawn on there, because they had no steam to save them from the disaster. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 96.19

Elder Lane spoke in favor of the report; Elder White was in favor of making the sum considerably smaller. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 96.20

Brother Eldridge moved to amend the report by substituting the sum of twelve thousand dollars instead of twenty thousand, and to let that amount be raised by the General Conference, outside of the Sabbath-school donations. After a warm debate, the amendment was lost, and the matter was then referred to the Committee on Finance. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 96.21

The report of the Judiciary Committee made on the Friday before, and recorded on page 90 of the BULLETIN, was called up for the second reading. The report was adopted without debate. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 97.1

The report of the Committee on Home Missions (page 90 of BULLETIN) was then read the second time. Paragraph five of that report was amended by striking out after “recommend” all that follows to the word “that” in the second line, making the paragraph a positive recommendation. Stirring remarks were then made upon the recommendation by Elders Loughborough and Kilgore. In the fourth paragraph the word “appointed” was stricken out. The last recommendation called out remark from L. C. Chadwick, A. T. Robinson, and others, in its favor. The report was then adopted. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 97.2

The Finance Committee’s report (pp.90,91, of BULLETIN) was next called up for action. Remarks were made by E. W. Farnsworth, A. T. Robinson, C. Eldridge, C. H. Jones, and W. C. White, the latter of whom advocated putting the readings in the form of a scriptural roll, and for providing for an agent in each church, who shall read largely about foreign missions, and shower his information on the people. Pending action, the meeting then adjourned. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 97.3


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THE second meeting of the National Religious Liberty Association convened at 3 P. M. The meeting was opened with a solo by C. P. Whitford, and prayer was offered by A. T. Jones. The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 97.4

The Committee on By-Laws reported their work, when it was voted to lay over the report till the next meeting, and to furnish the members with a printed copy of the report for examination. Geo. B. Starr of Chicago then requested permission to read the following article from the Union Signal of October 24, 1889:- GCDB October 28, 1889, page 97.5


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“The Sabbath question is at the front, at the bar of public opinion, and in the councils of the nation, and we must use our whole influence to see that it is settled right. A new Congress convenes this winter, and from the day it is organized we must again lay siege to the members for a National Sunday-rest law. We did not get the law from the last Congress, even with ten millions of petitions. Shall we therefore cease our efforts? It would be unlike and unworthy our noble organization. We must repeat the work, redouble our exertions - and succeed. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 97.6

“The arduous task of circulating petitions the past year, paid amply by creating and educating public sentiment wonderfully. It aroused opposition which has temporarily delayed our success, but opposition must be encountered and overcome if we would have enduring success. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 97.7

“Why not leave this petition work to the American Sabbath Union? Senator Blair and other wise leaders think there is need of great caution, but the public think this a movement of the ministers, and designed ultimately to force religion on the people. Such an impression is quite common. It is exceedingly desirable that an organization like ours, which is not ministerial, should push this work prominently if we hope for success. Let us both work to the utmost in heartiest co-operation, as we are now doing. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 97.8

“All State Superintendents and the W. T. P. A., if they will aid us, will immediately be furnished with petition heads and circulars, which can also be procured of Mrs. Catlin, our Sabbath observance secretary, at Washington, D. C., and of me. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 97.9

“Do this work, as far as possible, now, before winter sets in, and return all petitions to Mrs. M. E. Catlin, 1736 13th street, Washington, D. C. Please do not neglect or postpone this work. She does most who does it promptly. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 97.10

“Will not every union in the land send for these (inclosing stamp) at once, and through superintendent or committee procure the indorsements again of every church, every organization of every kind, and as names are far the most valuable, let these be canvassed for thoroughly, systematically, everywhere. (Always state, if you can, about how many are thus duplicated, so the count shall be correct.) GCDB October 28, 1889, page 97.11

“We are in danger of having our great World’s Exposition of 1892 opened on the Sabbath. No time is to be lost in remonstrating against this. A circular and petition against this will soon be ready and can be circulated at the same time. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 97.12

“Sunday closing of saloons and business places is hopeful, and pressing work for the fall and winter. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 97.13

“Lectures are so greatly needed and in demand that your superintendent has yielded to urgent requests, and decided to work in this field as much as possible, and at lowest living rates. Will not every superintendent and union that wants help, send for circular with press notices, so that routes may be arranged? GCDB October 28, 1889, page 97.14

Painesville, Ohio. Nat. Supt.

The Committee on Resolutions reported the following:- GCDB October 28, 1889, page 97.15

Grateful to God for the liberties enjoyed by us under the happy influences of the principles of the Declaration of Independence and of the United States Constitution, be it - GCDB October 28, 1889, page 97.16

Resolved, That we urge upon every member the importance of giving to the principles of this Association the widest possible dissemination. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 97.17

Resolved, That we recommend the diligent circulation of the petition against religious legislation. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 97.18

Resolved, That we deem it the duty of all the members of this Association to bring the literature of the Association before all people at the earliest possible moment. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 97.19

The first one of these was tabled till the next meeting. The second resolution was responded to by A. T. Jones and E. J. Waggoner, urging diligence in the work contemplated in the resolution. D. T. Bourdeau related some of his late experience in Canada. H. W. Pierce, of Vermont, said there were different ways of carrying forward the work - some slower than others. He asked what plan should be taken. The chair replied that plans were yet to be formulated. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 97.20

A. W. Wright of New York said that he would like to hear the experience of those who had given time to the circulation of the petitions against religious legislation. Upon being called upon, he himself related the method he had adopted in that work, in Brooklyn and Boston. He had taken more than 3,000 signatures in Brooklyn, and about the same number in Boston. He has placed over 100,000 pages of Sentinel tracts in the hands of people this summer. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 98.1

Hours after selling the tracts to merchants he has found them absorbed in reading the matter he had sold them. Many times, on introducing himself to business men, they have said: “How strange that you should call just at this time, when I was thinking on that very point, and desiring information.” J. N. Loughborough, Reuben Wright, and others related very interesting experiences in work done in circulating the petitions. The report as amended was then adopted. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 98.2

A. T. Jones asked permission to read some recommendations, which was granted. It was then voted to furnish these recommendations to the members in proof sheets. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 98.3

The meeting then adjourned. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 98.4

THE committee appointed in connection with the General Conference Committee, to consider the matters referred to in the special address read by the president, consists of the following named persons: C. Eldridge, C. H. Jones, A. R. Henry, J. N. Loughborough, A. T. Robinson, J. H. Morrison, L. C. Chadwick, E. H. Gates, A. O. Tait. GCDB October 28, 1889, page 98.5